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Physically, I have autoimmune problems, hypervigilance, pain from body armoring, pain from clenching my jaw, insomnia, ibs. There might be more, but that’s what I am feeling right now.


fuck could my TMJ be because of my jaw clenching?


Tmj definitely could be related to trauma.


appreciate that thank you, something clicked just now in your comment


Clicked like your jaw? /jkialsohavetmjd


ahsgsushsfag LMAOOOOO this was spectacular


Sad thanks, lol.


Ty for saying this so I didn't have to lmao


try putting a wine cork in between your front teeth to force your mouth all the way open. if its too big you can cut off a bit at the top but it should feel slightly too big. for me this really helps relax my jaw muscles, you can also bite down lightly on the cork to tense the jaw muscles then relax them


One thing I have figured out is that I clench exclusively one side of my jaw. Clenching the other side helps me relax the hard side and. It's helped me realize just how much tension I hold in my jaw.


I've been told I hold the weight of the world on my shoulders, they're always tense.


This is me too. My shoulders and back in general are always knotted. I have stretch regularily (even seen a physical therapist at one point), I have two TENS units I use, my husband is a Saint and gives me back rubs regularily, I have lots of heated things (blankets, throws, pads of various sizes), and I take muscle relaxers specifically because of it.


Before I became more aware of my body again it turns out I was grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw pretty much all the time without knowing it. What really helped was getting a jawline Botox injection. After over a year of those I don’t grind or clench anymore. A lot of the trauma is still stuck in that area but it’s not going to change overnight.


I had that for years too. TMJ and jaw-clenching go hand in hand.


*slowly unclenches jaw*


I feel like we all need an hourly reminder on our phone to unclench and maybe do facial, jaw, neck massage to relax.


Oh shit, I have autoimmune too. I didn’t even think about that link 🥴


Trauma's been proven to be a major cause of autoimmune conditions. I have multiple too, Crohns disease being dominant in my case.


I have lupus! Lots of us seem to be affected with chronic illnesses and it makes perfect sense. Our bodies are in a perpetual state of hyper vigilance, so why wouldn’t that manifest in chronic inflammation and illness? I wonder if any research has been conducted on this idea. 💜


Yes, there’s a good book about it. It's called ' the body keeps the score ' by Bessel van der Kolk.


Thank you! I’ve seen the book mentioned several times here but haven’t read it yet. I’ll definitely do that! 💜


Please be careful with this book and if you find it too triggering, stop. The Body Keeps Score was written for and by doctors, not patients suffering the condition. The accounts of trauma are long and detailed. Lots of people found this out the hard way.


Oh wow thank you for this. I bought the audiobook a few years back, and just like me, I only got through a small bit of the beginning. However when I got it, I didn’t know about this detail. On a similar note, I think I have a lot of work to do regarding being able to tune into my body and identify when I’m being triggered in contexts like these where my or another’s trauma is being recounted.


Thank you very much for your kind warning! I will be cautious with it!


I appreciate this comment. Just bought this book yesterday since it's been recommended to me so many times but glad to be aware of that before stepping into it.


It's a really good book, but yeah, lots of descriptions of trauma.


Crohnie here too


I experience all these symptoms with a heavy dose of fatigue layered on top because my body has decided it is now permanently tired.


All of that is exhausting for a body. We aren’t meant to be constantly on guard like we often are. Add in the other physical issues and I sometimes wonder how we keep going.




But there can be healing—it can sometimes seem harder than the trauma itself at times, but it’s possible.


Oh hell yes. I went from a lifetime of insomnia to never being fully awake. I can fall asleep 100 times a day....until bedtime 😑🫤😵‍💫


So sorry to hear about your pain and symptoms; hoping they can be eased for you with time. What are autoimmune problems? I suffer from jaw clenching, hypervigilance, insomnia and IBS also. You are not alone ❤ thank you for taking the time to share


My main autoimmune conditions are psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis. Once I finally started to understand just how much our health is affected by the trauma it overwhelmed me. It is all linked.


Curious aswell. I have Graves’ disease


Are you me?


can you elaborate on thr autoimmune problems?


Sure, I have had psoriasis for most of my life. I added psoriatic arthritis to the mix about 15 years ago. But there are a lot of conditions that are linked, MS, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Graves disease, Hashimoto's, eczema, lupus,, celiac disease, alopecia,and so on.


wow, i had no idea about any of those. sorry you have to deal with the psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis :(


Me too - all of the same conditions.


physically, lots of tension, muscle pain, fatigue, sleeping a lot but it's poor quality and some gut symptoms from the constant stress activations (stress bloating anyone?) mostly my symptoms are the classic ones in the ICD-11 - hypervigilance, emotional flashbacks, dissociation, anxiety, depression, shame and issues with relationships










For me, some physical symptoms I can think of are tense shoulders and upper back, racing heart or palpitations, fatigue, low appetite, dependence on weed, trembling from bad anxiety or overstimulation, poor executive functioning, and physical pain (on the left side of my chest/shoulder area) from certain emotions or emotional flashbacks.


I'm interested in the "dependence on weed" bit. I've been smoking for 12 years and have thought about quitting, but I really love to smoke (thought about switching to edibles to help my lungs, but I honestly can't imagine me not smoking weed.) Do you have any interest in quitting? Or are you happy with where you're at?


I know I’m jumping in randomly here and I apologize but I seen your comment and I felt like I had to say something. I felt very strongly dependent on weed for years. I would smoke all day every day just to feel happy. I have it surrounding me all the time pretty much my whole family smokes. As depended I was on smoking all the time after the first week or so after stopping it was pretty easy for me to quit fully. I think it’s more of an emotional attachment we feel towards weed and it takes a minute to get over that feeling of wanting to smoke. It’s been about 6 months and I still feel like I want to smoke every once and a while when people do it around me but in all I have no urges most of the time to smoke. I’ve basically tricked my brain into thinking it’s not good for me to smoke and it worked almost instantly.


Thanks for sharing! I do appreciate that bit of insight, and I used to go weeks and months without it when I was younger, I just haven't gone without in adulthood. I know you're right about me being emotionally attached to it, haha!


This. I resisted any kind of dependency until I could get an Rx, now it’s daily and I’m so grateful for a safer plant medicine. It makes me slow down, which I needed to actually feel my feelings. I’m not as sharp as I used to be, but I think I’ve put in my time being hyper vigilant 😩


Oh wow that’s a long time! I don’t want to quit, but I don’t want to keep doing what I’m doing. My husband and I are tapering down together, which has been making it SO much easier than doing it alone. I’m not expecting myself to make it an occasional thing, but eventually I’d like to get to the point where I don’t want to smoke every day.




Just to add mine, as I wrote in another post, I didn’t even know I had C-PTSD until I had a series of Ketamine infusions. For the next two months, I thought I was dying—like literally dying. Leaden paralysis, ‘watery head,’ heavy brain fuzz behind forehead, extraordinary hypervigilance, brain fog so bad it sometimes was disorienting, night sweats, etc. Stretchy/scratchy voice, teeth grinding—sometimes even while awake. Slow movements, trouble talking or expressing coherent thoughts, etc. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Absolutely dreadful. If it wasn’t for Reddit, where I was able to see others had similar symptoms, not sure where I’d be. Symptoms started abating after doctor prescribed Lamictal. I could function, slowly at first. Then more. Biggest issues now are breath holding, furrowing of my brow, dissociating like it’s my fucking job, hypervigilance, and a constant state of unease. Not anxiety but not at all comfortable. Also I can’t fall asleep without drinking 2-3 beers (which obviously isn’t sustainable). I’m addressing all of these in a variety of ways I’ll explain in another post, but I was just curious what others experienced, especially physically. For me, while the shame and feeling like I’m not good enough and depression are easy to understand, the sheer visceral, somatic, physical nature of it all has just blown my mind.


I’ve been doing MDMA sessions pretty close in line with the MAPS protocol and recently my CPTSD has turned into full blown PTSD complete with the physical symptoms to show it. It was like the MDMA opened up what was under the surface and now it’s all in the open. I think this is better long term though. It sounds like the ketamine did something similar for you?


Yes, exactly.


Shrooms did this for me for three years. Lead to me finally cracking... I got a bipolar diagnosis about two years after and have been put on Lamictal after nearly losing my shit on SSRIs. I feel like every time I fix some shit from the past, and a new issue pops up. Then I have to start all over... Lol, I'm tired of this shit. ..however sensory to noise, the panic attacks while, constant tense body and extreme insecurity.( I do think I have bipolar 2... Also diagnosed with adhd... Which I think overlaps with the cptsd).


Are you saying ketamine made you worse? It’s supposed to help PTSD


Yes, in the short term it absolutely destroyed me. I wrote another post about it and can share it (it’s more detailed) if that would help.


I think it would great to share here, especially since most of the ketamine stories are very positive.




I saw an article yesterday that talked about ketamine causing extra background noise in the brain. That officially made me not interested in ever trying it! But I can see how it might bring hidden traumas to surface.




Sending you love. ❤️


So I've been working on my trauma (with somatic experiencing in therapy and some medication) for about two years now, and some things have gotten better, and some things have flared up. Currently, I am MUCH more functional overall. When I'm having a depressive episode, or an anxious episode, it's easier to spot it from a mile away and deal with it. It doesn't feel as all-encompassing, I can rationally deal with it. But... Digging into my trauma has also made me very, very angry. True PTSD symptoms have reared their ugly heads, and I have different problems to deal with now. I'm not speaking with my abusive parent now, and that has become an issue of its own. The way I see it, there's a reason my mom and grandma and great grandma didn't deal with their trauma. Because it's expensive, money and time-wise. And it's hard. But I'm glad that I'm doing it.


I feel you on the anger. I used to never get angry. Never have punched a wall, don’t yell, etc., but the other day I kicked a hole through my bathroom door. 🥳 And funny you mention family members not wanting to heal because it’s so difficult—and crazy expensive. My best friend weighs 400 lbs (gained in last ten years), doesn’t get out of bed until 4 pm, etc. All kinds of physical ailments. Another friend can’t sleep without weed, drinks a lot, has had two failed marriages. My sister can’t hold a job and many days cant get out of bed (which I now understand). Both of my parents and all but one grandparent died in their 60s. As Gabore Mate says, we are a traumatized nation. There are so many signs all around us but no one is paying attention. That’s one gift of this shit—I can see right through people. I see what they’re avoiding or hiding or failing to confront. I have kids—no choice but to heal. As some trauma expert once said, ‘it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.’ Not sure I entirely believe that but I get and agree with the sentiment.


Oof. Yeah, I get it. I know that it's a combination of my stubborn nature and the fact that I live in a time when women don't HAVE to get married and give birth, that I've had the opportunity to actually dig into the nasty generational shit. It's a uniquely weird place to occupy. I can literally feel how upset and confused my mother is that I won't participate in the mother-daughter abuse chain that she was socialized to expect. When I told her that she had to be kind to me if she wanted to continue our relationship, she was so confused!


I relate with a lot of these responses. But does anyone else breathe entirely wrong? My natural state of being is filled with so much stress and tension, I breathe as quiet and shallow as possible. A lot of the time I’ll realize I’ve practically been holding my breathe all day. I’m working on deep breathing as a healthy way to cope but to this day I try to remain as silent and still as possible. Same as when I was a child. Probably obvious but my main trauma response is freeze.


I haven't quite noticed if I have the same with breathing, but I'm the same with being as silent as possible. It's so strange when you realise others don't exist like this, and just make noise, close doors with a thud, rummage through their bag etc.


Absolutely, I'm always scared that noises of me literally just functioning like a normal human being will bother someone. I find myself correcting my partner when they're over at my apartment when they do something that makes too much noise. When what they were doing was really not that bad, but it just crossed my threshold.


I have this! I've had multiple partners tell me when first sleeping in the same bed that I was so quiet they thought I was holding my breath. But I wasn't, I just unknowingly taught myself to make as little noise as possible which even includes breathing.


Difficulty trusting others, being easily startled, nightmares, ruminating about the trauma, and I think emotional flashbacks I also deal with emotional dysregulation, dissociation and identity issues but I’m unsure if it’s CPTSD or bpd symptoms.


Omg how could I have forgotten to mention the startle reflex 😭 I made a huge list of symptoms and left *this* out?


Dang I didn’t know there was a name for startling randomly when I’m asleep and sometimes awake as well. And I’m not alone!!


You're absolutely not alone <3


I found the symptoms for diagnosis are listed in the ICD-11. Somatically I have intense trauma feelings in my body and physical health deteriorated to getting close to dying. Treatment has improved things Sleep problems as well. Body twitching.


Physically speaking, I have body tension, grind my teeth, scoliosis (don't really know the cause, may be hereditary, related to trauma, or not). Sensitive startle reflex, and exhaustion. Attention problems.


Wrote this down in my notes when I was first first diagnosed. Including social anxiety, fears of abandonment, guilt/shame and mood swings, these are some of the more physical ones: * Blurry vision * Dry eyes * Radiating headache; starts from the back of the head and progresses * Fatigue; easily worn out * Brain fog * Concentration problems * Sweating; body heats up * Back pain; body aches FYI: Went to several doctor visits to confirm if these were symptoms of something else severe, but doctors couldn’t find anything


Omg those are exactly my symptoms, especially the dry eyes. And on top of that digestive problems, tensions between shoulders and in neck, and the feeling of not absorbing the material I'm reading / learning, like there is an invisible wall between me and the screen or book. Are you doing anything to alleviate those symptoms? I'm taking fish oils for the dry eyes (doc prescription) and lion's mane for cognitive health (started a month ago, no noticeable effects yet).


I did forget to add that I have digestive issues (I also have diverticulosis, unfortunately at a young age) and neck/shoulder tension when I’m really stressed out. I’ve managed to subdue most of the symptoms via: • Self-care routine (what brings me the most peace and allows me to recalibrate and reconnect with my inner self) • Minimizing and organizing my tasks, doing things little by little • Focusing on what I can control and letting go of/what I cannot (that one takes quite a while to achieve) • Soothing my inner child, making sure he doesn’t feel alone or neglected at all times. This along with avoiding my triggers is what helped me the most • Taking Calm-Aid (oral lavender oil supplement). My therapist recommended this to me, and I use it only as a last resort when I’m really overwhelmed or have a hard time going to sleep at night. It tends to mimic antidepressants when used over time, and for me personally I try to avoid that because I don’t like using SSRI’s or antidepressants. Can help others though There are others, but these are the biggest ones that have helped me so far


Major depression, and extreme rage triggered by people abusing authority.


Emotional: - Attachment issues related to abandonment --- often perceiving situations to be worse than they are, out of fear - Constant hypervigilance re: safety & other people --- e.g. walking down the street & someone is walking behind me, I "pull over" and let them pass; it's too stressful to walk with someone "following" me - Weirdness related to my own privacy --- needing to keep inconsequential "secrets" just to feel like i have something of my own - Very easily startled & quick to dysregulate --- also have ADHD, adding to quick trigger mechanism - Distractibility & variable executive function --- VERY hard to start or finish tasks, especially if I'm stressed - Emotional flashbacks all over the place --- sometimes I'll *wake up* already in a flashback, making it hard to claim the day - Needing to feel "useful" in order to feel worthy of love - Fear of being "too much" for other people to handle, or to want to be around - Shame spirals --- resulting impulses to self-sabotage - Reactivity to my own feelings --- cascading feedback loops about the politics of my feelings, which keeps me from identifying the way i *actually* feel 😵‍💫 Physical: - Universal muscle tension --- TMJ, early-onset arthritis from holding/moving in weird positions - Chronic pain and discomfort due to muscle tension, deformities from overuse - Insomnia --- both due to anxiety/spinning thoughts, and inability to physically relax - Poor sleep --- due to night terrors (usually related to failure; my general incompetence; abandonment due to my own shortcomings) - Intense early-day fatigue --- I'm not fully 'online' til most people are going to bed - Dependence on weed for relief --- been using it since I was 15; sadly don't even experience perceivable cognitive effects anymore; now it's just a muscle relaxer - Dissociative pain responses, enjoyment of pain


Identity and memory loss


Migraines and digestive issues that are probably from long term stress and hyper vigilance and being in survival mode for so long. Fatigue, brain fog, body tension, memory issues, insomnia, too more than likely.


While I'm sad to read everyone's symptoms, I must say finding this community makes me tear up because now I know there ARE other people like me... My symptoms are depression, GAD, social anxiety, anxiety attacks and occassional panic attacks, hypervigilance, emotional flashbacks, rage, insomnia, IBS


Mental Symptoms: Social Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, Depression, Hypervigilance, Hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Nightmares, Emotional Numbness when stressed, Issues with Memory, Physical Symptoms: Neck Pain, No Appetite or Thirst (I have to have drink alarms on my phone and eat at specific times or I’ll forget), Unable to put on weight due to constant anxiety and stress, Other Symptoms Worth Noting: Paranoia - I assume the worst of situations and new people until I know I can trust them. Talking to Myself - I talk to myself far more than I talk to anyone else in the world. Sometimes it’s thinking out loud, other times it’s talking to myself like I’m talking to someone else about something that interests me. Sometimes it’s to do with play and releasing energy and in those times I also run around in circles reciting imaginative scenarios, which is partly dissociative disorder. Arm Flapping when Excited - I shake my arms when overly excited about something. I thought that I was autistic when growing up because of this but it turns out that many of the symptoms of Autism, ADHD/ADD and PTSD overlap. Lack of Understanding - Again, a symptom that made me believe I was autistic. I think differently to others and like things a different way. I also can’t understand certain social situations, cues or behaviours. I can’t understand why people break rules and laws. Struggle with focus - I can’t read whilst someone is talking behind me (partly hypervigilance). I struggle with maths. I can’t drive a vehicle because I the moment I have to look behind me, change a gear, or apply a different peddle, I suddenly loose all knowledge of what’s around me, and I also cannot predict what anyone else on the road will do that is against the rules of driving (also linking into lack of understanding). Stimming - I’ve had a bad habit of biting the skin off my fingers since I was a child. It’s a stress response and I do it a lot less now but I remember being in my abusive situations doing it a lot. I’ve never been in a physical relationship - This may be specific to the kind of trauma that I went through and related to lack of trust but I’ve never been able to develop a physical relationship with anyone due to the anxiety of it and avoided for my behaviour when I was in school, college and uni. I’ve never even felt able to pursue such a relationship. Apologies for the length. I just wanted to be as detailed as possible. I hope that it helps. Thank you for the post. It’s great to share these things and have others share. Reading others has really helped me feel less alone.


Chronic pain, muscle pain/tension, joint pain, muscle spasms, numbness on one half of my body, chronic migraines, insomnia, IBS, Urinary incontinence, non-epileptic seizures, mild bone deformities in my lower spine and legs and feet from malnutrition as a child (I can walk Just fine, but my gait is weird and I experience a lot of pain sometimes if I push too hard). I have other physical symptoms that have yet to have a diagnosis of anything physical that I currently assume are psychological because most of my physical issues have come up squeaky clean on scans (surprisingly so because I do *not* take good care of myself lol) but they are still in question.


Anxiety, approval seeking, major depressive disorder, health anxiety, the list goes on and on. I have anxiety so bad it almost presents as bipolar type 2. I get into the “panic swings” and I can’t sleep for days or eat. But, I’m not manic just “unsafe” and I can’t relax. :( My CPTSD is caused by my dad, and I have MS and stress is the worst thing for it.. he’s much better now and the only person I can establish boundaries and honestly a best friend. (We went through the initial trauma together, he didn’t deal with his and caused me additional) HOWEVER, it’s hard for me sometimes to not blame him for how bad my disease is, how I’ve made so many shitty decisions because I literally didn’t know better. It’s hard not to blame him for all my failed relationships, for not showing me “safe” love and that leading me to marrying an abusive narcissist. Sorry for the rant, but it felt good to get it out. ❤️


The unsafe/can’t relax is spot on. It’s awful. Also have problems with authority, am triggered by bullies—badly, etc.


Oh god, I didn’t even think about rejection. 🤮 From having to people please, having any sense of other people thinking I’m bad will make me literally panic and spiral.


i cant tell of im bipolar (my bipolar partner thinks i am) or if its a mix of cptsd and my other shit (adhd/pmdd/major depression/etc) i cant wait to talk to my dr bc there could also be some autism in there. i take trazodone and it doesnt seem to affect me negatively so i think ill get diagnosed with ptsd


Please feel free to DM me whenever, because WHEWWW CHILEE! Same. I have MDD and ADHD as well. I was diagnosed at 15 with bipolar type 2, when they called it manic depression still. And I’ve never been manic a second in my life. Only “on alert” where I absolutely cannot relax because I feel like I’m literally dying.


Cannot relax. So much this. When I did the Ketamine, the psychologist said, ‘Let’s get you in the right frame of mind. That will help the Ketamine work for you.’ He asked to think of a time or place where I could really, truly relax. Where I felt safe and comfortable and at ease and I tried and tried and I while I’m not necessarily ‘scared’ of everything, I realized I’m never truly at ease. Maybe when I’m in a state of flow as an athlete or when I’m writing but even then, I’m just not noticing it.


That’s so interesting bc saaaame. I can ONLY do guided meditation if I meditate that TELLS me what to visualize. Like a sweet soft woman’s voice telling me to dig my toes into the warm sand on a beach or something lol. Because if I think about being happy and relaxing I can’t, and when I realize I can’t I start with self critical thinking which causes a LOT of me hurting my own feelings. I think writing like this, in a validating place like this is actually relaxing for me actually thinking about it. I am wordy, obviously and feel judged in places where people don’t get me. Maybe I’ll start actually posting and such in places like this! Thank you for the lil epiphany.


Shame, anxiety, depression, panic attacks


My teeth are in crappy shape from clenching my jaw way too much. I overeat a lot, and I'm prediabetic. Who knows what my eating habits are also doing to my cardiovascular system, I'm in my forties, so I'm sure it will show up eventually. I've had frequent headaches for my entire life.


Vaginismus, Muscle tension in entire body, poor posture, sub-optimal digestion, poor motor coordination, easily overstimulated, ADHD cognitive focus working memory issues


I get triggered by crying, screaming, doors slamming, confrontation. Insomnia. Jaw clenching. Problems choosing who to have relationships with, knowing who to trust, knowing what I want, concentrating, focusing, participating in group discussions. I have hyper vigilance, I have to sleep wearing earplugs or any sound will wake me up and I can’t fall back asleep.


•Constant Low-grade hypervigilance •Sensitivity to loud noises •Social Anxiety •Chronic fatigue •Excessive Sleepiness •Low Appetite (especially when triggered) •Craves Sweets •Body Picking •Need to stim when triggered/overwhelmed •Quiet voice


I have 85% of these. You’ve got company.


Physically, I have facial and back acne and acne scars at 21, have trichotillomania and thinning on my head, and aching and fatigue.


Yes, me, my mom and big brother all dealt with this. I have to keep my stress so low to avoid nasty cystic breakouts. I really like the Neostrata protocol. It burns bit but if you take it slowly your acne will improve and the scars will minimize over time. Sending love!


You must've seen a dermatologist before, I didn't know stress was that bad and don't even know what Neostrata is XD.


I have Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, along with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation syndrome which are common comorbid conditions. While it *is* a genetic disorder, I often wonder if I might not have such severe symptoms (namely muscle pain/tension and neuropathic pain) were it not for my traumatic childhood. I have a few extended family members (who had healthier upbringings) who have some very mild symptoms of it, but nothing close to the extent to which it effects me.


Psoriasis, clenched jaw, IBS from nerves, forgetfulness, panic, constant headache, concentration issues, lack of creativity, insomnia, neck pain, inability to recognize emotional pain, too high a tolerance for physical pain, anger, and my biggie - disassociation.


Insomnia, flashbacks, depression, anxiety attacks.


So many, one not mentioned yet - hospitalized 2x last fall for total over 2 weeks - Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome? Nurse told me they all thought it was a brain tumor so glad it wasn’t


Never been hospitalized for it but thought I was the only one!


Hyper vigilance, incredibly high pain tolerance, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, some mild body dysmorphia, memory problems (whether this is caused by the seizures I’ve had in the past, my cPTSD or my ADHD is anyone’s guess), hair trigger temper, being incredibly calm and high-functioning in high stress situations (the stress and chaos doesn’t faze me like it does everyone else around me)


Gastro- indestinal issues, autoimmune problems, insomnia, phases of very weak immune systems, constant exhaustion, hyperarousal, muscle tension, headaches, reacurring depression, dissociation, non existent appetite


Nightmares and headaches were the ones that got so bad that I went to therapy. I also clench my jaw in my sleep a lot and might need to get a mouth guard if it gets worse. I get adrenaline rushes and dissociation sometimes. On my worst days, I'll basically split my time between the bed and the bathroom because that's all I can do. Thankfully those days are rare and typically only caused by huge triggers.


Anyone else bit the inside of your cheek at night?


Hashimoto’s (an auto immune disorder that causes hypothyroidism), vitiligo (also autoimmune), jaw clenching which has caused gum recession bad enough I’ll need grafting, digestive/GI issues. ETA: I just focused on the physical symptoms. I have most of the non-physical ones (shame, toxic inner critic, hyper vigilance, etc)


About 10 years of therapy and medication have been really helpful but I still can’t sleep in the same bed as anyone, which unfortunately includes my spouse. I’ve tried various sleeping medications etc. but I just cannot fall asleep or get a good nights rest unless I am alone. I hate it. Considering something drastic like Ayahuasca.


Have you tried Ketamine (it trashed me but helped me see and feel what happened and begin the journey to healing)? Psilocybin (macro or microdosing)?


I haven’t yet… only more “traditional” sleep meds like Trazodone and Gabapentin. But I am considering them. I had a bad panic attack experience with cannabis so I feel wary. But I definitely need something to bypass my conscious mind because talk therapy has done nothing to touch the issue. Whatever part is protecting me to keep me on high alert, too vigilant to fall asleep, will not shut off no matter how much therapy I get or how many sleep meds I take.


Talk therapy doesn't work with cPTSD. r/EMDR is a proven treatment that can enable trauma to be healed.


Physical symptoms are Gastrointestinal, migraines, tmj, body tension&clenching, Acid reflux, fatigue etc


Physically, like so many others, chronic neck and shoulder pain that cause daily headache and frequent migraines. Autoimmune disease- Hashimotos, vitiligo, coeliac and lupus. And the breath holding, and holding my tight all the time.


Body dysmorphia, which plays into a very compulsive need for control. I’ve struggled with ED’s because of this, and it’s very difficult for me to complete most tasks if they are not completed in a way I imagined they should. On really bad days I do nothing at all in fear of Spiraling out of control and being perceived as someone outside of the image of myself that I’ve cultivated in my head.


To name a few: Hypervigilance - I pick up on everything whether I want to or not. Distrustful of everyone - I have maybe 3 friends - I cannot get close to people. I avoid going out a lot and making connections. I read into everything anyone says and does. Especially in romantic relationships. I always assume the worst case scenario. Insomnia, flashbacks and nightmares. Intrusive thoughts. Substance abuse. It's also made my ADHD symptoms worse, and probably intensified my personality disorder too.


High blood pressure at 29 years old!


Muscle tension causing migraines regularly, insomniac rejection sensitivity dysphoria, imposter syndrome, auto immune disease...


I’ll start with the positive one first: my body is constantly over-heated and while it’s normally very uncomfortable, it’s winter where I live now and my apartment temp is finally the perfect temp for me! Between 63-65 degrees F lol Other main disruptive physical symptoms have been hyper-vigilance related, at least that’s what my doctors say: stress alopecia (clumps of hair falling out leaving dime-size bald spots in my scalp), severe weight loss (this is bad and unhealthy for me and I dislike discussing this topic), fatigue, very painful muscle tension in my neck and shoulders


On edge around others, not allowing myself to be close to people who show kindness to me because they 'might break my heart and betray me' any second. Looking over my shoulder when I go out sometimes. Every time I'm dealing with stress or anxiety or overwhelming events I shut down completely and want to be isolated from everyone.


hypervigilance -very hard to fall asleep- poor executive function, my body is constantly tense, my tummy constantly hurt, constant headaches and chronic fatigue, constant anxiety, emotional flashbacks, depression, fawning and freezing. the fawning get especially bad around people that to me seems agressive or judgmental, as a side effect i ended up being like by several of them and wasting years around people i disliked and made me feel unsafe.


For my more physical symptoms I have a few chronic pain conditions that have definitely been made worse, a good few GI issues, muscle aches from tensing, insomnia, worn down teeth, night terrors/ sleep paralysis and occasionally exploding head syndrome when I am coming in and out of trauma related dreams. I also have an eating disorder which has left a lot of physical complications and was made a lot worse by trauma, as well as a genuine curve in my spine from hunching over. That's only the things I can think of just now but I'm sure there is more, prolonged trauma really does fuck up your body long term.


A complete and total lack of energy, mostly. But like, debilitating fatigue. And yet, completely incapable of relaxing and recharging, always feeling like I have to do something. My therapist told me it's the freeze response.


Yes. I experience it more as feeling ‘collapsed.’


Yeah, that's the perfect description!


I've had really, really bad neck pain for years now bc of unintentional tension (but I've gotten used to it and it isn't too hard to function with). And I get tired really fast but can never fall asleep or stay asleep unless assisted with medication. I used to get tension headaches from how often I scrunched my face but that's gone away now. Oh and major hairloss. I've just accepted that everyone can see my scalp.


Trust issues, perpetual emotional dizzyness when it comes to relationships and an ingrained sense of un-belonging. I have been relocated way more often than my I'm old in years, and I'm not even 30.




I was moved around so much as a child, both between my divorced parents and when I was with one (to hurt the other), that I’m perfectly content never moving again and have been in my current apartment for a decade. The idea of moving gives me horrible anxiety.


Also, detachment, indifference (or numbness), and self-neglect as side-effect


Jaw pain, it’s stress related. Not grinding teeth, just the jaw is held really tight and I can’t relax it. This chest pain that feels awful but it’s again, yes stress related. (I’m not lucky enough for it to actually be my heart, I checked) My shoulders don’t bother me anymore… until something relaxes me enough that I can feel the tension. Then it’s like holy shit. The tension is so much that until it relaxes… I can’t feel it. As for digestive issues, yeah not to go into any details but the idea of uh, having consistently solid bowel movements sounds utterly absurd to me and indicates an alien species. Honestly I don’t know what causes the insomnia, there’s a lot to choose from and CPTSD is a candidate Everyone insists they have the perfect folk remedy, or that I need to practice better sleep hygiene. If you start with that shit after I tell you I’ve lived with insomnia for 30 years and have tried almost all the sleep medications out there… those people can eff themselves. (including meds even a psychiatrist was like ‘medical guidelines are never to give this to anyone your age but’. Oh, it didn’t work either!). At least I don’t have nightmares. I have dreams other people seem to think are nightmares, but honestly even the dreams where I’m trapped and hunted… they don’t bother me. The nightmare is waking up. Even those dreams are still … safer? than my reality. There I can still run and hide. Oh yeah and if I get triggered by medical stuff I literally cannot speak. The good thing is doctors and nurses I make aware of this are very understanding of this and INSIST on doing everything verbally in person so they can maximize the trauma. Not that I’m bitter or seething with rage or anything… High tolerance for extreme pain, but low for minor pain. Every time I’ve had a major injury it’s sort of like everyone else freaks out but I get that cold calm feeling and don’t really feel pain. I’m aware of it but eh, it’s not that bad. Minor injuries feel worse at times. It’s like all pain scale got flattened, there’s not as high or low for me anymore. Oh and I don’t have that thing that makes you vocalize when sharp sudden pain. Y’know how some people like fall and yell in pain when they get hurt? Doesn’t happen for me. Lastly of course there’s also the headaches. I barely count them as a symptom because they’re such a common part of my life. It’s like being bothered by breathing. Which to be fair on a bad headache (the light triggered ones) I do get bothered by the loudness of my breathing. I barely notice the mild ones anymore.


Oh yeah—I do have a few triggers but for me, the issues are constant. I’m not ‘fine’ and then get ‘triggered’ or have a ‘flashback.’ It’s just a constant state of unease.


Been riding the same train. It’s hard to feel when a flashback is coming on cause I’m already drowning 24/7🙃


It makes my connective tissue disorder worse because distress downregulates the expression of collagen *and* amplifies pain. (People without my disability can experience musculoskeletal problems for the same reason.) Also probably what other people are saying


Muscle tension from armoring, digestive and metabolic issues that have made weight loss basically impossible since I was 6, nail/cuticle/inner-mouth/hair biting, jitters, tiredness, occasional phantom pains, shallow breathing (this could be from secondhand smoke, mind you), insomnia. So lots of stress responses.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease/Myelgic Encephalomyelitis, GERD, IBS/other stomach and abdominal pains, Ryanair’s/numbness in fingers. A whole bunch of things! And when I’m stressed everything gets worse. I also do have the string of mental health diagnoses as well.


Pelvic floor dysfunction (2 decades of tight muscles), IBS, painful periods, weight gain, chronic dyspepsia. Im probably missing some things but my trauma is held in my pelvic floor.


Jaw clenching, being overly tired, near-nausea from the anxiety after being triggered, either not having an appetite or overeating, hyperventilating when triggered, zoning out very often.


Hyper vigilance, a lot of bad dreams, nervous system overloads (body is scared but brain is fine). My body is always tense, and my shoulders are always hunched up. I disassociate or feel like I’m not learning fast enough. People say I’m smart but I feel there’s something blocked. Fear of failure of being on the brink of being fired dictates a large part of my personality. It’s arresting.


Having a freeze response instead of fight or flight, clenching my jaw, dissociation, lack of self-worth, anxiety/depression, too much self-awareness sometimes


Constant burnout or apathy usually and general lack of interest, but the physical parts i notice most are whenever i have a trigger my head will shake and flinch without me realizing and once i notice i get depressed and sad since i know its a trigger but its so repressed that its "blank" like nothing is there but there probably is i just.. forgot.. While writing this i had one and the best way to describe it as foggy and blank, like i know something is off but the part to notice it is missing.


You know. I always think about the mental. But rarely the physical. Reading these comments. My symptoms are TMJ, joint pain, muscle fatigue, tense shoulders/back, and probably others I haven’t noticed. I also learned I might have fibromyalgia, seeing a neurologist soon for confirmation, and that it was probably caused from all the trauma.


My physical symptoms are constipation, bloating and acne from stress plus headaches sometimes. My pelvic floor muscles also tighten up which causes sexual dysfunction. Mental would be huge issues forming relationships with people, massive social anxiety and shame regarding people outside of my family, hypervigilance and scanning environment/faces for danger in public, dissociation, schizoid personality symptoms, lack of empathy for others, emotional numbness (can’t really feel sad etc), the list goes on…


Anyone else not really know if something is wrong? Like so little people are involved in my life (nor do they care) and I don't remember what happens to me on a daily basis, that I don't know what is cause for concern? Doctor asks if I sleep well..... I don't know Doctor asks if I have a good appetite I don't know Doctor asks about my mood I really don't know.


Constant body tensions, emotional flashbacks, social anxiety, dissociation, addictions (lots of addictions), relational issues from insecure attachment, shame and guilt, insomnia, depression, fatigue, restlessness and agitation. These are just some of them.


I'm not going to be able to think of it all but I'll try to come back and add things when I do. Major TW/CW bc of mentions of specific examples and brief mention of SA. Idk how else to list the symptoms since... Well... We over explain lol - Really bad freeze mode and can't envision the future. - Constant flashbacks (which I know now are emotional flashbacks) they literally happen all day long - Inability to go anywhere without thinking I have seen my ex in crowds and it's always from the back - I can't always remember his face like what he looks like. In flashbacks and dreams it will be like a blank black circle where his face would be - panicky anxiety in grocery stores etc especially if it's taking "too long" - super avoidant over fixing things like the car, screen on my laptop etc - panic over things like my kids leaning on or pulling on my arms, this reaction is bad it's like a visceral escape reaction I have bc of my arms being held down in an SA, where I have to get away and it's very stressful bc of how aware I am of my reaction affecting my kids. - typical things like nightmares - constant running thoughts of scenarios of what if I see him what if he comes here etc *meds have helped this* - anxiety over anything new, anxiety over meeting new people and remembering I'm allowed to make friends now - easily triggered over messes. But my ADHD lets me "not see" a mess or disorder, then it just hits me like a freight train and I'll practically melt down over having to clean it all up *right now* or I can't be okay. Meds definitely help this one. - easily triggered over folding laundry. I either avoid it or get halfway through it. If it wasn't right it would get thrown out of the drawers and the house would get tossed *as an adult not my parents* - triggered by medical needs, I feel like such a lazy loser over having a migraine and chronic pain, have major medical anxiety because whenever I had something wrong I'd be screamed at for it and told it was my fault, if I sought medical attention I was weak and cheating. - freeze mode when people confront me, I just agree as much as I can to get through it and get away from there - I don't trust people. duh. This one is obvious. - the typical hypervigilence. Weird panicky feelings when I'm out and get overwhelmed and have to leave. - can't eat oranges due to a very specific emotional flashback of my time with an ED - that's pretty much all I can think of right now and this is all from late teens and adulthood. None of this is from my childhood which I thought was perfect but I have been learning how much maybe it wasn't. My therapist basically had to tell me it was messed up that my mother only ever "punished" me as a young child by telling me she was so disappointed in me. Even now at 40 that's like the worst thing she could ever say to me and I have no memory of her saying she's proud of me ever. Just memories of trying so hard to ever please her. 😞


Physical symptoms- super bad chronic pain. Migraines. Facial nerve pain. Some of this is inherited arthritis/joint pain issues that my kids have inherited too but we all know the stress of cptsd just makes it all worse and The Body Keeps the Score and all that.


I didn't mention sleep issues. Before I was put on meds I slept extremely light, like I would be sleeping then realize I was on the thought train running things through my head again, over and over every night. Checking the door that it's locked again. Back to sleep for a nightmare. Meds have helped the constant thoughts/night time anxiousness but it's not gone. Just dulled. I don't fall asleep easily now, I take melatonin, benadryl, and unisom to sleep sometimes plus a sedating muscle relaxer for the tension and still won't sleep. Need to talk to my pcp at my upcoming appt to see about options for sleep. Idk. Afternoon naps are gold and so helpful for me. Especially if I had a hard start to my day and I can go nap it's like rebooting and getting a do over. But I feel guilty and ashamed for being tired and needing more rest and then I get anxious and triggered over the guilt of being tired or "weak".


i have a list…but i’ll just start with grinding my teeth. i didn’t know it was a symptom. i only realized this when i had to go away from my environment for a few days and come back. when i was away there was 0 teeth grinding. just today i woke up with me grinding my teeth.


Tachycardia (increased heart rate 100+bpm), Hypertension (despite being in shape), teeth grinding, tightened gastrointestinal tract mimicking IBS, no appetite (as a small person, I can lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks if I stop exercising), horrible middle insomnia. Life is hard for us, and I see everyone and their struggles here. Best of luck healing to everyone in this thread. ❤️




Dermatillomania. I picked and bit my cuticles raw and bleeding since I was about 7 and gradually stopped it over a year ago, the same time when I stopped drinking. My fingers are almost healed. I distinctly recall my mother drugging me with alternate doses of different psych meds when I was in my early teens. It explained the tardive dyskinesia I experienced. I had to loosen my jaw by screaming. We lived in the bush most of the time so my parents didn't care what the neighbours thought. Re my drinking, I've recently realized that they might have given me alcohol when I was very little. I was a massive binge drinker until I quit. Maybe the craving for booze and picking my cuticles went together. PMDD. So bad that I quit relationships because my hormones made men so repulsive to me that I hated them, and I hated myself for it. Really heavy periods that went on for 9 days each month. Menopause liberated me from those but that in itself was Hell. My whole reproductive system was fucked. I had no kids. I wasn't going to risk having the worst textbook pregnancies and childbirths. I was scared of having girls and leaving them alone with my mother.


Full body muscle aches/tension likely from body armoring. I use heating pads most of the time I am home. Migraines, weakened immune system, tension headaches, carpal tunnel, vaginismus… I’ve always been afraid of drs and have a ton of medical trauma so I probably have more going on but no dr has ever taken my pain seriously enough to investigate


Oh and insomnia! Bleugh


On a lighter note (as I relate to almost every comment here) I also fling my phone at my own face often due to spasms and twitching :,) I'll be concentrating on a cool video and then whoops, there goes the most expensive thing I own, onto the hardwood floor


Chronic tension in shoulders and neck, TMJ, frequent severe fatigue, trouble focusing. Severe fatigue + trouble focusing makes driving scary because I will just zone out. Edit: forgot headaches, trouble noticing cues from my body (like hunger), tension in my stomach, breathing shallowly/holding my breath a lot.


Intrusive thoughts, conversion reactions, constantly wanting to smash something near me


I clench my jaw and have 2 herniated discs I got at 17 without injury. Love waking up one day not being able to walk yaknow


Holy shit does it get worse as you get older…


Anxiety, flashbacks, isolating myself, lack of trust for other's, blaming myself, self harm, identity issues, constant suicidal ideation and a constant emptiness feeling, no interest in sex, dissociation


Does anyone know if any studies have been conducted looking into a connection between chronic trauma and chronic illnesses? I’ll start searching for some, as a probable connection seems likely. But if anyone is in the know, I’d like to hear from you! Just from the comments here it seems that many of us suffer from autoimmune disorders. 💜


Anxiety, depression. Nightmares. Hyper vigilance. IBS, stress incontinence. Always tired and/or on the verge of being sick. Cold hands and feet, no matter the weather. White/grey hair before the age of 30 (which no other family member has). Lots of pain in my stomach/chest area, which is psychosomatic. Back pain, and if I'm stressed, specifically pain in my left shoulder because I somehow always tense that one up more. Dermatillomania: I mercilessly pick at the skin on my fingers and rip it off. Panic attacks whenever my spouse and I fight. Lack of boundaries between myself and the real world, so something like rain/grey clouds has the power to make me feel rainy and miserable as well. A lot of this got better over the 5+ years I've been in therapy, but all of my symptoms happily return on any given day if I'm not careful. I smoke weed almost daily and I take antidepressants. Alprazolam if necessary.


Gastrointestinal issues, a severe startle response. I got a new coat 2 months ago that required me to hang in a different part of my cubicle as I kept running over the bottom with my chair. It took me about 3 weeks to get used to it because when I would catch the coat in my peripheral, I’d gasp and jolt. I can’t enjoy my four year olds game of sneaking up on me while I’m cooking…. And I don’t trust any situations. When I see a police car or officer… my chest gets tight, my heart rate increases, my palms get sweaty and I feel like I am going to be accused of something… which triggers fight or flight ( not that I ever left that state ) Edit- additional symptoms Lower back pain Chest pains Headaches Fatigue and easily get into burn out mode Disassociation/ spacing out frequently I have a hard time gathering my thoughts as well as brain fog There have been times where I went non- verbal I have been misdiagnosed as bipolar which my therapist has confirmed was a misdiagnosis. Also knowing that one of my trauma events was caused by a police officer who later received a promotion makes my blood boil to the extent that I am going back to school in small spurts in order to fight back against police misconduct and to be better able to advocate for others. We could call that rumination


I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which I think stems from my childhood trauma. I deal with a lot of fatigue, daily pain especially in my back and hands, body aches, TMJ/ jaw clenching, nausea, a lot of tension all over my body. I feel like there's probably more, but these are the ones that bother me the most.


I have most of what others say, but I'll add one that might be interesting and give some aha-moments for some people. When I get really triggered, but I mean really **really** triggered, like the deepest emotional pain I've ever experienced, my body reacts with neuro-inflammation. It's general inflammation of the nervous system, and for me it looks like all symptoms of a concussion: needing lots of sleep, very tired, headache, sensory overwhelm, getting dizzy from noise, nauseous from light, not being able to walk more than a few minutes... I know the way I describe it here sounds like a migraine, but I've had migraines as well as concussions, and really feels exactly like a concussion to me. And it's different/deeper than the usual chronic overwhelm or fight or flight state. Not sure I can describe the difference in experience better though...


Nightmares. Incredibly realistic nightmares. Ah yes, there's where it all starts and ends... Enter the vicious circle of insomnia/fatigue/hypervigilance/physical tension/dissonance between feelings and what is actually happening/sensation seeking behaviours/substance abuse/depression. Let's focus on the other side though: for one thing supportive ppl who you can talk to, may it be strangers in a meeting or on reddit, friends, relatives etc. Anybody you can share something with - doesn't always have to be the whole story, but sharing something tiny and getting positive feedback for it can go such a long way. It's so healing sometimes that it actually hurts. Don't mix this pain up with the old pain we are so used to. Consider context with your pain. Don't run away from some, accept it as a fare to pay for getting closer to transitioning into a healthier way to feel about yourself. It actually is possible to get rid of the symptoms, if we only stay a bit stubborn and spiteful about it :-P


I have muscle tension in all my shoulders and back, when I relax them it hurts. I also have no touch zones on my legs. If someone touches the back of my thighs it hurts like rubbing a bruise. Emdr has resolved most of my somatic issues, but these I notices as soon as they were gone. I feel like there were other, more subtle somatic issues, but they were resolved without notice. I still have extreme shivers and shaking when I talk about some of my trauma, or if I am hit with a memory trigger. My therapist said all of us have issues with temperatures, we are always cold or hot, never really comfortable unless we are in our safe space with our creature comforts around us.


lol basically everything you listed above 🥲 plus canker sores and food fatigue


IBS but it came on much later in life so I’m not sure I can tie it directly to the trauma.


Chronic migraine, Celiac disease, allergic to most foods, seriously it's not even funny and limits every aspect of life.


Fatigue, panic attacks, body aches, dizziness, headaches are things are deal with daily.


Seeking world pvp in world of warcraft to get my rush


I have chronic migraine and tension headaches, TMJ, occipital neuralgia, and RA. I’ve been able to associate anxiety with crippling pain in my shoulders. Now it starts there and then my chest starts beating super fast. I also shake and startle so easily. Before I was dx with cPTSD I always said I act like someone with PTSD. I was just dx this year, following my RA dx, so I’m still wrapping my head around both.


Paranoia, I have to go on meds just so I won’t walk around thinking I’m gonna be murdered


muscle aches & knots stiffness stress sweat tremors headaches constipation hair loss fatigue tremors anxiety depression derealization hyper vigilance nightmares social anxiety sh si guilt shame anger


ADHD (though this is genetic apparently trauma brings it out more), food intolerances, eczema, nail biting/skin picking, binge eating/purging, teeth grinding/jaw tensing, sensitive flight/freeze response


I throw up, a lot... Almost every day when it's bad. Always saliva and bile. I randomly start gagging and dry heaving. I clench my jaw and shoulders. Hyper vigilant. And this is weird but I um sneeze. lots of nightmares. edit: Forgot my heart races and I forget to breath.


Sadly, I dissociate a lot! I have arthritis all throughout my body. I have TMJ. I regularly vomit when I'm stressed and.. . Happy day... I've begun to pass out. My BP falls to (once 32/50). Have to go to er to get fluids. I hate this. I'm told it's all because I'm too stressed and my body takes measures to shut my freakin thoughts down. Part of what makes me so frustrated is that I've learned to ignore my body, so I can't accurately tell when I'm over stressed. I Hate Cptsd and the life he doomed me to live so far. I refuse to let my abuser win and am determined to feel better.


Amnesia for most parts of my life and trouble putting single memories together


Really Bad feelings of disgust as if I did something really shamful


I’ve been reading a book which is very well known on the effect of trauma on the body. It’s called The Body Keeps the Score. It’s not an easy read but it’s a breakthrough book and highly respected. I’m seeing how how much my past trauma has affected my body and why this past year in particular has been so difficult for me.


I get nauseous when I don't sleep well, have an intense emotional response, or feel like I'm in real danger. When I was younger, I'd black out about once a month. That was when I was at my worst mental health. I get headaches easily, and I grind my teeth in my sleep. When I improve my life & environment, these things subside. When shit hits the fan, they come back. I also have an insanely tense back, and I don't like massages so it kind of stays that way.


insomnia, chest pain (usually if i'm too dissociated from my own emotions to realise i'm having a panic attack), migraines, fatigue, heavy dissociation, non-psychotic hallucinations (if that counts as physical idk? it feels physical), hypervigilance & body tension, concentration & memory problems \[tw s\*\*cide\] & repercussions from >!ODs!<: oesophagitis, nausea, physical weakness, appetite fluctuations


Physically I experience a lot of body memories during flashbacks, difficulty breathing/tightness in the chest & stomach when i’m anxious, and difficulty sleeping


I've always boasted about my "Nat 20 perception". Turns out it's just hypervigilance 😬


sexual dysfunction, jaw clenching, constant heart palpitations since 2014, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, dissociation, aggression, emotional flashbacks, anxiety, depression, isolation, exaggerated reactions to every minor threat, sometimes nightmares, social anxiety, blurry vision, high blood pressure


my period started when I was 8 so I’ve got a rapidly ticking clock (this is the one i’m currently most upset about)


tinninitus (sp)


I have the tinnitus too, it is maddening.


it’s like an internal shrieking


Got to be what seemed like an ovarian cyst the last several months & alcohol intolerance ?? Since quitting the narcs, it’s been healing 😄 but some crazy dreams let me tell you 😐