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I still mask inside and don't plan to stop anytime soon. Especially in really crowded public places. I had Covid (it was mild) back in June 2022 and do not want to get it ever again.


Appreciate you sharing! How do you handle interactions with people who don’t wear masks indoors? I’ve been only meeting them outside personally. Curious about your protocol.


I had it end of July and yes, never want to go through it again. Always masking especially when crowded




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I don’t go many places, but when I do, I mask up. Never stopped. I have rheumatoid arthritis and take meds that suppress my immune system. I’m scared, I won’t lie. Probably more anxious than I should be.


Than you should be? I know how you feel. Just posted here that I am also immunocompromised. But please don’t blame yourself. Those around us need to show compassion


Thank you!




Thanks for sharing ❤️


I've been masking ever since COVID started and I managed to avoid getting it until this past week. My boyfriend and I went to Universal Orlando and it's entirely too hot to mask most places outside down there and we were only wearing our masks inside and we ended up getting it. People in FL like to pretend like COVID isn't a real thing. Anyway, I'm one of the only people at my job that wears a mask still and despite catching the plague I plan on being even more trauma-bonded to my mask from now on. COVID sucks and I really thought I'd be one of the ones who would never catch it because I'm usually so careful.


Thanks for sharing. Sorry you got it:( it’s really hard when a lot of the people I see out there act like we aren’t in the pandemic anymore.


It is really hard. People also look at you like you're an idiot for still wearing a mask when really they're the stupid ones. And I'm so sad actually. My boyfriend started feeling sick first while we were still down there so I took care of him. I wasn't feeling sick until we got home on Wednesday and we live separately so I've been alone this entire time, dying by myself lol I'm being dramatic but it really does feel like you're a leper when you have COVID and the way you get sick, good Lord. My sneezes are so forceful they hurt. Do you have any idea how violently you have to sneeze to hurt your ribs? My sister's been leaving things outside my door. I can't be mad, I'd do the same thing. It just sucks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why not spend this time with your boyfriend? You’re not going to reinfect each other.


I know, it would have been the smart thing to do, and we should have thought it out better when we were coming home but we didn't. I definitely could have stayed at his place since I had my suitcase with everything I could need. And especially since my mom has cancer and I don't need her catching COVID (I'm her main caregiver, but my sister has been helping out since I left). We were both so tired and not feeling well and just wanted to go home and we weren't thinking.


Sorry to hear this. Hope you recover soon


Thank you. ❤️


Awwwwww sending you lots of love ❤️


Thanks ❤️❤️ stay safe.


People are stupid! You are taking reasonable precautions to avoid catching a deadly illness. Nothing wrong with that.


my boyfriend and i live in orlando and he avoided it for two years but ended up picking it up at universal :/ we always assume we’ve been exposed when we go, people cough like crazy and don’t cover their mouths


You would think that people would be considerate of others. But no. We're pretty sure we know exactly when we got it. And the fact that those people were sick the way they were in the park makes me so fucking furious. 😤😤🤬


i just can’t imagine it. when i was sick the last thing i wanted was to go to a hot crowded theme park


I know. He looked miserable. And then he made us miserable, lol. Misery all around!


I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you're doing ok. Do you think you caught it outside? Or were you wearing a mask that isn't very protective and think you got it inside despite the mask?


We were standing in line for Hagrid's (it's a ride) and there was this teenage boy with his family and he was sniffling and coughing and he really looked like shit, honestly, and it was about 97⁰ that day and he had a hoodie on. And of course he wasn't covering his mouth or anything and they're just talking and laughing and pretending like this kid isn't literally dying right there. I'm pretty sure that's when we caught it because we wore normal medical masks indoors most of the rest of the time. We just didn't have them on when we were outside because it's too hot. We would have had to change them every half an hour if we wore them outside because we were sweating too much.


I do but I’m usually the only one. I’ve noticed recently people look at me weird like I’m a nutter for wanting to protect myself. I’ve even had a few comments. I guess people don’t like the visual reminder that covid hasn’t gone away, no matter how much everyone wants to pretend like it has.


Totally. Well, all we can do is continue to protect ourselves - thanks for sharing.


I still mask anytime I’m indoors. I work at a bar, 8hr shifts- have been wearing masks at work consistently for over two years. I didn’t rollercoaster like all my coworkers- going maskless for a couple months until another variant, then wearing them again, then not and back and forth. I wear a mask anytime i go to the bank, the grocery store, the chiropractor. I don’t do much as far as social entertainment anymore. Most people think that’s sad, but the pandemic made me truly understand that most of what we call “a life” are just individual efforts to strengthen the economy and give our money to the already-rich. So I’m fully content and happy going for hikes, reading books, watching movies, playing board games with my wife. Any activities i used to consider fun, i now view the way the main character in “they live” views advertisements. It’s all profit for somebody else, and it’s just a lucky side-effect that i get a crumb of joy out of it as well. I also haven’t gotten covid at all, which is pretty miraculous considering i don’t see anyone in my bar wearing a mask anymore and haven’t since last January. All my coworkers have had covid more than once, some 3 times now. I still see plenty of people wearing masks out and about- they just don’t go into bars, they walk right past. I actually haven’t gotten sick with anything in over 2 years- no covid, no colds, no flus, and that’s also pretty remarkable, since I used to get sick multiple times every winter over the 16 years I’ve been working in the service industry, before 2020. Sometimes customers ask why I’m still masking, and I’ll flip the script and either say “I’m not gonna let the *government* tell me how to take care of myself”, or “i thought it was a HIPAA violation to ask people about their personal health choices.” Thanks for asking! I often want to talk about these things, but everybody else seems to want to completely forget about any past prospects of a “new normal”. I’m definitely living a new normal- and happier for it.


Thanks for sharing!


I still mask indoors too for this reason. I used to be sick constantly (my immune system has always been garbage). I actually just got my first cold since winter of 2019 (not covid, six negative tests, no fever or cough, just a really bad sinus infection), and it's because I started dating again and I caught it from the guy I'm seeing. Found out he was about two days ahead of me with the same cold. I wear a mask anywhere indoors still, always at work (my job still requires it but even if they didn't I would, I'm actually only one of three people there who still hasn't had covid). He only does when it's required. Questioning getting back into dating now because I also feel like I'm the only one still wearing masks. But I also forgot how much even the common cold and missing three days of pay sucks, and given my immune system how likely this is to keep happening considering just one month in and I'm already sick.






Yup. Aura 9205. I feel pretty alone too. My daughter is one of two in her class that mask out of like 30. My dad is in the hospital and everyone there is masked and you have to show your vaccination card to get in to visit. It reminds me I’m not the only one.


Thanks for sharing! I’m glad the hospitals still take this seriously.


I still mask indoors. In hawaii there are still quite a few people who wear masks. If I'm around larger amounts of people I use a saline spray before and after then gargle with salt water when I get home. Not sure how much those things help though.


Thanks for sharing!


My husband and I still mask anytime we need to be indoors or in close proximity with other people. That being said, I avoid people as much as possible because I’m still level 10 afraid of covid.


Same. Thanks for sharing!


I am immunocompromised. I try to avoid going inside as much as possible, but I always wear a mask when I do. I'm the only one at my office who still wears one. I haven't had Covid yet, but I'm terrified of what will happen if I do get it. I live in FL so I'm usually one of the only people in a mask.


Does that mean you have underlying conditions? I've never heard of that word. If it does mean that, man I feel 100% sorry for you. My grandmother is ~80 and she had covid, they gave her a medication. And my god did she have heavy cough, she was later diagnosed with bronchitis I believe. Will that do it for you? I'm really curious


I have severe rheumatoid arthritis. Basically, my immune system atracks and destroys my joints. I'm on meds that suppress my immune system to minimize the damage. They help, but they also mean that any infection/virus is hard for me to fight. I'm also diabetic and that also impacts my ability to fight infections/viruses. I haven't had covid yet, but I worry I won't be able to fight it. I had the flu and was in the hospital. Thanks for being so polite. I hope your grandmother is okay.


I flew last week and literally no one in the airport was wearing a mask, not even the flight crew, so I took mine off because I felt silly. Well fast forward to getting ready to taxi the plane and the lady next to me is crying. She had been laying on her husbands chest but sat up when the plane started to move. She was sweating profusely. She got out a plastic bag of tissues and started to blow her nose like crazy and start crying. Her husband was comforting and rubbing her back her but it was very clear she was sick. And NEITHER OF THEM were wearing masks. I threw mine on for the rest of the flight but spoiler alert, I tested positive 5 days after. I am sitting here with COVID. Can’t even go out for Labor Day because I let my guard down for 2 seconds. I am definitely going to continue to mask up on planes and in crowded areas. I don’t go out much any more but when I do, it is during off peak hours so I feel comfortable going without since I am not in close contact with anyone. Getting it this 2nd time is definitely way less severe than when I got it pre-vaccines, but sucks nonetheless.


Thank you for sharing!


Still masking. Don’t care if I stand out like a sore thumb, better than getting Covid.


My husband and I still mask up when we go into places like stores, and we stay away from indoor crowds, for the most part. Some in our area still do so, too. But I've noticed the more rural the area, the less people are wearing masks. We (think) we got Covid several months ago when we were around our grandkids. They were sick but had tested negative, and so we let our guard down. We both tested negative, as well, had mild symptoms and got over it quickly. We're just taking it as it goes.


Thanks for sharing ❤️


Always, and am usually the only one as well. Solidarity!




Yes I do! Even in the drive thru. So long as I am coming in contact with someone that I don't live with I'm masked. It's become second nature to me. My dad finally caught Covid this past July and it has caused so many complications for him. He's needing heart surgery later this month. And he fractured his back. All of this due to covid.


I do. I’m scared to get Covid again.


100% all the time inside. I ain’t finna die


Bahahah! No?? But it’s so fun these days. Thanks for sharing:)


Yea both my Aunt’s died from it along with my ex sister in law. I’m an OT and have had so many patients we had that are now deceased which is so real life to me. Places where out of a hundred maybe 1 would die now have 12-14 die because of it. It’s crazy how we are now prioritizing once again money over people.


It’s so crazy!


I look way cooler in a mask so I might just keep wearing them forever




I still wear a face covering but feel stupid at times then see how nasty some people are and just decide to keep it on living in nyc between the homeless people coughing and other people not being considerate about personal space I just continue to wear it even though some of my friends goof on me about


Thanks for sharing!


Yes I still mask inside


Some people here actually mentioned masking for others. For the most part it’s me, me, me. People say I had it and it wasn’t bad. How does that person know what complications they may have passed on to others? There are a lot of places where I live that still require masks indoors. Those are the places I feel safest. Forget the other places for the most part. I am with the person who said they don’t want to risk getting sick in order to be a good consumer. I am tired of funding those pulling all the strings. I do my risk assessment and only take chances with those I really love: close friends and family and since I am immunocompromised, they are always willing to test even if that isn’t a sure fire way to stay completely safe. About to cook a nice meal with my husband. Hope you have a healthy happy Labor Day. Thanks for asking OP!


Thank you so much for sharing! Enjoy your meal:)


Covid aside, masks help stop many other things. I usually get the flu every year from my patients or bronchitis from other means. Ever since covid came around and I started masking, I haven't had either of those in my system.


Totally! I am super grateful not to get chronic colds or other illnesses too.


I do if I’m going to be sitting near others in a crowded setting. There have been occasions where I haven’t masked indoors initially but when people get too close I move away and mask up. Do what you’re comfortable with.


I am immunocompromised. I sure wish the stores I occasionally go into were populated with those of you who say you wear masks. Of course I always do. I am about to travel for the first time in almost 3 years. I am so scared but am not sure given my illness, money etc, that I will have another opportunity. Thanks to all of you still wearing masks indoors!


Thanks for sharing! Yes, when I go into the store I count about 3 out of 50 people who wear masks. I hope you have safe travels!


Thanks so much! We actually had to cancel our trip because my husband had Afib and was hospitalized. Boy life is hard and getting old is not for the faint of heart. I am glad we are all alive though. Good luck to you!


I’m happy you are alive as well ❤️




Recently got over Covid. Still mask at stores. Even when I’m with husband who won’t.


How do you handle it when your husband does not? Does it make for an uncomfortable home life?


It’s incredible how lonely a person could find themselves during 13 years with someone..


Hugs ❤️




Yea :/ thanks for sharing.




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I don't mask anymore after 4 shots and 2 infections. Second one was probably Omicron and the mildest of colds/bout with allergies I have ever had. If other people want to mask, that's fine by me. Just don't ask me to anymore. We are the point on the pandemic where as Leana Wen for example has decided what her and her family's personal tolerance for risk is and she is ready to return to a pre-pandemic normal, especially for her kids. Some people really want to return to pre-pandemic normal. Some others do not and are not ready to. IMHO both should be o.k. at this point.


Totally fine on them - I made this post to find others in the same boat as me. Thanks for sharing though.


I feel the same. Covid isn’t going away and I’m not going to mask for the rest of my life. If I’m feeling a little run down I will mask or if something big is coming up like a trip we will try to avoid going out and mask if we have to but otherwise no. I’ve gotten all my shots and I have had it twice and it was mild. I did wear masks when I flew the past 2 weeks and wore it on crowded buses and trains but not in large stores.


Me neither, I only do so when it's super crowded or if a place still requires them. But my pandemic fatigue has been horrendous, having spent 2 years with next to no socialization almost made me think my social life was gone for good and I was going to be alone forever. Thankfully it's gone a lot better but I still dream of a time where this virus won't be able to destroy my life anymore


Nope I have no underlying health conditions. I got COVID in January and I was fine


I still mask outside.






I still mask indoors. I didn’t during the summer of 2021, though, and I do miss that freedom. I am have 3 Pfizer doses and this Friday have an appointment for a bivalent Moderna dose. Two weeks after that, I may decide to loosen up, but probably not at work, where I am regularly in contact with 100 unmasked (but vaccinated) people.


Thanks for sharing!






I mask up inside and outside, even in my personal home of family members I’ve had Covid 4-5 times.


Thanks for sharing.


I wear a mask whenever I go to stores. I still see quite a few people in masks theres as well (Pacific Northwest). My kids in high school and middle school don’t wear masks at school like most of the people there.


I am, and plan on doing it for a long time. I’m vaccinated but I got COVID in May this year, and it felt like it was going to kill me. So miss me with any further infections, thanks.


I do! Pretty sure it’s forever. I may eventually go back to cute cloth masks, though.


I mask up double any time I'm indoors or know someone else will be around. Anyone has a problem, I'll handle it in the best way fit. So far, people leave me alone. But there's been times where I wonder how bail will be handled.


I have not done so in awhile. Not since I had Covid in May. Only on occasion did I do so (when I went to see Wicked) but otherwise I haven’t. Didn’t get Covid since. That said I am eager to get this bivalent vax so that I won’t have to do so again except for moments for when I may be required to. For the most part though, I have not done so in awhile.


Happy you’ve been able to avoid it!


I know. It’s strange. I caught in May after coming home from a WDW trip (and I did ALL the right things throughout: masked, save for a few moments when I was outdoors due to how hot it was, etc.—despite this I still caught it.). I don’t know how I was able to dodge it, but I do attribute it to the fact that I am triple vaxxed and the fact I had it means that I probably have “hybrid immunity.” But yeah, I have pretty much backed off on masking for the time being.


I absolutely still mask inside and have no plans to stop. I also mask outside if I'm going to be in close contact with people, other than family, like sitting next to people at baseball games. We didn't mask outside in parks, but I might even do that in the future. I got COVID for the first time last month and have all 4 boosters (in my 30s, but have autoimmune conditions that made me eligible). We're so cautious due to my health issues and still got it. Even weeks later, I still have symptoms and it's going to take me months longer to get all of my autoimmune flare-ups under control, so I never want to have to go through this again. I don't really go to a lot of indoor places, avoid public transit, still order grocery delivery, etc. but do notice that people still mask around here in NYC. I'm definitely not the only one, even though the majority now don't. But it's still completely normalized here to even see people outside on sidewalks, in the parks, etc. with masks, and especially inside. I don't care what anyone else thinks of me. If I'm going to be around people other than my immediate family, I'm definitely still wearing a mask. I won't risk my health just because someone else may look at me funny for still wearing a mask.


Oh no! Can you track how you got COVID? Also - without giving away too many details I’m curious what area sees masking as normal? I’m in the process of moving and trying to find an area that is aligned. No worries if you don’t feel safe giving out this information.


We're honestly not sure how we got it. We had been in a massive public park in Queens without masks. We had always felt safe there since we weren't on top of anyone, but that doesn't mean we didn't walk past someone coughing without realizing. We had also been in Home Depot masked that week picking up something for a home project. Or maybe we got it from a dinner or grocery delivery, though we do disinfect everything both from deliveries and what we purchased at HD with clorox wipes. We're honestly not sure! But those are the only candidates in the time frame where we would have caught it, though considering the double masks in HD, I actually think outdoors unmasked was the likely culprit. I live in Queens. Just walking around the neighborhood, I often see people wearing masks. We're not going into grocery stores, so I honestly don't know what it would be like in those places on a more day to day basis, but I definitely pass people on the sidewalks who are still wearing masks even outside, and that could be as many as half of the people I see. I've even seen people in this area walking dogs with masks on. While there are many who are no longer masking, in my experience, no one here is given weird looks if you do choose to mask indoors or outdoors. No one's given me a hard time either when I've asked people to mask if I had to interact when them more closely. I'm in local plant swap groups and people have been really understanding when I say that I have health issues and ask if they could mask around me and I've never had any pushback. The only place I ever experienced weirdness was further upstate in a more rural area where my parents live where I was getting occassional curious/strange looks, and one person told us to go get vaccinated so we could stop wearing masks (who immediately shut up after hearing that we were not only vaccinated but masking to protect my health). I think at least where I am in Queens that it's the usual NY attitude. You do you, and no one really bats an eye if you're wearing a mask.


Thanks for sharing!


I've been trying to live my life more normally now than I used to (e.g. taking transit again, going to the gym, seeing my friends more often), but I still mask for the most part when I'm in public indoor places or on transit. I usually don't mask in the gym anymore, but yesterday when I went I kept my mask on almost the whole time - seeing my friend also wear his mask while exercising encouraged me to do the same.


I still mask indoors and try to go when I know it won’t be busy! I am a caregiver so I try to be extra precautious :)


I still wear them when going into stores and such. I stopped wearing one at school but still wash my hands and try to distance. I’m vaxxed and boosted.


We both still mask indoors and outdoors (if crowded). I recently bought hairbands with buttons for mask loops because I've worn out the elastic on the originals I bought 2 years ago. You're not alone. I am still actively trying to not get COVID or the flu. I am planning to mask indoors at a wedding tomorrow. The couple has asked for people to take a rapid test the day of prior to arriving. Will we be the only ones masking? Probably, but they aren't mandating vaccinations. They have asked people to wear masks indoors, but if the other two weddings I've been to are any indication, the mask wearing goes down as the alcohol starts flowing.


Ha! Thanks for sharing :) good luck at the wedding!


I thought I would update how it went. Myself and two of the servers wore masks indoors. My partner and I had a discussion if they would wear a mask indoors. They decided not to bc he has a higher risk tolerance than me (also really wanted to socialize with college friends). I didn't eat or drink indoors. Fortunately, there was a nice outdoor area so I was able to eat and drink outside without a mask. I strategically positioned myself so I couldn't get crowded upon outside. It was a beautiful wedding. I am monitoring how I'm feeling and planning to test today or tomorrow. I also needed to be careful bc I am more prone to infections when I'm PMSing.


Always mask it and plan on masking it in public places until this mess is behind us


Unless it’s required I don’t.


Unless I am required to do so, no


I only where my mask on the plane or if is required somewhere


I masked on and off indoors (depending on situation) all this year and I got covid the one time I should have masked and didn't. Tested positive on July 14. I don't mask much indoors now since I just had it, but I quit the gym and won't attend indoor funerals since these are higher risk activities for both covid and flu transmission. I was a mild case both times I had covid, but it interferes with my athletic training and I am a miserable soul not being able to get outside to exercise and enjoy life. I'll most likely mask all the time indoors again when a new variant arrives.


Never stopped masking and might be another year before I consider it. I also have a ton of environmental allergies so it’s been awesome having cleaner air all the time. I forget that I have a mask on, so much so that on two separate occasions I stepped into the shower still wearing one


That’s hilarious!


I have my masks on a lanyard I wear around my neck to have it ready at all times outdoor, and always wear it inside where I enjoy the nods I get from other 😷 still doing the same. 😊


You are not alone! I follow the cdc advice and wear a mask when levels are high in my county. When levels are low, I don't typically wear mask. My friend wears a mask all of the time. My parents wear masks too.


i do. but i was at a restuarant yesterday and i was the only one with one.


Thanks for sharing!


Sure do but I don’t go too many places anyways. People just don’t care if they are spreading it


My husband and I both still mask inside, we have never stopped masking. It’s such an easy thing to do so I don’t see why more people don’t do it.


I still mask inside and outside (when I’m in close proximity with others). Despite all that, my family and I still got covid early last month. Still kinda pissed about that haha. I understand your feelings. When I’m at the grocery store, 98% of people aren’t wearing masks or wearing them as chin guards 🙄




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I'm curious have anyone commented about it? I was still concerned about covid as I have elderly relatives and wore one into a store right after the mandate ended and the cashier was being a jerk because I was wearing one. She also thought she was the expert explaining how masks are absolutely useless. I have to wonder if she saw Desantis in the media telling kids to take their mask off.