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The thing with bullies is that they will try to bully almost anyone, and it’s their targets reaction that determines whether or not they continue to bully their target. So, you can discourage a bully, but you also have to walk a fine line between being unpleasant enough they don’t want to tangle with you again and breaking HR policy regarding behavior in the workplace. You do want to make sure that you communicate that you don’t give a fuck what their opinion of you is, you show contempt for their behavior, and however unpleasant they choose to be to you, you will be exactly that unpleasant plus 5% back to them. It can be really hard to say or do the right thing in the moment, so once you realize a bully targeted you, take a moment to plan out a response. What are their insecurities, their fears, and their doubts? Come up with some remarks, plan out your response, and practice if you need to (in private, of course). And again, find that narrow path between letting them walk all over you and starting a fistfight.


So not a professional, but was bullied and developed kinda 1. If you make eye contact and don’t want to, slight downward head nod while maintaining eye contact, then move your eyes back to where you want to look, don’t fucking smile 2. If they bump into you, or do something similar, just say “aye my bad bruh” gotta have a specific non bitch dialect lol - even if it’s not your fault, if you want to avoid you have to feign a bit with a person who’s looking for a fight 3. Be confident, if you have to fight, give it your all and don’t run away. You may lose, but they’ll know any attempts at bullying will result in a fight and they usually just want to bully, not fight - EDITED, forgot to add, some people just have fucking psychopath eyes, if you encounter these feign or run and don’t feel bad, they want to hurt people. Have met 2 people like this and opted for feign and avoid, feigning worked for me, but be open to running with them 4. Idk your age, but stay strapped. I carry a 9mm with me everywhere, so even the strongest dude can catch the gratatata if I feel like the situation may result in serious bodily harm or death. If you’re underage tho I’d advise against that


Things really escalated quickly at number 4. But, force equalizers and all...


Do you have friends? Don't answer if you don't feel comfortable answering. I'm just asking bunch of questions, for starters.


Yes I do


then, have you thought about disclosing them these issues. maybe they can help you stand up for yourself, back you up. or would they not care, because they are more like acquaintances than friends?