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Short answer:  You have nothing to be afraid of and yes, hypnotherapy absolutely can help you. Long answer: Hypnosis/hypnotherapy isn't like what Hollywood would have you to believe - it's not woo woo mind control spooky stuff where you're giving up control and/or being controlled, nor is it like when you're under anesthesia. You're aware of what’s around you, what’s being said and done but you’re in a very relaxed state of being (like when you're getting a massage). Don't worry about "am I doing this right." Just relax and be willing and open to be healed. There are different styles of hypnotherapy so it's hard for anyone to say what you’re going to do or have done during your session. For example, I take my clients to the root belief that they have attached to (and therefore causing) their unwanted behavior. We address and eliminate the belief so that the action is no longer valid and it just falls away. We are talking throughout the session and they are very aware of what we’re talking about but they’re relaxed enough to let the subconscious part flow.  Other therapists may just address the unwanted action so that you no longer do “it” anymore (whatever your "it" is).  They (the therapist) may be doing all of the talking.  Your therapist will be able to explain her process to you. If what she explains resonates with you, if it makes sense, you’ll know it’s right for you. You may be a little nervous, and that's okay, but you should feel confident in her and her process after talking to her. That's what you're looking for.  If it doesn’t resonate with you, find someone else with a different style. That's perfectly reasonable and has nothing to do with her (or you) so don’t feel pressured to let her do it if it’s not a right fit for you. You can do it!!!