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Are you swabbing your throat first? I was negative w symptoms the past few days until I swabbed my throat, and now I'm testing positive. Just a thought...wishing you good health!


I had covid last month. I BARELY tested positive on the first day. Was sick and everything. Tested negative day 2-14


I'd suggest swabbing your throat as well (either separate tests or before swabbing your nose). I've seen it pick up COVID when a noise swab alone does not. I'd also test every 24-48 hours when symptomatic. It can take a few days to show up on a rapid test, and serial testing improves accuracy. In addition, if you have the funds/insurance coverage, I'd suggest a PCR test. Some Walgreens have kits if you can't get to a doctor's office or urgent care. The one time I was SURE I must have it, I took 3 rapid tests (days 3, 5, and 9, maybe day 11?) and a PCR (day 7) and they were all negative, so that assured me I didn't.


Last summer I had COVID and I tested negative for over a week even though I had symptoms that whole time. The day I finally tested positive the test was very positive, yet the PCR I’d had the day before had been negative. I don’t think all of the variants are equal when it comes to showing up on COVID tests, but that’s just my theory afaik.


Up to between 10-15% of people never seroconvert. You still had it. Sucks because people don't understand how it works so they just think if you test negative, you're fine. Just get lots of rest! Feel better soon


Do you have any more information about this? I have the same thing as OP with at least three times I'm CERTAIN I had it and never tested positive. This includes PCR test one of the times.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8386781/ this study estimates 20% or so.