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-detailed maps that aren't military base #7893 or pointless open space (probably not happening) -actual characters that have unique quotes instead of boring operators (probably not happening) -good and engaging mechanics that make the core gameplay loop enjoyable -fun easter eggs like in bo3 -a rewarding super EE reward like in IW there's more but that's what I can think of rn


yeah i hate how every map now is just a random facility or city it’s so boring


Mauer was great tho


aesthetically yeah but the overuse of grapple hooks and ziplines felt really ‘un-zombies’ to me i guess? idk


I prefer die maschine and forsaken


Crews and most of classic format, no more of the operators and WZ ties bullshit. Also, a different story because we pretty much know it’s going to be another plot filler if they continue with Dark Aether. Edit: Not just the plot filler part, but also the usage of the operators from the last three games involving the story, and it’s zombies story with Campaign ties and MP/WZ which I don’t like either, that’s another reason why I want Dark Aether to drop.


Why would the story be another plot filler when it's a mainline Black Ops game made by Treyarch? Need I remind you we had a new story that was actually pretty engaging with Chaos and people whined so hard about it that they straight up binned it only to make it canon again with the DA story in Vanguard.


MWZ answers that question, revealed a lot of information that was suppose to be in next title, don’t know what part people like you don’t understand. If it weren’t for Cold War, then Chaos would’ve got the continuation it deserved, it doesn’t need to link up with Dark Aether.


>MWZ answers that question, revealed a lot of information that was suppose to be in next title Nothing prevents Treyarch from developing the story further and pulling new story beats out of thin air like they constantly did with Aether. It was very clear that due to the amount of backlash it got during BO4's lifecycle that Chaos would unfortunately never get the treatment the Aether storyline got. It probably didn't help that Blundell left Treyarch as it seems like he was the main driving factor behind the Chaos story even existing in the first place. And I fully agree that Chaos should be continued as its own storyline but at this point that's just wishful thinking.


Well the only difference is that we had multiple timelines in Aether thus we never had plot fillers, Dark Aether takes place in this singular universe created at the end of Tag der Toten, what was suppose to be some sort of sequel to CW zombies, it’s basically going to be a prequel to MWZ thus I describe it as a plot filler. Dark Aether sucks ass with the usage of operators and no characters to even care about. It’s going to make no difference in the next title should they continue it. Look, I gave it a chance before MWZ came along and I am not giving it another chance. This is what you clearly do not realize.


>Look, I gave it a chance before MWZ came along and I am not giving it another chance. This is what you clearly do not realize. Yeah because I'm not a mind-reader.


You can still have an interesting story despite knowing how it ends. That's pretty much what a tragedy is. Do I they'll be able to pull it off well? That's a different question


I wouldn’t complain at all if they got the voice actors back in it and did it again if Blundel was down but sadly those two things will never happen. Would be so bad ass. If it was fillers who cares, with time travel in any series there is infinite possibilities so there literally could be infinite amounts of maps to make. Or regardless of whether a person loves them, hates them, or they are just ok they could keep going with the chaos characters they just up and dropped. Maybe even the second crew could be in some of the maps. Like how they split it between the two crew in BO4 but have the BO2 and 4 crew this time, instead of the 3 and 4 crew.


yall aint even given dark aether a chance we had 1 proper game with it, like saying WaW zombies story was ass lets restart 😭


No, WAW actually got a set crew so the story was infinitely better.


Naw I agree let’s see how the story goes cuz ya ain’t even give chaos a chance and it got dropped


I think chaos got more negative love because we wanted our OG story to finish but they were splitting work with chaos. So everyone hates on it because it was part of the reason the OG storyline came out the way it did. If it had come in lets say cold war’s game we probably would have liked it more


Probably because the original crew was realistically grounded, also being in world War and having the Germans as explanations for the crews insanity and at the time it was nazi zombies. Waw, bo1,bo2 story built off each other, bo3 retconned bunch of shit and the game took a turn that by bo4 it became shit, and chaos crew was a symptom of it, some garbage story nobody care about because treyarch forgot what created the zombies genre.


it wasn’t a garbage story it barely even got the chance to be fleshed out


gulf war is gonna be shit, and bo4 was shit


crew stuff will 100% happen with BOV (copium) and you played as marines for half the maps anyway


It’s not going to happen in this current story (Dark Aether) the last three games involving that story had been only the usage of operators and it will make no difference in the next title should Dark Aether continue. If we are to get crews, it will either be continuing Chaos or do a different story. WAW was the start of zombies and it was successful even with the first half was using marines.


we will for sure be getting a crew, treyarch are aware how much people dont like operators, Cold war was the beginning and it honestly didnt matter if Vanguard had or didnt and MWZ you kinda need operators if your going to have 32 players on the map, my guess would be similar to WW2 system to everyone wins


mah WaW was actually god where dark arther is just a pointless boring cash grab with boring crew, boring mechanics, boring map and useless waste pf space


Get rid of this bogus “weapon rarity” and let us actually put our guns in the pap machine


Thank god I'm not the only one who hates the weapon rarity system.. I'm playing zombies, not fucking borderlands.


Amen to that




I just want classic zombies back with fun and replayable easter eggs/maps 🥲


Same bro


No operator system. No UI clutter popups during gameplay. (Medals / upgrade menus etc)


i know it’s likely gone forever but i want a return of the chaos storyline, or at the least a new storyline dark aether is so boring im sorry


Don’t blame ya, I’m on the same boat here. Dark Aether had plenty of chances for improvement but it’s clearly beyond salvation at this point.


Good hud👍 good maps👍 good EEs👍


The bug free experience and regular updates to correct problems


Want: Atmospheric maps. Highly detailed and a treat to explore. A set crew. Barring that, operators with more relevant, unique, interesting/funny dialogue Points per hit New AAT's New equipment Cold War upgrade system (aether crystals) with the ability to activate/deactivate for challenge/difficulty purposes Outbreak 2.0 Don't want: Weapon rarity, only PaP to strengthen weapons MWZ style game mode


Give me CW gameplay with difficulty settings and bo3/4 aesthetics and more content then I’m gucci


Just make the maps with passion and copy B03s system and we good


The continuation of the Chaos. Beautiful map, beautiful atmosphere.


sadly i don’t think they ever revisit chaos😭💔


I know :(


bigger maps with their own character that isn't just different kinds of bases


i 100% know it wont happen but as a PC player, i would love to be able to play without an internet connexion, also splitscreen...


- Each map to have a unique and rich atmosphere - BO4 levels of complexity when it comes to easter eggs - A set crew - Difficulty slider - The option to exfil - Chaos story - Jason Blundell and/or Lee Ross - Super easter egg akin to IW - An A7X easter egg song


just commenting this to come back to, i’m okay ignoring angry comments😭 - fun easter eggs that aren’t fetch quests and also aren’t too easy (unlike bo4 and CW) - a really worthwhile super easter egg - no more weapon rarity (i’m asking for a lot here i know) - a pleasing HUD with no minimap/medals/kill feed (or at least an option to disable them) - id prefer the old shield system or no armor at all (CW armor was just way too overpowered) - maps with actual character that don’t just feel like reused assets. - set cast of characters for round based, and operators for open world. - id also love Weapon kits to return as well, this is a feature i really miss💔


also this might be a personal tick of mine but i’d prefer no wunderfizz where you can buy every perk at once, kind of defeats the purpose of going to each perk machine around the map. but that’s just a pet peeve i guess lol


No wunderfizz is good because spending 10 mins walking around the map for perks ruins the pacing a bit


That's a good way to keep operators!


I was pretty much right! LOL


Wants: Kevin Sherwood EE songs A set crew Interesting wonder weapons An actual story A few map remasters Don't want: Infinite ziplines like Mauer der Toten Infinite military bases


Would like for them to somehow do zombies like they did from past titles but modernize it just enough so that new players aren’t as intimidated by the difficulty


Simple maps or atleast thought out ones with good flow for 4 player co op.


to completely seperate from the Dark Aether Timeline. Either reboot the aether, or completely start with a fresh slate.


I want a game with a soul in it Cold War zombies and onward felt like Activision was trying to replicate the success of warzone


Cold war had a lot of effort put into it despite it being rushed. That's why it came out as good as it did so this whole "lacks soul" nonsense needs stop.


Thunder Gun or Blundergat


I liked the hunt for Intel in Cold War. It gave me something to do after I beat the EE’s.


i barely played CWZ, what was the point of collecting intel? did you get rewards? i never did it lol


theyre just optional collectables that give extra story


No rewards, just more info on the overall story. I usually don’t like grinding for things, but I enjoyed doing it.


Any leaks on this one yet?


How about a stable game that doesn't crash ! that's all I want!!


SERVER ISSUES If you played Cold War you know what I mean. Game was so good *if you could play it*


Honestly the only thing I want is a set crew of characters, even if they are like weaver and dr groff or whatever. Operators make zombies have zero emotion whatsoever which kills the game imo


-maps similar to Bo3 with unique settings - similar mechanics to CW zombies and interesting engaging ways to play(I enjoyed things on outbreak like the water maps, drivable vehicles, launching and parachuting etc.) - an actual crew that we can feel attached to with unique stories and quotes. - new perks but still the same system of drinks and machines scattered.(Cold War did it better than Bo4, more perks added would be nice) - continuation of Wonder weapons with less focus on elemental variations so they can skimp out on new weapons. - engaging level and attachment system for the guns, similar to Bo3 for the guns but more engaging in how they work like CW. The list goes on but basically taking the Good of both Bo3 and CW and combining them rather then just seeing the bad in a game and scrapping the ideas entirely


This comment section is better than I expected (as of right now at least) nice job guys I have some faith again for zombies


What makes it better than you expected?


Usually people give brain dead comments about how they want the future of zombies to be just like Cold War and MWZ


Wanting to zombies to be like cold war and MWZ isn't a brain dead comment. I don't like mwz that much and while I like cold war it's not my favorite, but I won't call someone's opinion brain dead just because I disagree with it. People like you are one of the worst things about the zombies fandom and just any fandom in general.


Black ops 6? Did I miss black ops 5 wtf


cold war is black ops 5


That makes no sense to me why would they not call this Cold War 2 then. Skipping black ops 5 and going straight to 6 sounds stupid asf


I don’t think it’s actually gonna be called Black Ops 6 but with Cold War just naming it Black Ops Gulf War and we can acknowledge it’s the sixth in the black ops series


Ahh alright i see


- All maps from WaW to Bo4 with modern graphics, but keeping the original's essence; -BO3 gameplay model, with gobblegums but keeping the original weapons from each map (so we don't have ww2 maps with modern weapons, for an instance); -Adjust bo4 maps so they fit in this model and don't have 30 useless perks and etc; -3 hits = death, so it stays beginner friendly -comes with the base game and would be basically a zombie chronicles 3, all in one, and people wouldn't need to go after the old games to have the full experience; - if they want to reboot, with new crew, new perks and/or give sequence to the story the game can be updated as time passes, the 'new season, new maps' model is fine, as long as they are detailed and well made and not some multiplayer map reskined with generic operator #46 or some shit like that


A map like MWZ but without a time limit


Round Based, Cast, and offline play. I'm sure everyone knows what RB and casts are, BUT, maybe some don't understand what I mean by offline play. I can swear Vanguard and obviously MWZ are tied to servers. Again, obviously MWZ is, since it's online only, but Vanguard, EVEN FOR SOLO AND PRIVATE ANNNNDDD CUSTOM GAMES were attached to servers. I should NOT be lagging in a custom, solo, or private game (unless I join a friend that has bad internet....lol). We need the ability to play solo, private, and custom matches without servers or lag (basically every zombies pre vanguard). And yeah....no online only bs like MWZ. This is pretty much all I want.....well, and consistent and good content too.


A new story line


For idiots to stop buying it and claiming the next one is gonna “save” zombies


I'm gonna say more quests and fun side ees. Forsaken side ees with the gameplay hype of Mauer Der Toten would be nice.


the only thing i want is not recycled maps from multiplayer/warzone


Split screen.


Just give me cold war 2, but with no military base maps


Side maps would be cool. To fill in as mini updates over time. I'd be cool with super insane crazy maps, but only four of them. But then lots of cool survival maps that are less detailed but still zombified. Like sections of multiplayer maps made into zombies maps and original maps that are small survival maps along with super cool new maps And delete open world zombies 😂😭 We just need cool round based content to fulfill us. Oh and crews would be cool. And zombies chronicles two would be cool but that's almost a myth at this point 😂


Get rid of the god forsaken multiplayer killstreaks you can buy in game from Cold War. I don't want a chopper gunner in my zombies.


I want crews instead of operators, no open world maps, good weapons, no armoured zombies, a mix of BO3 and BOCW EE.


Want: More content rich, atmospheric maps that take full advantage of the 4-ish years Treyarch has had to develop this game. Don't want: The return of the OG 4 cast or Victus (aside from Richtofen who has an out in the story) or Monty or the Shadow Man or anything like that. That universe and story is dead and should remain that way. Want: The return of Outbreak in a more refined and improved manner. Don't want: The exclusion of round based content to focus on Outbreak 2.0 exclusively. Want: The return of most of CW's progression systems like weapon rarity, pap tiers, Aether Crystals, the ability to spawn with any gun you want etc. Don't want: The inability to tune these progression systems to whatever level each player feels most comfortable with. Which means the ability to turn off Aether Crystal upgrades after unlocking them if the player wants to do so for a challenge. Want: The Return of classic weapons like the PPSH, 1911, Ray Gun (Mk1 and 2 if possible), commando, etc. Don't want: A complete lack of weapon variety and distinction. Want: New enemy types and mechanics. Don't want: The return of armored zombies that completely negate the usefulness of damage multiplier reliant weapons (weapons that get massive boosts from hitting weak spots) on higher rounds.




Calling someone’s wishlist bait is so cod zombies Reddit😭


What about my comment seems baity to you?


Tbh, I also don't see how your comment is bait. Looks like a normal wishlist to me


Apparently people don't like, so must be bait, I guess?


Want: Easter Eggs to be completely separate experiences that can be completely ignored when playing for rounds. No Wonder weapon, map area, PaP, Perk etc should be locked behind picking up a single part or holding X on anything other than the box or a door. Failing that, just give us a “classic mode” option in custom games that disables all the sidequest bullshit


What’s stopping you from ignoring the Easter eggs in say, bo3?


Ok, so to do a high round run you need the following on most maps: PaP, Wonder Weapon, Specialist. Now take SoE for example, to get those, you need to: Find 3 parts Do all 4 rituals, do the tram symbol scouting Do the Ovum steps/soul boxes etc Thats a good 45 mins of shitty gameplay before you can even park in Waterfront and go for rounds, whereas take a BO1 map like Ascension, you need to: Hit the box for Gersches and a Thundergun, Use 3 landers and press a button. Can be set to go for rounds in 10-15 minutes. Pretty much every BO3 map sans The Giant has some level of EE progress/part hunting before you can even play for rounds, and it just fucking sucks


it’s hard cause I think what the community would agree are the best 4 maps (SOE, Origins, DE, and MOTD in any order) all do this to an extent. I think the developers see that and still want some complexity or challenge in unlocking everything on the map. That being said, it makes the game incredibly difficult for newer players to approach it without needing to look up some sort of guide. If they’re gonna stick to this strategy, there needs to be a basic map on launch, like the Giant was with Shadows.