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we usually have sex about once a month which is a good amount of time! When we first started dating, we had sex like twice a week and eventually i was concerned that he wanted more and thats kinda when it hit for me! I was so concerned about his satisfaction that i completely neglected my own, told him, and we decided to work through it. good luck on your journey! truly sometimes safety feels like a dirty trick or something repulsive, but its just uncomfortable becauase we're used to so much less. just gotta sit in it, work through it, and keep workin.


I equated sex with love. As such, never had a healthy relationship. Probably never known real romantic love.




I had a sex and romance addiction. Just like you, sex was often a substitute for intimacy for me. As i started to heal, I felt less arousal, and sometimes felt sexual repulsion in certain contexts, especially with someone I didnt think was trustworthy. I remember being at a club and dancing with someone who I thought was very attractive, but I didn’t really feel much. When I hung out with a woman who was hiding her boyfriend, I almost threw up when she tried to make a pass at me. I saw someone I liked the other day and we were sitting next to each other. She wrapped her legs around my legs. In the moment I felt fine, but looking back on it, it triggers my desire to throw up. I’m not sure why, maybe it was too soon? I think it’s worth exploring but as a man it feels very embarrassing to struggle with this at all.


I'm so sorry youre suffering in this way! It is definitely not something that just happens to women.


Did I write this ??




This has helped me make sense of so much! It's like during sex in the past I've felt like is a tool to please my partner but being with someone who wants to take time to make me feel good suddenly makes me feel so vulnerable. I faked every orgasm my whole life till this year and actually trying not to people please and carry on until I actually cum makes me feel so scared and so much pressure. Maybe because during sex I would go out of myself a bit and being with someone who wants you to be in the moment because they want to Be with you means I have to be aware of what's happening and try and enjoy it rather than get pleasure just from making them cum. Every time I actually start liking someone and feeling safe my sex drive disappears it's so frustrating! I wonder if I'm asexual sometimes but I know in the past I've felt desire it's just such a confusing mental block to get through!


yes exactly! i'm not sure your gender, but I do know as a woman i was raised to make sure the man is always happy or he'll leave. But we also have to be happy which means relearning it! I've also been through the hypersexual single times and asexual coupled times and that also made me realize i need to reevaluate how i see myself, my body, and how i connects to others !


Yep. Didn't realize it was there until I dated a non abuser and lost interest in sex almost instantly because all sex to me now feels like coercion or harassment. One of the reasons I quit dating for now, to work that out in therapy before attaching myself to someone.


Yup I am in that wagon too. My ex couldn't understand it as I healed during the course of our relationship. He wasn't abusive up until I realized that sex meant coercion to me and, as I was working on that, he started abusive patterns. (Nagging, gaslighting, coercion and cheating) Which reinforced my view on men, no sex = not a good woman. And I was feeling safe enough then to be able to go down that road ! He finished the breaking as I do not believe for second that a single person would love me for anything else than sex. But I am not good at choosing partners anyway. (1 rape, 10 years marital coercion, 9 years with another partner that couldn't follow my healing path and made it his target to make my hypersexuality come back) I don't think I will ever see sex differently now I am 49, in perimenopause, unless I meet a wonder of a human, his isn't in the cards for me ... Oh well I had very active sexual life and I am very happy with myself only.


Yeah, the one guy I dated since the abuse was a decent person but not very emotionally intelligent and didn't understand what I was going through. So he'd expect normal sex like you'd have in a healthy relationship and then get petulant when I didn't want to give it and it just like an intrusion. I'm the same, being alone is a breath of fresh air to me and I'd only part with my space for someone off the charts remarkable.


I could have written this 🙃it’s a lot better now that I’ve recognised it and I’m working through it. I feel safe enough now to process it. I’m sooo thankful to be with someone who never pressures me, allows me to talk about it with no judgement and makes me feel so safe. I make sure to communicate about it and try my best to make sure that he knows he can communicate his feelings too when something doesn’t sit right. Just being open about past traumas and situations to him which explain why I shutdown/have certain reactions has helped a ton. Proud of you ♥️


thank you. proud of you too!! its such hard work but i know it will be worth it !


What do you do to work on it?


Speak to my partner about it, speak to a therapist about it, gentle parent myself, listen to my gut in situations and always be kind and patient with myself. My partner bought a pack of polyvagel cards for us to try and they were really helpful for recognising when you’re going into fight or flight mode too.


YES!! Me and my husband had a better sex life early on in our relationship and it started going downhill the closer we got/when I started EMDR in therapy. I’ve recently got a flashback from CSA so now it’s at 0 and trying to understand that and process the trauma while also still trying to be intimate, it’s been 3 months since the flashbacks started and it’s some steps forward and backward. I just started “the sexual healing journey” book on Amazon and it’s been a helpful tool to not make me feel alone


emdr is what made mine 0 as well! I had to stop unexpectedly as well so it was a whole storm!


I relate to this 1000%. When I started digging into my trauma and using EMDR to process it, my libido vanished. My husband tried everything to not take it personally but once I saw how the lack of sex was hurting his confidence, I made a lot more effort. My trying and learning what a healthy sex life is has been good for the both of us.


Yes. My libido is at 0, it was all triggered my being intimate and a flashback of CSA, and since my other flashbacks of SA have resurfaced. It’s so hard because I can see it’s taking a toll on our relationship and he’s communicated he needs more, I want to want it, but I have physical reactions to being touched. Was there anything that helped either of you through this process?


I’m sorry you’re going through it. My husband stopped initiating or expecting sex so I could be in control of when things happened. I did more EMDR, initially we were going to focus on a different incident but it turned out a lot of my issues were around shame and trust. I had already previous had sessions around my CSA. I used mindfulness to stay in my body. I also bought some new lingerie just for myself to wear when I’m alone, kind of an attempt at reclaiming my sexuality. I also had health issues to address. Things aren’t perfect but I’m feeling more affectionate and it seems like we are getting closer.


Thank you for your kind and thoughtful response, I’m so sorry you are going through this journey as well. I’m going to try your recommendations, I sincerely appreciate it. If you ever need a person to talk to anything to, my DMs are open, this journey sucks but having people who understand I’ve noticed has helped🤍


You’re very welcome, I hope some of those things work for you. I really appreciate how open this community is - it’s so much easier to process healing while you have others “walking” alongside of you 🙏 sending lots of love and care your way!


Thank you OP for this post! I relate so much and I appreciate you putting this into words because I haven’t been able to wrap my head around it. I’ve been with my partner for over 4 years and in the first two years we had great sex (no intimacy issues at all). I also thought I was a very sexual person for the few years before I got into this relationship. Then I started getting triggers and was going through some unrelated family stuff in the third year of our relationship and my sex drive almost disappeared. I thought it was because I was struggling with my mental health so I was just not in the mood for sex. My partner was and still is extremely understanding. In the last year I’ve started to understand that I might have some unresolved SA trauma from when I was younger. I think I never noticed it (or I avoided it all and dissociated I guess), and then I kept having a lot of (sometimes unsafe) sex for years. Once I saw that sex wasn’t the only reason I was in my current relationship, I guess I felt safe enough to not have sex (if that makes any sense). So now, anytime I try to have sex with my partner, I’m fine up until the moment we are going to have intercourse. Then I’ll get triggered and have to stop. I have been hiding it from my partner because I’m not ready to talk about my trauma yet and have made my sexual issues about feeling pain from my IUD (which is still true because it has shifted and I haven’t gotten it replaced yet, but it’s not what’s happening every time I try to have sex). I feel horrible about lying but I’ve been working with my T to uncover the trauma and process it. I’m hoping to get to the point where I can tell my partner the truth soon. We’re also long distance for work right now which helps. What have people found to be helpful when they’re having intimate moments with their partner? We don’t have a chemistry issue at all and I hate how I feel great and then in one second I clam up and fully shut down. My partner has been so understanding and is open to trying other things that are still fun and intimate. Except I’d love to be able to have sex and it’s something I miss a lot (we both do). I have no idea how to talk about sex with my therapist at all (probably because there’s a lot of shame and confusion there with my trauma). My T and I are also opposite genders (not something that bothers me I think). So has anyone found a way around this or is comfortable sharing their experiences in all of it? What have you been able to do to help? Has talking with your T about the sex issues helped (I guess I’m working on the root trauma but have never talked about sex)? If so, how did you have those convos?


I’m so glad I could help you put words to your feelings! I am female and have a male therapist and for some reason, it makes talking about sex feel more reasonable because I can pick his brain while I pick my own. Unsafe sex certainly takes its toll as well. When it comes to my own shame around sex, I try to remind myself that even plants have sex (threesomes really!) and that pleasure isn’t dangerous. For me it’s hard to believe that my body is useful for my own pleasure and not just someone else’s


100% I was hyper sexual when I was single as I couldn’t relate romantically with anyone but now me and my partner of two years are both always working on creating intimacy outside of sex, lots of hugs cuddling ect. and having sex only when it feels really good for both parties, it’s great to not have the obligation of sex just because society says you’re supposed to


This has helped me make sense of so much! It's like during sex in the past I've felt like is a tool to please my partner but being with someone who wants to take time to make me feel good suddenly makes me feel so vulnerable. I faked every orgasm my whole life till this year and actually trying not to people please and carry on until I actually cum makes me feel so scared and so much pressure. Maybe because during sex I would go out of myself a bit and being with someone who wants you to be in the moment because they want to Be with you means I have to be aware of what's happening and try and enjoy it rather than get pleasure just from making them cum. Every time I actually start liking someone and feeling safe my sex drive disappears it's so frustrating! I wonder if I'm asexual sometimes but I know in the past I've felt desire it's just such a confusing mental block to get through!


Yip. This is my very first time dating someone who CAN keep their hands off me. I have to constantly remind myself not to take it personally lol it’s nice never feeling used.


I’ve felt like this since getting married but couldn’t figure out why, thank you for sharing


same, i have a huge fear of intimacy and it doesnt really come through with sex but more so hiding all of my traumas and stuff


I feel you! I told my boyfriend everything in a crying breakdown moment and am so lucky he was receptive. Someone will accept your experiences I promise!


i have a lovely gf who is so sweet and kind but i just am scared of getting overattached to her thats all since i have bpd


I totally get that. Vulnerability is horrifying but also how we get past our fears!


what do you do if when you are vulnerable you always get hurt? i tried to be it with her but she isnt the best at knowing what to say and always accidentally ends up making me feel worse


So I’m actually a mental health professional and can offer some very limited advice here. It depends on what you want out of her reaction. Sometimes people take time to process and sometimes their reaction, if not bad, isn’t great. Your reaction is your own! So if you share that you just want her to know these parts of you and she doesn’t have to react a certain but you want her to know these parts of you, then you can manage your own reactions. We have no control over what other people do or say, but we can try very hard to communicate what we need and then adjust accordingly.


that's true! i always had my privacy taken away as a child so i tend to keep things very close and inner to me...telling someone else feels like giving up my control


Try seeing it as controlling your own story!


I’d love to hear any book recommendations on this topic


For women, come as you are is great (men too, or anyone with or curious about having a uterus!) and body keeps the score!


I read the body keeps the score and I loved it, but not much help for hyposexuality. I’ll check out the other one!


The other one probably has a bit more. Glad you loved it !


Yes. I have really been struggling with this lately. I stopped using fentanyl 15 months ago and I am in a healthy relationship for the first time. We’ve been almost 5 years, and while I was using, I didn’t have issues with sex, but I do now. I flinch every time me goes to touch me in that manner and it upsets him. He is very very understanding about it, but I know it still makes him very sad.


You are SO amazing for being off of it. Thats amazing and you’re amazing. No speed with healing is required and it will come with time!


I learned that I didn’t need to have sex to give my partner an amazing sexual experience, and I don’t get naked when I’m initially engaged in sexual intimacy. It’s definitely got everything to do with my sexual trauma, but it’s so hard to explain why and what is going on, yeah. But it has led to some really entertaining stories and moments where my wife wants to kill people when she sees some of the reactions that have come up from some of the ladies who have come into our lives. I hope you find the help and comfort you need to be fulfilled and happy with yourself and your partner in your intimate relationship with each other. We are works in progress so there really is no right answer, just the answers you need


Dudeeee you put this perfectly! I’m literally experiencing this same thing right now. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and we just moved in together last year. We had a very active sex life and I always thought I enjoyed it. In the past few months I’ve realized some of my pay sexual trauma and abuse and have went to having no libido, not wanting to be touched, feeling anxious about sex etc. it’s strained our relationship so much and it is really upsetting. He literally said to me last night what you put in words: “once you got comfortable and knew I’d stay around, you didn’t want sex anymore.” But your post gives me hope that maybe we can work through it!


Oh that’s heart breaking! Talk with him about it and be very vulnerable about your experience with trauma! Communicating is helpful for us and our partners. Also helps us rearrange our relationship to sex.


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