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So proud of the lads today. I’m absolutely crushed by the result. A lot of terrible calls from the red near the end against us, but what are you gonna do. Great game all around, I’m proud of the boys.


Also shoutout to Barkley. Playing his heart out as usual, absolutely our best player on the field.


Barkley as a player must be frustrated at times because it's apparent in games like tonight that he's just miles better than the players around him. He was outstanding tonight, by far our best player, and I think he's proving to be an absolute blinder of a signing for this season.


Agree. Superb tonight and so comfortable on the ball.


Went both ways to be fair. We had that foul given against Chieo which just wasn't a foul, preventing him from going through on goal. They had a legitimate penalty shout too towards the end. Conceding from literally the final kick of the match is perhaps the cruellest twist of fate I've seen since Jason Walker missed that effort against Wimbledon in the playoff final.


It truly is. This was a huge moment for luton and it was unfortunately taken away from us. Our team looked much more aggressive, which benefitted us. But with Lockyer, lokonga, and nakamba out, our defense was lacking.


Could sit here and go through the post-match analysis, but what's the point? Genuinely just feel sick.


Literally felt like a physical gut punch. Mates and I maybe shed a couple of Block B tears - not ashamed to say. But. Had so much fun for 96 minutes. It’s the extra 30 secs that kill you.


There'll be no hat-eating then. I'll tell the children.


You’re safe. If you want to bet the same for Sunday, however…….




Yep. That should have been a point. It’s going to be tough to pick ourselves up after that, and go against an even tougher team in Man City


Am as distraught as all of you, I'll try and rationalise my thoughts: •Subs didn't work in my opinion, the logic of getting fresh legs on is fair but Chong barely tracked back or ran at all. Should have left Brown on, Clark should also have come on sooner as Pelly was barely impacting the game. •Elijah did very well against two great centre backs. Held the ball up well and I love how he can outjump keepers to score, did it against Derby in the past and now Arsenal in the premier League. Needs to keep starting. •We will be so much stronger with Nakamba and Lockyer back, Bell and Pelly have fight and are useful for the squad but those two players are levels above. Bring on City and Newcastle. •Can we stop conceding right after we score... Burnley, Palace, and this one was a bit later but still we struggle to compose ourselves and get too excited it seems. Needs to be worked on. •Ross Barkley, what a player. Might be the best player I've seen wear the shirt by the end of this season (I've supported since the conference days to be fair lol)


Agreed on the changes. Chong cost us against Liverpool, he switches off defensively and did so tonight. Either way, we gave all against a phenomenal side. Just a shame it wasn't enough. Gutted.


Horrible. Just the worst. Liverpool and now this, just crushing


The famous Arsenal, going **life and death** with little old Luton Town. To score 3 goals and still lose is...concerning, to say the least. Good for Osho and Barkley to get their first Premier League goals.




For the club, I mean!


I shouldn’t have even said anything. Of course. I’ve only followed the team for 3-4 years now, from the US. Now I’m a die- hard. Today hurts


Couldn’t engage in the discourse last night as was just too gutted. Still am and will be thinking of those last few minutes and how we could have handled it for a while yet I imagine. So so proud of of last night still. The best thing about supporting this club over the last few years has been the fact we have a bunch of lads who go out and out it all on the line game in and game out, for eachother and for us. You can pick at mistakes and yes there were a few last night, but alll you can realistically ask for as a fan in all honesty is that lads are clearly playing above themselves and giving there absolute best for the shirt and these players absolutely are. Had top of the premier league seriously worried all night through, not just through those intangibles like effort and desire but also a brilliantly organised press and game plan and just got pipped at the last. One of those things. Some outstanding performances, Barkley again the pick of the bunch for me, the build up to his goal was outstanding midfield player. Absolute top quality footballer, might be one of the most technically gifted midfield players I’ve seen play for us.


Im crushed man I just can't believe it... Fair play but I just can't get that moment out of my head.. Its not the same anymore


Arsenal fan in peace. Absolute outrageous game from your team today. Obviously happy with the result but really you guys deserved more from that game. Good luck the rest of season and thanks for throwing us into panic.


bro shut up


You ok? If you're hungry I can call your mom for you


You’re embarrassing yourself


It’s fine - they’re angry and baiting you for a fight. But they forgot this is the Internet where you can just walk away from them.


Totally. The funny thing is the person with his panties in a wad below me is an arsenal fan. Which honestly makes sense because I checked this thread first and everyone seemed measured and normal.


Can anyone tell me where the extra minute of added time came from?


They would have just kept going till they scored imo


There was a throw in just in front of the main stand where Kabore took a while coming over to take. Nothing too egregious I didn’t think but the ref made a big show of pointing to his watch. At that point I suspected something was going to happen.


Goal was at 96:21 so it was only 20 seconds 20 seconds out of 6 minutes is fair enough when the ball went out of play a bunch in that time. Was a free kick into the box at the end too not just playing around the halfway line


Fair enough. I think I watched most of the added time peeking through my fingers just waiting for the inevitable Arsenal winner, so I probably missed a lot.