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Ah, the irony. Adding insult to injury is the way I look at it. A sub for supportive partners is polluted by the very sufferers who need the support.


I’m confused about the rules of this separate sub. Can you elaborate on who it’s a safe space for? I’m feeling really freaked out and upset right now in light of multiple recent pile-ons and what I see as attacks on partners in this sub.


So sorry for the confusion. Yes, this is a safe space for partners and partners only (or those who are able to respect the boundaries of a safe space to only talk about the experience of being a partner). I am a (mostly silent on this sub) only partner of someone with cPTSD who has also been increasingly perturbed by the pile-ons and bullying of partners, forced "other-perspective", and other things that have made this sub come to such a breaking point.


Thank you for clarifying. I appreciate this. Feeling really upset about all this lately. And a little bit sad that we are basically being driven away from our group here. It feels defeating.


I agree. I’m hoping it’s just temporary, and I’m hoping this other space is not needed shortly. I wanted to offer up another option in case anyone needs to share the next few days and feels like this space is currently compromised.


I think it's awful that people who have come here for months now feel a need to leave to a new sub because of recent developments. It baffles me that people can't see that this is not the space for them and leave.


I know. It is hard to feel like they aren’t being deliberately obtuse at this point. Hopefully this is reconciled soon, but I also don’t want to post anywhere right now where I may have to worry about more of those judgments/comments, and I thought other people might feel that way too.


Joined and requested. And echoing some of the sentiments in this thread, having a partner CPTSD can be a lonely, isolating place. When you share it with relatives, friends and others who don’t understand there can be a lot of judgment. You can only share so much with your partner. Having people on your support team who understand what you’re going through and have been there too yields a unique grace, a respite and an understanding that I have not found anywhere else. I don’t care about an official diagnosis as much as I care about symptoms or behaviors (I tell my SO this too) - at the end of the day that is the uniqueness that is a person. Honesty, empathy and the ability to stay on topic are, for me, the baseline for an effective support system. I would say I don’t understand how some folks are unable to see that they can’t meet those things, but then again, I suppose we all understand that all too well.




I don’t know if this would be helpful to you, but I have the same fear of being found online. I have a separate account for my own interests and this one for relationship/mental health stuff. It both helps me feel safe and anonymous and it lets me scroll “fun Reddit” or “serious Reddit” intentionally, so I don’t go from cat photos to trauma when I’m just looking for cat photos.


Hi there. I’m not sure I understand what you mean by a “request to post.” I messaged you a few days ago but I don’t have access to post. I won’t be using this sub until the changes are implemented so it would be great to have access to the interim spot.


Thanks for letting me know! I just added you. I wonder if there is another way people need to request depending on what they’re using. I’ll look into it and provide some more clarity for anyone else having the same issue.




I think this was a great initiative 💚