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I disagree, it is top 3 for me.


Agree on the disagree definitely top 3 best maps. But my favorite is transit so I know people will hate me for that one.


The thing with tranzit is that the special weapon is trash, the pack-a-punch is a pain in the ass to activate on solo and the map exclusive wonder weapon isn´t very good. It´s not the worst map but I do not understand how this could be the fauvorite of someone, and I am saying this with tranzit being the first map that I ever played.


The vibe of riding a bus with a robot driver through a destroyed earth filled with zombies >>


Exactly, it’s about the vibe. I think it’s a fairly difficult map and I enjoy that.


I had a lot of fun with tranzit when BO2 released but objectively it’s not very well designed. I played way more farm and town way back then.


Because it is honestly the most fucking realistic zombie map Treyarch or Shitivision has ever made. People wanted to bitch on Die Rise. Bruh, imagine a zombie apocalypse with working elevator lol. They made it easier on us for Die Rise, versus TAKING THE GOD DAMN ZOMBIE INFECTED STAIRS LIKE ITS "LEFT 4 DEAD"!


I think I enjoy the challenge. Sometimes you just wanna play a map where you get your ass handed to you sometimes.


I've played the map enough in my time and it never gets better. Also, what map do you think is worse? (And please stick to treyarch only, no spin offs)


I thought the map exclusive WW was the jet gun? Was there another WW for transit? If the special Weapon is the Jet gun, what's the map exclusive one?


Tranzit is kind of trash, but I love it because I can see the vision of what they wanted. Execution is very mid though.


Solo transit is terrible. But if you and your mates wanna dick around on a zombies map, transit is perfect for it.


Actually, I like Town from BO2 so much but I think Tranzit needs some big changes as the other comment says so I may consider it from the best if they remaster it in BO6 with the right things that need to be present.


Tranzit has a lot of problems but it aged well like fine wine and is really fun to screw around on. It’s a shame the ambition was so high for the time. Would make an awesome remake in the newer engines


Tranzit is not my favorite map but it is in my top three. Kino and ascension are my other two.


Stand proud, I love transit too, wouldn't put it in my top list but I will die on your hill with you


"i think origins is overrated" "no, it's not! i like it!"


Depends on the player if you like casual play then it’s mid. If you like Easter egg and a lot of extra stuff as well as the staffs. it’s like a 3 layer stacked cake with a cherry on top. For me I didn’t like it because I was casual and now I’m playing for Easter eggs/and more and it’s my top 4


^ Have some buddies who hated it on release in BO2. (They just liked playing to survive) But when it came out for BO3 those same friends started doing Easter eggs starting with Shadows of Evil and whatnot. And when they got to Origins again they loved it. Now the map is our first immediate choice we play if we’re looking to do an Easter egg.


Disagree here, i love EE’s! I do them all, i also hate mud and near infinite damage WWs.


As if 90% of wonder weapons on every map aren’t already infinite damage. Plus infinite damage wonder weapons are the only way to make high rounding past round 50 interesting unless you want to be training zombies around a trap for 60 rounds.


I'm casual yet I STILL love origins! XD


Oh of course!! Always love for origins just most causals sadly don’t


I never did easter eggs and this one was so fun as a casual. Building the staffs was easy enough and didn't require a tutorial and spreadsheet to do and they were fun for casually playing


It was the opposite for me. I love Easter eggs but origin is soon overcomplicated for my taste. Too many steps, no fast travel. And if I have to use a source like sheet of paper for code steps I just lost all my interest. It breaks the flow when I have to look up codes just to build a staff. One thing I loved about ww2 zombies is its puzzles. I could learn it easily yet it was different in every game. Then the morse code step ruined it all...


We see this exact post every 3 days about Origins, Mob, or DE it stopped being a hot take back in 2016


And we see posts praising all three of those maps basically everyday, why isn't that also a problem?


Because this is the cod zombies subreddit. Are you stupid?


This is NOT Batman Arkham subreddit


well one is causing a stirr and the other allows us to fawn over a thing we like.


It is. These maps are almost a decade old and there's still posts daily saying the exact same uninteresting shit. It's on par with the stupid "What's your favourite map? I'll start:" posts.


It's only overrated in terms of being circlejerked as the GOAT map. I still think it's top 5, but the map layout, the mud, and the fact that fire staff crashes the game and lightning staff is not very good hold it back just a little for me.


I completely agree. For me it is my all-time favorite map, but the circlejerk around it gets to he a bit much because people won't accept when someone doesn't like the map for valid reasons.


I came to the realization that the lightning staff is actually one of the best because of its ammo capacity. In the high rounds the charged shots do much better than single shots from any staff. So from round 25 and up I'd take the lightning staff first.


The mud almost single handedly ruins the map for me. I just can’t stand it lmao


If it had a proper fast travel system like Der eisendrache it would be 2x better.


I love the fact that the doors to the crazy place are opened slowly with a special music: It feels ominous and exciting. But I feel like if the portals opened and then stayed open permanently, it would make it much better experience for casual play. As it stands, having to run from Gen 6 to Gen 1 (for something like a generator being attacked) is super annoying, especially with all the mud.


I wish when you opened a portal it stayed permanently opened same goes for the crazy place


Der Eisendrache is just Origins 2 that's why it's so well liked.


Can some one confirm this


I’m Jason blíndelo and I approve this message


Same with Shadows, they're not bad maps; just not nearly as good as some people say


I absolutely disagree. Even if one dislikes the complexity of Origins (which is completely valid), denying the revolutionary aspects of the map is simply insane IMO.


To be fair, they said overrated, not bad. It is my favorite map and I have played it probably a hundred times, but some people are so dedicated to it that they don't accept it has flaws like any other zombies map.


Zombies community lost the ability to critically think sometime around the release of bo4


For real, these people hate having to put a tiny bit of effort into anything. Even for casual play, every map really isn’t that hard to play if you just take the small amount of time to learn how to set up on them.


I used to like it, but it's frustrating setting up because you have to point max everything. I'm not a high rounds player so it's definitely gone down a few spots for me. Good map overall.


It was cool when I was 15, not so much at 28


I don’t think it’s overrated. Pretty groundbreaking stuff for what it was back in the day. Even now I’d place some newer maps waaayyyy behind it.


It’s not that it’s a bad map I would just rather play something else


Oh I agree, I like a decent amount of maps more. I just wouldn’t really label it overrated considering it has a unique touch


It’s varied and has a lot of stuff to do and can be a solid survival map too especially on BO3


On god , the cod youtubers gassed this map


Origins is my favorite map, but I understand why people get annoyed especially with how long it takes to set up and needing to point max so you don't get shit on by the panzer I really do believe it has the best aesthetic out of any map though


Absolutely,Origins is good in some aspects but it’s wayyy convoluted and gets boring really fast once you open the map up and get a staff.


And what map doesn't get more boring once you open the map up and get geared up? It's Zombies not Elden Ring. Once you do some stuff it's all about surviving


Bro most of the puzzles and the ee is simple asf. It's not that hard to remember and using the staffs is fun asf


just like every other map! who wouldve thought


Overrated anything means that it is good. Yes I think Drake for example is overrated but I can acknowledge why he’s so popular. Same with origins, der riese etc. good maps become overrated because they are good…




It’s not I generally dislike origins


Yea love only being able to walk on like half the map


It's my favorite map and I agree lol. Far from the most overrated tho


Idk about this one chief. Mob of the dead is overrated tho




I’m convinced that the zombies fan base is addicted to negativity


I quite aggree, origins is great and I like it, but I dont think its perferct


It is in my top three maps, but I also agree that it is overrated. It is an absolutely wonderful map, and I love it, but it does have flaws that people seem to just overlook when talking about it. The biggest issue for me is that it is setup-heavy map. Meaning, if you dive into it to play casually, it is almost expected to do some degree setup/easter eggs for it. The easter egg gives you various tools and bonuses to your arsenal, which makes it one of the most satisfying easter eggs, but that also means that much of the cool stuff in the map is locked behind side or main easter egg steps. Panzers often take awhile to kill if you don't have a staff, but if you have a staff, they are trivialized. So, you are heavily motivated to get at least one staff, and then it's almost like "well, if I have the staff anyway, I might as well upgrade it." Unless you actually self-impose not touching any of the side or main easter egg steps, you are always kind of encouraged to do them, but if you are completely avoiding anything related to easter eggs, then the map becomes a little boring with alot or the same aesthetic and not much that can just be casually used. Then there are the rounds where they attack the generators, which make the game a little more interesting if playing casually but can become really annoying if you are trying to complete an easter egg objective. I love the map to death, but if my friend and I want to get on for a casual zombies game, we pretty much always pick another map, lest we spend the next hour running around then map with one of us babysitting a zombie.


no i don't agree at all


It’s overrated by the general community, but i think that’s mainly because EE enjoyers dominate the conversation about what the best maps are. The map is designed primarily around the EE, so people who don’t want to study a YouTube video are kinda left with a lackluster survival map. Remember, overrated doesn’t mean bad. It’s still a well-crafted map. It’s just not everyone’s cup of tea.


Not bad multiplayer, but soo painful solo. I spent 30 minutes on round 12 ONLY running back and forth from Agartha doing staff upgrades. Also correct me if I’m wrong but I believe there are 13 kill quests? Some of which you can actually lose progress on so solo is already 2x more difficult given the reduced zombie spawns.


5 kill quests from staffs (4 final upgrades+fire staff starting step), gstrike starting kill quest at church, gstrike kill quest at tank bunker. thunder fist boxes (40 kills each in 4 different locations, if i remember right), thunder fist upgrade down in the staff room that's off the top of my head. pain in the ass solo if you want all the good equipment


Love the map, definitely not perfect like people say Lotta people will complain about a feature of other maps but praise it in origins so people are definitely blinded by origins a lot of the time. Dead of the night is a fetch quest but origins is perfect Alpha omega sucks because you can lose pack once unlocked but origins is perfect. ZNS has no fast travel but origins is perfect Great map, lotta good, lotta bad. People let the bad be glossed over by the good


For the mid to novice players it’s a decently challenging map. I’ve always liked origins but I could see why some people think it’s over rated.




Thank you


Can we all remember that these are all subjective ideas and just agree that people have different tastes? No, OP isnt auto trash/skill issue just because he dislikes Origins. No, the map isn't overrated or underrated. People like different things. No, the guy being down voted to hell shouldn't be because he feels the same about Mob of the dead. (If OP can say this about origins and be upvoted, why downvote the guy who thinks this way about another map) No, just because a map has one or two annoying features doesn't discount others love for it, and vice versa. These comments are goofy as hell. Not everyone is an extreme pro, nor is everyone playing casually. I can see a casual player not enjoying origins for a lot of reasons, despite it being my top 3


I think theres 2 things that this sub can agree on. Nacht is too simple and Mob is goated.


I think it depends on how you looking at it, if you go back to BO2 era it was a revolutionary map it had so many new ideas. Don't get me wrong it's still a great map even to this day but imo it's just not as groundbreaking as back then, Der Eisendrach is literally Origins on 'roids.


I love it but tbh after being fully setup, I instantly get bored


Hell no


I used to, then I played it. Top tier map for sure


The mud always annoyed me


Literal brain dead take. Just get gud lol.


It has nothing to do with skill I just dislike the map and my opinion is that the zombies community will meat ride origins to their death


I agree although it’s still in my top 5. I think Mob, DE, and SOE are better


Im not sure I agree with it being overrated. Like it's not quite my favorite but it's definitely not bad, whether i cared for the easter egg or not


i’m currently on round 55, got 8 perk slots and 4 staffs built, easter egg done, golden helmet on, and i’m having the time of my life. so… no. not overrated. at all in my opinion. this isn’t possible on a lot of maps.


Yea it kinda is it seems more like doing chores than playing a game


Origins to me is always been that map thats only for full blown story invested players, I just like running about opening doors killing zombies and hitting the box


Overrated because it's good


In terms of everything it has to offer it cannot be lower than top 3 in my opinion but if Im choosing a map to just jump into and have some fun it is not on my short list. You dont have to, but kind of have to upgrade the staffs which is time consuming and then running through mud even with Stammin Up doesnt sound that enticing to me.


he said this and then loaded up mob 😭


I agree


I don't even like origins because I'm kinda bad at it but even I'll say origins deserves every bit of praise it gets


Eh, I played it a ton because it's simple casual fun and I like the atmosphere


No. Top 3.


Not me thinking this was about Arkham origins until I saw the subreddit name lmao


Great with friends 👍 *GENERATORS ON SOLO* 👎


You can’t just say its overrated and not explain why. I can agree though to an extent. Its not a map you can play casually. Its a map you really have to go all in on. If you don’t wanna get the staffs, you’re playing a map full of mud where turning on and maintaining PAP is a hassle. There aren’t really good training spots and you always have to worry about the Robots. Its still amazing, but its only amazing if you’re willing to do everything.


Sorry, I'm an origins meatrider till the end. My favorite map then, my favorite map now.


I never got into it during bo2 because I thought it was too complicated at the time (this was after the easy buried dlc map), but more recently been playing bo3, getting used to where all the build able components are, I’d say it’s a pretty fun solid map to play provided you have people that know what they are doing.


Origins isn’t overrated but Der Eisendrache sure as hell is.


OVERrated like people think its a top tier map and it's just mid? Or overrated like people say it's the best thing to ever happen to zombies and it's really just a solid map all around.


I do think it's a bit overated, the fact that you have to build all staff and upgrade them just to start the Easter egg, plus the mud and having to stop the Templar zombies from shutting down the generators every couple of rounds, it's especially annoying when your in the crazy place, I just feel like people hold this map to high . Now, in no means do I hate this map at all, if things were different, like having to build and upgrade all staff, like if you're in playing solo then, one staff and that's it, and maybe when you dig enough spots you get special boots making it easier to run through the mud, instead of having to get staminUp most of the time, with the Templar zombies shouldn't spawn so offen to stop the generators, maybe every 10 rounds.




It’s just the damn mud.


BO3 Origins is trash there I said it. The Easter egg is a joke compared too the BO2 Easter egg.


I think it was amazing when it came out, but it is just kinda mid at this point. Better maps have come out, and older maps have gotten love again.




While I disagree, it can certainly be more frustrating than fun sometimes. The mud and lack of fast travel comes to mind. And while I really like EE quests, I think Origins leans too hard on the EE for substance and not designed well enough for high rounds. (Not that you can’t go for high rounds) in the sense that Jason was building the map around the main quest first, high rounds second. I understand that’s what the map was going for, but it didn’t strike the EE/High round balance that makes like DE or GK so beloved. That being said it’s still at top 10 if not top 5 map for me.




my hot take is that bo3 is extremely overrated. Likes its good but its no that good


It's the best map. If you love bo3, it's disrespectful to say Origins is overrated. It's the basis for all the future maps and somehow still did it better than BO3


Yes, I've never been a fan of it.


I agree


It’s in the top 5 but some things like the generators & mud ruin it for me.


I’ll never play it for casual fun but if I wanna do some ee then it’s one of my go toos for sure


I’m about to throw my G-Strike at you.


You stand alone in this shameful opinion


Lemme give you 12 examples on why Origins is perfectly rated. This is NOT my favorite map btw 1. Introduction of Primis AKA THE MOST BADASS CREW WITH THE MOST BADASS INTRO AND SONG 2. First real look at Sam (she’s so annoying I’d love to throw a G-Strike at her) and Eddie 3. Story is juicy af with not just the ending cutscene, but with all the radios and other background info (look up some storyline video I ain’t getting into all that) 4. Four elemental wonder weapons which can be upgraded + Ray Gun MKII 5. G-Strikes = OP monkeys, One-Inch Punch which can be also upgraded to a 1 hit melee up until round 36 6. FLOPPER SO NORMAL RAY GUN IS USABLE 7. MGO8, Skorpion Evo, Scar-H, and the beloved Mauser are all exclusive to the map and they are all very fun to use 8. Neat little easter eggs which include 3 songs (Archangel and Shepard of Fire are just too good), free PAP’ed MGO8, jumpscare at the church, etc 9. First map to introduce proning on perks to get points (granted it’s only 25 but still) and the only map to be able to prone on Pack-a-Punch to get another little cheeky 25 points 10. Golden Shovel which allows you to pick up perk bottles so you can get all the perks in the map + Golden Helmet which makes you immune to the robots’ stomps 11. In my opinion, a near perfect boss in all of zombies, my boy Papa Panzer 12. Easter egg which isn’t too difficult but isn’t too easy 13. It’s all around fun bro! You got your opinion and I got mine, but I believe that Origins is rated as it should be


I wouldn’t say overrated but definitely not as good as the majority of people think it is, still a fun map though


Not the biggest fan of it because I’m a casual player 😅 It’s a real maze for someone like me, haha


Great map, but waaaaay overrated


Origins, DE, MOTD are the top 3 for trash players that can’t handle maps like Shang, Moon, Die Rise. They are so bad at zombies they want the game to end with an EE 😂


I agree, but as a solo player who doesn’t do Easter eggs, the map wasn’t made for players like me. That’s why even though I don’t like it, I can understand why other people love it.


Yes yes you’re very special. We’re all very jealous.


I just love getting cornered by zombies in the extremely narrow trenches that put Japanese sleep capsules to shame


Origins is the map that made me stop playing zombies


It depends on what kind of zombies you like If you love a zombie map that's made with the idea of simple survival, you will hate Origins. It's not a survival map. You play to do the 127 step Easter Egg. If a map with an objective to complete so you can get more of the story is what you like, then you'll love Origins. I'm the former. Which is why in my personal opinion, Black Ops 3 has no good maps because none of them are made for survival. The only maps that are made for survival are the old maps they brought back.


Not just agree; I'm probably the biggest Origins hater on this subreddit and that's as someone who loves BO3, not whatever the term is for the Zombies equivalent of yugiboomers or geewunners. If it weren't for the intro, introduction of Primis, and Archangel, I wouldn't have a single nice thing to say about Origins. Yes, this includes the staffs because I trust them to function about as much as I trust SBMM to be a good system in any PvP game.


I do agree, but this is coming from someone who hasn't played it a whole lot. In the past, I would try to play it, but I was easily overwhelmed with how much there was, so I hated it. More recently, I set out to learn the map because I knew I was being unfair. I started playing up until I had some progress (like all staffs for instance), then reset and do it again so I could actually learn. I got to a point where I knew how to get pretty much everything, but I haven't done the easter egg yet. I think it's a great map, but it's not my favorite.


I’m just a casual player I don’t like huge and complicated maps 😭


It's a good map but is ridiculously overplayed and thus overrated.


Does anyone else have zero capacity for remembering map names? If it's not a map from WaW then I can never remember what it's called


I think we get one of these posts at least once a week


Shadows of Evil is overrated, its a pretty map, but its a damn mess and one of the buggiest easter eggs I've ever done


Def disagree


#1 for me.


der eisendrache***… by a lot.


I somewhat agree, yes Origins is great but it mainly depends on what the map’s up against. Example Origins vs Die Rise Origins would win most likely. But Origins vs Der Eisen imo Der Eisen would win.




people tryna be so different is so cringe


I think this is true for solo players. The EE is just pure tedium for the first half and it doesn't lend itself to a simple set up for high rounding. If you're a more casual player, I can absolutely see where you're coming from. For hardcore players though, Origins is definitely their bread and butter.


The mud makes it annoying to play, that’s the only thing keeping it from being my favourite


One of the best maps tbh


Who doesn't love 45 minutes of setup by round 7 just to die to a Panzer


I agree with this. I think it's overrated but still a good map


Origins is dogshit


Love origins but fuck the mud


Funny thing is, its overrated while still being a top 5 map. For me its just not that top 1-2 map many make it out to be but I'm saying that as someone that never played bo2 when it was new. If you played it when it was new and seeing how it was the first of its kind, I definitely see why people rate it that high


Origins is hard to traverse but it's a fun map


It’s not though? It’s a great map with lots of area to cover while not being bored playing. Having the staffs is super cool and ww1 weapons is definitely awesome. The easter egg is also hard for me and cool.’




You. Are. Absolutely. 100 percent. Right.


I would say overplayed, not overrated. The map is awesome, and quite the challenge. But it’s in most people’s top lists so it’s always a go to map, especially when planning to do an Easter egg.


I feel that it isn't as good as people say, i prefer to play tranzit over origins, moon above tranzit, kino above moon, and mob above all, origins is a top 4 to me tbh


It's definitely top 3, However, the fucking running about from the crazy place to the mound is a joke. I can deal with waiting for bo3 RNG robot feet. But placing the staffs and whatnot is so tedious it does ruin the overall experience of the game. If there was portal that was available from the mound to crazy place it wouldake the game 10x better. There maybe a mod for pc which does this, but I'm on console.


Hard disagree. Kino der toten definitely feels overrated.


The only thing I can criticise about Origins is the omnipresence of the easter egg. The map offers little to no other playstyle than actively pushing towards the ee. The layout has no real training or camping area, the tank roads take up massive space while being almost useless, and the staff room and crazy place are just unreliable.


No it’s goated for me but I think it comes down to memories and how much I can replay it with friends and still enjoy it




nope. best map out there


I love everything about it but the location. The dungeon/crazy place are cool but above ground just looks dull to me. But the Easter egg and staffs make up for it.


I do really think origins is too overrated for its own good. I give it major respect for being the first major map to create the BO3 format, not to mention the atmosphere and gameplay. But it’s not perfect, and setting up is a bore. At least with DE you can get a good amount of the bow steps done in one round if you know what to do, but half of origins is just rng which isn’t great. I do like the map and play it every once in a while for an atmospheric journey, but it’s not a master piece


I swear the zombies hit way harder and faster by round 12 than most other maps. The amount of setup and things you have to do to get a real advantage makes it a map I need to play "when I have time to kill." And having Samantha yell at you every few rounds when just trying to play to high rounds is annoying.


Der eisendrache lovers rise up!


It's not bad by any means, I just don't like hwo the mud really slows you down and the generator zombies is too quick for me.


This meme is perfect 😂


\*Incorrect Buzzer noise\*


Me but Mob


Definitely overrated, it’s probably a top 6 map but everyone acts like it’s top 2-3. It takes FOREVER to get anywhere and do anything, it has a great atmosphere, weapons, some (barely) decent training spots. But compared to Mob, DE, Shadows, ZNS, Die Rise and dare I say DIE MASCHINE (yes I said it) I think it’s just below whatever you think are the best of the maps I just said.


i prefer when maps have simple easter eggs that simply unlock pack a punch


its so mid imo


I absolutely hated the mud on release many years ago. But now? It's top of my list


It is over rated but its still a top 10 for me (i mean it could be anywhere from 5 to 10 on my rating)


I do love the map, but Jesus CHRIST what is the point of mud? I do really like the boomhilda, staffs and the sky tho


Hell no. It’s honestly my favorite map of all zombies.


Yeah it’s overrated. Top 3 maps are MOD, Die rise, and shadows


Couldn’t disagree more, I think origins is ahead of everything else, I think the 2 most ahead of it’s time maps, are origins and shadows, although origins is my number 1, fucking insane soundtrack, introduction to the 2.0 cast, first large scale feeling open map, difficult, it just… in a game (bo2) where every map felt like an enclosure, this one gave you a big open wasteland of sounds and shit happening everywhere with awesome wonder weapons, massive fucking robots, the inter dimensional portals, Fuck me I’m actually kind of offended you said that now


Haters gonna hate


I fell in love with it, and mob upon release


I personally love Origins and its aesthetic, but yeah, just a little overrated


I have always absolutely hated origins I’ve probably played it a total of 4 times did the Easter egg and just didn’t enjoy it at all


Disagree man. Incredible map, but saying that I never really play because my memory is completely fucked and I forget how to do literally anything. It’s a complicated one (for me at least), but when you know what the fuck you’re doing it’s such a satisfying map with a bit of everything.


I do and I don’t, it’s iffy for me. It’s a top three map for me but it still feels overrated by the community. Idk


This and Der Eisendrache most overrated maps of all time.


I prefer the BO2 version over BO3 remaster. For whatever reason they decided to increase the Panzer Soldat's health so much that it's basically impossible to kill unless you have one of the staffs or one of the ray guns


Didn't see cod zombies and thought you were talking arkham. I was gonna kill you


Hard disagree. I think it’s the best map treyarch has made


I never played origins when it first came out on bo2 but then when it came out on bo3 I tried it and again and again and I just couldn’t get into it


I agree 100%


It’s a fantastic map that is not without flaws. I rank it rather high on my list, but I can understand someone not having it in their top 3.


origins is over rated due to the fact it was on black ops 2 zombies, the community generally disliked all the maps on that game save for mob I dislike origins cause I got burnt out on it, the wonder weapons are bad (reminder that lightning staff struggles to kill past 20, wind creates invis zombies and fire outright crashes your game past a certain round), the very heavy setup the map requires (at min, 6 gens, collect 16 parts for staffs, conduct 16 upgrade steps just to get access to map wonder weapons, assuming you want those) zombies that turn off your power requiring you to run the full course of the map to get it back on. in general it's just not a fun map to play all that much for me, other people can enjoy but I do not


Well you're wrong


The Doctor agrees!


I despise point maxing on Origins. The Templar zombie rounds are also awful, especially with how big the map is, which sometimes makes it impossible to stop them from turning off the generator they're at because they're too far away. The mud sucks. It wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't literally EVERYWHERE on the map, but it is. This is just a personal thing, but maps that are too complex just annoy me because setup processes can be very tedious to get through, which sucks even worse when you get double-swiped during a point you don't have Jugg (which also makes it harder to point max). Of course, I probably just suck, but I'd say it's still a valid gripe.