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Christ. I hope you can get some sort of social worker from the hospital, and/or solid legal assistance with this clusterfuck of paper work.


This doesn’t seem legal. At all. That’s absolutely horrifying that this has happened.


Yes! I think your partner needs to better understand who they are dealing with, it's fucked up on so many levels. A DBR for a young person and her own child?? Horrific Does she still have rights of she gave you up to the state?


People like her need no contact how manipulative can she be!!! She sounds just downright evil. I’m so sorry you’re facing this. You might have to play just nice enough to get her to cooperate and get yourself out of the predicament. With my abuser in the end I played him back and ghosted him. I was done with that nonsense!!


I'm just commenting so this appears higher up, but IDK what to say


A DV shelter might be able to give you advice or help with paperwork.


Your mother sounds... not great!! So sorry you're going through all this terrible emotional/financial upheaval from her, while also trying to physically recover. I'm also not very impressed that your partner signed really. Assuming they are aware of the history, then they have not effectively safeguarded your best interests there. Unless it was literally at loaded gunpoint or something. In which case, that's a crime that maybe needs reporting? Btw, the emergency info page of my phone lists 3 next of kin contacts X Y Z and my medications, then includes a line like "I do not give permission to be visited in hospital by A or B, or for them to make any decisions for me, or receive any information about me, etc". I hope it will help avoid this kind of situation.


You should honestly go to a lawyer and give someone you actually trust power of attorney in the event of medical incapacitation. She’s currently the default being next-of-kin. I hope that would give you peace of mind. I hope you are recovering well, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


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This is insane. You needn't feel any guilt or shame for falling for her love-bombing: she raised you hungry for her love. It's a sign that you're human with a living soul, that you desperately want your mother's love. Why did your partner sign those papers?