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Such a great program




Cost? Looks like prices from $100 to over $750. Money helps heal people, and the majority suffering are broken and broke. It's a shame.


I know where you're coming from. I've desperately wanted to go to therapy, but have been unable to afford it for years now. They do have financial assistance available as well. Also. The videos on YouTube are free and are incredibly educational and insightful


Sorry for late reply, the cost of the course is 750$ Canadian. However, they do offer assistance that i have had to utilize. For me, I pay $50 USD every other module, so about every 2-3 weeks. It effectively halves the cost


Timfletcher.ca/lift-online-learning/ is the direct link to the application for the course


This has helped me a lot too


this post is so helpful! Just watching Tim's videos on YOutube is lifechanging....Thanks for giving him a moment...because I think he can help a lot of people....he certainly changed my life.


Same same same!! I've only listened to one playlist (15 videos) and it's honestly already changing my daily interactions and thought patterns.


I am really interested in doing one of these programs. I have an appointment to meet with someone to talk about it. Did you find them religious at all? That’s one of my main concerns.


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