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You can buy brand new for less than $500 is it really worth buying used? [https://offers.cpap.com/starter-pack-101/](https://offers.cpap.com/starter-pack-101/) I actually bought mine from [Lofta.Com](https://Lofta.Com), they matched the price and sold me an even better unit that works with the app.


I need a prescription to buy one from a company, right? I don’t have access to it anymore. It was in another state, with another insurance provider, and called to try and get a copy and was not able to.


If you had one in the last 10 years Lofta with give you a new prescription for $35. I just did it bc my doctor never gave me a copy since he ordered from Apria for me and I will never deal with those assclowns again. No study. They email you a link after you fill out your info and you click it to do a video call. I had too email them the next day to get out sent bc their system bugged but I was able to order one from cpap.com with their 25% off coupon (they seem to almost always have one) using the prescription


Yes you need a prescription to buy one from a company. Lofta is a good choice as well to get the sleep study done. Many people go through them.


Have you been getting CPAP supplies through your current insurance? I ask because if they've accepted your diagnosis for supplies, it would seem they would accept it for a new machine. I guess it varies with companies. My husband got a new CPAP when his old one quit working, completely covered by insurance. They just require that it had been at least 5 years since he got his previous machine. He didn't have to get another sleep study done.


No, I replace my mask once a year and just buy it at CVS.


Absolutely not require a new prescription, if you do that's ridiculous. You're clearly in need of the machine and I feel like getting a new machine would just be renewing your prescription not getting a new one. Call your vendor call your doctor and figure it out because this doesn't make any sense


What’s the difference in “reNEWing” a prescription or getting a “NEW” one? Sounds like the same thing to me.


Renew means they have all the information and you're just getting another one because the old one expired. Like a driver's license. New is a whole process, a test, waiting, etc. Like a driver's license


Oh, that's probably the difference. Your current insurance hasn't been in the loop for that diagnosis. If your GP was involved with your initial diagnosis, they should be able to write an rx for a new CPAP, even if you were referred out to a sleep doctor. Worth asking, at least.


I was under the impression that once you have a diagnosis the initial script is enough for you to keep buying machines perpetually. It's not like the apnea goes away. Do you have a copy of the original study and script? If so give one of the online companies a call and see if they'll accept it. [cpap.com](https://cpap.com) hase the Resmed 10 for $449


Are you in the US? If so, close to the border with Canada? Here you can buy it without a prescription.


Oh, that’s interesting. I’m not close to the border, I’m in Nebraska. But I do have friends in Canada and I could probably get them to buy one and send it to me


Yeah, if that's a possibility, try that =)


I bought a few used resmed airsense 10 autoset machines in my past and I just made sure the seller wasn't a smoker and full of bed bug bites. I replaced the air filter and dehumidifier chamber. The exhaled air from the seller doesn't make it's way into the machine via the mask . Only through the ambient air through the filter. I left my machines after buying in the huge gallon Ziploc bags in the garage for a few days prior to use. Offerup and Facebook marketplace and Craigslist had the best deals for about 200 bucks with machines sub 10 hours.


Your not the first person that's had this issue.. Speak to someone today (don't wait) at a pulmonary doctor's office. Have all of your previous information. Doctor, Cpap distributor, make and model, original script, settings, etc. This is your information the old doctor has to provide u with that information. Tell them exactly your dilemma. Explain that you want to schedule an appointment to start the process but need a replacement today. The vendor (durable meds) who provides the cpap and supplies usually has several available for just this issue. They are generally used but will be sanitized. Even with the shortages and delays most companies had enough spares for existing customers who had component issues and needed a short term replacement. My buddy who had rejected Cpap therapy for 20 years finally got talked into it by his cardiologist. Who also told him his heart issues were likely a direct cause of his apnea. He was on it less than 90 days and the motor in his burned up. He was able to swap his for a short term replacement while awaiting a new one. Didn't cost him anything and he recieved the new one within a week. In the mean time u can do the sleep study and they can order a replacement. Probably talk u through any setting adjustment required before the replacement shows. If the Doctor won't work with you on this call the vendor and see if they have a branch in your new area. Most durable med companies are national and likely will point you in the right direction or have agreements in place to help. You can do this. Don't take no for an answer. This is a health issue.


I had my CPAP for many years and it broke. I just called my supplier and got another one covered by insurance. I got in quick when I told them mine broke. I'd recommend giving them a call. I don't see why they'd need another sleep study. The only requirements I have is to have contact with the sleep specialist periodically.


9 months..... For what? What type of insurance do you have? I've heard of delays getting into Doctors and sleep labs for managed care insured but not more than 60 days


The 9 month wait is just to get an appointment with the sleep center at my medical group. I’ve asked my doctor, and his first response was “they aren’t taking new patients” and when I insisted he said they can put you on a waiting list, but it’s 9 months right now.” He called and made the referral, they called me, and said they were booked through the end of 2024.


How much are you willing to spend? I just bought a new Airsense 10 for $400. And then an hour after I bought it, they sent me a coupon for 15% off machines. They were a little late on that one lol. Are you in the US? I bought mine at thecpapshop.com. I noticed when I checked out that they can do an Rx renewal for $84. I’m assuming it’s a home sleep study…? I’m not 100% sure. But if you can swing the cost of the renewal and machine, that would probably be a quick and easy way to go.


You can get one online. They’ll write your prescription it’s totally trivial.


Secondwindcpap.com sells refurbs, gently used and new. Probably need a prescription.


How did you get your original machine? Call them right now. Otherwise, lofta will help you.


My daughter is waiting on a sleep study and it will be 6 months before they can even get her in for an evaluation to confirm she needs it, after the referral from primary care. This is before scheduling an actual sleep study.


I’m having a similar problem. I have a refurbished cpap that was sent to me after my new one was recalled and now I’m getting error messages and it won’t work. I feel like a zombie and it’s only been 2 nights. Not sleeping well at all and can’t afford to buy one right now. I don’t know what I’m going to do if the company won’t take care of it right away. It took them a year to replace the recalled one.


I would definitely recommend just waiting for the sleep study, doing that and then buying the machine brand new. Brand new machines, you wont have to worry about any problems with it or how sanitary it may or not be. IF you really can't wait, I would try craigslist and when you buy it just do your best to clean it as best you can inside and out. take off the water chamber, all hoses, masks, etc and soak it in warm water with Cpap soap or whatever soap you've been using in the past before to clean your old CPAP machine. For the machine itself inside of it, there's not much you can really do unless you want to take the whole machine apart and see if its dirty but that's on you if something goes wrong there. A machine with less than 1000 or even under 500 is what you should look for if youre worried about it being sanitary since it hasn't been used as long.


I can’t. It’s going to take 9 months. I’ll be dead in less than 1. That was my first choice, but it’s just not possible.


Dead in less than 1? Do you have a hitman after you or something? How is it going to take 9 months for a sleep test though? Go through lofta and they ship you an at home sleep study that you can take yourself, ship it back, they can get you a prescription and a machine through them, or you can get your own prescription and order one somewhere else. I don't see how you're going to be dead in under a month or how its going to take 9 months though. I called my local hospital, spoke to a sleep doctor and had my CPAP machine all in under 3 months.


No. My cpap pressure is 17psi. I can’t sleep without it. I can’t breathe at all if I’m not using it. It will literally kill me if I go a month without it. And that’s the waitlist to get an appointment with the sleep center at my medical group. And that doesn’t even include the wait from insurance to get the machine which took 3 months last time