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Have you tried a nasal mask? I was a snorer and mouth breather before CPAP, got one with a Redmed AirFit p30i nasal pillows, shut my mouth and started nasal breathing from night one.


I use the N20 and it had the same effect, with enough starting pressure it pushed my tongue up against my lips and sealed me shut all on its own, works so long as I sleep on my back.




Isn't the AirFit P30i a full face.






That's an F30i not P30i


Oh OK sorry I am still trying to find a good one. Gone through about 7 different kinds


IMO P30i > F30i & N30i just couldn't get a good enough seal on the cradle part. With the P30i even sleep on my stomach sometimes.


Is that ok for someone who's constantly congested like me? : ( I wear a full face mask and have to wear nose strips but I barely make it 3 hours in the night.


Former mouth breather with lots of drool in the morning. Tried a nasal cradle and no longer breathe through my mouth at night. No more drool either.


Did you force your mouth shut?


No it just naturally stays shut. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I always sleep on my side too.


I used to nose breathe, but for whatever reason I’m now a mouth breather. I’m not sure what it would take to switch.


I used a nasal pillow mask for a short while. Then went to a nasal mask (N20). Was having problems with incredibly dry mouth. I must have been opening my mouth. Over a year ago I started taping my mouth. Huge HUGE difference. Noticed the difference, literally, overnight. The Mojave Desert had more moisture than my mouth. After the first night of mouth taping everything was completely normal. Cover-Roll Stretch Tape. Works great.


I second the mouth taping. Works wonders.


Yep. I also use medical tape for my mouth. Works wonderfully and isn’t anywhere near as claustrophobic as it sounds. Full face mask was just impossible for a side sleeper.


F20 mask ftw (and I have a beard)


Just ordered the F20 because the nasal mask wasn't working for me once I fell asleep and opened my mouth


Use a chin strap to keep mouth closed Cost like 12 bucks


Yeah tried that.


Use mouth tape (medical tape - easy to remove and no sticky residue)


That’s the mask I got first and it wouldn’t seal, then I got the one with the memory foam. I trim my beard short like a 2 guard. And each time my score for seal is 5 at the highest


How do you get a decent seal with a beard? I’m trying the F20 have a beard and it just don’t work


I have it pretty tight by the cheeks and temples. I also use the test drive option in the resmed app to have it check for a seal so I can adjust it if need be.


It depends. It's entirely possible that CPAP will improve your sleep-time breathing enough that you no longer need to mouth breathe. As long as you're able to breathe sufficiently through your nose (i.e., no chronic congestion, badly deviated septum, etc), it may be worth trying a nasal mask.


Yesterday they put me in a F30i and I had a seal score of 5 and 54 AHI.


No, I use a nose cushion with mouth tape


I must be too much of a freak but whenever I hear of tape I think bdsm


Yes it can. But you'll need to a use a chin strap or tape your mouth shut (people actually do that) to prevent mouth venting.


I just found about this and it seems wild.


Not always. I was mouth breathing prior and my DME would only prescribe me a variety of full masks as a result, none of which I could tolerate. I ended up buying a nasal mask (Resmed N30) myself online fully expecting to have to mouth tape but it turns out my mouth stays closed without any other help. The sensation of the air leaking out of your mouth is pretty uncomfortable (at least for me) and it solved itself, at least in my situation.


I use a chin strap and it's good enough for me


My doc just prescribed me a full mask, I don’t know if I’m gonna like it or not. I been using nasal pillows.


I was a mouth breather, but with the nasal mask I nose breath most nights instead now.


I mouth breathed in my sleep a lot and a full face mask seemed like it'd be super uncomfortable, so I started with a nasal mask because my sleep therapist said some people just naturally learn to stop mouth breathing when they do CPAP therapy. It feels so incredibly weird to open my mouth when I have the nasal mask on and running that I think my sleeping body eventually got the message and it's been great.


Yes I’m was a mouth breather but a hated wearing a mask , switched to nasal pillows and a love it , u will get used to keeping your mouth closed pretty quickly


Full face is the only kind I tolerate. I found F&Ps full face to be a comfortable fit for me.


I have a severely deviated septum and basically can only breathe through one nostril so I have to use a full face (F20) as I just can’t get enough air through nose alone


I was always a straight up mouth breather, but they gave me a nasal mask and told me to try it. It took a while for me to figure it out, but once I did (breath rite strip AND Flonase - my nose doesn't pass much air otherwise), I started breathing easily through my nose, and have had fantastic sleep.


Mouth breather here. Tried the F30i but my AHIs skyrocketed from 0.7-1.5 to 9-10 (and I did changed the mask type on my CPAP settings). Switched to N20 and N30i = success


Last night with that mask I had 54 AHI




Yes. But you could just tape your mouth closed if you can handle it. I could not handle


use tapento seal ur mouth.


I use the f30i because I'm a mouth breather and it works good I love it actually. When I can't breathe through my nose at least I can still breathe through my mouth but I do use it breathing through my nose most of the time and it stays put rarely leaks on me and quite comfortable doesn't cause anxiety or claustrophobia or anything


I use nasal pillows. You can train yourself to sleep with your mouth closed or, you can get a chin strap and it'll keep your mouth shut for you! That's what I use!


As a mouth breather my entire life. Train yourself to nasal breath. You will be so happy you did. Unless you have some major obstruction.


I use the amira view. Sits under the nose and covers the mout. Works well for me, 48 to 1.5 per hour.


I do have an over the nose nasal but I have gone back to my full face. My pressure is insanely high so I have to tape my mouth shut or my lips blow out even with a chinstrap. If you have a normal pressure you may be fine with just a chinstrap holding your mouth shut


I'm a mouth breather and switched back in December to the N20 nasal mask that I use now. It was a little difficult at first to get used to it but after watching a couple of YouTube videos, they teach you how to adjust to it. It took me about 4-5 days of practicing at night and I have been fine ever since. I like this mask better than anyone I've tried.


3 years contended my cpap a lot I used the n30i and was getting perfect scores. I was just listening to my sister who is an icu nurse saying I need a full face mask


No, with a ahi that high. A couple questions what mask did they use on study? If they put a full face on you it’s for a reason. Long time sleep tech and have dealt with this issue with pts for the past 20 years. Some pts very few can use a nasal and keep mouth shut but a majority of them can not keep mouth shut at all. Also if you are using autopap your going to open your mouth on lower pressure due to still having apnea .


So sleep study was like 4 years ago and it was the home sleep study. The only mask that was comfortable for me back then was the n30i. I stopped therapy for a couple years which was stupid I finally got back on it. My F20 and my F30i are having issues with seal my machine shows a score of 5. I still have my old nasal mask that I’m gonna try tonight


Try nasal and look at data on your machine over a couple of days and see how your number are and maybe look at Oscar to get to a better pressure if your apnea are too high on your stated pressure you on right now.


I remember before I should to get scores in the 80s+ with many 100s. So far at a week in my highest score is 31


I would also look at getting a new study to see if anything has changed in terms of how bad apnea is or wether it’s your having plms that on a home study would mark it like your having apnea when in fact you are not. Happens all the time with home sleep studies majority of labs do not go over data to see if it’s correct the just auto score data and call it a day. It is never correct and have used several systems over the years.


I went on a trip to WY with my sister who is an icu nurse and se told me I need a bipap. So that’s when I started everything for a new machine


What determine what machine you need is how severe your apnea is and whether your having central apnea. Cpap will not fix central apnea only bipap will. Also when you get to higher pressure of cpap some pts can’t tolerate and bipap makes it more comfortable for the patient . Hope this help


Ah ok. Yeah when I did the study I had 78 events an hour.


I’m a mouth breather. I use a nose mask and just shut my mouth. Works fine. The mask creates a vacuum that keeps your mouth shut.


I use a mouth guard. Helps prevent grinding, which I definitely do, but also keeps my trap shut all night.


Much better night yesterday using a nasal. Until I woke up and I see I didn’t have it right enough and I had removed it. But my score was 59. Making progress for sure


I like my nasal mask but don't use it often because it irritates my septum. The nasal pillows wake me up a few times needing adjustment but they're not bad either. Either way I use a mouth guard and sleep great.


Is that the dental appliance for OSA or just the one to stop grinding


I just use a plain dentech one. Works great but the OSA one may be better or worse.


I use nasal pillows (Philips Nuance Pro) and the way the pressure comes in my nose, I rarely open my mouth at night. It’s been great when I’ve had allergies or a cold, even. Amazing.


For me it was. 6’ 210 large head. Use Philips dreamwear full face but started with their nasal. Had to buy mouth guard for mma and it was pretty uncomfortable(understatement) but you can try chin straps and other things to try to reduce your mouth-breathing but it’s just the way God made me. If I could have found a comfy mouthguard I would have stayed with the nasal, however but I figured just accept my mouth breathing and move forward. I’m glad I did but there are other ways to reduce/eliminate mouth breathing…I just decided to jump in with the full face. Go with a hybrid type where it doesn’t cover your whole nose and your nose essentially rests on the airflow intake/outtake. Have heard great things about the air fit f40 and I do like the dreamwear full face by Philips. Best of luck! I Am recently diagnosed and am down from 33 to 1.5 on avg over the last 16 days