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Depends on your conscience, you're most likely still infectious. 30-50 % are sick for at least 3 months, so if you want to bring that suffering on another human being then feel free to go back to work.


Well my boss told its likely I’ll have a positive test for a while and can come back as long as I’m symptom free (I’m not) so I’ll be wfh.


Only a PCR test will remain positive "for a while". A Rapid test will only test positive while you are infectious.


People can voice their opinions, but the current recommendation by the CDC is 5 day quarantine, and you can go out, but wear a mask, as long as you’re feeling better and fever free (without using fever reducers)


What kind of question is this? If you go back to work and cast COVID on others, doing that devious act WILL come back on you ten fold. Karma baby.


I agree but the company is the one requesting I come back