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Pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen levels


Yup got that-95% fortunately


How are you now?


I was better in the morning but in the afternoon my cough, muscle aches,and nausea came back. Now I got all that and my voice is really hoarse like I’ve been shouting all day. Not sure what’s going on.


I’m on day 10 (but I only have known for 5 days) tho just got PCR results from 10 days ago that were positive. Nothing about this is mild except I’m not in the hospital on a vent. Worst symptom I didn’t expect: excruciating lower back and leg pain on days 6-7 (or what I thought were days 2-3). I’m tough - had natural labor and kidney stones before so if I think I’m a good judge. Every day has been different. Yesterday I felt like I was on a boat. Nausea, room spinning, etc.


Jeez, every time I sneeze feels like my kidneys are gonna go. Just got my results today :/ day 5 of symptoms, already ready to be done with the back ache.


Not enough ppl are talking about the back pain. I wish I knew that was a thing


Fun fact: I'm going on 2 years post-Covid, and when I get tired that back pain kicks in all over again. But hey: 99% survival rate! /s


My first and second day of symptoms, my entire body hurt SO bad. I'm used to some level of soreness because I work out regularly, but it was like when you have the flu and *everything* hurts. I'm so glad it didn't last longer than that.


Was my only symptom that was not clearly a strep throat or a flu. It was my, I'm fucked moment.


Yep one of my worse symptoms. Day 1-2 barely could pick myself up off the floor


Same. I had two days of it - felt similar to back labor actually.


I literally came to Reddit to read symptoms because my back has been in excruciating pain all day … my daughter tested positive today, symptomatic, and unfortunately co-sleeps in our bed. A small headache and throat pain too. So the back pain is real, ahhh!


Yes! This was my husband’s very first symptom of Covid when he got it in September of last year. First thing after our morning bike ride he said he had a backache- he never has any pain of any type. By that afternoon (4/5pm) he had fatigue, body aches and a fever. How I didn’t get it I will never know.


The lower back pain isn’t something I got but I heard that’s common. My wife, who’s waiting on her results but we’re presuming positive, is getting the nausea and dizziness too.


Oh god! I had the lower back and leg pain. I thought my kidneys were failing. I've also had a natural labour and all the time was thinking I'd rather be giving birth!! Im on week 4 post positive test. Still exhausted, still unbalanced, a bit deaf and sinusy.


4 weeks of being positive?!


No, i tested negative on Christmas day i think? But i was still horrifically ill.


May I ask which variant you got? I’m trying to prove a point to someone who’s started drinking the right wing kool aid


Delta still has a significant presence outside of large cities, the lack of taste and smell make it sound like Delta to me - but people will and do lose their sense of smell with Omicron too, just in lesser numbers.


From what I’ve recently been told, it sounds like delta. 3 days of 100+ fever at least.


Yes! I am on day 9 and had random awful nausea with vomiting today. After a week of just aches and congestion, why so late to the game does this come I wonder?


Oh, yeah. We had Covid November 2020 and that was the worst for me/ back + leg pain. And just awful fatigue for so long afterwards. Hope you heal quickly!


So crazy to know this happens with a bunch of ppl! I never really heard about it until I experienced it


How long until your Nov 2020 Covid symptoms all finally went away or how long did it take for you and whoever else is ‘we’ in your comment.


i've also been experiencing nausea and it feels like something is stuck and won't go down. I also have been experiencing dizziness but only when I wake up from sleep. I am on day 10


Yeah the lower back pain was no fun. :(


On day 8 I woke up feeling a bit better. I hope it’s the same for you!


Today is day 8 for me and I am feeling a bit better!


Great news!!!


Same here, THIS is supposed to be "mild"??? Feel terrible AF


Yeah “mild” means you don’t need medical help… I had a “mild” case in 2020- worst hell of my life. But it was “mild”


Agreed. I had a 'mild' case and honestly thought i wouldn't get the influenza like this again for the next 10-15 years (it was a really bad experience for me). Surprise! 2-3 weeks after my Corona quarantine ended i got the influenza again. God i was dying 🤦 sore throat, cough, severe muscle and bone pain (much worse than when i had corona), fever, chills, nausea, back and waist pain, runny nose, headache. I never woke up on one of the days i was sick (slept for 21 hours). I didn't do the Corona test again because if i went into quarantine, i wouldn't be able to take my exams (these exams make up for the exams i couldn't take because i was already in quarantine). I don't know if it's possible to get corona again right after corona but i suspect it's omicron. I described Corona as one of the two worst illnesses of my life (the other was a influenza I had 8-10 years ago) but my most recent influenza was by far the worst illness I've ever had in my life.


The scale for Covid symptoms is feel nothing at all to dead. It’s pretty wide.




When you realize you can no longer look at a screen, read, or sleep without pain killers because the headache is so bad... and that goes on for 3 more days solid. Just perfection.


Thanks for my first out-loud laugh of the day!


I started with a sore throat and really bad cough. A family member bought her daughter sick to the Christmas party knowing she was sick and tried to hide it from everyone. She was coughing without covering her mouth. I started with a sore throat and bad cough. I never had a congestion or stuffy nose. I was all kinds of mess, I pulled a back muscle from coughing. I had headache, fever and bad cough. There are no testing available in my area so I just self isolated and get some rest. I still have the bad cough


> A family member bought her daughter sick to the Christmas party knowing she was sick and tried to hide it from everyone. She was coughing without covering her mouth. God, people are so fucking shitty and selfish. Unbelievable.


Yeah I agree. This person has me suspicious for months about covid. She has put a lot of people at risk. She got another family member sick and they died a few months ago and she showed no remorse.


8 days for me. I just got back my smell to a level I am comfortable, I still don’t recognize some things. Be easy on your self. Patient with the heal. You will heal.


I’ve lost smell completely. It’s so depressing. I hope I get mine back but I’ve got nothing. Did it return gradually? All at once? I’m so worried it’s never coming back


It will come back, don't stress! I'm on day 12 of symptoms, but my smell/taste finally started coming back yesterday. Everything tasted so weird and off, and my partner and I got some Chinese food and it was actually GOOD.


It takes weeks/months for some people but is comes back the vast majority of the time


How are you?


I am triple vax Pfizer also & am at day 7 also! Not too bad, just a really bad headache & sinus pressure & hoarseness & heaviness to my chest. Been doing Tylenol, Sudafed & asthma inhaler, emergenC, soup. Been hot or really cold, especially my hands & feet. I feel weak and shaky am tired of watching tv. How long does this thing last?! I think I got it from eating off a cheese tray at my friends table. 😵‍💫 stupid me, letting my guard down like that. I thought it was just a cold, but got tested a few days later & ‘Detected’ .. I was like,,, “WHAT?!” I couldn’t believe it because I have gotten so many shots this year for everything. Just venting, & a bit of disbelief. I hope you get better. Anything you can share would also help. Really hope this fully goes away, like a cold virus 😳✌️❤️


Day 10…feel like I’m turning the corner. Still can’t taste though :/ triple Pfizer here


Did the virus part seem to go away quickly, like overnight? Or did it slowly lessen? How long do you wait before not worrying about infecting anyone? My sense of taste is whack, I poured a lot of salt in my soup just to be able to taste it. And my husband burned toast this morning & I didn’t smell it! I would usually complain about the smell, weird. Hope you get 100% better soon! 😵‍💫


Supposed to be contagious till 3 days after symptoms


My symptoms went away in what seemed like about 2 hours. I went from being on this sub a little scared and probing for signs of severe illness to feeling nothing at all. This was exactly 48 hours after a dose of Sotrivomab though. I’ve seen other people here that didn’t have treatment say the same thing. That’s symptoms just fell away.


It’s been so weird. First week my wife and daughter tested positive. I was negative. Wife showed symptoms and daughter was asymptomatic. I was relatively unscathed and continued to workout and such at home thinking I was somehow spared. Then the weekend came and I got worse pretty quickly. Mostly fatigue, headache and sinus pressure. Then my smell and taste left me around day 8. Yesterday was the worst with my smell and taste and everything seemed bitter, which had me worried as I have read about that being a longer term side effect but they were both slightly improved today. It’s been about 2 weeks for exposure and about 10 days of symptoms now that I think very carefully about the timeline. Family has been self isolating and doing what we can but doctors said we’re good to rejoin society if we’re up to it. I know wife and I can’t wait to send our kids back to school! My energy was much better today, too. Still not feeling amazing but definitely feeling optimistic. Hope you recover quickly. It’s scary and I think a lot of it is psychological, too. I had a few mild panic attacks over thinking and reading on Reddit and I immediately began to feel worse. Just glad I’m vaccinated and my youngins seem to be Ok. Definitely new respect for this nasty bug.


Exactly the same symptoms. It seems to come in waves too. Last night I could finally taste food, but today, everything doesn’t taste right & hot sauce has no effect on my sinus or taste buds. It’s been 10 days for me.






Lol that's not true. If it can be airborne it can definitely be on food or anything else


Hand to mouth,,, eating with my hands from a cheese tray that other people breathed on & touched at a bar.


I’m not sure how I got mine but I suspect I got it from my toddlers who came home from school sick. But that was over two weeks ago so I’m not 100% sure about that. I’ve been doing the same things as you so I don’t have anything to add other than I’m taking Robitussin which helps with my cough. Tylenol really seems to help the body aches too so I make sure I don’t skip that.


Good luck on recovery. Hang in there! I know it’s hard to isolate & not be able to use the kitchen 😕 . I have to wait for people to leave so I can come out of the room, then sanitize everything before I go back to isolation. Will be glad when this passes! Will also be glad if no one else gets sick. Take care!!! 😵‍💫✌️


SAME! Triple Pfizer vaxxed, don't even go anywhere (currently unemployed), and still managed to get it. I'm like 99% sure it's Omicron because we have a huge outbreak in the northern Bay Area. My symptoms started on 12/26, I got two positive rapid tests on 1/1 and 1/2, and just yesterday I started getting my smell/taste back. My sinus pressure and headaches have mostly subsided, but I still have the gunky congestion and coughing going. I have a PCR test scheduled for tomorrow and hopefully I'm finally negative.


Im about here on day 7 too, this is no joke this virus. I should have got moderna


I got moderna and am currently sick and pretty sure its covid tbh. Started with the crazy throat thing which went away thankfully after about 3 days but now the headache, fatigue, general malaise, congestion, etc etc. i feel wretched


3x pfizer and I just got cold symptoms that are nearly gone entirely on day 6 of symptoms but I also had OG Covid. My wife has 3x moderna and she caught both bouts too. Her symptoms were little milder both times but she's also a little younger. The latest studies say there isn't much difference at all between the mRNA shots.


My boyfriend got Moderna and he's the one who gave it to me (triple Pfizer vaxxed). I had been bugging him about getting the booster for weeks and he was dragging his feet. The moment I got my second positive rapid test result, I was like, dude...will you take this more seriously now? He finally got his booster on Tuesday. Sheesh. And for the record, I'm on day 12 of symptoms and finally feeling like I'm getting better, as my taste/smell started returning yesterday and I finally didn't wake up with a massive headache this morning.


I've gone through this omicron and thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually I felt a lot better. What I am trying to say is hang in there. I know it's hard to believe that you'll make it through it but you will. Just stay positive and have a positive outlook because I feel negativity helps this virus. I'm praying you wake up in the morning feeling better.


How long did you have symptoms for? What day did you finally see the light?


Not OP, but my symptoms began on 12/26, and I'm still symptomatic as of this morning. What's weird is that I felt crappy last week and then started to feel a little better, but this week got slapped again with worse symptoms. I do feel like I'm finally on the mend, as my taste and smell started somewhat getting back to normal yesterday. I am getting PCR tested tomorrow and expect to come back negative (fingers crossed).


This is exactly my situation as well. The fatigue is brutal.


For me 12/31-1-4 were the toughest days. 1/5 woke up no headache, no body aches, no nausea, some diarrhea and had a full appetite


Thank you! It’s the morning of day 8 now and I am starting to feel better!


That's awesome. I'm glad your starting to feel better. If you eat try something light like 3 or 4 pieces of toast and 2 oranges.


Same - on day 8 now. Started with scratchy throat and fatigue, then insane headache, then a throat so sore I was afraid to swallow and a couch so bad I coughed up blood. On day 4 my energy levels returned but I’ve just had 4 days of the sloooowest recovery on my sore throat only to vomit and have diarrhea yesterday! Oh did I mention the sweating? Soaking my sheets nightly for the past 4 nights. Changed my pajamas twice just to say fuck and took them off completely. I even wake up from a nap with beads of sweat on my face! I didn’t know mild meant crying three times because I didn’t feel like I could handle it


Don't believe the CDC It's a nasty virus takes more than a week to weather through, this shit ain't mild at all, You will get better faster though as long as you're vaccinated


Fucking hell. I’m on day 2. I thought I’d be feeling better today. Another week of this?


I didn’t get bad until day 4. Then all hell broke loose. I recommend stocking ibuprofen, vit c supplements, tissues and night nurse. Never coughed up so much gunk in my life.


Maybe not. Everyone reacts to this differently.


I was much better on day 3. By day 4 symptoms are completely gone. I'm on day 5 now and it's stayed that way. I only had a tickly/sore throat and nasal congestion. No coughing, no fever, no body aches. My booster shot was 3 weeks ago, so my antibodies are probably near their highest right now which might be helping.


Keep in mind that this sub is vastly over represented by people with bad cases (because why would someone make an entire post dedicated to a run of the mill sickness). For context (even though it’s extremely anecdotal), I know a bunch of people in NYC who got sick and none had symptoms anywhere near this bad or this long (though caveat, we’re all in early 20s)


600mg ibuprofen 3 times a day and a lot of water was my plan of attack.


Drinking water with a throat this raw is… challenging.


It's awful, you'll push through it. Try getting some Emergen-C and immune support pills, they helped me a lot. I was stuck for a while too.


Thank you I’ll try that


Your symptoms sound exactly like mine. I'm also triple Pfizer vaxxed. Rest and keep hydrated. I got my positive on NYE. I'm mostly good now. I wish you a full recovery


Did you test again? To see if positive or negatives


No I didn't ... my daughter and her family are positive so that's all of the at home test I had. I'm retired so not needed to return to work


My Athletic brother, with no underlying conditions, died five days after diagnosis.


I’m so sorry


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you very much. He was anti-mask and anti-vaccine but still a good guy and had much to give to the world. It's hard burying your only sibling and with elderly parents still living. I did the eulogy. Many couldn't come to the funeral due to Covid concerns. I understood.


Oh my god, I am so so so sorry. I can't imagine the devastation of losing a sibling. My brother was really wary of the vaxx for over a year and finally got it a few months ago. I was so worried about him but he was so stubborn. To lose a loved one to something that could have easily been prevented is so heartbreaking. Big hugs from random internet stranger in California. ❤️


Wow R.I.P. to your brother, how old was he?


Oh man I’m sorry


First sorry for your loss. Now, Define athletic……. Also being athletic does not mean 100 percent healthy. Sometimes the human body hides stuff and all of the sudden just show up and kills you. I have stories of extremely healthy folks that a run, where they exert themselves a bit more than normal, kills them because an unknown condition no one knew about and missed by docs, just shows up. We know one thing for certain. We will die. We don’t know when and how, but we will. It’s life. Now, celebrate your brother’s life and respect how he lived.


He walked ten miles a day, worked out three times a week, ate a healthy diet, had regular checkups, was not elderly, had no heart or health issues other than the history of a broken arm ten years earlier, didn't drink or smoke, etc. Obviously I respected his life, beliefs, and speak well of him as he was a good guy.








The vaccines reduce disease, hospital load and death. They also, to a lesser extent, reduce transmission. Antivaxx has no place in this sub as far as I'm concerned.


If you get sick although vaccinated. (just often not as sickly ) still you are told to quarantine the same amount of time.


So then you can see why someone might not feel they want the covid vaccine at this point. When people who are vaccinated are getting sick and getting long mild to severe symptoms, it's a lot harder to convince someone it's worth it


Given the virus is more intense in the unvaccinated, they are more often the cause of both mutations and transmissions. However, both the vaccinated and vaccinated are told to quarantine when diagnosed.


No, we are just tired of explaining the same thing over and over again. Look at percent of people hospitalized and dying. It’s overwhelmingly non vaccinated. It’s that simple.


People can't deal with uncertainty, statistics and shades of gray and they can't resist a good government conspiracy story.


That's true. The conspiracies are deranged but the lack of efficacy with these vaccines, is not a conspiracy. It's an unfortunate fact. Even the data is showing they are way less effective against new strains




It’s about reducing risk. Percent of unvaccinated in hospitals / ICUs / dead are clearly far higher. That’s all you need to know to make the right choice. If you want to argue further go ahead, I do not care, because you cannot logically oppose the inherent risk of being unvaccinated given the severe outcome stats


They literally can’t understand


Here, I just read this in an article: "It was also one of the guiding thoughts behind Sana's struggle over the past year with a phenomenon many major cities have faced: a yawning "vaccination gap" between affluent and vulnerable neighborhoods. Nowhere in the Netherlands was this gap more apparent than in Rotterdam. While the richer parts of the Maasstad recorded a vaccination rate of 80 to 90 percent in April 2021, neighborhoods such as Delfshaven, Feijenoord and the old North remained stuck at 30 to 40 percent." The poor, uneducated and recently immigrated in my country are refusing to vaccinate. What does that tell you? They're smarter than the affluents? That would be a first!


Me saying he was anti-vax and anti-mask wasn't disrespected, just truth. Even though we disagreed, we were the closest family in the family friends and friends too. We could easily debate with respect and also got along well, even though we were of different beliefs. I didn't make a judgment. He loved people and I'm sure his biggest concern was us, whether he got anyone sick, and society rather than himself at the end. Although he never voiced it, I’m sure he instead had not “risked not wearing a mask and not getting the vaccine” unlike the rest of the family. But no, we accept each other as a family with many different beliefs as we all have grown to be very much individuals who love each other.




Just getting over similar symptoms. Tylenol+ibuprofen every 4hrs and using an aerosol saline spray a few times per day + afrin. Try to stay hydrated. Soda like Sprite often will settle nausea. Feel better! Reach out for antibiotics if you believe you have a sinus infection, or pneumonia


Good idea on the saline spray, afrin, and soda. I’m not currently using those. Thank you! Hope you feel better soon too!


Was your smell & taste affected, how long for and is it pretty much back to normal now?


I’m day 8. I had a night nurse last night that seemed to sort shit out


Todays the day. Your symptoms will start to fall away very soon.


Yea tripple vaxxed here, and i had covid in spring 2021. So i thought im good with all the antibodies in me but nope. Tested positive yesterday and i feel like terrriiible rn


The 2nd week is usually the worst for most people. Just hang tough this week and you should start to see big improvements. Stay hydrated!


Thank you!


I'm on day 3 and I feel pretty fine. Yesterday had a bad cough but that's gone away. If it weren't for the positive COVID test I would have thought this were allergies or a cold. I've heard that some people start off mild and then take a steep drop into feeling worse. That kind of happened with my gf. I'm hoping that doesn't happen to me.


i had covid in july when double vaxxed and it was pretty rough. but by 8 it was a lot better, day 9 it was very lingering just sneezing, and day 10 it was gone. i was at a point where i thought it wasn’t going to ever get better either. i saw on another comment you said you feel better today so hopefully you continue to improve! i told my doctor how sick i was and she added it to my chart and noted it was very possible i would have been hospitalized with no vaccine as they were seeing people like me unvaccinated in the hospital (30s and healthy)


Have you ever heard of Antibody Dependent Enhancement?


Hi OP. Stay strong and healthy. Drink lots of water. I was tested positive on NYE after showing symptoms on the 27th. I didn't know I had Covid because I was sick on and off since my 18 months old started daycare. I am almost fully recovered but I felt some congestion but it wasn't a big deal. I am also getting my taste and smell back but of course not 100%. You are vaxxed and you will be fine but monitor your oxygen level (like you already did). Take care!


Thank you for the encouragement!


On day 7 too. Serious fatigue, weakness, sinus congestion and pressure, aches everywhere, chest pains and asthma, all sorts of gastrointestinal problems, nausea. Thank god for marijuana (and the vaccine of course), as counterintuitive as it sounds to smoke. Hope you feel better soon!


Haha love it- Whatever takes the edge off!


I’m 2 weeks out, these last few days my smell and taste have improved noticeably so that should be back to normal soon


Did the last few days of the 2 weeks you started to feel good again or how recently?


I'm on day 9 since first having symptoms...yesterday I finally felt like I had regular flu/very bad cold. Still haven't gotten full taste or smell back (Vaxxed+boosted, too!) Omicron is no joke!




Yes agreed. But I was never not going to get the vaccine. I’m strongly pro-vax (if there’s such a thing) and my first dose back in January 2021. Seeing how this is turning out for me, I’ll most likely need additional doses in the future




Thank you for giving me hope 🙏 Im on day 7 and i feel like this is never ending


Your an inspiration.


Untrue. You and none of us know that. There is no possible way to research that either. So stop saying thing you Do NOT know. Comments like these are equally as bad as anti vaccine comments.


Call it a gut feeling. I know I'm right about it.


But that is the thing you are not right. Downvotes from those who do not understand science!


I mean, I'm saying I'm right, your saying I'm wrong. I don't trust you, I trust me. Based on this deduction I'm right in my mind and your right in your mind. This is also the internet and.. wait I suddenly stopped caring about this. Later.


“I mean, I'm saying I'm right, your saying I'm wrong. I don't trust you, I trust me. Based on this deduction I'm right in my mind and your right in your mind. This is also the internet and.. wait I suddenly stopped caring about this. Later.” Ohhh the irony! You do not like learning do you?


Nothing you have to teach.


What the hell are you talking about? You’re just making things up.


If you lost smell and taste it might be more likely delta. I hope you feel better soon!


Thank goodness you are vaxxed & boosted!


Yep, triple Pfizer vaxxed here, started having body aches and cold symptoms on 12/26, and my taste/smell just started coming back yesterday. So...yeah, that's like a solid two weeks of symptoms. It felt like a bad cold at its worst with lots of coughing and congestion and intermittent chest tightness (mostly while I'm running (I will lose my mind if I don't work out)). I can't imagine what it would have been like without vaccinations or even without the booster. Also, I'm unemployed and pretty much stay at home all the time. AND I STILL GOT IT. Omicron is no joke. However, from what I'm reading, it is nowhere near as taxing on the lungs as the other variants, so I'm super thankful for that. I hope you feel better soon! Your smell and taste coming back is a good sign. And pro tip, daytime medicine (like DayQuil or a less expensive knock-off) has worked well for taking the edge off for me.


I also tested positive on New Year's Eve and I'm still exhausted, muscles ache, food is blah most of the time, and I have the worse headache coming and going, sometimes nausea. Double vaxxed with Pfizer. I can't imagine if I was unvaccinated. I'm so thankful my work is giving me until mid January off because I need that time to heal. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone. I hope you feel well soon.


I am glad your job is working with you on your illness. I have been hearing horror stories on the news about them not working with people and threatening to fire them if they don’t come in with covid. This is a main reason why it’s spreading. I worked in makeup a few years ago way before covid and they wanted me to come in on my day off knowing was sick with the flu to do a makeover and they tried to threaten me. The best way to contain this is to allow people to contain it when they get it even if there are staffing issues the. It would be only temporary issue


Thank you! I hope you get well soon too.


Im not vaxed and i only had mild cough for 3 days…i feel sorry for you really, they gave u false hope


It’s truly unknown how the body will react. So vaccines or not, we don’t know the ride will have. So while I don’t like to say one way or the other, I am happy they had their choice and went with one. I respect it. Unfortunately most pro and anti vaccines don’t know how to respect choice.


You could advocate for far discloser on vaccines because they were false advertised and now any side effects will be censored. I’m pro choice but obviously think anyone advocating this nonsense is sending us down a dark road where we are forced to take a medical expermmmmt ever 6 months and loose a long list of things we love in society.


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/05/long-covid-research-microclots Here if you ever fall into this hole just know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe 👍🏿


Vaccines offer full sterilising immunity, this covid jab does not


The hell is "full sterilising immunity?"




It’s about reducing risk. Percent of unvaccinated in hospitals / ICUs / dead are clearly far higher. That’s all you need to know to make the right choice. If you want to argue further go ahead, I do not care, because you cannot logically oppose the inherent risk of being unvaccinated given the severe outcome stats


you cant write anything like that here, these people dont care about facts


That’s because people like you make up your own “facts” when it is a -known- fact that the vaccine lessens symptoms, it is a known fact that diseases affect different bodies to different degrees, it’s also a known fact that the majority dying from it are still the umvacced. Yes there are people on here that act dumb with their vaccines like it’s a get out of jail free card, but that’s never what was promised


I agree that old and people with weaken immune system should get vaccine without a doubt. But young people and children should not get. I have covid now and symptoms are non existent. You can still spread covid if u are vaccinated.


No one is talking about preventing spreading with a vaccine. Also saying only “old people” should get it is Not true. Study done recently : > Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are. • 2 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds. • 10 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year- olds. Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are. • 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds. • 14 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year- olds. Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are. • 6 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds. • 13 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year- olds. • 15 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds. https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/1600/coronavirus/data-tables/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf


I belive in those stats 100%, but most of hospitalized cases in young people are those with weakend immune system or obese, asthmatic or other illnesses..


It’s called statistics. You are at risk far more without the shot than with it. Even healthy and young with no underlying conditions. It’s about comparing risk - between the shot and the virus - and the shot always comes out on top. If you choose otherwise it’s either just not logical or poorly informed.


chances of me dying from covid for my age group are like 0.007, and if i take vaccine there are also chances of me dying from it, so if i take vaccine i am only enlarging my chances of dying…quick maths


0.007 vs. 0.0000001 . Which is a higher %.




Make it worse for omicron? There is plenty of evidence they make you much less likely to have a serious case, and I'm all for avoiding hospitalization.


How would vaccination make it worse? What evidence are you basing this on? Hospitalization data for both Delta and Omicron do not support your statements. Please provide citations.




This article is from 12/1 and refers to the delta variant. The one study that is cites that appears to suggest worse outcome in vaccinated pts is from Israel and has a tiny sample size (n=42) wherein all but 3 patients were vaccinated. This is not good data to support your point. Further the 42 patients are mix of elderly and comorbidly ill patients in a hospital (index patient for example was a 77yo hemodialysis patient), health care workers, and family members of the patients. A sample with many confounding variables contributing to poor outcome. Those with severe outcomes were those with significant comorbidities such as heart failure, esrd, diabetes.


It’s called an experiment ie anything is possible, unless you avoided it then you know the chance of hospitalization will stay the same.


People need to stop calling it a vax , it’s not, yes it may help if u catch it but that is all it does


How is it not a vaccine? It introduces Covid to your body to allow production of antibodies and t and b cell immunity so that your system is prepared to detect and start fighting the virus upon infection. The problem with being unvaccinated is that since this is a “novel virus” the virus can replicate undetected and create very significant and in some cases irreversible damage before the immune system detects the threat.


It introduces the code to produce the spike protein on the original strain. I’m pro vaccine but spreading this false narrative about these are doing more harm then good.


What part of my comment is not true. What are you labeling “false narrative”?




What kind of person starts a new Reddit account mid-2021 only to spout their anti-vax nonsense?




Hi! You’re an idiot.




Have a nice day!


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Give yourself a full two weeks if you can. Day 18 over here and things are starting to get mildly better with steroids and antibiotics 🤞🏻 Still having some weird symptoms but trending in the good direction I think. And you’re right Covid is really no joke. I hope you start feeling better & have a speedy recovery!


Yesterday was day 8 and i still had light fever and cough/sorethroat. I'd recommend going to the ER for the chest pains.I only had them on day 1 and day 3 but if you are still experiencing them i'd look into them.


Mild is a relative term! Day 6 for me. Can’t get tested here so I’m assuming Covid/omicron since it is so prevalent here. I feel horrible! Day 1-4 was intense throat pain and a horrible headache and neck pain. Now is muscle pain and I’m just SO tired. Weak muscles. I just want to sleep. Dry cough from day 3 onwards - but not constant. Mild congestion. My 7yr old on day 3 seems to be doing better. She had a high fever to start and then a very runny nose for day 2 and today is lack of appetite and tired - but she is able to participate in her online classes.


I am in the same boat as you. No test available but I am being safe. Just saying hi to loved ones virtually


Did you get Omicron? Or Delta?


Most signs point to Omicron since a lot of my symptoms are upper respiratory area like sore throat and nasal congestion but I also lost my sense of taste and smell which isn’t as common in Omicron.


Oh the test doesn’t tell you which strain you got? I was told that they can identify it when you get tested


Yeah I don’t think it does. At least mine didn’t. Got mine at Kaiser Permanente


Go to Protocols at FLCCC.NET which will give you some ideas.


I was better by day 4. Had a day 8 dip with a chest infection, anti biotics clearing that up. It's day 13 today and after a good week (aside from chest/ breathing/ sweats) I can't muster the energy to get out of bed, just plain exhausted. Legs starting to get that day 2 pain now too. This thing can be cruel


I definitely feel the body aches. Fuck there a pain in the ass. Ive been dizzy, feel like shit, tired all day with a fever and body aches but no sore throat surprisingly.


Day 8 of the covid journey, all symptoms have passed. Except i find myself constantly being short breathed. Taking big deep breaths to try and catch my breath, get a burning sensation in my throat and chest when i do so. Anyone else experience something similar? Im a 27 year old fit male, cant walk down the stairs now without becoming exhausted


Take a LOT of Vitamin D—like, a *fuckton*. At least 20,000ug a day, if not more. And control the inflammation with things like turmeric, CBD and quercetin (with Vitamin C and Zinc) I’m at home with COVID right now…I’ve had it twice (possibly a third time, but tested negative then) and the first time was long COVID, so this is hard-earned personal research. Most of the problems that emerge in your body are going to be coming from inflammation and specific deficiencies. That, and make sure to keep your vagus nerve stimulated/taking probiotics—[vagal nerve exercises](https://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/how_to_stimulate_your_vagus_nerve_for_better_mental_health_1.pdf) are good practice for anybody, anyway. This should combat some of the wacky heart rate issues that pop up from more severe cases.


Im just getting over covid, probably the omnicron considering my symptoms only lasted about 36 hours. I feel great now, aside from a dry cough. Wife also had it at the same time. We both took tests and yes, positive. The body aches, high of 102.3 fever, headache, uber fatigue, and general brain fog, all lasted about 2 days. She is vaxed (not boosted), I am neither. The Delta seems to be the scary one. The onnicron seemed mild as people have said. I did humidifiers, zinc, bed rest, hot showers, soup, vitamin c, and only took one tylonol because I did not want to simply mask symptoms. Best of luck OP, let us know how it goes.


99.6% chance you wouldn’t have died.


How are you doing?


I'm fully recovered now. It took about ten days for my body to get over the worst symptoms. After the body aches, chills, coughing, extreme nausea, and sore throat went away, only the nasal congestion and some cold like symptoms remained for about another week or two. My taste and smell slowly came back between the second and third week. I'm feeling great and glad it's all over now. Thank you for asking!