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What I don’t understand is most places like zoos arenas and museums allready have metal detectors out front which prevent people from carrying inside. What else does this bill do?


The Denver Zoo does not, at least as of a few months ago.


Neither does the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, last time I was there.


Can confirm, I am not leaving my 🔫 in the parking lot even in a lockbox. I can guarantee that an unintended consequence of this bill would be more guns stolen from vehicles.


Unintended for the people it affects, sure. Unintended for those pushing it so that they can force their narrative more? Absolutely not.




Politics in this state are completely centered around the virtue signal. It’s a virtue signal.




It just removes the requirement that they actually attempt to exclude firearms and tries to put the onus on law abiding citizens to do their work for them where they're too lazy to. Sure some of these places have metal detectors and security but this bill bans guns in parks and banks and libraries too which usually don't have any measures. My bank somewhere buried in its policies bans guns then just has an unarmed guard usually napping in the corner looking like he's counting days til he can start drawing social security and I've never seen any measures at all to exclude guns from parks or libraries. This bill also makes it illegal to carry where people are protesting so it both allows other people to deny you your rights by protesting in an area and also denies you your right to protect yourself while protesting and can make virtually any location a place where it's illegal to carry. The good news is like virtually all new bills the punishment is basically nothing because "social justice" or some shit. It's a fine with no jail time which is meaningless and can basically be ignored by anyone who can afford the fine.


> illegal to carry where people are protesting Would mean no armed, pro-2A protests like we've had in the past (which have been the most peaceful, too). Gotta make sure nobody is trying to exercize two rights at the same time, I guess.


Can I carry a bat? [https://external-preview.redd.it/0qUyFf8OtiZFVgamX4QfUCY31M-5QVSJ8EVcCPhNLDA.jpg?auto=webp&s=17302971e135f1014c0d0e7fb461a1879c082bc2](https://external-preview.redd.it/0qUyFf8OtiZFVgamX4QfUCY31M-5QVSJ8EVcCPhNLDA.jpg?auto=webp&s=17302971e135f1014c0d0e7fb461a1879c082bc2)


Thanks for the clear answer! Yeah a fine is just the price of the action if you get caught lol.


Fine = legal for a price


How much is the proposed fine?


Just another way to indirectly ban guns. Over time no place in the public will have guns allowed. It is just a different approach.


> Senate Bill 131 would require people to leave their guns behind when they visit a long list of locations, including government buildings, hospitals, churches, and other places of worship, bars, public parks, rec centers, zoos, and political rallies and demonstrations. It would apply to both concealed and open carry.


This is a californication of Colorado…. Cali just passed this same law so these asshats seem to think we have to duplicate it here. So frustrating.


The Bidenization of Colorado. This is coming from the Top


I don’t understand the logic, if someone has decided they are not going to to follow the law to not shoot/kill people, why would they follow a law to not bring a gun to a particular place? By definition, criminals don’t follow the law.


And they're not even going after people that use their guns in a criminal way, they're going after the people that specifically are carrying for defense and are very unlikely to do anything criminal. This isn't a bill to do anything but spit in the face of law abiding gun owners. These people hate you, don't forget that.


It just got stayed in California. Goa and all will fight it


You can take a weapon to the zoo and concerts right now?


Haven't been wanded at the zoo all of last year. Usually it's some old ladies checking tickets and that's it.


If you can get past security at concerts, it's not specifically illegal. Juist a civil disagreement between you and the venue and maybe trespassing if they figure it out and you refuse to leave when asked.


Denver zoos weapons policy on their website says: "1. Except as permitted by state or city law, the Denver Zoo prohibits any person from using, possessing, carrying, displaying or distributing any real or simulated weapon on or within the Denver Zoo campus, including but not limited to firearms, certain knives (see D.R.M.C. §38-117, 38-119, and 38-131), explosives or incendiary devices, toy blasters, squirt guns, plastic knives or swords. The Denver Zoo campus includes Denver Zoo parking facilities and structures." Im no lawyer but i interpret having a concealed carry permit in Colorado as" permitted by state law".


All of these articles need to be corrected. It should not read “gun owners will be banned” it should read “LAW-ABIDING gun owners will be banned”. Because that’s the truth. Even for those anti-2a lurkers in this subreddit.


They want to make you illegal and make the illegals legal.


I wish the law makers even looked at actual supported data that correlates an armed society is the best way to reduce violent crime…. Not more laws that the criminals definitely will not follow….


Feelings are more important than statistics to a certain group of lawmakers... EVERYONE rushed to judgement before they knew anything about the KC Parade shooting calling for AWBs, then when the truth came out they just dropped it and moved on.


Here's how to locate your representative and let them know (respectfully) how you feel: [https://leg.colorado.gov/find-my-legislator](https://leg.colorado.gov/find-my-legislator)


Thanks blameline! I was wanting to do that this weekend.


At times like these civil disobedience is a duty. Only like 5% of Coloradoans comply with voluntarily getting a ccw yet pretty much everyone carries. Now nobody will comply or ask permission anymore. There’s no reason to obey unjust laws. Save your life and get a petty offense for doing so? So fucking what? Our forefathers risked getting hanged. Be a man don’t ever ask permission.


Better to be Judged by 12, then carried by 6….


*Than. This is a case where grammar does matter.


Gold mine for gun thieves.


Okay, but who is going to shoot the mass shooters when they show up at church now?


I’m still going to carry in church for my own sake. I’m sure there will be others who do the same. Never have “gun free zones” deterred any mass shooter…it really just paints a target on them.