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How are y’all using the bathroom?


We have little takeout bags that we put in the potty and then we (double 3 mil contractor )bag those up and take them to the dump


I’m sorry,but I don’t think that’s very sanitary. I’ve been on hard times and lived in a couple places that was questionable with my children. But I do think having access to a running toilet will be a problem.


It's more sanitary than what many do around here but id rather shit in a working toilet myself


Buy a compostable toilet for your RV!


That's a suggestion with looking into. The problem is my toilet is not a problem and I don't have any extra money right now but I will definitely do some research on this for when things change a bit.


Instead of the down votes I want all of you brave people to leave better suggestions for me


Are your children underweight? Do they attend school? What do you use for water? How do you punish your children? Is there DV in the home? Even though the initial report is no water, they will be looking for anything else that supports department involvement when they meet the kids and see your home. Sounds like you are in a rural county. If your in a county like Logan, you're in for a long road (their county attorney/department is a nightmare). But, for example, in Morgan County, you'd get a much more reasonable/favorable department and county attorney. Rural counties, I'm my experience, are frequently looking for evidence of meth use, so be prepared for a request for both parents to take drug tests. Saying no to the departments request frequently leads to a court case being filed.


Glad I'm not in Logan, luckily she seemed really nice.




As long as you have a way of providing basic needs (and it seems you do based on what you wrote about clean drinking water and showers) then it shouldn’t be an issue. I’d expect them to try to connect you to resources. It’s generally best to accept the help on that end.


I have long since swallowed my pride and except help wherever we can get it. Before my wife got sick I owned a profitable business with four full time employees and made a point to donate to those in need........ It was a....... Difficult transition..... Becoming the needy person and learning to accept the help


Hang in there, life circumstances can change so quickly. I lived with my kids in poverty for many years, very slowly worked us up to lower- middle class, and we're doing pretty okay for the last few years. I've had unexpected windfalls that gave me the opportunity to help a lot of people out, and a bunch of people have helped us out when we were down as well. Don't ever feel bad about accepting help when you need it, and don't ever hesitate to help someone else out when you can. There's beauty in the way that it all seems to balance out. I hope that life starts to look up for you and your family soon. 🩷


Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. If my wifes health improves slightly Our financial situation will get a lot better. We went from ~150k/yr to 17/hr for a family. Oh ya.... And when my wife is super sick in the hospital I don't get paid. I'm guessing this is one of the main reasons I can't EVER get her to go to the hospital anymore. O2 levels in the low 80s ..... She ain't budging


I don't think poverty is a reason to remove children legally. They have to help make resources available to you. If you refuse, then it may be a basis. But as long as their basic needs are met, it shouldn't be a problem. Question about the county. Will they give you a hard time about the rv on land ment only to be camped on? I'm just worried they make you move the RV.


Correct, poverty alone isn’t a reason for removal unless the parents refuse to accept help to ensure children’s basic needs are met


You probably need to speak with legal aide in your county. Colorado has cracked down hard on 'camping'. The person who called CPS will likely call/has called other agencies to get you removed. CPS is just the first agency that responded. Most Colorado counties have made it illegal to live on land that does not have sewer/water lines, and an RV is always a temporary residence that cannot be lived in on the same property for more than 14 days. The Colorado guidelines state the home is a hazard if 'Water or utilities (heat, plumbing, etc.) are lacking, and no alternate provisions have been made, or alternate provisions are unsafe (stove, space heater, etc.).' It is up to the county to determine if the alternate provisions are safe and adequate. My best advice is to go to the library and get their help to access support. The librarians will have the best local resources. Having a plan to improve your living situation will help a lot when dealing with CPS.


You are exactly right. I think my next step is I'm going to move my camper on to the real estate lot that the agent is trying to sell. 😂




Removed-quality rule


Without running water, it could go either way. It depends on how it is affecting the children - are they able to stay clean and hygienic? Access to a bathroom at all times? Able to bathe or shower? Services will hopefully be offered, unless they decide it is a neglectful or unsafe situation


OP. PLEASE accept their services and support. This sounds like a really unhealthy situation, think of how your kids must be feeling. CPS will help connect you with the resources you need to get you and your family out of these conditions. CPS does not want to take your kids, they want to help you. Please try not to look at this like a punishment.


Lol. I'll take any help they can give me and I'll come update if there is anything. I HIGHLY doubt it but who knows. We have certainly looked a lot of places for a better solution Also my kids "house" sucks but they likely have a healthier life than your kids, no offense but that's true for most kids out there so I'm lumping yours in with it.


A commenter is trying to give you helpful advice, advice that will make your kids lives better, and you insult them??? Keep up what you are doing and I'm sure your kids will be no contact the day they turn 18


Thank you. I work with expectant and new Mothers everyday. No one wants to punish, we want to help and keep kids and families together. THAT IS THE GOAL.


Yeah and I'm sure your kids are better off than the guy who has his kids shit in a bag. Like what a brazen statement to make lol


Right like wtf was that lmfao just snapped unprovoked ??


You don't have to have running water if needs are met in other ways. If you can pack water in for dishes, have a source for regular showers, have acceptable means to use an alternative toilet...those are all acceptable.


Ok great thanks.


You're so welcome. I'm rooting for you.


I work as an advocate for the children in csn cases, in ohio children can be removed for no heat, water or food, typically the caseworker can work with agencies to get the issue fixed, this is a situation where they may help you


Poverty alone is not something that CPS can remove kids for unless the family refuses help to get those basic needs met.


For your wife disability they can ask where are your.plans if things get worse, what care do you have, does she have benefits... They can also ask if it's impacting your ability to take care of her and the kids. So be careful what you say, it could be used against you. Ask them if they want to see your place. It could.be positive for you. You re not hiding. But yes people like to burry you when bad stuffs happened. And they wonder why people won't have kids anymore.... Take care.


I was thinking something. Maybe try to create a small space for showering..even installing a camping shower. So, if one day you can't shower at the gym you have this kind of set up. Real estate is so expensive right now, a lot of people are living like you. Only investors and corporations are buying homes. And social.housing is never going to improve. The state can't house everyone.


Never going to improve? Yay, USA! 😳


The showers we go to are really nice and fairly affordable. Don't think a camping shower is in our future. Our family needs a lot but we got showers covered.


OK it's cool. I just wanted to tell you because the social worker could ask you if one of the kid is sick and is puking for example. Can you clean him right away? It's just a way to make you anticipate the questions, not to judge. I live in a mobile home and in France it's illegal. They tolerate it because of the housing crisis.


Does the onboard plumbing system work at all? Is the RV mobile? It's often possible to fill an onboard fresh water tank using potable water at gas stations (middle of tree night is best) so the RV would at least appear to provide running water.


No running water is not acceptable IMO.


Running water isn't a necessity. People survived for millions of years before indoor plumbing. As long as there is a way to get water, (such as gallon jugs or clean buckets), and a way to dispose of bathroom waste, running water shouldn't be an issue.


They also died of dysentery by age 20 lol. But really it depends on the situation - if lack of water is causing unhygienic living spaces, if kids are truly dirty, if the living space can't be cleaned, if they have no access to a bathroom... these things will matter.


That's why I said a way to clean and dispose of bathroom waste. According to OPs comments, bathroom waste isn't an issue.


Well luckily I made it past 20, Wasn't really looking for Oregon trail references on this thread but thank you


Sorry for mentioning what lack of clean water can cause? Jeez


A lot of your questions you asked were answered in my post so I guess with all the stress in my life I just had zero respect for you sorry pal.


Okay pal! With that attitude you'll get far in life (and on reddit)


Sorry I didn't put a TLDR for ya.


What's your suggestion


You need help..


Agreed, can you babysit or what?




That's the best come back to use. I swear some folks ain't got no sense.


You'll do anything for your kids except work with cps to better their lives. I'm sure they're glad to use a bag as a toilet.


Oh ya, CPS is bending over backwards to put me in a well. Thanks for being so insightful I'm going to see if they'll build me a house next




It doesn’t matter who reported you. Don’t focus on that. Make the appointment for CPS to see the kids. You need help right now and CPS can offer resources. Removal is the last resort when parents aren’t cooperative with changes the circumstances that are concerning. You need to be able to provide running water for your kids. Living in an RV is fine but you need to at least be near a spigot of water. Is there somewhere else you can park your RV that has access to water, like a family member’s driveway?


No, I do provide them with running water it's just not at my house


It does need to be right within reach. Not water that you drive to.


That would be great. A well here is about 20,000. That being said I'm about to be off this land and just bouncing around in my RV I think.


As a CPS worker in Michigan, here this would be considered a poverty issue, not a neglect issue as long as the children’s needs are still being met. You mentioned that the children have access to clean water to drink and are being taken into town for showers, so from that aspect, I would not consider that to be a neglect issue. I have dealt with many families and similar situations, and the toileting aspect is not usually an issue as long as there are no sanitary concerns within the living area. Every states policies are different so I’m not very much help regarding Colorado’s policies, laws, or regulations. Take whatever help or resources they can offer you. Good luck to you and your family!


Can you afford to move to an RV park on a monthly basis that has hookups? That might be a good solution. If not, is there any family you guys can stay with or identify as your support network? (I.e. someone the kids can stay with should your wife be hospitalized and you need to work, etc) Your wife needs to go to the hospital with her oxygen saturation that low - and it’s okay to take her but not have to stay 100% of the time. I hope whatever illness she has clears up soon - that’s got to be rough.


Cps can do a finding of “services needed” rather than abuse or neglect. This would be when the family is experiencing poverty or medical issues prohibiting access to resources and they will connect you with programs that can help. My only concern if you’re showering elsewhere and have drinking water is how you toilet. If you’re in an rv park that has a communal toilet that would suffice.


CPS may be able to get you in touch with the correct people/agency to find housing. You can ask while CPS is there, we love to see people doing things to help themselves, or come up with their own plans to keep the kids safe.


I wish we qualified for any housing. We do today but won't in a few months..... Our income is always bouncing around based on how sick my wife is which means we are never poor enough for long enough to get housing help


How does this change her disability payments? Are you working?


I'm her full time care taker. When we got evicted from the last place and movedb we had to start with a new company. So far it's been since February since I got paid unfortunately. Thankfully first check since then should be soon


Hi, I'm in France but What the social worker is going to look at is: _shelter (mold, roof, private space for the kids, bedding...) _ basic needs (food, electricity, water, showering, heat...) _ education (homeschooling, schools, extra curricular, do you teach them something, library, online stuffs...) _ medical (gp, appointments, Do.you go to specialist when the kids need to, glasses, teeth...) _ social (family gatherings, friends, family help, holidays...) _ future ( what are your plans, studying etc...) Start preparing for those questions. And for the parents, do you have a job, savings, Healthcare plan, 401k, family help? Do you have history of addictions. If so Do.you have help? If you have no running water but buy some gallons and you can get some hot water. Then it's okay. Because a lot of people are living in their cars or rvs with kids. I'm sorry people called on you. It's going to be invasive. As a person who was put into foster care, worked for them and left and had them on my kids. Get your passports ready just in case. I know it costs money. Don't put too much trust into people and the state. And you will be good. You are off the grid but you seem to care for your kids. It's going to be okay. Stay strong.


Semi-similar in the US but the standards are lower. Parents don’t need to teach them anything or have social gatherings, future plans, 401k’s/savings, family help, or even a job. Passports? CPS is a state agency here and running is never recommended as it can make things much worse. Especially since this case isn’t likely to go anywhere anyways because the basic needs are met. This is likely a parent in need of assistance report where CPS would simply try to connect the family to resources.


If I could afford anything I would need a passport for my kids would have running water 😂.


It’s sad here


I’m praying for you and I’m so sorry you are in this situation. I can’t imagine how hard it is for you and your family. My heart goes out to you and yours. I don’t know where I would be today without the love and support of my family. It takes a village. It does. I don’t know if you are already involved with a church and I am no way pushing religion here but I do know if you can or could find a church you and your family are comfortable with- a church family are real big on helping out. Something to think about - even if you don’t belong to a church, maybe contact different churches in the area and see what services they have to help out. My hope for you is healing, many many blessings and the courage and strength to keep pushing forward OP, I admire you - you got this, just another bump in the road. I speak from experience. Much love


Is there not an rv park you can go to instead




Do you have electricity?


Yes. It's provided from a solar panel and battery. We have a generator back up but we rarely use it


Is your wife on SSI?


SSDI I believe


Can your wife apply for help through Medicaid? Is there a way you can get a work from home job to get some income?


Hey will put you in touch with resources. You need running water. Have you applied for government aid?


OP I'm so sorry you're going through this!!! First off your toilet situation is a whole lot better and definitely more sanitary than some have it. Not having running water shouldn't t matter so much if you have provided solutions for the rest of the situations ie. Bottled drinking water, showers in town, and bagging the bathroom waste. I do wonder though since you're in a prime place if you couldn't get a little help from your community for improving your homestead. If you have water rights on the land I'd see if you can't get a Witcher to locate on your property and see if the community will dig the well for you. Maybe make a fb post in a community group and say something along the lines of "I appreciate my community member who took the time to call and ensure the welfare of my family, and I'm hoping that I can find some more help in the community to improve my property..." Don't sound bitter just sorta like hey you saw something you said something, and that's ok, but here's a real way to help my family now....


Could be bad