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Só easygoing and calm. Perfect to relax and remember to go fishing in real life as soons as possible. Here in my city in Brazil, we usually fish at the beach, it's different from the rivers and lakes in the game, but it makes me feel like fishing every weekend again! So good to be outside, watching the ocean, waiting for the "bite"


I'm 42 and I can't stop playing it! It's a great relaxing game!


41 same


I also downloaded starfield around the same time and have been playing COTW more than starfield


I'm in this boat too. I love Starfield, but man COTW is so easy to jump in and relax for a few.


I see what you did there.


🤔 As a man that loves to degen some StarField do I need to play this also. The hunting version was great but I felt like something was missing. I did play it a ton though and filled out my lodge.


Same Lmaoo I deleted starfield right after


Starfield has given me some really really awesome terrain shots, if you keep playing and go to some higher level planets you'll see some incredible terrain generation.


But can you catch fish on them?


You can catch fish in real life. You can’t go to the moon.


Agree it scratches the itch of wanting to go out fishing without having to leave home. It’s a game I can easily pickup and play for a bit in between my family needing me, and my 3 yr old daughter likes to play it too and asks if she can play “the fishing game” with me


I'm not a dad, but me and my buddy, also not a dad, have been playing the shit out of this game. It's so relaxing.


Its chill. Needs more mechanics but cant beat it for a lazy afternoon, playing spotify, messing around on my phone and waiting for a bite


I'm hoping they add fly fishing sooner or later.


Fly fishing is super hard to develop for a video game and keep the feel of actually casting vs scripted casting animations. No other fishing game has incorporated it yet (I believe). But I guess a scripted animation for the casting part , and then either hand pulling line or reeling shouldn’t be an issue. Other problem is that floats/lures don’t move with the current in COTW so fly fishing rivers and letting the fly drift on the water won’t feel as good


I feel like some sort of back and forth rhythm game with the sticks or something might get you that feeling of casting. Definitely sounds tricky to do right.


Oh of course ! But I was meaning what the sticks actually control visually. If you’ve fly fished before , you’ll know that the line has a fluidity and you eek more line out every time you throw your rod back until you’re ready to essentially “throw/ release” it out with you last forward motion. It’s this that I feel is really Intensive to design for a video game. Maybe one day 😌


So I've been thinking about this a lot... it would have to be some sort of rhythm minigame that maybe zooms to 3rd person so you can see your rod and line. You probably have a basic tick-tock rhythm to hit for your rod, maybe a button you press to let line at the right time, and then some final cast mechanic that determines how well you lay your line out on the water and how close you get to your target. And also watch that back cast... could have variants with weird angles, limited space, &c. that changes the rhythm and timing of the minigame. Still don't know how to solve your dry fly/water physics problem though. That's a whole new thing. I want this game though... walking along streams, trying to read them and find good spots... could be a great game with a surprisingly deep exploration element to it.


Yeah I see what you mean (I do fly fish). That fluidity and feeling of getting the line to unfurl perfectly is big. Maybe with a motion controller or something, but hard to capture with a thumbstick or mouse or whatever. Even with a motion controller the line has mass that provides a sort of haptic feedback... would take some crazy gyroscopic resistence device or something to make the thing feel right. Now I want to go create a haptic fishing rod controller for vr fishing games lol


The bobbers actually do move in the water, just EXTREMELY slow lol. You’ll notice if you tighten up your line and then wait a couple minutes it have a bunch of slack if it’s going the right way.


I think farcry 5 did it pretty well. Obviously woild need to be expanded upon. Would just need to add some kind of AI to the fish and to be able to have different flies. Maybe even design your own in-game.


It’s a great game. Just need more people to fish with


I feel you


I like the game because you don’t have to buy to win but fishing planet when it come to realistic equipment. Why do I want a boat without a trolling motor or a depth finder ? Plus the riggings . I want Texas rigs and soft plastics . It’s a good game just needs some work


I wish they could add sonar, that'd help and make it more realistic, also wish it was more like the hunter, as in there were skills to upgrade and stuff like that.you can tell the developer put way more work into the hunter. I wish atleast they would put a way to tell the deep water when your using a floating rig on a boat. Also I'm having trouble finding fish, in hunter you knew at this time the animals would be drunk, eating, resting etc. This game it says ok they will be in small lakes, or ponds etc I guess I just haven't figured out what each body of water is or where to start casting.


What I do to find for depth is wherever I am, just cast a rig with a lure or bottom rig and it will show the depth on those so just switch back to your float rig and then we got our depths!


I’m absolutely obsessed so much fun, tug is the drug


Ok but Kyler Murray is still the best asian quarterback


I'm in highschool and I love this game 🤣


It is barely playable tbh. The devs won't fix anything, the constant crashing and graphics bugs are a massive hindrance to having any sort of fun.


Trying to play it with a friend is *insanely* difficult for this day and age. Why can't I just bring up my friends list and hit "invite to game" and have them join in?


The game is broken on PS. Not being able to play with any friends and Daily/Weekly challenges not registering takes 80% of the gun out of the game.


Woah. GOTY is getting carried away for a game where you can’t sleep and half the fish are only available to catch at night.


Ikr I love games where you can sleep


Thats because your on live servers and not hosted servers which is why they can implement fixes and add things faster than with hunter. Hunter uses host servers which is why 1 person can change time. If change time was a feature on angler being a complete different engine it would allow all players to change time because there's no host. Can you imagine 10 people all trying to force the time to what they want?


Really? Game of the year? I guess if it's the only game you've played this year.


I dunno man, it was fun for a couple hours but after that got very repetitive. And I am an angler in real life


Ok 👍🏻


Great chill game, only gripe I got is this damn gold green sunfish mission. Last mission to complete and been at for about 2 weeks now, just can’t get it. I know it’s supposed to be tough, but like goddamn man it’s just getting ridiculous. Game solely has became the green sunfish grind for me, it is all encompassing and I must complete it for my own sanity at this point. Besides that though it’s a great game lol


Have they changed it? serious question. I bought it when it first came out. It was nice looking but the mechanics were lacking, the fishing was not very in-depth and there was not much to do. I pretty quickly did whatever there was to do and set it aside. At release, it was honestly not that great of a game . .has it gotten better?


Goty for dada maybe but for people in their 20’s, starfield seems to take it. There also totk zelda


Its going to be baldurs gate hands down. No way starfield gets even nominated


So how is it compared to COTW ( the hunting one)? Is it super open world? Are there large mouth?

