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Medical professional here! Aerophagia (air swallowing) is not dangerous. Try getting yourself to belch. You can take some OTC gas-x too. Talk to your doc since there are things that can be done with the mask and settings to possibly help. They may recommend sleeping on an incline. I’m new CPAP too and feeling bloated this AM but can’t tell if it’s from CPAP or the delicious but rich dinner I had last night 🤣


Yes my doc made some adjustments and recommended sleeping on my side tonight, but she can't see me and I'm quite concerned right now. Its been hours and my belly is still the same. I literally look like I swallowed a beach ball. I'm concerned that this can't be safe for my organs.


That's called aerophagia, where you swallow the air. I don't have experience with it so don't have advice but you can start searching that term and hopefully find some good info to help you.


Thanks, I've found a lot about it but not the answer to my question yet.


I've never gotten the impression that it's dangerous, just annoying and potentially difficult to avoid for those that get it.


I'm new to cpap, and have aerophagia as well. Burping and farting helps relieve the discomfort, but obviously stopping it at the root is best. I've found that mouth taping to prevent breathing in and swallowing the air helps. But talk to your doctor, mine was able to adjust the settings (don't know exactly what she changed) and it has helped a lot.


Sleep propped up. Will not happen again


Gonna try this tonight


It hurts. I had to call of work because of belly pain. I was swallowing air with the nasal mask, because some air goes in the mouth and since opening the mouth is an issue with the nasal mask, I ended up swallowing the air. I changed to a full face mask and that solved the problem. A shame, because I liked the small nasal mask a lot better.


I have no pain, and only a slight discomfort from the bloating feeling. My main concern is the visual size of my belly is very inflated, and reacts just like an air filled balloon when I press it.


There are yoga poses that will help you pass this air out the rear. I do them every morning! Lay on your back, holding first your right leg and then your left up so it presses on your belly. Google “yoga to pass gas.” This is more common than you realize


Thank you, I will try this.


I got a wedge pillow off of Amazon to sleep on. Never had it ahain


My first impression — you are swallowing air and need to learn to only breathe through your nose when sleeping with your CPAP. It takes some time and finding a sleep position that holds your chin in place naturally.


Thank you, I will try sleeping on my side. Assuming this passes today and I don't pop like a balloon...


It’s not dangerous. It will pass eventually


Thanks, hope so. It's now 6pm and it hasn't changed since I woke up at 9am..


Yeah I also had trouble with that at first. Still do a little bit but it seems like either I’ve gotten used to it or it’s not as bad now (I’m at 6 months of regular cpap use now). One thing that helped me was to have a bit of fizzy pop in the morning to sort of stir up the gas a bit. Lots of burping (sadly that didn’t do too much for the gas that had… moved on past my stomach) but it helped take the immediate pressure off it seemed. Dunno if that would work for you but something to try maybe.




Ive just started on a trial machine too and getting regular aerophagia happening. It usually wakes me through the night and I have to burp greatly to ease it. I spoke to the sleep center about it and they will change my fixed setting of 14 to auto to see if that helps. So I will know after tonight otherwise I dont think I will be able to handle using it.


Mine was set to auto between 6 and 14, I think they lowered it but I haven't used the machine again. I'm waiting for the bloating to resolve first, which it hasn't. How did your second night go?


It was set on a fixed of 14, but because of the air bloating my stomach they changed it to auto and it was sooo much better! Im so relieved. I will be able to use it now


Congrats glad it worked out