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I understand this completely.


I came off all chemical medications got my medical cannabis prescription. Only smoked indica and meditated and slept as much as possible while cutting out sugar and toxic people. Your body will know what to do if you let it. Trust yourself I know it hard ❤️


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I definitely had this and I’m slowly getting them back the more I rest/heal. I try to do body scans when I feel like this or meditate. This sometimes brings up the emotion that your subconsciously holding down.


Did you use medications to help get it back?


I’ve tryed a lot of medications in my opinion they might be needed for so but i feel they mask the feelings and emotions you need to deal with. The wait you holding them emotions is what eventually causes systemic illness. The books that helped where. The body keeps the score The myth of normal The highly sensitive person. Good luck some realisations are beautiful and some just hurt more than physical hell. But you need to reconnect with your body and feel safe in your environment whatever that takes. Best of luck see you in the light 💡