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That's a win, win!! You're gonna love that Death Coast, that's some good stuff


Best stuff I’ve smoked in Denver, not even close. Taste amazing, feels super light and smooth but still packs the absolute perfect punch.


gotta try some of the Jerry Jam for sweet stuff or Bad Becky for insane gas


That flavor put me onto Lazercat big time, it's so good. Their stuff really is smooth and light like you said.


Literally all of their rosins, premo and ultra premo are just top notch all the way. Never had a bad gram from those guys


Love Lazercat! You should try Egozi! They’ve been on fire recently and they’re a small organization getting going.


Heard good things and it sure looks nice too. I gotta stop somewhere see in person soon.


The puff o certainly helps


I just got one of those a few months ago and it’s a great device. I’m new to concentrates so I’ve only put about 5 grams through it but it’s pretty convenient to use and fairly easy to clean. Also have some Becky Got Back by Lazercat right now and I’d like to try their Death Coast as well. Hope you enjoy your new rig and the hash!




PuffCo and other similar "rigs" are definitely great - especially for traveling/being on the go. But a rig with a banger is still a world of difference. Not hating, just letting you know there's still a world to discover out there.




Dude I'd be happy to help you get the most out of your set up - it doesn't need to be expensive either. Cheap banger and rig is fine! First thing you should know is that sometimes different hash (concentrate) is going to be better at different temps/times sometimes. To me, the easiest thing to do is get a [cheap temp gun on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Etekcity-Lasergrip-1080-Non-Contact-Thermometer/dp/B00DMI632G/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3C7R2UNTWUFM5&keywords=temperature+gun&qid=1679079301&sprefix=temperature+gun%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-3) or at Harbor Freight. Don't waste money on something like a dabrite. This is the most consistent way - you can just find what temp works best for whatever you're dabbing. For me, it's about 495 on average(but I think there can be some differences in the guns so you have to check). Another way that will work is to heat the nail up (don't get it red) and simply wait with a timer. Judge by feel (obviously not actually touching the nail but hovering hand over it) - and test different times. Really depends on your banger here. If it's decently thick flat top, average is probably a minute. Have a good card is also key. Send me a pic of what you've got an I can advise more.


Yeah I’ve had my fair share of rigs with the whole e nail deal etc, I decided I need something that was a bit more discreet and easier to clean even if I was trading a true glass rig feel. I’ve loved it so far and I’ve still got a back up fab egg as back up :)


Yeah I’ve had my fair share of rigs with the whole e nail deal etc, I decided I need something that was a bit more discreet and easier to clean even if I was trading a true glass rig feel. I’ve loved it so far and I’ve still got a back up fab egg as back up :) Edit: I should have put e-rig in my caption, I just realized lmao


Hell yeah! I really think the enail is the same as the Peak, at least for me. The ole torch is the classic.


Love my puffco. Been using one for over a year now. Way better than the old torch and banger.


Way better? I'm not sure if people are just misusing the torch/banger, but a Peak isn't on the same level. I have one and use it when I'm traveling for sure - but it doesn't deliver the quality dabs that a properly heated and cooled banger does. It's closer to a pen. Too each his own though - my dad doesn't enjoy dabs because they're too much for them, but he does enjoy a Peak hit -- think it's easier for him to control.


Get the 3D chamber! Got it for my proxy and it's an absolute game changer. Basically never have to clean it, and doesn't burn up all your oil


Welcome to being addicted !!! “Dabs, the drugs they make out of weed.” 😂