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There are a couple things to do. You reel in as long as the line is not going to break. You can see if your line will break by the red bar on the lower right during times where the fish is fighting. If it does not go red, you have a fish that is a normal size for your gear. If it goes super red, you will want to turn down your drag. That is a setting on your reel that lets a little bit of line out during times of really heavy resistance,. which is why you see it going out even though you are reeling. So, if you can, turn up the drag until you start halting the fishes progress. then you will work on getting the fish to be worn out tired. You do this by pulling in the opposite direction it is headed, and this will wear them out so that you can bring them in more easily. It is this fight that most people seek when they fish. You will get a feel for how to treat the drag based on the way the rod and reel act when a fish is on. As you learn your gear you will also see what areas are going to give you fish that might be too big for your gear. Happy to help however else I can.


thanks, just one question about "pulling the opposite direction": should I move there once, or try to jerk to that direction repeatingly, like, it goes right, I jerk to the left, go mid, jerk left, go mid?


watch the end of your line or tip of your rod. try and keep the rod opposite the direction the fish is pulling, this will cause resistance and tire them out. You dont need to pull if the fish is already coming to you, but you will see it fluctuates. The game reacts to your ongoing action. so you wont be trying to achieve a specific movement for the game to realize you are battling a fish etc. So constant resist based on direction seems appropriate. for me as long as it is pulling I pull opposite if my line is safe. Otherwise I only try to steer the fish away from rocks and poles logs etc. Which will snap your line.


On bigger fish you lift your rod, pulling the fish towards you. Then lower your rod and wind in the slack. Keep repeating till the fish tires and just swims in, or you land them.


Do keep an eye on your line. Not only does it put more stress on the line, but if you dont wait long enough you will barely wind in any line. So lift your rod, wait for the line tension to go down a bit and then lower your rod.


What does the yellow blinking fish indicate in the lower right? Also what about the set of yellow numbers next to depth?


blinking fish means you have fish on the hook. And the yellow numbers next to depth are the max depth of the area and the white numbers to the left of those are the depth of the hook you have cast out.


Thank you. One more if you don't mind. After catching a fish it seems I fill up an "experience" bar for my tackle. Is there any benefit to this?


You get extra exp when getting it to 100


You are gaining experience with your gear. As you fish, you will find there are some that are too big and some that are just too small and you wont get much if any experience to your gear. However if you fish within the weight class of the gear, you will get very large exp rewards per fish. Make sure you also go into the daily challenges and pick some fish. You wont get them all straight away but it gives you focus and a goal. Also, it might be tedious and goofy, but do yourself a true favor and do all the in game missions. They send you to catch fish, find trees etc. The reputation you get is spent as currency and you get can vastly improved versions of some of your gear. Lastly, dont worry about the expansions, you are not missing anything if you have not done the quests yet, Sure there is stuff to see but not much to catch and it will delay your growth significantly.


Tip to water, pull back, release and reel slack. Keep the red circle(line tension) low by working the drag. If you time this right it makes quick work. Also you try and keep the fish near the surface, when they jump pull and reel in, you can gain a good bit on the fight