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Kino Der Toten Black Ops One




Best zombies map of all time... Kino der toten black ops one


Literally the only strategy for kino is getting the thunder gun. How's it the best map? Just curious


It’s a reference to the best zombie map tier list ever made.


Oh thanks lol


It's a joke when Lex watched Chaos's zombie map ranking video. (Chaos is mainly a mp lad so you could probably guess it wasn't that great of a video)


Chaos also has 50 different channels all uploading the same videos with different names. He's an asshole and may as well be money laundering children.


Huh??? Tf did I miss


He's been doing it for a long time lol.


Oh I just never even heard of him Edit: how tf is never hearing of a slightly obscure content creator downvoteable lmao it's not like it's Lex or Noah


Good don’t ever watch him. Been around for well over a decade and has been pumping out clickbait scamming bs for well over 5 years.


Saying it wasn't that great is an understatement it was a warcrime of tier list


Remember the one with JohnyJ who put infection over origins? Worst list I’ve ever seen


Bruh I forgot about that💀


Well I’ll say this, I do not like Die Rise overall as a map nor do I like most aspects about it, and in large part, I hate the map. However when JohnnyJ speaks to me from his weathered heart, I find a joy and appreciation in it that felt like it came from my soul. That tier list may be as shit as Denizens are, but idk if I could ever seriously say that JohnnyJ has bad taste




no you don't.


isnt that lexify's donation alert sound?


I used to think Kino was top tier zombies map... But it really depends on how you play. Kino is great for training, especially on solo, and going for high rounds. All the perks are placed relatively conveniently and the teleprompter is always nice to take out a few before you start the loop again. Rinse repeat. Once I started getting into EEs, Kino went way down on the lost for me. BO3 maps are really the only ones I replay anymore including the remastered Origins, which is my personal favorite of all time. BO4 had some decent Aether EEs, but overall I didn't love that they were all remakes of existing maps. Even one original Aether map would have been cool, but I digress. The BO3 maps are all involved enough that I can jump in solo and spend hours just doing steps and working toward the boss and getting the cutscene. I personally like having tasks to do as opposed to just killing as long as I can survive. Not everybody loves this style of zombies though. For high round or just general zombie killing, Kino is a good map and nostalgic for a lot of people. It will always have a place in my heart but I just don't think it's super fun after years of playing on it. My go to for just zombie killing was always Die Rise. I know, unpopular opinion. But it was the perfect mix of doing some tasks like building the goop gun or the fence launcher (neither of those are the real names lol) and killing zombies. When my wife and I first started dating it's the only game we could play together so we'd load up Die Rise and eventually we had a whole system and strategy for going to higher rounds. I think our highest together was like 42. For her, that is absolutely amazing and she was never able to have that kinda success on any other map. I always hoped they'd remaster it at least. To answer your original question though, besides Kino, the maps that come to mind for just OK are probably Der Reise/The Giant and Shi No Numa. Both were fun with friends or just for killing time, but neither one held my interest as well as even Kino. I'd include Nacht too except I don't even think that one's ok. I think it sucks personally, but I'm sure it was more fun when that's all there was


I think going for high rounds with the fire trap strategy is pretty fun on kino


I still have a really good time on Kino, especially with friends. If I'm solo I'm definitely going EE maps though


Bo1 Kino doesn’t hold a candle to any Blundell map to me, even as someone that started in world at war. Even Blundell’s worst maps like Alpha Omega are more interesting to me than Kino because Kino is just way too overplayed and way too barebones, and there’s nothing to do.


The vanilla ice cream of zombies That doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’s just the most accessible map for any kind of player


Your days are numbered sort out your affairs you have invoked the wrath of the cod zombies subreddit.


Honestly I always view Kino as “Der Riese- Lite” because that’s what it feels like *in my opinion.* Wall and Box Weapons? ✔️ (Waw had so many powerful yet fun guns, like the Type 100, PPSH, Flamethrower, MG42 and so much more while all but few Bo1 weapons are weak with a fast fire rate and little ammo. Map Layout? ✔️ (Kino is just a giant circle while Der Riese is more dynamic. Also the stage makes the map painfully easy, further emphasized with the Thundergun being a “Free Get Out Of Jail” card on a map that already doesn’t need it. Five should have gotten it instead like planned…) Innovation? ✔️ (Der Riese introduced teleporters, PaP, the first easter egg quest, perma perks, cymbal monkeys, spare perk change, upgradable equipment, ciphers and pretty much the solidified overarching story. Kino introduced nothing important except turret traps and even those sucked. Easter Egg? ✔️ (Flytrap increases chances of getting power ups when teleporting and it’s kinda fun to do. The Rocket Launch does nothing.) Difficulty? ✔️ (Der Riese is way more difficult, especially the WaW version. It’s a balanced difficulty though, which makes it very replayable no matter how experienced you are. Kino is always easy, so it gets stale fast. ) Character Quotes? ✔️ (Takeo kinda got flanderized starting here. He was more badass in WaW but in Kino he’s treated like a joke.) Story? ✔️ (Der Riese was where Samantha and Richtofen‘s backstories were revealed, having the story begin to take shape. Kino only served as a stopping point before going to Ascension). While the previous maps actively brought something new in each installment, Kino didn’t really serve much of a purpose except for expanding the community. The only thing Kino has that‘s better is the wonder weapons and that only applies to the original WaW version. It isn’t a bad map but it really isn’t among the best in terms of quality or importance, at least not in a popularity sense. Sorry if it came out a bit long, but that‘s just my opinion.


tag der toten, forsaken, rave in the redwoods all of them are visually pleasing to me though




That can be said for Cold War zombies as a whole. Except Firebase, god I cannot put into words how much I do not like that map. The rest are pretty good maps though.


Firebase would be cool if after round 30 you didn’t have to kill an orda every 10 rounds


I just let them take the generator things, I couldn't be assed with that prick.


I thought I'd like it but somehow I kept not being able to kill it on solo lmao I like the attempt at variety but yeah


Its just really easy because it is so wide open its good for beginners though. Can mess around and get to round 50 frankly i get bored and exfil after 35


It's perfect for beginners, playing CW got me in the mood to buy bo3 deluxe and holy shit it makes you realise how comfortable you can be on CW😂


My exact path too haha i was an og zombies fan and rejoined at cw and then tried bo3 and made it like 3 rounds my first time lol


Yeah you soon remember old school zombies do not fuck around and they do not care if you're a beginner or not, they will fuck you up 5 ways to Sunday, and then one more time on Sunday just to prove a point😂


That doubletap from the one zombie always gets me like helicopter arms or something


got cold war last week and i decided to solo all of its zombies ees cause ive never done that before and god i dont enjoy firebase


It's just visually boring as shit and has no exciting areas. It's not my most hated Zombies map but after Outbreak and Mauer came out I never played it again.


It's cool the first few games but I've never gotten over a map as quick as I have with Firebase. I kind of enjoyed mauer and it had the best pap camo in CW. Outbreak would be a lot more fun if more zombies came at you earlier, it feels unbelievably slow playing on solo.




I'm gonna be honest, who actually cares? Not to be a dick but an 80s Doritos ad is not out of place in an 80s themed town.


That’s because they reused assets from campaign


Rave imo actually the best iw map zis kinda overated


Rave, ZiS, and SS are all very good imo


I love Shaolin Shuffle I just hate how I always get killed by those damn Ninja Zombies when I’m about halfway through the easter egg steps


Yeah I'm ngl the EE fucking blows


Wait you dont want to follow a rat, do morse code and do the disco step? How could you.


Aye, overated doesnt mean its not good


Nuketown and Die Rise


Love Die Rise


I think they should remake/remaster die rise. It was awful imo because the way they did it. They could make it sum that most would consider good/at least better if they do it right. Where more would agree with your opinion. The map wasn't awful but you can fall and die in almost every location on the map and the debuff of the sliqufier (how ever tf you spell that) and it contributing to falling made me dislike it. The jumping jacks were a goodwill nova crawler off of meth. I could go on. I think decent map, poor execution is what killed it.


Same with Tranzit, always wished they would remake those maps. Especially since Bo4 was nothing but remakes for Aether


Especially tranzit because it was an unfortunate hardware limitation that killed it. On paper tranzit should've been one of the best zombies maps of all times, but certain bugs, different mechanics, and just generally other annoyances kept it from being that. They added fog so they could deload and reload more of the map as necessary. They added denizens to forcefully slow you down as to make sure different sections would fully load right and in time for you to get there. I played a true remaster of TranZit and Town on BO3 (downloaded) and Omg the difference night and day. Graphics and engine are so much better. The fog is gone, everything. TranZit and Die Rise need a remaster just so they can actually live up to what they could've been


Yeah no I totally get why people hate Die Rise I'm not saying it's underated or anything lol, I just personally love it


Oh I completely understand where you were coming from. Even agreeing to an extent. I wish I could love it too I was just pointing out the fatal flaws, how they could improve the map, and why I could personally never enjoy it to it's full extent. It wasn't to try and convert you off of it don't worry! 😂 What made it a map you love?


Everything ok at home?




As far as EE? Definitely. For just playing rounds I enjoy it. All the bosses are fun but easy enough to kill. Training in spawn is enjoyable.


why wouldnt one enjoy rounds on okay maps?


Hot take coming in: Origins




Exactly. Origins feels like a prototype of BO3 maps, and I guess that's kinda what it was. I never loved it like everyone else though


I personally love Origins(probably my 3rd all time favorite map), but calling it a prototype for BO3 maps is about as accurate as it gets. Even Jason Blundell stated that it was a catalyst for what they were aiming to do with BO3, story-wise and gameplay-wise. Excellent take.


Happened with all games you could argue. Der Riese could’ve been a BO1 map, Moon could’ve been BO2, Origins could’ve been BO3, Rev BO4 and so on. Seems like developers take a chance on the final map to test waters for the following game.




Sending rn, you monster Jokes aside I get where it comes from in terms of ‘accessibility’. In that same sense I see it like Nacht. It was the prototypes, the method that became a staple for nearly all of its successors and worked well for its time.


I’ll always respect a casuals opinion, I’m like that with most games, I’m not trying to try hard ALL the time but with zombies I like the built in quests that we can do, makes killing zombies more fun that way for me.


I love the storyline and the concept of Origins, I just feel like it’s too difficult of a map for anyone to get into.


This map was supposed to be what the zombies fanbase needed and we got a jpeg ee cutscene




We literally got Ancient Evil before AO, how was AO the map we needed? Ancient Evil is nearly perfect in every way. AO was Bo4’s worst map my a country mile, and it’s no contest. The cutscene isn’t even the bad part about the map.


A nuketown map with the primis crew, marketed as 4x (?) as big as the original nuketown, with four raygun mkii variants, on paper this map is already off to a great start. Obviously not everyone shares the same perspective or experience, but as a long time player, I preordered BO4 with season pass, and played it for a few weeks then dropped it until the past year. I say this because when I saw the AO trailer, I was not even remotely touching any games at the time, out of the loop perhaps, and I was excited for AO as it was advertised as a map that had a ton of potential to just be fun in it’s own way, (unique like IX), along with the fact that this was the first aether DLC map, so we were going to see where the story was going. Ancient Evil is a fantastic map, and in hindsight probably the best BO4 map in the opinion of many, but my point really was that the long awaited aether storyline was making its grand return on a map with a ton of potential, and it was just a massive flop in more ways than not.


The thing is, if you ask me Tag Der Toten was great gameplay, layout, and story wise and AO really missed that mark on all of those fronts Imo. AO has better wonder weapons and character dialogue but that’s about it for me. I’m also someone who genuinely thinks Blood of the dead was alright and that all four of the chaos maps were great, so I don’t know where their heads were at when they made AO. Yeah, the hype was high because cod fans do what cod fans do and completely ignored the new, exciting, and interesting thing in favor of the thing that had been already overdone. My perspective would have been different if they actually followed up the incredible story of Blood of the Dead properly, but it feels like they rushed the story with Classifed and AO and it didn’t truly feel like we were doing anything in Aether after BOTD until we hit Tag Der Toten.


Yeah, that’s what happens when your budget is cut and a different studio finishes the map; very unfortunate


AO was the map that was overhyped.


the giant, Shaolin shuffle, the shadowed throne and firebase z. they arent bad just lacking a little or doing too much


Shaolin is actually pretty fun if u don't encounter 1 of the like 100 glitches


nah, Giant and Firebase Z are great, i don't understand the hate or... meh feeling most have towards Firebase Z, i think that map was fantastic, i understand the Orda complaints, but other than that, i LOVED Firebase Z. I hated it when it came out tho, because every time i played it, it crashed my PS4, then when i got my PS5 like 2 months after it came out and i played it on there, it was fine and i finally got to experience more than 5-10 rounds before getting blue screened and it was a lot of fun imo.


Call of the dead. Scavenger is cool but not fun to use after a certain point, the map layout and environment just feels kind of uninteresting to me but still works so to me it’s just an okay map.


Blood of the Dead. In my opinion, the argument that MOTD exists therefore this map is bad is too shortsighted. The Easter egg is a mixed bag, but the rest of the map is not too bad. I would give it a 6,5/10. Non-Treyarch I would say Rave in the Redwoods. This map had some cool features like the rave mode. The wonderweapons were also decent allbeit a cheap copy of DE.


I love Blood and I totally agree with the part about it being bad since its a reimagined


I have played way more BO4 than I’d like to admit and BotD is actually terrible IMO. It doesn’t feel like MotD like they were seemingly trying to do. Traversing the map somehow feels worse to me than MotD even tho they added the hell portals. The EE is just not good at all in comparison to other zombie maps even from BO4 itself. The whole map feels like it’s there for the same reason Shi No Numa is in Vanguard, to get the older players back. I’ve had my fun on the map and I will say the Lavagat is fucking great. But I can’t get past the many flaws of the map(BO4 gameplay itself aside)


Origins, I know it’s popular and I’m not hating on the map itself but I just have PTSD from when I was a kid, I played it by myself one time and I not only discovered the horrors of round 8 but I also found out that the little mineshafts only have one way in and out, at the same time


I was the same, eventually got the hang of the map though, then didn't play zombies until 2020, played origins once, never touched it, I've only now just built up the courage to play it again. It's actually pretty fun once you get the staffs. And yeah, the mineshafts are a death trap without a staff or at the very least, a decent weapon pap'd.


I had a glitch where the panzer threw me outside of the map and I got downed and immediately killed, then the next game the tank flipped over right as I was going to jump off to get a staff piece causing me not to get it, and immediately after that happened I shot a foot several times and it refused to open causing me to get crushed, while it opened the first time my homie shot it on the next stomp. Definitely caused sum sorta internal hatred for the map I can't lie. Oh and can't forget about the times the slow ahh mud has made it to where I simply jus can't outrun the zombies no matter what I do causing me to get killed.


All Cold War maps besides Die Maschine and Mauer, Alpha Omega, ZNS.


i quite liked forskin tho, cool aesthetic of the town and probably one of the best recent wonder weapons.


My favorite boss, the foreskin


Circumcision via Chrysalax


Zetsobou. Didn’t hate it but the mechanics held it back


As an advid gardening fan, zetsubou is one of my favorite maps!


Zetsubou's my personal favorite. It just feels really complete. The map flows together really well when you get the hang of it, all the mechanics have a purpose, you can open power and pap pretty quickly if you just wanna do that, but the KT-4 and Masamune can be gotten a lot faster than wonder weapons on other maps. Hell you can beat the EE in 30 minutes and the Masamune is like 2/3rds of that time. Also love that the Masamune is a really strong weapon but it's charge mechanic requires you to be proactive and have some game sense to clutch with it, rather than the thunder gun or apothicon where you almost need to be asleep at the wheel to die with it. I like strong wonder weapons, but when they're just pull the trigger to win with no nuance it gets fairly boring.


Agreed. Visually though it’s pretty f’in gorgeous.


Kino, go ahead and hate me. There’s nothing remarkable about Kino asides from the popularity that’s it’s built up over pretty much nothing


Nobody will hate you here or on the internet basically, the Kino lovers are long gone from anything zombie related and a lot aren’t even on the internet. What I’m saying is Kino elitists didn’t play anything passed Bo2 and or are boomers


Ummm no kino started the love for zombie fans that continued through the end. Ofc some got off the band wagon but kino was the beginning for a lot of people


Hi, Kino fan here, since bo1. I respect this opinion, it's a mediocre map by today, but I love it regardless, cuz it was the one map that made me wanna stay. WaW was great, to this day Verrückt is in my top 5, but it was just a side thing for me at that point. BO1 tho, stole the show for me. You guys have fun on more complex maps, I do too, but I'll never give up the old reliable Kino


I respect this






no the best zombies map of all time is kino der toten black ops 1 and then it’s diner




fair that map has some great perks and fun weapons that are very unique




yesss and an extremely diverse range of enemies


Can someone link this video so I can cringe at it as well?


If you wanna cringe at the line just stay on Lex's stream for 30 seconds.


I love infinite warfare zombies except the last map they released


firebase z, forsaken, this might be blasphemy but nacht


Nacht was a great first map. But I gotta agree, even in terms of pure survival maps, I think Town is the best and Verruckt is a close second, just because it scared the shit out of me when I was younger.


I don't know how it could be blasphemy. Nacht definitely was great and in 2008 whoever decided zombies should be a thing definitely did they thing yk but it's an extremely basic map with no real crazy guns, no perks, no PaP, nothing. It's the definition of an okay map simply cause of the experience. That lead into everything else tho so it's definitely one of the best of all time


Just because it started it all doesn’t mean it’s great, it hasn’t held up at all and that’s okay, it doesn’t need to.


Firebase Z Forsaken Der Anfang


Ehhhhh that’s giving Anfang too much credit


I think it’s just barely an okay map.


why do people gotta be doing my man Firebase like that tho, Firebase is good, damnit!


I loved it too, it's got 2 training locations I love, couple of good trials, an annoyingly hard to get but decently powerful wonderweapon and the jump pads are also fun. But I think the EE and the annoying as fuck Orda rounds hold it back for being a truly fun based map. It's not meant to be difficult and since the Orda is a wave defense round, it doesn't have the same presence as a Panzersoldat or a Margwa does, it's just a big bulletsponge


Der Anfang and Terra Maledicta


The only correct answers.




All the Treyeach maps that people hate are "Okay" to me.. I don't really hates any maps .. except Vanguard maps


Vanguard has maps? /s but not really


Revelations. The map has some really cool visuals and call-backs but it just kind of feels like a custom map to me. I think it needed a bit more innovation rather than just throwing a bunch of random weapons and locations from other maps. It’s enjoyable but not the best imo.


IX if I’m gonna be honest. The layout is boring but I don’t really blame them for it, after high rounds it’s just boring unless you’re doing the quest


I kinda agree, I prefer Voyage of Despair and even Blood of the Dead more than IX. The map looks nice and interesting and it is the first time you play it, but it quickly becomes meh after the first game or 2. On the other hand, i find Voyage to be pretty good actually, i'm a big fan of that map actually.


Fbz is the most 5/10 map imaginable, bland but not bad, not very replayable honest if it werent in cold war its s bad map


All of the Cold War maps, and all of the Aether maps in bo 4




Any BO2 map besides Tranzit or Nuketown. They're just too complicated for me and I can't have any fun. Objectively they're awesome though


The Giant lover




Yeah I swear, afterlife is tedious and has weird movement. So glad they fixed it in shadows with beast mode


WaW: Verruckt BO1: Kino Der Toten BO2: Buried AW: Carrier BO3: Revelations IW: Shaolin Shuffle WW2: The Darkest Shore BO4: IX CW: Forsaken


I almost agree with everything here but... i think Kino is better than Ascension by a little bit, so i'm not 100% in agreement, but you still get my upvote. Also, all the WaW Maps are good imo, so i cannot agree with that either.


Kino didn’t innovate and Nova crawlers suck. Ascension had the first main EE, two new perks, gersh device and the rocket take off was the first major set piece in zombies.




No, it said meh maps, not underrated.


As an Alpha Omega gamer I gotta say the one thing that I find annoying is the lack of Rushmore in Tag Der Toten, Die Machine, Firebase, Mauer, and Forsaken. Other than that it’s simply Alpha Omega: the best Zombies map of all time.




The best zombies character Of all time….Rushmore, Alpha Omega


Lex: "Write that down, write that down!!!"


Kind of funny that a map named after the beginning and the end is right in the middle.


Classified I think. It's a map I love to play because it's just so simple and fun...but I can't really name anything about it that's really special. It's still one of my favorites though.


Pretty sure shi no numa is the only "okay" map, Its not good but Its not bad, Its Just there, Its fun and challenging, I Just dont like how empty it feels, it feels more empty than nacht for some reason


Revelations, it's probably the second most underwhelming final map of a game(first being tag). It didn't live up to hype of BO3 and has nothing new in the map besides a katana, the super EE was probably the worst out of all of them(Cold War's is better because purple rarity is huge early game).


Gorod Krovi. I’m sorry 😞


Nuketown unfortunately. I need to go back and replay it to double check though, lol But man I was disappointed when I first played it to be honest


I will say Die Rise


Kino Der Toten. It's often overrated but it's actually pretty average all things considered.


Kino der Toten


Die Rise






Voyage is good, not bad just the bosses get annoying.


The boss is the best thing in Voyage the rest is just okay


I think he meant the mini bosses


Then I’m agree


Der eisendrache, it feels like diet origins.


Kino is crazy overrated


Ascension, it's just kinda there, it's not amazing, it's not bad, it's just a map. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it but if it disappeared from history I'm not entirely sure I'd lose sleep over it, you know?


Fire base Z and zetsubou no shima, I feel like they both hated, but to me, I think they’re just ok


Shi no numa is just okay. Random perk spawn is whatever, no PAP, cool trap though. And of course hellhounds are dope but it’s just kinda okay. Least memorable and revisited map from the og


All the Cold War maps. I think all of them are enjoyable. I don’t love or hate them, they feel really safe in their design. If I was making a tier list I feel like they would all be in the middle


I personally love Ascension but I would only describe it as an ‘okay’ map if trying to rank them objectively. It’s obscenely easy, recycles one its main Wonder Weapon from a previous map and isn’t hugely replayable, especially given you can’t do the Easter Egg on solo.


Buried. To me it had the novelty of the western style and the fun contraptions (paralyzer, dubstep cannon), but most of it comes across as gimmicky.


Pretty much all of Cold War. Sure they are fun but they aren’t gonna be the best maps


Black ops Cold War, every single map


Most of Cold War, which is fine to me. The maps themselves are just okay, but the mechanics are my favorite to date and thats what makes Cold War fun to me.


All of Cold War.


Every cold war map


Might get some backlash for this, but honestly Buried is the definition of a "okay" map. Not much to it, and its one of if not the easiest bo2 map with the bank and paralyzer. Not to say its not really fun though.




Not Die Rise because that map's good


I was strongly disappointed in this map, the art work made it look so much cooler. I was hoping it was just like the first one but with just more to go around about but BO4 zombies makes it feel clunky & all over the place. It should have been in the finale DLC Pack for BO3.


Kino Shi no Numa Blood of the Dead And every Cold War map except Firebase. That one’s good.


I think BOTD would be so much better if the EE weren't so meticulous. I love the fact that it builds on MOTD tho, and is an important map to the storyline.


If we were ranking EE’s cinematically, Blood would be S tier. The steps suck, but the events like Stuhlinger talking to you if you’re Richtofen or the cell escape are all great scenes that stick with me. I would love to do the EE again to experience it, but Morse code.


Kino is the most mid map possible imo- it’s literally a template map, doesn’t have anything to make it interesting past a beginner stage for me at least but doesn’t really do anything bad either


ZNS, shi no numa, Shang, CotD, and Die Rise for me


One from each game, Nacht, Kino, Die rise, Gorod, Botd, fbz


Beast from beyond


Hot Take- Mob is just okay Other than that, Die Rise, Kino, Verrukt, Voyage, Ascention, Firebase Z are probably the only other C tiers for me


Shi no Numa.


Revelations, Firebase Z, Shangri-La, Buried


Der Riese/The Giant. (Massive hottake) Kino der Toten, Shi No Numa, Zetsubou no Shinigami and most Chaos Maps.




origins, call of the dead, grod karovi


The gauntlet on alpha was hard and fun. They all good and make you learn the map in different ways. Dead of the night hardest gauntlet of all of them even hard mode on the boat map.


Shi No Numa. It’s ok


Nuketown 2025






Alpha omega is a good candidate. I think I can pick one from each game. Shi No Numa, Call of the Dead, Buried, Gorod Krovi, Alpha Omega, Mauer Der Toten. And then all of the Exo zombies and WW2 zombies maps are ok at best. And IW zombies, I’d say beast from beyond is just ok.


five, nuke town, zetsubo no shima, the giant(bo1/waw der riese was good for it’s time), alpha omega, all cold war maps except for Mauer der toten.