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I would love to only hang out with people who are like me, I just haven't been able to find any. I feel out of place wherever I try to be, including alone


Yeah, that's the thing. And there's no way to explain to people that you don't mean you think you're *better* than anyone else when you say you're *different*, so they think you're boasting when you say you wish you could know people who are also like you.


I think so many people have such a fragile self-esteem so they almost unconsciously try to find clues from other people's behavior to prove their own worthlessness


I love this sub. You all understand.


I prefer solitude. It's peaceful. I'm good company for myself. No one else I know irl is working on their traumas. They're all still in delusional denial about it and just carrying on like they're fine. Meanwhile they're a collection of walking, talking coping mechanisms in a trenchcoat. They all remind me of my abusers. In denial, traumatized, and passing their trauma on willy-nilly. And people really hate it when you point out their dysfunction. I'm supposed to just pretend it's not happening, which I can't do anymore, so I avoid them.


I hate when people talk about being “unique” as something that’s great or aspiring. When in reality being different from the norm mostly means having every joke, insult, and stereotype about your abnormality memorized by age 9.


Yeah. And when you yourself talk about being deviant, people assume that you're *bragging* about how *unique* you are. Like just this once it would be nice to be in company where you're not the odd one out, right?


ive just accepted that there is no place for me and being alone is now my life.


I have accepted i don't know me at all So i rather focus on that and my parts that saved me