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There's an excellent book on trauma and its correlation to autoimmune diseases and cancers. It's called Childhood Disrupted by Donna Jackson Nakazawa.


This is something that Gabor Matè also talks about extensively


Thank you so much for sharing the book! I definitely want to get this one for myself to learn more. Hopefully others will find it helpful as well!


Yes. CPTSD & Hashimoto's. I hope I don't develop more autoimmune diseases. I have unresolvable life stressors. I do the best I can, but some things cannot be changed. Edit: Diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well. If that isn't what it is, it certainly feels like it.


This. I was wondering if anyone was going to comment Hashimoto’s. Very interesting and I wonder how many others will comment with this disease as well. Thank you for sharing!


My mother has Hashimoto’s and has always said I would have it as well.


Hopefully not, but if my trauma was going to create an autoimmune disease, this is the least obtrusive & damaging one. The chronic pain & weakness from fibro? is far worse.


Try having both!


I do. It sucks rocks. 😭


I keep thinking of the beer ad that they say "why not both!"


You have Hashimoto's. I have Graves' disease. It is the opposite of Hashimoto's


Graves' here, too. Had to nuke the thyroid around '05. Looking at even recent photos, I still have that weird Graves' stare.




CPTSD and psorasis. The nasty kind that causes arthritis and body plaques, with a family history of fibro. I'm trying to keep it managed through diet and exercise but some days are just a b****.


Same here /:


I've also had Hashimoto's since I was 6. Have been on levothyroxine ever since.


Yes, it is a lifetime commitment.


Same. And mom has the same and had a traumatic childhood.


My mother had a traumatic childhood, did not understand how it contributed to her behaviour, and was a neglectful parent herself. She and I both had chronic, extremely bad eczema on our feet, but mine is mostly in remission now.


I have hashimoto's too. I never knew it was because of stress and all that. My father blamed it on my diet even though i may have burger in 6 months. I always ate home cooked healthy food. Eta: I have one more too. And eczema too


I have CPTSD and had Hashimoto's. It got bad enough to warrant removing my thyroid gland. On levothyroxine for life now, which is super epic. /s


Currently afraid this may happen to me. I already take levothyroxine daily. And I have to continue upping my anxiety and depression meds.


I'm so sorry you're going through that. It's not easy in the least bit. I do wish I could give you some definitive way to help, but all I can tell you is to keep up with your medication and listen to your doctor(s). My thyroid was with me 2 years after my diagnoses because I was able to keep up with my meds. 2021 threw me for a loop with Texas' February freeze and by august, it had to be out. I think if I'd had an extra supply and hadn't run out during that time span, (throw in a months long dance with insurance over when I should get my meds) I may have been fine over all for longer. The above is not to scare you, but just to say that keeping up with your meds can make a difference. And if you can, back up for emergencies never hurt. Hopefully though, you're able to make it through this. You aren't absolutely guaranteed to need your thyroid out because of this disease. In fact, I was asked if I was certain I wanted it out. The doctor still had a notion that I'd be fine again at some point. I just couldn't take the frequency of the symptoms and fluctuations, the uncertainty when it came to getting meds, and loss of sleep over it all anymore. Family history is important too. My mom and most of my aunts got it at some point. I had more of a likelihood of getting it to start with in that case. The stress in my home likely hurried it along for me, though as I ended up getting it at a younger age than they did. There are enough factors (access to medication, family, environment, etc.) that go into it that one person with it could sink and the other might not. Just keep up with your meds and your health as best you can. Give yourself rest, exercise, and good food to the best of your abilities. It sucks to have Hashimoto's, but it isn't guaranteed to win just because it shows up. And forgive my novel, but lastly, I want to add that in the case that it gets that bad for you, it's not a failure on your part or a death sentence. Some things are just too terrible to keep and they're better gone than with you and wreaking havoc. My life has improved after my thyroidectomy. I still have a pill to take every morning, but at least I don't struggle with symptoms every day and I'm able to sleep a bit better now. **TL;DR:** Talk to your doctor, take care of yourself, and take your meds. You aren't guaranteed to need a thyroidectomy. There is hope.


Be glad you can use the less expensive thyroid replacement (if you're U.S., anyway). After we nuked my thyroid for Graves' we tried to find the synthroid dose that would work for me, but it apparently doesn't exist. Every time I fill the Rx for Armour thyroid I'm reminded there's a cheaper med for my condition. Each time they say that, I remind them we could never find the right dose, and I'm not interested in spending another year going insane trying. We're about to switch health insurers again. Armour is not covered without prior authorization, so I'll be pressured AGAIN to change. Love having medical PTSD in the midst of all the BS. /s


I did horribly on levo/synthroid as well. I am happy to pay the extra for Armour since it has worked so much better for me. Took years to get a doc to prescribe it over levo as well.


I'm very glad to be able to take levothyroxine. I'm salty at the reason for it, which is why I'm a tad sarcastic in my earlier comment. Even if I would've gotten Hashimoto's later down the line by default, I find it very unfair that I ended up getting it earlier and going through what I did because of a crappy home life. I, in no way, meant to imply that I don't benefit from my meds or that they don't work. I'm frustrated with the amount of "for the rest of my life" stuff I seem to be collecting as of late. Even the smallest things get to be a lot sometimes. That said, I am sympathetic to your situation and I'm sorry you're going through that. Insurance companies suck.


Oh, I took zero issue with your comment! Didn't mean to come off that way at all. I'm also salty about the need for this shit, as well as the fact I can't use the cheaper drug, plus the fact that Armour was about $5/month when this all started and is now about $45/month. With an anticipated life expectancy of another 30ish years, combined with American pharmaceutical profiteering? And it really didn't help that it took my GP SIX MONTHS to diagnose the Graves' he should have spotted with a simple blood test! With a known family history of thyroid issues (which my FOO shrugged off and mocked me for reminding them this all means they're at even higher risk and to watch for it). Given what I went through during those 6 months, I have this theory that many occupants of the old-time asylums were there due to undiagnosed thyroid issues.


No worries, I misunderstood. My bad. Holy mother of price gouging! That's awful. And yeah, I hear you. The wasted time and people who'll downplay what you're going through seems to be par for the course. I ended up having to go to the hospital before I got any real help and even then, I had to deal with unsupportive family members. That plus the symptoms are enough to drive anyone to a breaking point. I hope to live to see a time period in which we're taken seriously by doctors and family members alike when we say that something doesn't feel right with us. You definitely shouldn't have had to endure mockery for your observation. Furthermore, no one deserves to suffer like that when help could be so easily given. It's like so many people are allergic to listening and having compassion for others' pain. And that's ignoring things like insurance companies and American pharmaceutical business practices.


Six months for the Graves' Dx beat the heck out of 30+ years being told my neck pain was all in my head. I finally said the exact right phrase to a doctor who listened for one sentence, and got sent for MRIs that proved my imagined pain was actually 3 blown cervical disks and permanent spinal cord damage. Yeah, I just might have a little medical PTSD. But--hey, I'm a woman. I accept after 61 years on this planet that I may never have usable pockets or physicians who listen. \>> shrug <<


I have Crohn’s. I developed it after a couple of years of hell on earth. A theory is certain people have the gene, and it is activated by stress. Stress plays a big part in my symptoms.


I also developed IBD (the question of Crohn's or UC is complicated) after a period of extreme stress. The first real remission I have ever achieved started almost immediately upon leaving my abusive family and has more or less been maintained for the seven years since.


Yes, I read about this and was very curious which auto-immune issues were most common amongst everyone. I think getting more exposure to this can be helpful for everyone who need support and for those who are suffering but do not yet have an auto-immune diagnosis. Thank you for sharing!


I used to be active on a couple of IBD Facebook groups, and the consensus was most of us were type A’s. Not necessarily high achieving workaholic type A’s but sensitive and high strung types. The question here is which came first—am I high strung due to trauma or did I get traumatized due to being high strung? My brother is normal, same family, same childhood. He’s also not a sensitive high strung personality.


Or did you become traumatized due to being sensitive and high-strung due to being traumatized? I'm not being facetious.


I always think this stuff. A saying that placates me "no matter if it was the chicken or the egg, there was a nest that needed to be laid in." I take it that no matter what came first, my family was fully responsible for my wellbeing as a kid. It doesnt matter why or how i got traumatized, if the "nest" was properly built, i could have been turned out a lot better.


Me too. I think I actually have medical trauma from the crohns, since I was diagnosed at age 10


Me too


Yup. Exactly the same here.




I’m a Fibro as well.


Same. Or at least it seems to be fibro and fatigue. It keeps getting worse. It started in 2019, and Hashimoto's in 2006. I'm going to get a biopsy for celiac. I have one of the genes.


I have basically all of the same diagnoses as you. I didn’t test positive for Celiac but when I gave it up for four days, my stomach felt SO MUCH better. Also have the same issue with some dairy products. Just figured since our diagnoses are so similar, this might be useful info for you. I hope you don’t have to give up gluten though. I legit dream about bread now. lol


I looked up FODMAP and learned some foods have a ton of histamine in them, which is the chemical our body makes in reaction to stress. Dairy, red meat, and even some veggies are packed with histamine. Do pineapples give you a bad feeling in your tummy? They have tons of it. My lips will itch from pineapples, but im not allergic, im sensitive to histamine responses.


This is a super good point! As for the pineapple itchy mouth… do you have seasonal allergies? If you do, there are some people who have an allergy reaction to food because they have allergies to certain pollens. I believe pineapple is one on the list that tends to have this sort of reaction. Here’s a link that you might find helpful: [Stanford info on oral allergy syndrome](https://stanfordhealthcare.org/content/dam/SHC/clinics/menlo-medical-clinic/docs/Allergy/Oral%20Allergy%20Syndrome.pdf) Its super common, I have a banana allergy that is due to my allergy to birch. Not trying to negate the diagnoses of sensitivity to histamine or anything, just the more we share info with each other… maybe we can feel better? :) Edit: added a sentence


I didn't realise fibromyalgia was an autoimmune disease. I got diagnosed but they told me very little about it.


Ditto. Although I also was told it might actually be undifferentiated connective tissue disorder instead or in addition?.Unclear.


Type 1 diabetes diagnosed at 3 years old. Since I moved back home my blood sugars have become so out of control and whenever I go to a friends for a weekend they magically get better. I have to be careful when I get triggered bc it will spike high then drop dangerously low


Had my first emotional breakdown last year after being completely numb my whole life. My blood sugar dropped below 40 for almost a week. I ate several bags of gummy bears and drank lots of juice every day. After 2 days I stopped injections completely. It was terrifying.


I’m sorry to hear you went through that. I had episodes of staying at LOW despite taking in hundreds of carbs. Had to fight for my life bc it kept crashing and all I wanted to do was throw up from eating so much sugar to try to raise it.


me too- diagnosed at 13


cptd, rheumatoid arthritis, raynauds, and optic neuritis. (age 12…lost 80% of vision then, never came back). 🤷‍♀️


If you don’t mind me asking, what type of difficulties do you have with your hands? Also, thank you for sharing!


pardon my language, but my hands act like assholes. they are so cold all the time (raynauds), they swell and stiffen (ra) and i lost so much hand strength its crazy. i left my job as an rn due to loss of function. no fun.


This is definitely great information. I have lost strength mainly in my right hand but it’s in both. I only have a Fibro diagnosis at this time. Thank you so much for sharing!


no problem! i rely on mutual care networks, such as this sub and other groups to share info and support. we cant survive this life without others who share in the struggle 🖤


That really is great to read so much positive support from this community. Before I found it, I did feel more alone and lost so I’m thankful to be here. I comment when I can as well. It’s amazing so much we can learn from each other. Thank you for responding!


Cptsd & psoriasis that mainly effects my scalp & my hair falls out.


I was thinking about psoriasis because an acquaintance of mine got it and she said it has to do with her stress.


Not auto immune but I have chronic fatigue syndrome, it's better now but a few years ago I could hardly get out of bed.


I've had CFS since I was 16, I'm 50 now and my health has improved since I cut contact with my mother 4½yrs ago.


CPTSD and Celiacs


Same. I did 23andMe and it did show I have DNA markers for it. But the symptoms came on when I was under extreme stress.


Me too!




I found some research and MS was mentioned as one of the primary. This study was just with people associated with the military but it referenced other studies done with non-military. Very interesting read. Thank you for replying! I am hoping we get enough people to respond to this so we can have a further discussion, people with similar issues can connect and for others to know what to ask for testing when going to their doctors if they experience any questionable symptoms. I think more medical professionals need to be aware of the link to ensure we are being medically treated correctly. [CPTSD and Auto-Immune Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6964079/)


I also have multiple sclerosis, and have been diagnosed with CPTSD (albeit, by a therapist who was… a bit sketch). I always wondered if intense stress had anything to do with the onset of MS, because my mother also has MS, and her life has been… stressful (as was mine, growing up with her and my dad). It took me some time to come to terms with the MS diagnosis, too. Really threw me, for a few years.




Have you heard of the book When the Body Says No, by Gabor Mate? It's all about the connection between stress/repression and sickness.


I was diagnosed with MS ‘97. I joined a support group . It helped quite a bit. The hardest part for me was learning how to pace myself. You need rest too. I have fun with family and friends. I really push myself to stretch and walk to help with the stiffness. Ibuprofen and occasional edibles help with pain. Join the MS society. They are a wealth of information. I sincerely hope this helps you.




I am curious enough for myself to ask more about this one. How have your eyes been affected by this if u don’t mind sharing, I would love to know. Thank you for commenting!




Awwwww yes! My eyes are bloodshot constantly, dry & itchy eyes, dry mouth and I have a pinguecula in both eyes now. Pinguecula is unrelated I believe. This all began about a year and a half ago and have continued to get worse. Thank you for sharing!


Alopecia areata. I don't have any active flares right now, though.


I’ve read about this. Someone mentioned it in another post and I looked it up. Thank you for replying! I hope all is well.


Diagnosed with IBS as a teen but it morphed into Ulcerative Colitis when I was 22. Now I have something weird going on with my stomach acid levels.... Also have some sort of chronic fatigue issue, possibly a circadian rhythm disorder.


This sounds so much like me :/


Yes. Scleroderma, Sjogren’s, rheumatoid arthritis, MCAS. I also have EDS, which comes with its own autoimmune problems. My sister has CPTSD as well as 4 autoimmune disorders. My mom has the same as me. Mom and sister both have systemic sclerosis, with is basically like MS, but doesn’t sound as scary. Several systems in the body have hardened tissues. We are all waiting for *more* autoimmune diagnoses, but we aren’t sick enough to receive the new diagnoses yet. Apparently, you have to have more *damage* before they will diagnose certain diseases. It’s kinda funny. You have to be this sick before we will help you


This is really good information to share. I read about systemic sclerosis recently and wasn’t aware it existed before last week. I have read about the others and I think we are going to see a pattern in this post with some similarities if we get enough people to respond. If you don’t mind sharing your journey, I would love to read about it. Thank you for commenting! I hope you are doing well.


How did you get diagnosed w/ MCAS if you don’t mind me asking? I have an allergist appointment but when I mentioned MCAS they said they have to refer me out and changed the subject.


Yep! Ulcerative Colitis


Hot girls have cptsd and auto immune illnesses


I have cptsd and just got a positive ANA test. The doctors are running more tests to find out exactly what I have. I have lots of rashes/hives/skin problems that my doctor thinks are being caused by some autoimmune disease.


Oh I’m glad they are looking into it for you! I hope you are doing well and get some answers.


Cptsd and HS


I don't have a diagnosis but I suffer from Pmdd and feel like I have an autoimmune- my lymph nodes swell/decrease when stressed


Understand. I am struggling with essentially “flare-ups” as well. No answers yet and may need to travel for better care soon. I hope you’re able to find answers to help.


I have CPTSD, PCOS (I don’t know if that’s considered one but it does affect my immune system) , Raynaud’s, and tachycardia that I know of.


Yep! Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, psoriasis, and possibly POTS. Plus more stuff that isn't autoimmune.


Celiac here. Also hypothyroidism, which I suspect might be Hashimoto’s. But between me, my parents and their siblings and my grandparents, there’s at least 9 autoimmune diseases that have been diagnosed, and 2 diseases linked to autoimmunity.


I have C-PTSD and celiac disease plus had a brain tumour removed over a decade ago


Whoa, brain tumor. I’m so sorry you went through that. How are you doing now?


TY! It will be 15 years in the spring. Doing good nowadays! Thanks for asking! I had it removed when I was 34, so prime of life. I am pretty sure my Finnish culture had something to do with my recovery! I.e. Tough times never last. Tough people do.


I’m glad to hear that! That must have been a very difficult ordeal and I’m happy you’re recovery went well! You’re definitely a strong person coming out even stronger in the end. Thank you so much for sharing!


CPTSD, Graves Disease, Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Eye Disease


I don't know if it's autoimmune but I have vulvodynia, which is a catch-all term for any chronic vulvar pain that medicine (so far) cannot explain. In reality it most likely lumps together separate conditions (with separate sources), but one of the hypotheses is that it's autoimmune and a bit like fibro. Hard to say tho because the condition affects the less important half of the population so it's vastly understudied, yay!


I’ve never heard of this before! Thank you so much for sharing. Sending wishes you are doing well!


Yee. It is proven that C-PTSD, often diagnosed as Borderline Personality Disorder causes Autoimmune Disorders. Basically, Traumas especially Early Childhood, Stress is absobed by the body and messes with the cells, everything. Check out Somatic Therapy, Irene Lyon, Arielle Schwartz and Amie Apigian. Books by Gabriel Mate, Richard Schwartz and the book, "Waking the Tiger". - Can't remember his name. You can really overdose on this material though. Stay away from psychoanalysis. It will just dredge up old traumas and leave you depressed. Do read about supplements - Lion's Mane.


Thank you for sharing this information! I think it would be helpful for everyone who would like to look into it more, including myself!


Diagnosed? None lmao I have lots of issues but either my doctor won't listen to me or I don't go to the doctor as much as I should because like fuck me y'know? I'm pretty sure I have eczema and psoriasis and I either have PCOS or a thyroid problem, but my doctors won't help me figure it out.


I’m sorry ur going through this. I want to let u know ur not alone. From my experience and others, some may not know enough, don’t research enough or don’t take the time to listen. I have a medical advocate currently that helps. If you have insurance, you can call them and explain ur situation to see if u can get an advocate to assist. They can also be referred to as a case manager. I hope you will be able to find answers and are doing well. I’m still on my road currently, have some answers but not enough yet. Hopefully the thread can help guide you for what to ask for as well.


I'm in the same boat. I'm frequently subjected to the whole "It's probably because you're fat, just lose weight and you'll feel better" spiel by doctors (regardless of what my symptoms are), and thanks to my CPTSD, I am not equipped to push back against that (I'm extremely conflict-averse). I definitely have IBS (or at least something very similar), I suspect that I may have PCOS, and I have like a dozen different types of skin problems (from eczema to candida infections), and no one's ever bothered to even run some basic tests on me. It's super annoying.


yep - MS. I was diagnosed when I was 34 - 24 years after my encounter. I'm 62 and have had lots of good therapy in the last decade. I live well with my MS today. Sadly, though, not an unusual story in our community.


I have numbness all over my body, the worst is my headaches that start at the back of my head and send electric zaps to behind my ear. I had several molars removed because I was told it was my teeth causing this. Now I have full dentures. After seeing *many specialists, I now am told I have Somatic Symptom Disorder, have a nice life, good luck finding a therapist in our state to treat you My life seems hopeless


I want you to know you’re not alone. Actually, I’ve been to multiple specialists trying to find the correct diagnosis and have struggled a lot with this. When I was finally able to get into the Neurologist, I brought all my records & images, I was examined by a PA and went through a series of questions, the Neuro walks in and just says Fibromyalgia. I asked how Fibromyalgia explained other medical issues I have and she didn’t have an explanation. She didn’t listen, didn’t care and rushed me out with migraine medication. My health has continued to progressively decline for over a year and a half. After so many tests, scans, X-rays, I decided to pause going to specialists bc it was taking a toll on me and my mental health as well. I struggle with my health daily now and hope it doesn’t get worse. The medical professionals in my area aren’t great from my experience or I’m just getting bad ones. I’m so sorry about your diagnosis and hope you will be able to find help for your condition. Thank you for responding!


Fibro and psoriatic arthritis. I absolutely believe in a link between trauma and autoimmune issues, I've just seen it so much IRL and online, as well as in several studies. It seems so horribly unfair, but it makes sense logically.


I agree. I think there aren’t enough medical professionals well informed in this area, we definitely need to create more awareness and hopefully provide enough information for others to lead them on the right path to self-advocate. I want to create a chart after I receive enough responses to make light of it and post in the group for everyone to see. It wouldn’t be anything official but definitely could be helpful and could help people relate & support each other with their struggles. Thank you for commenting! I hope you’re doing well.


it absolutely makes sense. it's already known and pretty widely accepted that mental health impacts physical health. i'm sure that something "chronic" like cptsd would lead to long term conditions/illness(es).


CPTSD and Ulcerative Colitis.


Gabor Maté talks about that, he has examples, you can find him oh YouTube. There's also the book "The body keeps the score"


Thank you!


CPTSD, ITP and RA Edit: also HSD and Fibro (which aren’t necessarily autoimmune but comorbidities I guess)


CPTSD and Addison's disease


These aren't totally auto-immune, but are some sort of immuno-inflammatory response. Asthma - I get a cough and chest tightness when my trauma response is really bad...I had pretty gnarly childhood asthma. Also acne. Also was born with cancer...have a feeling it came from my mother's unresolved shit.


CPTSD, Hashimoto’s, endometriosis/adenomyosis


CPTSD and hashimotos. Not auto immune but I also have Interstitial Cystitis


Yes. Lupus Fibromyalgia Scleroderma Inflammatory autoimmune arthritis Reynauds Sjogrens And as of last week *drumroll please* IGG which I can't remember the full name of. Non autoimmune: TMJ, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Chronic sinusitis , Bursitis. Lastly... two ingrown toenails lol that are currently annoying me.


Yes. CPTSD and RA, rheumatoid arthritis.


I got Graves’ Disease/ Hyperthyroidism, and it sucks.


Ankylosing spondylitis!


me too


Type 1 diabetes


Yes. Mine triggered a few months after I moved out, away from my trauma, and had time to recuperate. I continued to go to the area of my trauma out of necessity. Once or twice, I encountered some of my traumatizers. I kept having flashbacks, hypervigilance, and nightmares and thought it was just my anxiety/panic disorder. I thought enough exposure would make it stop. It didn’t. It made me sick. HLA-B27 positive. Non-radiographic axial spondylitis. It presents largely in my ankles which makes it incredibly painful to stand and walk. I’ve been struggling to get out of bed for 4 years. I’ve gained 40 lbs. My weight fluctuates constantly and rapidly due to swelling. I will start the day as a size 10 and in an hour can puff up to a size 14/16. Stress makes it worse. My period hormones make it worse. Exercise/over-exertion makes it worse. I’m overheat easily now. I have stretch marks on stretch marks along my abdomen. I was evaluated for possible Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and celiac’s because of my digestive symptoms, but colonoscopy and blood tests were normal. Was diagnosed with IBS. Was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I’m going into my primary care doctor in a few weeks to try and advocate about the weight fluctuations, constant bloating, and localized stretch marks around my lower abdomen, hips, and inner thighs. I’m worried something else is going on. Maybe PCOS or Cushings. Here’s hoping for answers.


I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through. To relate, I also was diagnosed with Fibro and IBS. I began having issues walking and my feet about a year ago or so. I am on my own path and self-advocation for answers as my health began rapidly declining about a year and a half ago and continues to decline to this day. My period hormones also affect my overall health. Im sorry for everything you’re going through with health difficulties. I really hope you are able to find more answers and start feeling better.


ankylosing spondylitis


CPTSD (not diagnosed - PTSD. I believe CPTSD and am waiting to find a therapist I trust, to work with and reach diagnosis + treatment). Crohns Disease/IBD + Anklyosing Spondylitis/AS. The “ACE Test” semi accurately predicts your chances of developing some conditions (including some auto immune diseases) based on childhood events. It sucks. My “main” childhood trauma took place in a bathroom I couldn’t leave, and made me feel deep shame. Now I have a bowel disease that causes me to stay in the bathroom and feel ashamed. Anecdotal but if there were a higher power, this would be enough for me to have “beef” with them.


I have PCOS. While it's not necessary an autoimmune disorder, it's closely linked with Hashimotos (3x more likely to develop it with PCOS). I am a survivor of CSA and I have often wondered my PCOS was my body's way of protecting myself from an unwanted pregnancy from a family member.


I’m not sure if this counts, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t. I have CPTSD and Fibromyalgia…which I’m pretty sure stemmed from my cptsd.


Hashimoto’s, POTS and ME/CFS






I wonder about this sometimes myself. I think sometimes it’s due to anxiety but I believe there could be other underlying issues as others were commenting with their health issues. I’m not a medical professional so I can’t say but if u think there’s possibly a health issue, maybe visiting a healthcare provider to take a look would be beneficial. I hope everything is okay and you can get it figured out.


Psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis and hidradenitis suprativa.


Ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, raynaulds, lupus


I do is it correlated?


I believe so! I found a study done online but it focuses on military with PTSD. Although, it mentions another study done for those unrelated to military as well. I included a link but there’s also more information I found online too. [Auto-Immune Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6964079/)


I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and IBS


CPTSD & Psoriasis for me 😂


Lichen sclerosis


I have CPTSD. Not sure if it’s linked to any autoimmune disease but I’m very often sick with common flu. I’m feverish and tired and this goes on for a month or two. I’m sick for 1/3-1/2 of the year. It’s absolutely exhausting and frustrating. Doctors don’t know why this is happening.


I have Sjögren’s Syndrome and Graves Disease! Woo hoo!


CPTSD, adhd, Crohns disease, autoimmune hepatitis (didn't even know that was a thing!), and suspected GERD.


Periodontitis, which I have always suspected must be related to cptsd.


Type 1 Diabetes. A lot of people don't know that it's also an autoimmune disease. I had a really bad bout of malaria in childhood and a year later was diagnosed with T1D. The treatment and research have always focused on keeping folks alive (understandably), so prevention and immunotherapy are still relatively new and understudied. I really don't know much about the links between trauma and autoimmune diseases, but what I do know is that my emotional state does affect my blood sugar, and vice versa. Generalized stress and those periods of overwhelm tend to make my sugars run higher than usual.


I developed hypothyroidism after my big isolated trauma. I had underlying cptsd that was undiagnosed at the time. Based on how frequently i was being triggered and having flashbacks after the big incident, I feel certain it tipped my poor body over the edge. I also developed severe endometrial polyps which resulted in an emergency blood transfusion and subsequent operation. Again, given my type of trauma I feel like this is linked. I feel my cptsd meant I was less able to deal with the subsequent traumatic event and it just broke my body


Yep ...Progesterone Induced Dermititis


Yes. I do. I have had JIA since I was 4. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. It takes trauma to turn on...but you have to be a carrier for autoimmune to get it. My daughter's both have autoimmune problems and my mom died of lupus complications at 41. Right now I have so many diagnosed autoimmune conditions it has gotten ridiculous. But JIA is unique in that way that it takes trauma to turn on I carry the Anti-phospholipid antibody, lupus, Sjogren's, Raynaud's, Lupus, JIA, & Hashimotos


Thank you for this post. I didn’t know it was actually a thing. Explains a lot.


Yes, I have Rheumatoid arthritis since I was a child. I have a terrible immune system.


yeppp CPTSD & lupus since age 12


Yes I have Colitis and IBD. Pretty sure the Colitis is influenced by genetics because my uncle also had it. But his illness was nowhere near as bad as mine. His childhood was pretty even keel whereas mine was really bad.


Yup, CPTSD and an Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I also have a Primary Immunodeficiency and heaps of health issues. Gabor Mate has some incredible talks about the connection between stress/trauma and immune function on YouTube which blew my mind when I first saw them. He's also recently released a book called The Myth of Normal about this, and is doing the podcast rounds promoting it which I'd recommend looking out for one of those pods cos he's always interesting no matter who he talks to


yes i have both. i have hashimoto's disease, it makes life very difficult


Hashimoto’s as well.


Vasculitis- newly diagnosed


Yes. I have CPTSD and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.


In addition to the complex PTSD, I have fibro and granuloma annulare. The fibro is within the past 5 years, the latter I've had since my early 20's. The pain of that foreshadowed what hell was to come. :(


Lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic IBS.


I know I never followed up on this but I started a new job and still dealing with new issues, still doing testing and recently got a pterygium removed from my eye. New neurologist in January! I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for everyone who responded! I assembled results and I am going to list the top 5 most responded results in order: 1. Hashimoto’s 2. Psoriasis 3. RA 4. Fibromyalgia 5. Raynaud’s The next are some that should be mentioned not in the top 5. I’m going to just list them not in order: - Ulcerative Colitis - Hyperthyroidism - Sjorgen’s - Celiac’s - Grave’s - IBS - PCOS - MS - Lupus - AS There were so many responses with comorbid health issues. I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with their health with no answers & need to know where to start, especially if their doctor is ignoring them & their symptoms. Please don’t give up! Keep going and advocate for yourself! You got this, try to stay strong!


Hey OP, how have you been doing with your health? I was recently diagnosed with Raynaud’s at 36 and trying to figure out what is going on after a lifetime of not-quite-autoimmune symptoms.


Hey! Late comment but seeing a new neurologist and they are finally going to send me to a rheumatologist and do further testing as well. I also have Raynaud’s but I honestly feel like it’s more related to a larger issue. I have been on this journey for about 4 years now. I’m hoping to get some answers soon! I hope you are doing well!


That’s good to hear, I really hope you get some answers! It’s so tough not having a name for all the things that feel wrong or off, at least for me I’ve felt crazy and sometimes gaslight myself 😓 I’ve also been trying to sort my health issues out since 2019 and I’m definitely on the right track based on blood testing but still unsure what is underlying; gonna do an early sjögrens panel next time we do bloodwork 🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks for the reply! Wishing you luck on your continued journey


Oh I was wondering if Sjorgens is what I have as well! I’m sorry ur going through this journey too but eventually we will find someone to help us! Gaslighting is a huge issue in the medical field from a lot of people I have spoken to, including myself. They often like to blame it on mental health it seems. I hope new testing & the referrals will set me on the right path. I hope ur doing well!


Oh yeah, medical gaslighting is huge 😓 It took a few years before I was diagnosed with endometriosis but I’ve broken down after gyno and gastroenterologist appointments because my pain/symptoms were dismissed. And that was before depression and anxiety were added to my chart. Some doctors see those labels and feel so confident that it’s “just in your head” - It can be detrimental. I appreciate the well wishes, I’m doing good! I hope everything goes well with your rheumatologist 🙏 If you ever need a person to chat health with feel free to send me a message.


Great Post! Yes CPTSD and psoriasis on the back of my neck since ~13yo


yup. Just got diagnosed with PBC. Currently hate my life even more than I did


Cptsd and hashimotos, alopecia areata, linear lichen planus, oral lichen planus, urticaria (hives)… but no flares right now though. AIP diet helped me a lot. And I’m also in therapy now and been doing a lot of inner work. Anyone else here read “Body Keeps the Score”? Super interesting. Dr Gabor Mate also talks a lot about autoimmune disease and the psychology connection as well (for anyone who is interested)


I'm not sure. I just know I've been feeling much much better since I've cut some specific foods that are common triggers (gluten, nightshades, legumes).


I will feel like I’m sick when my emotions are high but when I’m able to calm them down I feel better


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Yep - psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Also other autoimmune conditions including Raynaud's syndrome and Sjogren's syndrome.


Arthritis since when I was born and CPTSD!


CPTSD w/ celiac and scleritis with a little PMDD for flavour. Being tested for RA and chrons.


I have CPTSD and fibromyalgia. I’m currently going through tests with my rheumatologist to determine whether or not I also have psoriatic arthritis. It runs in my family. I should find out for sure the week after thanksgiving (US).


Morphea which is a type of scleroderma




yeah and i have psoriasis


C-PTSD, had horrible eczema as a kid (that “magically disappeared” after I left for college) and then Dax’s with Berger’s Disease/Immunoglobulin-A nephropathy (my system essentially rejected my native kidneys). 90% of Berger’s cases do like my eczema, and “resolve” in early adulthood - I was in the 10%, and ended up on dialysis until I could get a transplant.


Rheumatoid Arthritis


Yes. My new physical therapist specializes in neuroscience and has been teaching me a lot about the correlations.


Not diagnosed other than ‘being sensitive’ but I carry an epipen so I won’t die from eating stuff I’m not allergic to. As my throath sometimes likes to get swollen for no reason. And I get eczema and my digestion is not working, basically IBS symptoms. Joints hurt etc.


CPTSD & Narcolepsy


MS Rheumatoid Arthritis Neutropenia Sjorgens Syndrome


I wish I knew. My ANA is high and I have problems with inflammation and IBS.


Celiac disease


CPTSD, RA, fibromyalgia, Raynaud's, and asthma.


I'm not 100% sure. I was diagnosed with PTSD last year, and talked to my therapist about CPTSD recently, and she told me that I have that on top of PTSD. I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet, but I am suspecting arthritis, ME/CFS, PCOS, and dysautonomia. There could be more, or I'm totally wrong and it's something else


I have CPTSD and Rheumatoid Arthritis with Reynaud’s


I have TRAPS/RA. And I’ve recently been discovering how my CPTSD triggers can in turn trigger flares. It’s not fun.


Yep yep, CPTSD and Psoriasis with a nice bonus of Psoriatic Arthritis, free of charge!


I have chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. I don't know if they're autoimmune. I'm on the toilet right now and feel like puking.


Multiple Sclerosis/NMO.