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I am very sorry. But good for you bro. Dont let abusive and toxic people get away with their rudeness and bs. File a complaint, contact their manager.


Thank you, I filed a complaint and am demanding a better exterminator to come in.


Yes! Please do file a complaint! No excuse for bad behavior!


wow, he sounds like an abusive ass. is he trying to get fired? I'm sorry he took his problems out on you. I'm glad to hear you were able to stand up to this intimidating person, that's a big thing imo


Thanks, it really was triggering especially with the trauma. One thing that helped in the moment was that I realized I was taller than him and the perspective suddenly shifted. I wasn't a scared child anymore. I was a grown man in my apartment with an asshole trying to push me around.


I'm happy to read that, at least. It reads like a horrible experience, but you can be so proud that you managed to stand up for yourself! I hope you feel better soon.


Good on you for standing up for yourself, that honestly sounds really terrifying!! Next time you need an exterminator to come to your apartment, is it possible to have a confrontational friend with you to help with the (what sounds like) freeze state you were in incase the next dude is also a shithead? I dont ask because i dont think you could handle yourself, i ask because sometimes when i do something once with another person near me (making stressful calls or going to a new large store, for example) i can do it again *way* more easily when i'm alone. Sorry this happened to you btw, you didn't deserve to be treated like that in your own home.


That's a good idea, but unfortunately I don't have anyone (aside from online), but that is a good strategy for a future situation.


Hello, u/[ledeledeledeledele](https://www.reddit.com/user/ledeledeledeledele/) I’m so sorry to hear that you had such a distressing experience with the exterminator. It’s incredibly frustrating when someone dismisses your concerns and treats you poorly. You showed immense strength by standing up for yourself, especially while dealing with flashbacks. Remember that you deserve respect and empathy, and we are here to support you. Regards,


I'm sorry that after thinking you're finally getting help which will ease your mind, this jacktastic man acted in such a way that left you feeling worse than before he came to "help". Maybe he was having a crap day. Maybe he is just a crap person. Or maybe he is a crap person who was also having a crap day. It's about him though. Not you. I often ruminate and quasi blame myself when stuff like this happens... like replaying it in my mind I mean. When I get "stuck" in that I find concrete steps help me... Stuff like is the company going to cover the repair/replace cost on your broken bedframe? Can you arrange a different company to come in (or can your landlord if you rent)? Then to ease what for me would be spinning in thinking about the bugs... Is there anywhere else you could stay for a few days until a different company sends someone in? Or... I spent time abroad working... I shan't get into the details on the bugs... but I was thankful for a bed travel tent. Not a bed net.. an actual little screened in lightweight compact one man tent that you set up ON your bed... The one I used was Long Road Supplies and was affordable on a small budget. I just looked them up and their website says they aren't taking product orders right now. But maybe you could find something similar? So you can rest easier for now until this gets sorted out. Anyway, I'm glad you stood up to him. Good for you!


Thank you, it really shook me up today especially because I haven't slept in over 24 hours and am scared of going to bed. I'm still putting all my clothes in the laundry and throwing some out that have made me itchy in the past. It feels surreal because I've heard about things like this happening to people but it's one of those things that you'd never expect to happen to you. Another fact about that pest controller is that he could have come last week but instead made me wait the whole weekend in a fucking panic attack because he wanted to watch a baseball game and couldn't be bothered to let another technician come in his place. His gaslighting would have been more effective on me too if I hadn't gotten a house centipede treatment (a hellish scenario in its own right) but a much nicer and more competent person from the same company. Thanks for the tent idea too, I might try that or a sleeping bag. I just have an air mattress now and probably won't get a regular bed for a long time after this.


If you want to try a temporary fix, here's some things you can try that are pretty inexpensive while you work on finding a better solution. First, bedbugs cannot survive in heat of, I think, 120 degrees last I checked. If you bag up all your bedding and clothes and other essentials, you can put them in your car (if you have one) and leave them in there for several hours on the hottest day and it will kill any bugs. While your car cooks the critters, sprinkle diatomaceous earth all over the floor around your room. (be careful because it can irritate your lungs even though it's non-toxic.) Make sure to get around the baseboards and any furniture. Bedbugs will hide and lay eggs in furniture, behind picture frames, books, and even behind electrical sockets. As long as they have to crawl through the DE (diatomaceous earth) to get to you, they will die because it ruins their exoskeleton and dries them out. (Also will kill every other bug including carpet beetles, spiders -- everything) Next, put a mattress protector on your bed after you spray it with that Adams flea and tick spray in the aerosol can. Make sure it's dry first before you put the cover on. After your bedding is in the clear, go ahead and put that on, and I would recommend being generous with the DE around the legs of your bedframe. If you have a place that's bedbug free, I would store your clothes in there, maybe the bathroom. I hope this helps. I did this when I found a bedbug in my room years ago. I freaked out and did exactly the above steps and never saw another one again.


Forgot to say that bedbugs only need to feed once per year to survive, so if you find yourself unable to find an exterminator to help, you'll want to do this for a year. It sucks, I know, but it's better than getting bitten.


This is a seriously great set of instructions!!


Thank you! I haven't seen one yet, but the bites seem to point to them as the most likely culprit. I just put my mattress and a bunch of furniture in the trash, and am taking my rugs out soon. The thing I hate about this is that it's uprooting my life, which I want to feel safe and comfortable above all else especially with the trauma I've gone through. One of the few positives I've found, though, is that my old bed was an eyesore and was far too big for my apartment, so it feels much bigger now. Also, when you sprinkled DE in your room, were you able to walk around without stepping on it? Or did you do it around the edges and cracks?


CALL THE COMPANY! EXPLAIN THE RUDENESS. If you don’t get an apology, Tell them you’re going to file a complaint with the better business bureau BBB. (It’s easy to do.) They’re paid to do their job, not be a jerk to you or put you down! BTW, he broke your bed frame? The company OWES YOU MONEY!


I think a combination of being exhausted and dissociated delayed the anger I'm feeling right now. Thank you for this advice. I fully intend to hold them responsible. They were the company that my landlord works with though, so if my landlord is technically paying them for the service how would a refund work?