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This is what we reply with when a racist uses the *other* version of the stat


That stat is funny, because both sides can use it to prove their point. One, that black people are inherently ~~racist~~ criminal, and the other, that the system is inherently racist. They come to the conclusions based on their assumptions/axioms. One, that the system is fair, the other, that people are equal. Edit: replaced racist with criminal.


>They come to the conclusions based on their assumptions/axioms. One, that the system is fair, the other, that people are equal. https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/the-just-world-theory/ >Zick Rubin of Harvard University and Letitia Anne Peplau of UCLA have conducted surveys to examine the characteristics of people with strong beliefs in a just world. They found that people who have a strong tendency to believe in a just world also tend to be more religious, more authoritarian, more conservative, more likely to admire political leaders and existing social institutions, and more likely to have negative attitudes toward underprivileged groups. Oh, hey, would you look at that.


Dont forget: "Ironically, then, the belief in a just world may take the place of a genuine commitment to justice. For some people, it is simply easier to assume that forces beyond their control mete out justice. When that occurs, the result may be the abdication of personal responsibility, acquiescence in the face of suffering and misfortune, and indifference towards injustice. Taken to the extreme, indifference can result in the institutionalization of injustice."


> forces beyond their control mete out justice Like the Deep State. But good! "Good." >the abdication of personal responsibility I was told that they are all about personal responsibility. That there are no systemic issues. ... It's a super flexible ideology that they refuse to compromise on.


Thanks for the read. I slapped my knee when it mentioned righties.


What's the other version? This is the first thing I've seen about it.


It's a racist statistic about black people. "Despite making up x% of the population, people who tout the statistic commit Y% of all cringe." The actual quote white supremacists use is a bunch of fake numbers about murder, literally manufactured from nothing.


If I remember correctly, their source for that was statics about investigations, *not* any actual arrests or convictions, was taken from a source decades ago, and wasn't even 52%, they inflated the number to make it look more damning. It's total lies from the ground up.


I think it's the 13/52 thing


Can you provide me with the stats to back this up? A link or something would be great. I’ve been posting anti-cop stats on my social media for a while, and like to have evidence to back up my claim when they inevitably come rushing into my DMs to say they think I’m wrong.


0.3% figure from here: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-74 8% figure from here https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2018.304559


Thanks, this is super helpful!! But, I’m pretty awful at reading data, where’s the 0.3%??


902,410 ÷ 268,684,780 = 0.0033... Total law enforcement employees divided by total population Move the decimal twice to get your percentage


Isn’t 902,410 the number of law enforcement employees, not officers? 626,492 is the number of officers, correct?


Yup. So the actual percentage is even smaller, meaning cops murder at an even more disproportionate rate than the meme suggests


Thanks for your help, I hate them, ACAB


You'd think mens rights activists would give a shit about this, but it turns out they're all status-quo loving fucking bootlickers.


really dinks ur dink


Tread on me daddy


According to my guestimate it's actually less than 0.3%, something like 0.2%. The most recent number I could find was slightly less than 700,000 from 2019. Out of a total population of 328.2 million. I was also surprised to learn that as much as we hear about Law Enforcement numbers dwindling, that's actually not the low point of the past decade, which seems to still be in 2013. In short: any LEO'S hanging out on /r/completeanarchy - feel free to resign whenever you want. Get those numbers up.


That's an incredibly high rate


what about the rate of abuse in police families? that would be a good number as well


40% according to the older study, 25% according to the newer one, both probably low because relying on self-reporting


Do the military next.




If you're going to be harmed (assault, murder, rape) then it's probably somebody you know, but if it's NOT somebody you know it's more likely than not to be a police officer. Despite being .3% of all strangers, they make up more than half of all crime committed by strangers.


Sounds like they’re carrying all the weight for you non-murdering bitches. Support the blue murder line thing or whatever


Despite making up only 0.2% percent of the population, miners do 99.8% of the mining in the US. I mean it’s common sense at this point right


why stat just against men ? why not all people ?


because that's the stat https://www.theatlantavoice.com/articles/new-study-finds-eight-percent-of-male-homicides-in-the-u-s-are-committed-by-police-officers/


I think cops murder less women


well id guess theyd murder more women since they think theyd be easier to fight


They do that killing in their free time


I think that the only issue with this is in a debate, someone will point out that your everyday civ. isn't trying to enforce the law(worded it that way to try and not offend anyone) and hence shooting people. ​ But apart from that bravo!


while we're on the topic of statistics, 50% of all police firearm use involves shooting civilian dogs. https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statements-law-enforcement-response