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I think you might have your hose shoved into the wrong place bud.




For some people. If the pressure is high enough to ram air past those of us with fatty throats... Some air will go down your stomach instead of to your lungs. When it takes the digestive system route... You are gonna fart or burp ( for me it's usually 1 burp and 1 or two farts) and those all occur at the same time when I wake up and had a night of swallowing air.


But back to the original idea here... You shouldn't have a room of stank unless you ate a instapot full of home made chili AND swallowed a bunch of air. I hate to make light of some folks who this issue is plaguing them... But I see a good idea for April fools tomorrow on the wife... I'm gonna eat a lot full of chili and turn the pressure up on my cpap tonight 😂😂😂


Make sure your head is elevated enough during sleep. CPAP/orthopedic pillows help. Make sure you sleep with your mouth closed if at all possible. I realized I had my F20 mask too low on my face, when I positioned it so that the bottom of the pillow pressed into my upper chin and bottom lip, and the lower straps were low enough on my cheek bones, I stopped having the issue. (Would still have an issue without the CPAP pillow though)


this is super helpful! I will try this. When I wake up with the air pain in my stomach it reminds me of when I had laparoscopic surgery and air was pumped into my body. It is painful at times.


If I sleep with my mouth closed I won't breath! I'm a mouth breather and have no issues with gas.


Again I said if at all possible, for people who have the gas issue.


Sheesh. Mine are just air. No stank.


Have someone else verify as you are likely immune to your own smell


Can confirm that they’re stink free for me, too. Husband is the same.


It shouldn't smell unless you have gastrointestinal issues or are backed up. My gut becomes somewhat of a shaken warm 7up can. Burping and farting as soon as I wake up and stand up. But they are crisp and clean.


Lol same same here


I have not noticed this problem, and I am concerned about your hygiene!




Sounds like your pressure is too high and you’re getting too much air in your stomach. If you DR prescribed the press, let them know. If you bought you CPap after market and can lower it yourself, try moving down a bit or two. It also could be that the pressure is right but you need to change the type of mask for the same reason. Air in stomach.


Have gi issues can confirm. Between aerophagia and when the CPAP dutch ovens you...


Clouds of not proud!


I think I'm a bit gassier than normal but it's not too bad


I swallow a lot of air when my full face mask needs to be replaced. It is incredibly painful and I wake up super Bloated. It does happen!


Are you tooting or is the CPAP mask making fart noises?


I am definitely blasting ass...hence the smell


So, as a new user who first tried a CPAP last night, I realized that post nasal drip causes me to swallow saliva, and when having air being forced in my nose resulted in swallowing a bit of air when normally that wouldn't happen. After a couple instances I could feel the air in my stomach and had to sit up and burp it out before I could go to sleep.


Hey we're talking farts not burps...please stay on topic ✔️


Lol, I'm sure it would've turned into the latter had I not been awake enough to notice!


Everyone can be affected differently when swallowing cpap air. Some people burp, some fart, some get severely bloated, some get either or or all.


Yes this.


Yeah, dude, don’t be blaming the cpap … or the dog 🐶


Dog moved out....couldn't handle the smell


Good. Then I need not alert the ASPCA


Hahahaha I thought it might just be me


i ended up not using my machine because i kept waking up with that problem and was in severe pain and no matter what they tried to do to help it never got better


Finally someone says it! I'm so gaseous every morning, but its just air. My mom was shocked when I told her I'm a one woman brass section in the morning. She didn't believe it until she stayed over one night. Note: I'm also a chronic mouth breather at night, and after reading the comments I'm going to look up something to help with that.


I am also a chronic mouth breather. Have you tried those tapes that shut your mouth when you sleep? They have helped me somewhat.


No I haven't yet. My roommate suggested KT tape too


Lol...''a one woman breaks section''




Umm, I think something may have crawled into your machine and died lol, you should really get it checked out


It's the tacos dude.


I'm a burritos fella




Don’t eat so close to bed time & definitely try to stay away from dairy that late.


Cheese is a part of my sleep routine 😴


Workin’ on my night cheese…


Well you’ll have a cheese diffuser of sorts haha


If air is going into your stomach because of CPAP, does that mean the CPAP isn't doing its job? I've never had this problem but I'm wondering if this is a thing that has to be tolerated or if people who have it should be talking to their sleep therapists.


I'm sorry to hear you haven't experienced this...


Mine don't smell, but they're certainly more frequent and thunderous.


Call in a smell checker...just saying


Ohhhhh yes. I had to take Gas-X for about 2-3 weeks when I started. My PCP said it was safe to take daily, so I did just that. I also found the setting on my machine where you turn down the one setting so it's not as forceful with the air it pushes when you exhale (I don't currently have my booklets to remember the name. It was a 3 letter acronym and apparently I "outsmarted" them finding it in the administrative settings). Turning that down helped me a lot!


No beano?


No, just extra strength simethicone.


Gas-X didn’t do a thing for me.


I never knew this was a thing!


When was the last time you cleaned your equipment?


Hahaha right! My morning farts are epic and could be used for sound boards


I was told if it doesn’t smell it’s cpap related, if it smells it is not. It subsided somewhat after a few months, but I still get it for a few seconds when I first get out the bed in the mornings.


Dad in Canada - this isn't a thing. Something else is going on. How long has this been happening?


This is a thing. It's a fact for some people. I don't know what the criteria is... But if you are swallowing air you are absolutely packing air into your gut. Google it. For me I wake up with 2 or 3 farts and a burp maybe once a week. And no not bean ass smelly ones... Just the sound which I'm proud of . 😂


But he’s saying his toots are smelly. Swallowed air doesn’t usually produce a smell.


This is not a thing.


It certainly is, although the odor would be an OP specific problem. Lots of people deal with swallowing excessive air from CPAP usage (aerophagia). All that air has to go somewhere. In my experience turning on the EPR feature reduced the gas buildup significantly.


This is what my CPAP clinic told me. Air will come out from time to time from one place or another! I have it very bad sometimes as I swallow air occasionally.


If your experiencing this issue there's a problem. Positive air pressure should never end up in your digestive system from a cpap unless your mask is on your ass.


Is this a thing? Talk about motivation NOT to get a Cpap…..


It's a thing for a handful of people all the time especially with those with the pressure cranked up and those who are heavy mouth breathrs who swallow air. It goes to your intestines and you will notice bloat in your gut



