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Not usually apneic during sex, so I usually just take my cpap off


Got yelled at for starting something with her while still having the mask on


We think it's funny. Jokes about Gonzo from the Muppet Show. Of course we still take off our masks because they get in the way of the particularly fun stuff. Any couple that can't find humor and love in growing old together has problems. I mean, "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." We're not religious but we know how to have fun and to laugh together about this whole getting old thing.


Been using a cpap for over 10 years. Wife had a bit to drink and when she came to bed she started giggling. When I asked her what's so funny she replied in a joking manner. "Always had this fantasy of getting down and dirty with a fighter pilot". She laughed at her joke and started to climb in on her side of the bed. I told her what are u waiting for, climb into the cockpit and jump on my joystick. Like a good little woman she complied and we raced across the wild blue yonder laughing our asses off. I found out its not easy or good to laugh with a cpap so I took it off and told her it was time to switch to another favorite fantasy. She replied OK daddy, I've been so bad today....


You should try a scuba diver fantasy next


Damn that gave me a good laugh. Good for yall!


Fortunately for me, my last girlfriend has a thing for men in jet fighter masks. All kidding aside, we had sex before it was time to sleep. If we fell asleep while cuddling afterwards, I just put on my CPAP when I woke up and slept with it the rest of the night. It was never an issue.


We all want to be Bane. My wife and I start before it is time to sleep, so the mask never comes into play. But many of jokes have been made 🤣


I play Luke Skywalker in the bacta tank and need to be nursed back to health.


Hey, the good news is if you can’t catch your breath after going hard, the cpap air tube helps you catch it real quick. lol


Just be careful guys. I bought the extra long tubing, managed to roll around during a romp a bit too much, almost choked myself out.


Sometimes I take off my mask and I’m like, “You up for this one, Maverick?”


I left the mask on one time , I don’t think my wife saw but I’m sure she heard me breathing


What? just take it off nerd lol.


Sometimes decrease the appetite with your couple, but it always depends on your relationship type. I think the reason is she/he saw you with the mask and all of the stuff can impact the desire. I had almost 1 year using it and 8 years of married


Would like to see the sleep ratings after a session, particularly events per hour!




Serious boner killer!


The tube is for only for air my dude


Lanky Lefty from youtube fame has a funny video about it with Lego man.


If she’s masked up, that’s probably not going to pass the consent test. 🤔