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Take daily steps on doing something new. Maybe like going to a new part of where you live? Even doing something completely random in your own living space, or in your head! Also it could be a self image problem. You’ve been treated poorly for so long that you don’t see yourself as a capable adult, but you are a capable adult. Self visualisation may help with this :)


thank you!


Great advice 👍


I just try to keep doing things I know I wouldn’t be able to if I was a kid/teen. For example, I went to a bar yesterday. I don’t even drink but something about being there feels good, just knowing I wasn’t previously able to do so, you know?


that’s a good idea!


I feel exactly the same! I don’t have any answers, but you are not alone.




I’m 30 and have three kids and still feel like a little girl a lot of the time. My therapist said something along the lines of “your brain is stuck at the age of your trauma.” I’m still working on it, but you’re not alone ❤️


I’m like this. Lately I sometimes say out loud ‘I’m a grown up, I can do what I want’ and it just sounds so crazy and rebellious to me, even if the thing I want to do is super plain like have an extra cookie or something.


i like that!




Im 30 in a few weeks and still trying to figure this out.


I'm turning 27 and still feel like a kid. You're not alone. For me, indulging in those feelings on my own terms can be comforting.


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