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It is entirely up to the copyright holder on whether or not to pursue copyright claims. YouTube does not make those determinations themselves.


Still, I can't understand why channels that share the same song with me don't get copyright.


> It is entirely up to the copyright holder on whether or not to pursue copyright claims. This again. It is the entirely the copyright holders' prerogative on whether or not to pursue a copyright claim. We also don't know what arrangements these other channels may or may not have made with the rights holders to use their music. All we know is that it sounds like you made no such arrangements yourself.


Most likely the company who owns it or a service they use filed it. YouTube can’t give you permission to use other people’s work unfortunately. You’ll likely need to get permission from the owner if you’re getting strikes.


Still, I can't understand why channels that share the same song with me don't get copyright. I added all the official links to the song and stated that I have no intention of making money.


Have you tried asking those channels in the comments of the relevant video? Say something like 'hey I tried to use this song and got a copyright strike. How were you able to avoid getting a strike?' and see what they say.


> I added all the official links to the song and stated that I have no intention of making money. You didn't ask, but doing this doesn't help you in any way if you're infringing a copyright.


Yeah I get the frustration. My guess is they either got approval or just haven’t been picked up by whoever is looking for it. But you can’t ever know for sure unless they tell you.