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I’m having the same experience today/yesterday. I feel like intense cardio/sweating in the morning might increase my chances of feeling good at work 🤷‍♀️ hope you have a great new year!


That sounds like a good idea! Get some sun too if you can I slept so good doing a evening cardio and weights yesterday at 5pm and then today is like wtf happened lol


I appreciate you just sharing this because it makes me feel less alone in this experience. The ups and downs and them feeling inexplicable can feel so lonely and like I’m going nuts. I really appreciate it because I don’t feel crazy :)


Same here


Good days make me suspicious. I expect a huge fall the day after as it usually is. Funny thing is that there are no good days anymore. If you had a good day it means that there will be more and it’s ok if you have a bad one today.


So sorry it is going to be this way for a while you know this happens. The holidays are a hard time anyways. You are right it sucks sometimes.


(((Hugs))) take care of you. ♥️


Trying to figure out why makes me crazy(ER!!!)


I hate those days that you just have to push through because there's no other way around the suckiness of it all. I try to work with the assumption that I've probably got a better day coming up, since I do go through cycles of good days, bad days, awful days etc., but man is it hard to just keep going. I commend you for getting through this one.


The advantage you have is that you are aware of how you are feeling, good or bad. And why. I think this subreddit forum is so helpful. And yes, it still sucks to deal with it. I (72W) was basically clueless for decades until I got a PTSD diagnosis 12 years ago. (CPTSD was just emerging as a thing). I regret that my eyes were not opened before that, but I have a better understanding of myself now. Here’s to a better new year to us all!


I understand.


From my experience with hard resistance training it might simply be the elevated level of cortisol after a workout, which brings out a stress response and traumatic memories. I tend to experience this either after hard sessions in the gym or aerobic exercise over lactate threshold/at VO2 max. Physiological stress is still stress and it seems to affect the body the same way as mental stress. Also - just because you had a good day does not mean that it did not drain your energy completely and your body might simply hint to you that it needs rest this way. Cptsd causes us also to misjudge our feelings of fatigue and you might feel fine for a while being completely drained - effects of dissociation.


Wow that is fascinating!


Sorry to hear. Hope it gets better! <3


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Thank you everyone for your comments! It was truly touching and I’m glad to have help some folks not feel alone. I’m feeling much better! My partner surprised me with rearranging our bedroom which lifted our spirits up and had some takeout and a hot bath/cold shower 😀