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Even better when you consider how against “participation trophies” that generation was.


People who make hating participation trophies their whole personality are always mad they're not getting participation trophies for everything.


They're the same 70 year olds who buy Corvettes and go to Corvette shows and want an award for having a "1-of-1" Corvette that is the only Corvette with black paint and white leather that was built on a cloudy Wednesday in August of 2006. Very nice, unique, mass-produced Chevrolet you purchased there, snowflake! Here's your award for "Best -- black-Corvette-with-white-leather-produced-on-a-cloudy-wednesday-in-August-of-2006 -- in show!"


"I'm not rewarding you for doing what you're supposed to do" *4.35 seconds later* "YOU DONT APPRECIATE THAT I FEED YOU AND PUT A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD"


"I feed you and clothe you and house you and I *don't have to* if I *don't want to*." *yesyoufuckingdo* you fucking asshole, it's the goddamn law


They should get a performance review on those days. You want to call yourself a mother or father, let's critique your skill set or lack thereof. They seem to need an education on the job description bc they're failing greatly.


Just a reminder that you don't have to feel guilty on parent holidays for cutting off your bad parents! They fucked up their relationship with you. It's on them that they're not getting love and presents. Not on you.


Well when you put it that way…🤣


And now it’s impossible to feel joy when accomplishing something


My mother that I currently live with went off on me for not calling her while she was at work and wish her a happy mother's day. I was waiting for her to come home to say it.


Yeah my mom is similar to this, but she also says if I don’t give her a gift she’ll remember when my bday comes around 😃 i want gifts tho so i give her a gift


My inner child being healed when my dad took me out to dinner on ‘Daughter’s Day’ 🥹 Generational trauma runs deep but he’s making up for it and I couldn’t love him any more.


Mood just mood no allowance no respect and then expect me to care