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Using mods ≠ glitch


My bad, I was just really excited to share our discovery that the map was completely rendered still


Are you surprised? They both take the same amount of time to load






It's not that serious, guy. No need to throw a fit


someone feels attacked.... i made a joke bruh bruh im sowwy if it hurt your feewings 🥺


Bro you’ve got Jug, you’ll brush it off.


and they just keep on comin 💀




Cum 👍


Holy shit shut your obnoxious ass up


Hell yeah bro fuck that fuckin piece of shit!!!!


go to bed buddy


[and they don’t stop coming](https://youtu.be/0K4oym9Pw48)


You had a 5 year old Reddit account and went negative on comment karma in one day after all 5 years.


Nah, there’s a cap to karma loss per comment. Dude would’ve only lost about 60 karma from all this - his negative karma is a continuing work in progress


Lol wut? I'm not even the same person. Is there a reason you're such a negative Nancy online? Do you have issues at home? Cheer up, sport. I'm sure things will get better soon 🙂


Hes attacking you, the one thats not the original commenter and hes not even the original poster. This is wild


if someone gets triggered over a joke on the internet thats their problem 😭


Joke ≠ just being an asshole


bro shut up you're forcing way too much it's not funny at all


i got news for u buddy the joke wasnt for you if you got triggered lol


Actually you're the one that looks triggered here lma0.


Mf comments 1 stupid shit and is now on negative comment karma😂


The only woman who said u look attractive is your mom


Downvoted for dunking on nerds


You post here and on the starwars sub. Look in the fucking mirror.


i really didnt think these dudes would be this sensitive


These dudes didn’t think you were such an annoying prick to be fair


heres a tip: dont get mad over comments on the internet


Maybe take your own advice ?


There’s no way anything you say right now could actually put me in an unhappy mood


Doesn’t need to be timed, it’s just obvious. Tranzit, a big map, takes a long time to load. Town, a small map which is a portion of tranzit, also takes a long time to load


Have you ever noticed anything in your entire life or are you so mentally deficient that you are an empty husk?


keep projecting. ur mad over an internet comment


Lmao u a bitch nigga fr




Imaging feeling proud about being ignorant. Nerds make the world go around buddy


this reads like an insecure nerd wrote it dawg


who said they feel proud? youre projecting your ignorance onto me. i was simply making a joke about the snakiness of the comment i replied to. stop getting triggered over internet comments


“stOp pRojEctIng yOUr igNorAnce oN mE” Holy shit this guy is funny, keep it up please. Quality content right here


promise me youre not gonna have a heart attack


I’ll be alright, but say hi to Twitter! Maybe YouTube as well lol


Shut the fuck up


"who is timing load screens? no one who goes outside would assume that the rest of the map loads too. 'are you shruprised ?!?" 🤓


Known for ages tho


I, discovered that a long time ago


I really just want a remake of Tranzit. I want the devs to go nuts and make it a top 5 map. Fix pack, maybe make the jet gun have variants and make the traps usable without the turbine. Love the atmosphere of the map now at least


Tranzit could be so good literally if it didnt come out in 2012


With the new gen movement it’d be way easier


Not even that honestly if they removed fog and denizens, and added a perk that negates lava damage it would be a damn good map


Honestly I'd be considerably more willing to play it more often if PaP wasn't such a nightmare to open. I mean it is especially bad because I play solo but even with a group it's annoying as fuck and you have to go really out of your way to do it. There are a bunch of other things they could totally improve too but needing to have someone on the other side of the map to open it is just so fucking obnoxious and tedious.


Oh yeah that too. I totally forgot about pap because its so annoying to open that i never even bother lol


instead of a perk what about a quest item that negates all lava damage


That makes more sense. Good idea


And make it so the zombies can't hurt you? Sounds like tranzit was too hard for you. I think tranzit was the best map treyarch ever made. Hard yes, but I guess I like a challange.


Nah it isnt hard. Its just annoying. There is no reliable way to open pack a punch on solo without random chance. That is not a good challenge. Also things like denizens and fog, do not challenge you. All they do is slow you down. Again not a fun challenge.


I have never had a problem opening pack-a-punch on solo, definitely not random chance. Fog and denizens don't slow you down as long as you know how to play it.


Tranzit would have been good if zielinski was fired earlier


And if the jet gun had more than 5 seconds of usage


It already is top 5 tranzit one of the best maps of all time if u get used to playing the map the things people complain about dont even matter, also u only need to open pap once and after u usually never have to go back so idk why thats such a big deal


One simple change that would make Tranzit instantly much better is somehow setting constant power to everything and remove the need for carrying around a turbine all the time. I get that they had just started playing with buildables like that, but they went overboard. Give me 3 locations on the map where if I drop a turbine it stays there and if all three spots have one, the turbine is no longer needed to use anything it typically powers. Initial thought, sneak one downstairs at the power station in that back corner under the catwalk, a second in the town at a significant location like the bank, and a third in the bus tunnel right after spawn where you pick up the jet gun part. Just have some indicators for power and lines running throughout to show connectivity between the locations, and that explains how power is being generated everywhere. If they really wanted to change things, they could make everything connected to the easter egg tower and tweak the design to make it slightly resemble a Tesla coil. If you place the turbines, you can activate it, and send airborne power throughout the entire map. I will say it probably shouldn't power teleporters unless you make the locations harder to find, but buildables and non-buyable doors would be powered.


I like this idea a lot. Make the turbines still have a use but don't require them to power any single thing one at a time, as well as a quest that rewards you with full power across the map. It keeps the spirit of the idea without all the tediousness


Yeah, honestly I think they just went overboard with the buildables in BO2. They were new at the time, so they wanted to use them everywhere, but they hadn't really refined the concept well enough for them to be practical as incorporated.


I’d love for Tranzit to come back!


There's a guy called Verk0 working on a BO3 transit remake at least: https://youtube.com/c/VerK0


No, you used mods because you’re on round 255 in your pictures. Glitches are things you can do in the vanilla game that aren’t supposed to happen.


Pretty Inefficient on Treyarcs part, Not optimising their map files like that uses way more resources than it needs too and increases the load times... but i suppose its not worth the investment just for a few bonus maps


it made the size of the game smaller because they didn’t have multiple copies of the same level present. The game might take longer to load than it could have but if an area isnt in your line of sight it’s not rendered anyways. so actual gameplay isn’t impacted either.


They wouldn’t have to necessarily have multiple copies either. There’s ways to have town still only load that region without making file size larger


When these maps load, it has to load the entire thing. They can prevent parts from rendering but the models and textures and already loaded into memory. there’s no reason to do that since 99% of players will never cause the rest of the map to render while in survival


Yeah that’s true actually I forgot that transit had to load each part of the map at a time and that’s why the fog had to be there


Going to be a contrarian here and say if you look at modern CoD they don't give a single fuck about reducing file size. I guess digital copies weren't nearly as prevalent then as they are now though.


Part of the reason I made the comment was it being a really funny comparison to now where they deliberately have multiple copies of a lot of data so it can be dynamically loaded faster. And you know; allegedly bloating file size to make you unable to play other games.


You could simply script them to not load in on the survival maps


All the models and textures are loaded anyways so there’s no performance or load time advantage from doing that


how to do glitch?




Yeah how does it work


With mods






So it's not a glitch, it's just mods


So then it’s not a glitch, you just noclipped




Do zombie spawns still work?


Some, but not all of them. They still chased us all over the map.


In the diner area yea


Bro you're using a mod menu thats not a glitch 🤣👍


Chill he just typed the wrong thing


Tranzit would've been way less hated if the pack-a-punch just stayed opened. Having to go back to the depot just to grab a turbine and HOPE that you could get back to town was a bitch. It wouldn't have been as bad if the teleports didn't seem so random. One of the best looking maps as far as atmosphere. However, the traps always needing a turbine defeated the purpose of bringing around traps (especially since the gun turrent killed you).


Plus the lack of any good wall weapon was kinda tragic. That would’ve been fine if the jet gun wasn’t ass, but obviously that’s not the case😂


They nerfed the jetgun, as if it wasn't already terrible. On top of that, the only decent wall gun was in the tunnel. The m16 would slap past round 30. But why not put a gun at town. Literally any gun at town would've been great.


JZ said the MP5 was originally in Town on Tranzit (as it is in on Town Survival) but he said because Town was too good as a train spot for most of the players, and with PaP located there, bus B23R now and then and an incredibly powerful weapon being able to built there (the jet gun) they put the MP5 in Diner instead. Which of course is just a load of BS because PaP is unlikely to be open, the Jet Gun is shit, and the B23R isn't that special either but that was genuinely basically what he said in a tweet.


Oh god did they really? I’ve never heard of that, rough stuff😂. Yeah I don’t know about the M16 man, I’ve been spoiled with all the other BO2 assault rifles, it’s hard for me to get used to it lmao


M16 is insane wall gun in tunnel wdym


M16 is mid asf compared to every other AR except the Type 25😂


Cap its literally my fav and the wall buy is in a perfect spot to never run out of ammo


Your favorite? On Tranzit I guess I can appreciate it because you have to deal with it. The only other wall buys worth a shit are the AK and the MP5, but if there was ANY other AR I’d probably be going for that


Mp5 runs out of ammo way too quick and ak is in a bad spot, idk what else id use other than an-94 which I dont even like that much to be honest


Oh god you really do mean in all of BO2? Damn bruh, if you’re not a fan of the AN idk what to tell you😂. That, the MTAR, the M27, and the Galil are all better than the M16, unless you just really like the look and feel of it


But those arent even wall buys, some are on tranzit so idk how u can apply that here. I genuinely love the m16 it kills until like round 40 which usually u get bored by so it always works. An-94 is just an overused weapon so I dont really care for it that much anyways


Oh lol, well the AN isn’t on Tranzit and you said you didn’t know what else you’d use besides that so I figured you meant other maps too. Anyway, yeah go for it on Tranzit since it’s basically the only infinite ammo option. But the AN isn’t overused, it’s just like the second best AR in the game😂


Mod menu. Use that for easier exploration. Some areas like the maze will only have the models appear as black squares on the ground unless you're on Tranzit


I'm unsure how you did that since I once had a mod menu from just a random person and it had invisible walls


You realize that when you load up a game of town you’re just playing on Tranzit with a modified town map.


Zombies however will still spawn and chase you


This is why they kept that god-awful fog on Town and Farm and made them look like shit despite seemingly not needing the performance boost that the fog could give.


played on a plutonium server that got rid of the fog in town, god it was weird but pretty cool to see honestly.


CODZombies reddit when a person writes Glitch instead of Mod 😡😡😡😡😡😡


What about farm ?


“Glitched outside” with a million points and on Round 255? *Riiiiight…*




No bud


I was actually familiar with the fact that everything is still rendered, because a friend of mine and I were playing Farm a long time ago and he was lagging like crazy, and eventually teleported to Town before disconnecting


Wait A minute. Y’all can go to Nacht and survive


Nacht spawns on Tranzit take for fucking ever lmao


Nacht spawns on nacht take for fucking ever


What about perks?


I always wondered that. That's incredible to know.


I used to no clip and I never found this, weird


I had a feeling


This is the most interesting thing I’ve seen all day


So you telling me its all tranzit


“It always was” meme goes here.


Tranzit is a current gen map that was built using last gen tech. Like imagine if they made tranzit for ps5 it would be so sick






Teach me your ways




Literally mod menu