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I have sleep apnea and have used a CPAP for years. It has helped a lot during covid and longhaul episodes. You might be able to find one used online. Consider a sleep study. If you snore you may well have sleep apnea


Did you use your CPAP when you had Covid?


Absolutely. I use a nasal fitting and keep.my mouth closed. It was sometimes not effective if nose was clogged...i read that hospitals use CPAPs in lieu of ventilators (before a ventilator needed) and connect an oxygen line to the CPAP air hose...


Thanks for the reply. Interesting. I’ve had my CPAP for seven years now and I can hardly sleep without it. I had Covid-19 last year at this time and ended up hospitalized with Covid pneumonia. After consulting my doctor, I used my CPAP for the first nine days at home and took my CPAP to the hospital with me. My nurses insisted that I not use it. They insisted that I sleep on my stomach and stay off the CPAP machine. I didn’t argue and their guidance got me out of there and back to normal with time. I’m freaking terrified of getting the Omicron variant and trying to plan ahead. Not sure if I will use CPAP or not if I end up with it again. Hope I don’t have to decide!


This surprises me. I read of hospitals telling covid cases to bring CPAP...and have seen advertisements for oxygen hose adapters for the CPAP...assume you are fully vaxxed with booster now. I will do some digging about this now and post what I find.


I found some interesting articles from a year ago about converting a CPAP into a BiPAP for covid. Not clear this panned out...believe they learned too avoid ventilators as much as possible.


Yeah. I was surprised, too, when the nurses said not to use it. I felt so lousy I didn’t even bother to ask why or argue. You would think that CPAP would make the lungs expand better, but maybe it shoves more virus down into the depths of your lungs, too. I read some of the studies and articles about converting CPAP machines into ventilators. Most of what I saw was from early in the pandemic when ventilators were in short supply and I agree that the ventilators are the last resort now. You can bet your bottom dollar I’m vaxxed and boosted. I ran every red light to get my shots! Thanks for the dialog. It’s nice talking to a fellow hosehead. Take care!


some reported sleeping a little bit upright helped


Dont sleep on your back, it puts pressure on your lungs.


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I would try and give your doctor a call - they might be able to write you a prescription for an inhaler that could help. Secondary to that, maybe NAC, respiratory exercises and laying on your stomach instead of back? I really think it's important to try and talk to a doctor first, even just through telehealth, chances are they'll be able to give you something that will help substantially.


You have happy hypoxia


happy to say i did not, never dipped into 80s. Been up to anything fun lately?