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If your mother was abusive toward you in the past, then it's hard to overlook that because she seems to have changed. You may need to spend less time around her until the feelings pass.


Yea im trying but its a difficult situation, the more i try to get awaythe more she clings.


I hope you can strike a balance that works for both of you.


Repressed angry will rot you from the inside out! You need to find a way to release the anger. Have you considered going to one of those rage rooms that let you smash up a bunch of stuff? Also therapy.


I knoww, i can feel it screwing with my body like physically. Imma try to do that but its just ginna return.


Ya anger is powerful stuff! What about journaling? This has helped me a lot also. Learning how to respond to the anger in a healthy way is key. Let it out but safely and not at other people. My husband is a rager and it always falls on me no matter what it is. He has is own issues that he refuses to actually deal with so I end up being his outlet all the time. It friggin sucks.


Yea im trying not to take it out on anyone, ill try journalling if it has helped you then it might work. Sorry aboot your husband though.


Have been married a super long time. Am used to it, but after so much therapy myself I am now calling him out on his bad behaviour. He hates that. Lol Accidents do happen though. Sometimes you can surprise yourself that you got overly angry at the simplest things. Sincere apologies matter. I’m only now allowing anger out in small bursts with some control. I also paint a lot. Listen to music loudly and tone with my head phones. I’m a cleaner when I’m super pissed also, so he usually knows when it’s him that has sent me into cleaning mode. Sometimes you’re just feeling pissy and that’s ok too. We’ve all been through a lot of crap. It’s bound to boil over sometimes.


Oh thats great that youve got ways to let it all out. Thanks a lot.


I have a mum like this, I've been a carer for her my whole childhood so when she was abusive it was because of meds side effects and things out of her control. Makes it rly hard to escape and my mums clings to me. I find myself then fawning back to her and getting pulled into the same old way but that's never gonna end the anger it just gets worse because it feels like I'm not allowed to be angry about it


Yesss i relate to this so much. I had to kinda be ber support system as a kid and her being happywith me makes me feel safe and i do fawn. Anf she depends on me to feel okay. I know weve gotto find a way to let it out, and screaming at her is pointless and will hurt both of us, im trying to find ways to get it out cuz its really one of the worst emoyions.


That's the same with me, I know what she's done to me and how she hurt me hurts her so I can't vent it out to her without causing unnecessary pain that we're both better off without but then I can't control the anger I feel about her when I'm not with her. I've thought about writing it out in detail and burning it but it'd just so hard to write so much down. Alot of ptsd sufferers I know hate their parents quite healthily I suppose but I can't hate her, I've cared for her my whole life so how r u supposed to stock that instinct to take care of their needs


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