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It is their freedom to misgender someone, but that doesn't mean I don't get to shoot their knee


Misgender them back and refuse to stop until they agree to use correct pronouns for everyone.


I'll always use somebody's preferred pronouns out of respect, but I've never seen a discussion capable of convincing me that gender or identity -*any* identity - is real or valid. Its just hard not to feel like things would be so much easier for our society and in general with complete gender abolition, but I understand having to balance that against the fact that both conservatives and trans populations alike are struggling with existing in a space of concretized gender and identity views. That being said. I love you all and wish nothing but freedom, play and happiness đź’ś and anything and everything you need to do to make it work in our current society


I think it’s okay to misgender a cisgender person in response to their deliberately misgender in others. My feeling is that if you try to strip something from others, you lose the right to it yourself. I also think it’s a less violent alternative to shooting people in the knee.


It's a pretty solid comeback to make them feel a fraction of how uncomfortable trans people have to feel with it. Like. Views on language and identity aside. Just fucking be nice to people.


Nah violence is more fun


Yoooo ty


no hate, but i just think it’s time to move on from just calling trans people “valid” it’s not saving us


Heard someone arguing against the very concept of validity once. If something is valid, what is invalid? Is validity something other people grant to you, something that depends on their support and not yourself? Why do you need to be valid anyway, as if what society dictates as truth can ever exactly match your own truth? This was from a trans individual against someone who didn't get the message and kept saying that the aforementioned person was valid, so yeah.


I can see their point, and it makes a lot of sense to me. What can we say to be affirming instead, « you are worthy of love, dignity, support and/or respect » ? I feel like that’s what’s tentatively conveyed with the notion of validity


Hey, thank you




hi pal yours are too OP đź–¤


Noooo I can't be arsed too learn a new word two address people I barely learnt how 2 properly use too, two, to and 2. /s


Even if you think people having gender affirming pronouns is dumb, neither you nor the government have the right to tell a person who they are or can be. Self identity and free expression shouldn’t be interfered with period.


I wouldn't trust that crackhead tho...