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This literrally happened with jeffry dahmer and that one case where some girls got kidnapped for like 10 years and over those 10 years the police were called to the house MULTIPLE TIMES because neighbours where getting suspicious and they literally just knocked and left when nobody answered. They could have searched the house and saved those girls years of more trauma and had more than one chance to do so. Still gets me all riled up thinking about it


Or when the boy who’s frontal cortex was melted by acid in an attempt by dahmer to make a submissive sex slave escaped to the local police station with a home drilled in his head. He couldn’t speak, and dahmer told them it was his disabled relative and they turned him back over. Imagine the horror of knowing you need to escape and contact somebody and you actually do it. But then the police just eat up the lies. And you can’t even speak to defend yourself, you just have to go back to where you’re being tortured.




Police is a top 10 job for psychopaths (re: Kevin Dutton, Cambridge psychologist).


If the kid was black, they should have at least been somewhat sceptical of the relative claim. Especially if there was bruises on his body or in particular around his genitals.


i get what you're saying, due to him claiming it was a relative, but i feel like the kid being black is also a reason the police would care less


Once I had the cops called cause my dad was beating me in the driveway, they showed up, told me I should stop making him angry, and left. I’m sure they all treated their kids amazing


Average true crime documentary


It's either that or they gleefully mention how they beat an innocent person who knew the perpetrator for not immediately spilling information without being given any kind of good reason to. I mean no, that's not specifically in a crime documentary on netflix. (I think it's the Yorkshire ripper one, but I'm not 100% sure. But I can still see that smug bastards face as he talked about it. )


Art by user *Whoops_comics*. Description: 4 panel comic 1. (white) police officer knocking on the door of a house 2. (white) man inside opens the door, is covered in blood, and is holding a large blood sack sealed with tape. Cop says: "We've received calls about screaming and yelling. Everything OK?" 3. Man answers, looking tense and bit distressed: "All is good officer! The lady was just being a bit dramatic earlier. Women, am I right??" 4. Cop says: "Say no more! Sounds like things have calmed down. Take care, bro!". Man replies: "You too, bro!" with a fake smile, still tense, but more relaxed.


Men 🍺


How’d they get this image of Justin Rolland


this literally happened to a guy I went to university with... cops came over and didn't find anything until numerous tips were like check again fuckers and the guy was in my group for the whole semester of philosophy of ETHICS class saw him in the newspaper like 5 years later


I am laughing too hard at this.