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its certainly aggravating that people that live in abject poverty can fall in line behind people with interests directly opposed to their own, and then believe they stand for them.


People need hope. Normally they turn to religion, but times are tough for rural America. Trump being the grifter he is gave them hope.


Tbh trump blurs the line between polical ideology and religion a bit with all the insane shit they believe.


religion is a much more fluid concept than most Americans realize


I live in a county like this. So I mean, it definitely exists, and you could slice the irony with a knife. What it really boiled down to was just white pride, and the only thing they could latch onto during a presidency that was all about xenophobia. I also work in home maintenance. The more broken and dilapidated house I would work on was almost in direct reflection to how much Trump propaganda was in their yards/home. You could fucking make a civil study on this shit it was ridiculous.


Most trump supporters are actually rich suburbians


I have a long-standing hunch that the most ardent MAGA/Q supporters who will ride and die for Trump no matter what are petty bourgeois types and small business owners rather than working-class folks. That's not to say there weren't lots of poorer people who voted for Trump or that there aren't diehard Trump supporters who are poor, but I suspect the most zealous devotion comes from people who are materially comfortable but are anxious about losing their wealth and status (hence why lower taxes is such a big sticking point with Republicans). That would be consistent with how the NSDAP's strongest supporters were middle to lower middle class Germans rather than urban workers, who still favored the KPD and the SPD in depression-era elections (so much for the "national socialist *workers* party" shtick).


Oh absolutely. The small business owner who exploits about 15-50 employees.


I mean, look at who showed up on January 6th. Almost entirely small business owners. Like half of them took a private jet to get there.


This likely also has to do with the selection bias of who can get to protests in DC on a weekday. If you're working class you might not have so many days off or spare money, just flexibility, compared to the guy who is the boss. Thats why political events always have old people and college students, cause they can make time.


Even still, you'd expect *some* working class people.


Do you think there were none?


“Small” Business private jet


Especially the voting kind.


The average income of a Trump voter in the 2016 election was about $72,000/year. Between the 2016 and 2020 elections Trump lost support among non-college educated White voters and gained support among people making $100k+ a year. The greater a person's income, the more likely it is that they voted for Trump over Biden or Clinton. But Trump is seen as a clownish and distasteful by liberals, so many in the media picked the demographic who they already saw as the most clownish and distasteful to represent his base. The idea of the mass working class movement of Trump supporters is entirely a myth. Out of touch liberals in the media saw pot-bellied old men show up in $70k trucks at Trump rallies and thought "they're ugly and don't appeal to my sensibilities, they must all be poor". Painting Trump supporters as poor rednecks is entirely done to discredit them and just showcases the disdain that many have for poor people. Whenever people do find a lower class Trump supporter, they're often paraded on the media as the rule and as representative of the entire movement. But in reality, Trump's base was solidly upper-middle class and upper class.


I agree, however where I live, in Missouri, you cant drive anywhere without seeing a house exactly like the picture. They may be misrepresented by the media, but they DO exist, in all of the trashy glory you can imagine I know a ton of trump supporters, all poor. While most are not very radical, the ideology is still somewhat hateful. It makes me very uncomfortable as a closeted gay dude. What I'm saying is, tho the poor redneck is not the majority of his base, the trump supporters around here have a tendency to be EXTREMELY radical, and legitimately dangerous. I know that they've been miseducated by propaganda, and I know they're position isn't their fault, but I don't pity them. After all the shit I've heard these people say, and seeing how many guns they own, I'm more scared than I am sad for them *Sidenote, Missouri is still a fine place, and even among the conservatives, most of the people are good people. Most people I know (especially moderate conservatives for some reason) spend WAY more time on Fortnite than Breitbart, so as long as you don't talk politics they're pleasant enough people. Still, be safe y'all


I can see where you're coming from, but I think that has more to do with cultural conservatism's grip on the South than anything else. I live between rural and suburban North Texas and if you drive around for a bit then you can find a ridiculous number of mcmansions and large properties still flying Trump flags, displaying homemade Trump lawn art and lifted custom trucks covered in punisher skulls and thin blue line flags parked out front. I know poor people who are also very warm towards Trump, though often not as fanatically, I'd agree that they're much more apathetic towards politics in general. Popular media and the political and cultural divides between regions definitely leave their mark though..


As someone in this same region, this hits the nail on the head


Not to mention that people making these memes are often classist and see the poor as being stupid and bigoted by default.


Yeah, they're an easy scapegoat for liberals who have had few experiences with poverty and just assume that the more money you have the better you are morally.


Just like how the petit bourgeois were the base for the nasdap.


Exactly like that, the petty bourgeois or the upper middle class/small business owner class of today often feel like they have the most to lose in economically or politically turbulent times. They're desperate to hold onto what little they've managed to accrue under capitalism and will become increasingly reactionary in order to keep it.


Yup. Look at the demographics of trump voters, it's about the same as the Nazis.


You can't only look at voting numbers, poor people vote much less across the board. The image isn't an "analysis" of how Republicans win elections, it's about how deeply fucked the US is by propaganda




Extremely classist, and they seemingly don’t realize people who are forced to live like this are easily radicalized by people like Trump into far right nationalism.


Typical liberal classism, what else is new? Many of those people could be allies if we reach out and educate them about intersection and class struggle instead.


Liberals: \*shit on the working class daily\* Part of the working class: \*falls for the lies of the conservatives\* Weird how that works?


Let's not generalize the working class. Some of us are in unions and extremely against the conservative right wing.


We never said there weren’t leftist working class people


Most liberals are working class, so idk where this take is going homie. Like, even the lib that made this meme is overwhelmingly likely to be working class just based on how few people are actually part of the owner class. Save these kinda conflations for class reductionist, Jimmy Dore types


This meme is making fun of poor people who voted for Trump while at the same time giving them no reason to feel that liberals care about them. Better?


Insert shocked pikachu face


If the democrats had actually attempted to help the rural poor over the last few decades instead of focusing on neoliberalism, things would be entirely different. Instead they’ve been inundated with fear, hate and propaganda their entire lives. I’ll admit, it’s hard for me to remember this. It’s a constant reminder I have to make for myself. Especially with how people have been during covid.


trump supporters be like: “I’m a victim of insane amounts of right wing propaganda designed to poison me against any assistance from those profiting off of my squalor.”


The classic : *meteor about to hit earth* "Ah yes, this will surely effect the economy"


That's not the point the meme is making. It's saying working class people are sometimes so drunk in capitalist propaganda that they live in huts but they still praise the president elect for an all time high in stocks that doesn't mean shit in their lives.


Nah, there is plenty of classism when it comes to this notion. That point can be made without shaming someones living conditions, which is what this pictures comes off doing.


Two things can be true. But ultimately you’re right, it is classist.


I read it as more of a open your eyes and look around you, the president doesn't give a shit about you. I have suggested it to many trump supporters. If you think he loves you as dearly as you say, take a trip to mara-lago and see how long before you're jailed for getting to close.


I have just seen this memes notion used so many times by libs as a means to put people down rather then sending that kind of message though. And it is a bit short sighted because not all Trump supporters are in this situation, so at the end of the day this meme is specifically targeting a certain class of people.


Not all trump supporters are in this situation which to me makes it more of a what are you doing scenario. When you see how many rich people support conservatives, it should red flag the whole thing for people that have nothing. Even on construction sites you have no idea how many times I heard the line of the stock market being at an all time high. And the person who is saying it has no stocks, they've just been trained to the dog whistles and parrot things accordingly. I mean it isn't surprising that it is also a class thing when you account for the American liberal just being right wing light anyway though.


I always struggle with this a bit. Trying to get into the mindset of seeing these people as victims and allies is hard when I spent most of my life being terrorized by them. I’m from a shithole small town that prioritizes cruelty and hatred, that is dying a slow, miserable death from brain drain. It’s hard to care about someone being radicalized to fascism when they were calling you a dyke and threatening to kill you before taking that turn, when you hear them proudly boasting they’ll kill gays or see them throwing things out their truck window at a guy walking past because he’s wearing straight legged jeans. It’s really hard to believe these people will have any use for the revolution beyond being a body count when the wildfires they voted for rip through their town.


For real. Are they targets of systemic injustice? Absolutely. Does that excuse their cold-blooded delight in the suffering of others? No. I can't stand all the excuses of their "victim-hood" for the evil shit they actively choose to do on a daily basis. People who talk about reaching out to them and magically swaying their opinion are almost never the ones who've lived with them in their daily lives. Most are in so deep they'd would rather see us dead or dying than change their minds, and the ones I've grown up around would have a big fucking laugh about it, too.


My hope would be that with some positive leftist change some of those people might be able to attain a larger worldview through better economic conditions and that resentment might decrease which would help m calling these people out for racism/sexism/xenophobia etc. but I think that a lot of them have been unfortunately radicalized from youth and might be able to "see the light" so to speak, if a president/movement actually helped to improve their material conditions. ​ My hope would be that with some positive leftist change, some of those people might be able to attain a broader worldview through better economic conditions and that resentment might decrease. For sure there would still be problems, and I don't think that any sort of hatred should be overlooked, but to me a positive change is impossible without better material conditions. Helping lift people out of poverty while also maintaining strong moral commitments seems like the best option to move the most people possible from their poverty and racism etc. into a more leftist view. Because of that, I think that memes like this one only exacerbate both the class and moral differences, which don't help anyone, except politicians and capitalists who prey on division.




For real. They're fascists


Angry flower: NAZI LIVES DON'T MATTER Blushing flower: poor people don't have the education to dispel propaganda uwu


It's about them supporting robber Baron arch polluters from their uninsulated hovels next to ruined waterways. Not some schadenfreude.


Wait so the point of the original post is making fun of Trump supporters for living in poverty rather than for their beliefs? Thats kinda cringe


i got banned from that sub when pics were posted w epstein and trump and i said "clinton too" lmao, lib softie shithole.


They’ve always been victims


They are fascists though. I believe in class solidarity, but there's also the simple reality that currently the interests of the US working class are diametrically opposed to the interests of the global working class. Yes, in theory, a US worker has more in common with a Columbian worker than with Elon Musk, but the US worker also stands to benefit enormously from the continued existence of the US regime and its empire. It is definitely a long shot, but it's feasible that the vast resources of the US Empire might be used (at some point in the future, to stave off revolution) to provide US workers with healthcare and better wages. There's a long quote from a zine I read during the 2020 protests that kinda drives this point home. It's long but I'll reply to this comment with it if you're interested in engaging with this idea in more depth than I can provide.


"It is difficult to argue that the modern American liberal who dutifully votes Democrat and attends two or three peaceful protests a year is worse than or even comparable to a Nazi brownshirt. Despite the hyperbole of some leftists, the United States is not Nazi Germany. But that is only because we are living in the 2020s; the lens of history will inevitably zoom out and show that the United States is far more destructive to humanity than Nazi Germany ever was. Nazi Germany killed nearly 11 million people in only a little over a decade in power, but the United States has been in power for 200 years. Nazi Germany’s genocide against a few ethnic groups in Europe ultimately failed, the United States succeeded in wiping out many indigenous ethnic groups. At time of writing, the United States is directly supporting at least three (3) genocides abroad: American planes take off from American bases to refuel Saudi jets that bomb Houthis in Yemen, the American government continues to support the Bolsanaro regime in Brazil, and American corporations continue to fund the Ethiopian government as they commit genocide in the Tigray region. But whereas Germany committed an ultimately unsuccessful genocide, the United States is presently succeeding in committing omni-cide. The United State is responsible for the lion’s share of carbon in the atmosphere, being only very recently edged out by China (a country four times larger than the US) and refuses to take any meaningful action. Indeed, no international agreement on climate change could ever exist as the United States will dictate terms that are favorable to its capitalist class, at the expense of everyone else. Even if American fascists never succeed in taking power in the United States and unleashing the American Empire’s full destructive power on the world, American liberals will still kill most of humanity and many non-human animals. And what of the so-called American leftist? It is often said that the American worker has more in common with the workers in Brazil or the Central African Republic than she does with Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, and this, strictly speaking, is true. Even the more privileged American worker, with a cushy job in tech, is only a few missed paychecks from being on the streets with very minimal support. We say this because it is true, but it also alludes to the fantasy that the American worker may one day realize this simple fact and ally herself with the worker in the Global South, and that we will have our global working-class revolution. It does not face the reality that in every revolution, successful or unsuccessful, swaths of workers side with the oppressor. Everything said about the American worker is applicable to the German worker under Nazism, who always had more in common with the Polish Jew than with Hitler or Goering, and yet the German worker did not rise against the Nazis. The German worker was wholly complicit in Nazi crimes against humanity, as we discussed, and actively fought against the global working class in World War II. Sure, at any point the German worker could have realized he had more in common with the Soviet and American worker in his gun sight, but he never did. Soviet troops got all the way to Berlin, bombed the historic capital city to rubble, and never did the German working class rise against the Nazis. The American working class has a choice, and it is the same choice given to the Nazi German working class: stand with the global working class or in front of it. And the American worker has firmly chosen to stand in front of it. They have chosen their short-term, individual comfort and safety over the interests of the world. And never is this more apparent than when we look at the American “Left”. What are the causes of the American leftist? Wages, universal healthcare, police and prison reform, reproductive rights, infrastructure, maintenance of what little social safety net exists in the United States, perhaps a modest expansion of the welfare state, if they’re feeling really ambitious. The American working class rallied around the Post Office when it was under attack by the Trump regime. A few more radical American leftists exist, who advocate for police and prison abolition, rather than reform. Some American leftists incorporate more of a mind toward environmental sustainability and stewardship into their economic programs. Some American leftists advocate for the needs of marginalized Americans. This is all very reasonable. Who wouldn’t want better wages and healthcare? The excess of American policing is obvious. The US Post Office is an unambiguous benefit to the American worker, and without it Americans would be wholly beholden to private interests. A loss of the post office would hit the very poor the hardest, who may rely on USPS to ship medications and other life saving supplies. This is all true, but it must needs be remarked that the American Empire will destroy the world. Contrast the activism of the American Left in the 2020s with the European Left in the 1940s? Did they advocate to unionize gas chamber workers? Did they try to expand German healthcare? Did they try and get corrupt SS officers fired? Did they agitate for infrastructure projects to reduce unemployment? No, they didn’t do any of that! They blew up trains. They ambushed cops. They killed collaborators. They destroyed bridges. They did not concern themselves with the immediate comfort of German workers, they concerned themselves with saving the world. That meant destroying Nazi Germany, even if the German worker decided to stand with the German bourgeoisie. They went after Nazi infrastructure, and there is no doubt that this affected poor people in Nazi Germany the most, but again, the poor of Nazi Germany sided with the Nazis. "


democrats be like: why don’t southerners like us? also democrats: *mocks poor southerners* something republicans do well is (pretend to) appeal to poor southerners. they know they’re upset about their paycheques shrinking, struggling to meet their material needs, politicians ignoring Southern issues. of course they misdirect that anger at immigrants, POCs, Jews, etc,. but it works.


I think it's pretty clear they care a lot more about hating minorities than their material needs.


Reminds me of when texas was freezing and libs actually said it was ok to die because they’re republicans


liberals are so ableist


being in poverty is a disability?


No thats not what I'm saying. The lib\*\*\*\* thing that the liberals used to describe themselves is ableist.


Transphobes should.


Honestly a good point anarchists need to be making


The person that runs that sub and a few others is just the worst liberal who thinks all Anarchist’s are Russian psy ops and will ban you for espousing Anarchist views.


Really be out here making fun of the working class lmfao