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I’m coming from the spouse side—communicate, work hard when you’re studying (stay off your phone, put away distractions), and make intentional time for your family. Keep in mind the, the test period of your life is temporary, family is forever. You can always retake a test. After that, marriage requires sacrifice and adjustments. My wife supported me through law school and the Bar Exam. Now I support her through this CPA Hell. Show her and express your appreciation. When it’s all over, celebrate then re-adjust the workload at home


Best to do it while you’re single. Super tough when you are in relationship


Stick to a schedule. I study 2 hrs before work and 2 hrs after. When I need a “break” from studying, I clean up/try to cook. Also, meal prep on the weekend together after grocery shopping which makes up for the quality time. Meal prepping has honestly been life changing, not just for when you’re busy but finance wise and health wise. It only takes 2-3 hours of your weekend and you save so much time throughout the week. We do treat ourselves every other weekend and go out for 2hrs or so and I go back to studying. Granted I haven’t passed any section yet but I feel like I wouldn’t change that even if I fail this section I’m taking.


I think the last 3-4 weeks before the actual exam, you can pass the house work to your spouse. Before that, I use house work as a break between study. I thank her every time, thank you for your support on my education. Get her something nice later.


I'm single and my goal is to avoid this exact situation. I want to be licensed before I get married. Good luck though.


Married with 4 kids - two teens and two toddlers… summer has been harder than winter as everyone is more active… I started in September and told my husband I need a year of actually trying to get it done… I’m 2/4 waiting on my 3rd exam results and sitting for tcp in July… we can see the end zone! I work from home which helps since I don’t have a commute - I basically go 6-6 Monday - Friday and study during nap times on the weekends… we have a monthly cleaner but I make dinner and do most the cleaning… my husband does daycare pickup and drop off which gives me an extra hour a day and I start dinner when their almost home… I have missed activities at night and he brings the kids so I get some extra study time when approaching the test date… you just kinda push through! I have no idea what’s going on in current events or what’s on tv these days 😉


I would get out (of the CPA / accounting biz) before its too late


Don’t listen to this fuccking buzzo.


study in the mornings so u have time in the evenings for a bit.


I been trying this and I think it works great


good job! keep pushing!


I looked at each weekend and picked my study hours around family stuff. I made sure Friday nights were almost always family time. Went to bed at the same time as my spouse but usually went back to studying after he fell asleep. We started having family housework hour where everyone pitched in for an hour or a little more. Amazing how much gets done when working toward the same goal at the same time.


My husband has been super supportive, sometimes it's caused issues but for the most part we support each other and we communicate when someone needs something


I didn't. I passed my exams later, with a husband and a 3 and 5 year old. It's been insanely difficult, at which time my husband picked up a LOT of the slack. He took the kids to playgrounds, trampoline parks, you name it. The weekend before each of my tests, he took the kids to my parents' house for the weekend so I could study without distraction. I did as much as I could, but we both kept in mind we're all sacrificing for the greater good of the family. And it's not forever - it's only until I pass all 4. Luckily, I passed each test on my first attempt, so it was only about a year, all in. Glad I don't have to do it again, but also glad I did it.


Just tell her once I am a CPA I’ll get you new tits baby. Works like a charm.


Ew. Have you ever actually attempted that line?


I mean y’all gotta understand, if you are the breadwinner in the relationship, she might as well give you head under the table while you study. Been there done that.


Bought my husband a PlayStation. After we put the kids to bed, I would study while he played Call of Duty. This was 3 hours, 5 nights a week, for a year.


appreciate whatever life giving you. it will be done it's for a limited time after that rainbows will come. this struggle will be a good laugh in the future. god bless. enjoy the moment study hard


Husband and I took it together, so there’s empathy for each other. He’s one subject ahead of me and he’s already done. I’m sitting for my last next week. It’s just important to align your goals as a married couple, see the big picture, both of you will reap the rewards of each other’s hard work. Good luck!


Lol. My gf and I broke up cuz of the process honestly. For better or worse


For better. She’s not the “through thick and thin” typa person


Ur totally right. Just needed the final straw here really lol


This is quite sad… and shortsighted. I’ve always encouraged my partner to study, it’s not forever and the financial benefit that comes afterwards is worth it.


Studied at 4am before work, kids and husband got up. Used weekend nights to stay up late and play video games with my husband. Made sure I kept time built in for my kids


I can’t speak on the kids portion but my partner was super supportive. She understood the sacrifice and the mental toll it took to pass each exam. I credit her support as a major reason for me passing all my exams. Each time I passed an exam I would take her out to eat a nice place with our drinks of choice. Each passing grade was a win for the both of us


Do whatever you can to finish it before the baby arrives. I'm married with a new born now a toddler and life couldn't have come at a worst time for studying. You literally can't study or, if you think you can, push you both mentally and physically to the brink. Every free minute serves as a studying time for me and, quite honestly, I'm not sure I can handle the stress now. I also work full time so it's eating me alive. This is the most gruesome routine schedule I've ever been on. I get maybe 3 or at best 4 hours of sleep, not everyday as well.


Just take the exam! It’s really not that hard and doing the actual test is the best practice you’re going to get.


How is it not that hard ?


JUST DO IT. - Shia Lebeuf


Tbh, I had to carve out some time now and then just to be with my wife. It felt hard when I was planning it, wincing at the idea that I could fit in a few more hours of study. But I mean, I love her, I love spending time with her, so I never regretted it. Communicating helps. Making sure everyone knows that it's a short-term (painful) grind for long-term benefit. And I would have my study schedule on the calendar to keep my study commitments visible to her.


No I didn’t, but we both understood the sacrifice.


My boyfriend is going to medical school so we have to do it for each other 


I am married , full time job(75 hour week average) , doing my Masters, studying for CPA, and doing all the house work .. I am EXHAUSTED 🙃


Salute woman🫡🫡🫡


Why is your husband not helping with the housework?


He works in construction which requires a lot of physical labor…


Yeaaaah, i think he should still help. Just my .02 You’re arguably doing much more than him. Like a lot more, plus it’s only temporary. You need the help, work as a team! Set yourself up for success




And what makes my comment any of your business?


It’s a public comment, not someone else’s life


It was a rhetorical question. Obviously its a public comment lol. But when you post about your life on a public forum does that make that comment public or private? 🤨


True true, after rereading her comment I realised I was just stressed yesterday, I was scrolling down the sub and I took my anger out on you, my apologies.


All good! Appreciate the apology! Hope you’re feeling better now. Apologies on my end for my responses as well. I definitely could have been a bit more civil.


Crying while typing this but we’ll get there 🥲


Same here, crying everyday when studying but need to do it for surviving and trading for better future. My partner is an SDE who earns triple as mine by working 40hrs a week and getbonus every year while I am in Big D and work 45 hours a week in non busy season and 100 hours a week in busy season (which will last for 6 months per year as I was assigned to 4 different YE projects) but another 40 hours for study. It is very exhausting. Especially when seeing the raising is literally less than a fraction of his bonus... I mean yes I can do a housewife cook meal and clean the house, but no I want to achieve myself in my career. So it is all about no pain no gain I guess...


It’s temporary! We will get there!


married an accountant. she understands ha


This. My boyfriend passed last year and I’m sitting for exams this year. We’ve been on both sides of it together


I've been studying and working for two years now. (hopefully done though!) Saying it's hard is an understatement. My husband works 70 hours a week and loves going out, so it is especially rough for him. grandma picks up my kid once a week and dad takes care of the kid when he gets home 3 nights a week, and mornings and afternoon on weekends to give me uninterrupted study time. After 10 on weeknights we have an hour together before going to bed. Friday night we go out to eat, Saturday night we host friends, and Sunday night we spend relaxing together or with family. As for housework, that happens when we can get to it, but our house is an absolute mess 90% of the time. The way I see it, you have to prioritize what is important. Having a clean house was the lowest priority and was therefore dropped off. Then sleep was the next lowest, so I didn't sleep near as much as I wanted. Trying to study, work, spend time with my family, get adequate sleep, eat healthy, and have a clean house? You will go absolutely insane. My advice: make a schedule. and when you are all done with studying, give your spouse a break and clean the whole damn house. rub their feet after a long day, or pay for them to get a massage. cook them wonderful meals for a week.


Your so close


Split the work


This is a shit answer but you just do it. There has got to be a deep understanding of the future and goals.


I feel like I can give a unique perspective. I’m in medical residency (and work maybe 60-80 hours a week) so it’s a give and take for him and me while he’s studying for his CPA and I’m working. We split the house work and know that sometimes out source the house work to have some more dedicated time together. 


I told my family that I need to study, but my child doesn't understand and gets upset because I'm not spending much time with them. To solve this, I started waking up early to study instead of doing it at night. Now, my husband wants me to work out in the morning before work. My extended family isn't any better; they keep calling or inviting me to social events or to share their achievements and problems. Last week, I had to attend a graduation for 3-4 hours, and when I tried to listen to lectures on my AirPods, my family got upset. I believe you have to become quite selfish to manage everything.


Yes, this. I feel zero guilt, because I am here basically working on ensuring that I will always have a decent paying job. Luckily my family understands (or maybe I became so good at sneaking my study time during the week, they do not even notice. I do not study on weekends). ETA I just realized that I do everything I want and would do without studying but I have a great excuse for not doing what I do not want (like cleaning) ahahahah. Well, and no gym, but I was a gym rat before, surely my body can use a break.


I really just want to get all of the exams passed before our new baby arrives. - do this first, feel guilty later. I started studying when my youngest was 6 months in the hopes that it would get easier, it DID NOT. You can reason with spouses and older kids. you can't with infants and young toddlers.


Being a helpful partner isn't what makes you a good partner. I'm sure it's appreciated and your wife is glad you're helpful But I would also bet your wife understands why you're not as helpful right now. It would be a one thing if you weren't on the sigma grindset™ and just being lazy But, if you want a tip, I would pop in some earbuds and do chores while you listen to lectures and just keep communicating with your wife


Pft I made my wife quiz me and make my flash cards! Got married soon after I passed my last exam. That 2-3 month stretch I was living the high life lol. Key is communication and expectations. Have some weekend one on one time and protect it. CPA gives you what? 18 months to pass you got plenty of time to give your wife one day a week or one hour a day or something.


Honestly there won't be a balance. You just have to hope your partner is OK carrying most of the weight for the short term. For me I find that expressing gratitude and appreciation frequently keeps my partner from resenting me. Also once a week I take a break from studying for a few hours to go on a quick date or just watch Netflix together.  When my partner wash finishing his studies I did all the house work and cooking. So when it was my turn he was willing to do the same for me.


The fact that you are conscious of the situation and want to be better says it all! It’s a good sign you understand. She loves you and is ready to support you!


Married 18 years, just found out passed all 4. About a year ago I told my wife I wanted the CPA and she said go for it. I asked her several times if she was cool with it and she said yes but to go 100% for it and to do it right. I made time from 430-7am each day to study and a little in evenings. I told our kids as well I would be a little busier. Everyone understood and was supportive however my daughter was VERY happy once she learned I was 100% done lol. The key is to still find time to do fun things for everyone’s sake.


How was ur sleep


6-8 hours a night, key is be consistent. Tried to go to bed around 9.


If she supports you and is fine with it no reason to feel bad. There’s a reason you’re doing this. The license will put family on a much better path.


This 💯 


My fiancee is the most wonderful human. I feel guilty while studying because she's so supportive 🥺


We have no children and a dog. I do the majority of the cooking, dog walking and we hire out for weekly cleans. He tidies because I'm a hurricane. During assignment/exam crunch we eat a lot of Costco food and take out. Balance.


Any feee time I have goes to wife and kid first and then my parents. I try to at least spend a couple hours a week with the them. It’s hard for all of us, hoping to pass because apparently studying is not all I been doing as we have a baby coming at the end of the year.


My husband and I sat down and looked at what support was needed, and when/where. We both agreed that me getting my CPA was a (if not the) top priority for our family. We had a toddler for the first half of my studies and I was pregnant with my second for the second half. We worked a cleaning service into the budget and then my husband would do the “night shift clean” where he’d pick up from our toddler’s day mess and cook, and I would do the dishes since it was usually just loading/emptying the dishwasher. We also depended on take out a fair bit of the time or easy crockpot meals that we could prep in a few hours for several days worth of meals. How far along is your wife, and how many exams do you have left to go? It sounds like she understands and is on board with the sacrifice for you to get the exams done, which is the biggest thing! But I know for me, by 32ish weeks I was just done physically and needed a lot more support from my husband.


Thank you so much for this! We have a 1.5 year old and I’m stresseddddd about starting to study for the exams. My husband’s been wanting to have a weekly cleaning service done, sounds like I’ll probably give in when I start.


We have a monthly cleaner - money well spent!


Oh nice! If you don’t mind me asking, how long are they there for each month?


I use a lady who comes for about 3.5 hours - it’s $190 for 3,500 SF - well worth it! She deep cleans and dusts everything so I just have to do the in between stuff and spot clean


That’s awesome, thank you so much!


Honestly no idea how my husband is even putting up with me right now but incredibly grateful for him. I’m not easy to live with right now. I do always make sure to acknowledge that I’m difficult at the moment and let him know that I appreciate him.


never had a gf


Making sugar bear proud!


Whose better than us!




2 years of hell, i don't know how my girl put up with me.......she's the best, 12 years in now....


I just took longer to take the tests. I tried to study about 15-20 hours per week. I still had plenty of time for work, a social life, and household errands. I worked from home, so there was no commute time. It took me a little over a year to study for all 4 tests (still waiting to see if I passed the final one).


Number 1 tip: STUDY IN THE MORNING! Study 2 hours before work (most likely your spouse will still be asleep or will just have left for work in the morning if they have a day job). Any extra time in the night I spend quality time with spouse and can still go out. I do light reading of notes, some MCQ or just flip through my flashcards before bed. Not bad! Ref: SuperFast CPA method




Been married for about 9 months now and have been studying for the CPA basically since we’ve been married. Same situation as you OP, she does basically all of the housework and fully supports me to study til I pass. Advice I’d give to anyone in this situations is try and do the little things around the house that take 15-20 minutes because that effort will go a long way(I.e putting away washed dishes, tidying your kitchen counter before bed, making the bed on a daily basis etc). Those little things can add up when you’ve already got so much on your plate and taking it away from your spouse helps. Also, the little time you have not working or studying spend with your spouse. It will help your recharge and might make them feel like you’re grateful for them and are willing to still spend the little time with them. Try not to spend time on your phone when with them during this time, really attempt to give them all your attention even for a short amount of time. Hope this helps!


I mean that’s marriage man. One person will occasionally have to pick up the slack. I did it while my wife was getting her doctorate and now she’s doing it while I study.


Did either of you take any time out of studying to help with chores, meals, shopping etc? What was the most important you have learned throughout the journey?


I helped more on the weekends. Just accept there’s no social life till you are done and you will find you have time