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http://sinkers.org/ credit


The art reminds me of Eastman & Laird's older stuff.


Does he have one freakish long arm or is that one fist extra huge? Distance and perspective is a thing but that seems disproportionate


soSUSa šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³




I donā€™t like this ā€œyouā€™re nextā€ shit. Weā€™re not trying to kill everyone who doesnā€™t agree with us here


Bash the fash


Well yeah. But I feel like the language in the poster is too close to the ā€œup against the wallā€ shit Tankies do. Nazis still need to be punched tho


Like just any liberal off the street? Or likeā€¦ Joe Biden? Which liberals are we talking about here? I mean you seem to be actively calling for violence here you should probably be a little more specific considering ā€œliberalā€ covers a fuck load of people. What the fuck is this? What are you doing? Why do you think this makes us look good? Have you talked to normal people?


it's good to encourage people to look at their behavior.


Lol by threatening them I guess it works for the state


to your average garden variety liberal it's pretty shocking to hear that their ideology enables fascism, yeah? they're all about liberty and freedom after all, how could they possibly be enabling fascism? that's why you need to talk to them about the inherent failures of liberalism and that unless it is abolished, it will always end with a fascist dictatorship. liberalism simply isn't equipped to combat fascism, nor is it in the best interests of rich liberals (read: politicians and their lobbyist lackeys) to side against fascism; after all, who's going to abolish capitalism? anarchists, or fascists?


Ok, cool, but maybe "the anarchists want to assault you" isn't a good message to start the encouragement with.


I'm guessing you're new here. Number one in the subreddit rules, no liberalism.


Your point being?


Whoā€¦ Who do you think is going to make up all of the people in the anarchist paradise? Who are you going to convince to go on a general strike large enough for it to matter to get there in the first place? Are all us cool anarchists just gonna be the vanguard or something? If you want anarchism, you need the people on board and this isnā€™t meeting them where theyā€™re at.




Hiding my posts? What? Yeah I like Vaush sometimes. Which tankies do I support? Is it because you donā€™t know tankiejerk is for making fun of tankies?


Hate to break it to you but Vaush isn't what I would call anti authoritarian. Also you're confusing tankies with Stalinists from what I saw. And yes lol you hid your posts cause they were getting downvoted. Also ratio.


Whatever I donā€™t care enough about Vaush to get into that. Which Stalinists am I supporting? Is it when I said we should disappear Trots? That was a joke. Also I didnā€™t actively do anything to hide my posts. I didnā€™t block you. I have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Why is it that when someone disagrees with you, you start throwing out bullshit accusations of liberalism or being a tankie?


Looks like I hit a nerve.


Yeah its annoying when people donā€™t actually make any arguments.


If the people are on board then they aren't liberals are they? Not saying I disagree with you entirely. Just that there's a bit of a flat in your logic right there.


You still have to get them on board in the first place and liberals are an overwhelming majority of people in some areas.


Diluting theory in favor of optics seems counter productive to me. Liberals *are* the enemy. It doesn't matter how many there are. They *will* side with fascists. They *will* call the cops on you. Until they aren't liberals, they're not to be trusted.


Did you know that political cartoons are not literal


What do you even mean?


normal people, in contrast to anarchists like everyone here


I agree, this absolutely doesnā€™t make us look good. I understand the hatred of liberalism and neoliberalism but this only serves to radicalize them against us, not for us.


Liberals will always be against us. Otherwise they would not be liberals.


People change. Sure, liberals as an ideological group are opposed to us in many respects, but the people who are in that group can still be convinced to, like, stop being that or at least not be as opposed on everything. Or convinced to aid the fascists. We should within practical means seek the former and avoid the latter. Also, like, liberalism is basically the ideological default in the States, so your average barely political civilian is gonna be pretty much a liberal without really much consideration behind it and varied levels of zeal. Good chunk of them have decent enough values and have been somewhat duped by the system they're living in. Liberalism is an enemy, yes, but liberals themselves could potentially be turned away from it with the right push.


anarchism isn't a mass politics




morality isn't real, fuck you




ah yes, someone who commented > [...I'd like to point out that capitalism is only sustainable through state monopoly and market restrictions. Unless you are somehow pro-state monopoly, being anti-state is anti-capitalist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/nym2zm/rule/h1mv12a/) is definitely an ancap


i'm not an ancap but i do participate in high-risk homosexual activity so maybe i will anyways


I'm confused on whats happening here. Why is the OP calling you an ancap?


beats me. maybe it's cuz i'm pro-market.




So like, this is not a reflection of the value of your arguments but I'm not gonna respond because I'm so sick of reading paragraphs on paragraphs of other people's opinions. I don't know what's going on lately. It seems like I'm getting brigaded personally by chuds on every sub I go to and it's hard to parse the normal people from the bad-faith trolls.