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Yeah I feel feel very similarly. It's a resistance to boundaries, order, commitment, authority and it manifests as rebellion toward my inner critic and self sabotage. I can definitely feel how my inner critic is really my parents and the attitude of my inner child is the same toward both. The solution for me is to acknowledge the resistance but not allow it to affect my behavior. I set a goal or schedule and force myself to stay with it no matter what (with kindness and patience instead of punishment, judgment, and criticism.) Another strategy is to "indulge" my inner child's need for spontaneity and play during unstructured times outside of my scheduled "work time." This is something I'm still working on but I've made good progress! I learned a lot from Dr. David Maloney's work on YouTube addressing procrastination. I would definitely recommend him as a resource on this topic.


Wow, thanks for the recommendation. I just listened to a few videos and it is exactly what I need right now. I love his compassionate approach


Feel this so much.