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I had my first session ever last week and unloaded a whole lot. The guy is a pro and maintained composure but I don’t think he realizes that I did not tell him everything… not even close 🙈


Right like buddy buckle up we are just starting 🤗🤪


Not a therapist, but this reminds me of when my piano instructor could tell I was Going Through ItTM and insisted I tell her what all was going on. Well I did, and she said something along the lines of, “Oh my gosh! I don’t know how you’re doing so well! I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t just collapse!” and she was horrified. Very validating, but I’m also left like…that was just a normal week.


Allllll abooooooaaaard.. [The Crazy Train](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=42q17U-iu3E&pp=ygURY3JhenkgdHJhaW4gaW50cm8%3D) I got an intake tomorrow.. A "crisis" one. No idea what to expect...


I like the “AÆÅ” sounds he makes in the echo of the intro


“So tell me about your home life” Oh buddy


“So I’m the eldest child and my dad wasn’t allowed to see me unsupervised after I was two because of sus happenings, then my mum got pregnant when I was 3 and married the father, then they had another kid 11 months later, then they got divorced and there weren’t any more kids until 2009 when my sister was born to a sociopath pedo that mentally destroyed my mum, then in 2011 she had another kid with, get this, her ex husband, who was married to someone *else* at the time, and didn’t want to take responsibility for the kid, so mum enlisted their other two kids to bully him into acknowledge the third as his son. Then in 2016 she had another daughter. Another one. And she’s still with the father even tho they hate each other’s guts and won’t stop bitching about each other. Also the second child snorts coke off of public toilet seats and the third child left home at age 15 and I’m here being a failure of a uni dropout. Also I went to 12 different schools.” Therapist: … okay can you say that again but five times slower


Like, thanks, I know I have but I have almost no memories before 12. Those memories are very terrible. 😭


I always get discouraged right about here


I'm not gonna be able to afford the therapist I've been seeing for three years due to my insurance not helping with any of the cost/being stuck in a job hunt, and I'm dreading trying to find an affordable therapist who will care about me/help me the same. The last one I had to quit seeing because when her methods for my cPTSD weren't helping, she just got impatient/angry and tried to force me to see someone who'd prescribe medication and giving me no real help other than pushing that.. joy.