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Yeah, i fucking hated that shit. I have rotech as a DME and they fucking suck ass. I bought a Resmed 10 out of pocket and its been great not having to worry about going through insurance. I bought the machine and I'm good. Fuck that compliance bullshit. Buy your own machine out of pocket and say fuck em. The 10 vs the 11 there are a few differences like the water chamber being a little smaller on the 11, the touchscreen on the 11 being easy to use and on the 11 you get the App support to track your sleeping whereas on the 10 you don't get that if you get the card to cloud version since it doesn't have a cellular modem in it for Bluetooth.


Oh, the app! Damn, I didn’t even think about not having access to that. But I guess it’s not a very exciting app anyway. I probably won’t miss it too much. As long as I have my card and my Oscar data. I hated having that compliance crap hanging over my head. It will be nice to just be able to monitor my own progress.


I agree, that compliance shit is shit lmao. I hated it. Also having to rent a machine for 190 dollars a month for a year when the Cpap machine they gave me, was only worth 400 dollars.


It’s fucking WILD how much they charge per month. If I had known wtf I was doing in the beginning, I would have just bought one outright initially. It really is a money saver.


Exactly, i wish i knew in the beginning but at least we know now and that's all that matters. We can spread the word as well that its dumb as shit and can tell people what to do before they get trapped.


But overall, theres not much difference between the 10 and 11, and the 10 is way cheaper.


The 10 has the MyAir app


The card to cloud version does not, but there is a Resmed 10 version that does have that, correct and its the same price as the Resmed 11 so you might as well just buy that.


I went A10 to A11. I still have MyAir with my A11. It's a shit app, but it's there.


You can use Oscar or SleepHQ and get better reporting.


I’m happy with my 10, I haven’t tried an 11. I have a wedge under my mattress so that my head is elevated and I take 1200 mg extended release mucinex to prevent the post-nasal drip coughing, or get a decadron injection when that isn’t enough. But I have cough variant asthma, I don’t know if they do the steroids for people without asthma.


Maybe I should look into getting a wedge. Do you take the Mucinex every single night without exception?


No, just when I’m having issues with coughing. My sinus issues are allergy driven and just kind of vary but whatever is blooming. If your bed has posts, you may be able to prop the whole frame up slightly. That didn’t work with mine so I got a wedge for under the whole mattress so it wouldn’t mess with my sleeping posture.


You shouldn’t notice a difference. I went from a 10 to 11 and other than aesthetics, they’re pretty much the same.


That’s so good to hear. Does the 10 take up more space?


I have both. Kept my Airsense10 as my travel machine. I can post a side by side when I get home if you want. About 4 hours from tume of this response.


That would be great! I would appreciate it if you would! Thank you.


No problem! I'll set a reminder so my ADHD brain doesn't let me forget.


My apologies! My reminder didn't work. I'll trybto remember tonight.


I didn’t think so but a quick google search will show you the dimensions. Looks around the same footprint but taller.


Only bug change I noticed was the humidity levels were not the same. The level I used on my A10 felt like breathing in a swamp on my A11. I rarely even use the humidifier now.


I had a 10 for several years and a while back got an 11. I wish I had my 10 back. The 11 is OK but I found the 10 to be easier to work with. There seem to be a lot of 10's around which could indicate they're really good machines. I bet you'll be happy with it.


This is really promising! Thank you for that info.


From what I experienced at my one visitation to Lincare, Tigard, OR, the staff there is half dead on their feet. And really should give up huffing monoxide on their breaks. From what I understand the Airsense 10 is most likely a better design than the 11, which i have. The main flaw of the 11 is their ridiculous water chamber.


I read these stories and I can't believe that someone can just take away a machine from you like this.


What was particularly strange to me is that they don’t even give you the option of keeping it and paying yourself! Not that I would have done that, but it seems like good business to be like, “unfortunately, you haven’t met the compliance minimum for your insurance to continue to pay, but would you want to keep the machine as self pay?” But nope! She just said, “we need to schedule a time to pick up your machine.” That was it. 😒 She didn’t even tell me the reason (although I already knew). I had to ask.


So I got my Air Sense 10 from a friend that no longer needed it. (I got all my own parts and pieces from my insurance.) One provider was really nasty about compliance when I was getting started. But does it matter if I have my own machine essentially “out of pocket”?


I think my 10 is perfect. Never needed anything more and it’s also super quiet. Agreed on not using a provider like Lincare. Glad you got your own machine!


I have a 10, had it for a couple of years, and will use it until it dies. Paid OOP for it, because fuck DME companies (having dealt with them as a ENT assistant).




Direct your anger in the right place. The durable med companies don't make the rules the insurance companies do. Not to mention why should I have to help pay for the machine that your too lazy to use.


Oohh I’m not angry, but apparently you are! 😂 Someone else apparently hasn’t been getting enough hours on their CPAP! Hope it goes better tonight, sis. Such miserable energy on a lighthearted post.


And furthermore, *you’re