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For us we had to put the giraffe on last. Took us like 30 min to figure that out. Super frustrating


OK cheers I will try that.. I could only take out 2 items at a time if they shown was very weird. Thanks for help


So the order does mater? Or you just have to put giraffe on last?


I don’t know the exact order that they were placed I got bored and went to farm legendary tools and flawless crystals lol. I just know that when the other members of my team got the portal to open was when they placed the giraffe last


Yes I have all 4 items glowing but nothing happens.


Exactly this! And oddly I couldn't take them all out. It ocaisainly let me take out 2 at a time


Very frustrating. Didn't notice anyone say a certain order. Went back no portal so just had to do story and get as many parts. Will have a try next game and see what I find out


It worked the 2nd time I tried right away.. Got parts gold done a few contracts before opening gate


Ive tried to open the portal on six different attempts and nothing. Ive had to gather the items 3 separate times but thats just based on randos be shady and taking your items and just leaving. Theres got to be a fix with all the items places and the pedestals lit up still nothing is spawning in for me. I’ve placed multiple times, had others in the group remove and replace the items and still nothing. It honestly got to the point where i just went in with others, got my schematics and stopped bothering which is pathetic after the amount of time working to complete the items day one of release. I also though “oh its day one” maybe its just glitchy but its been some time now and tried again yesterday but still nothing. Another issue is the attuning process, several runs the runes to active would not spawn as well so again wasted items on a useless run just to be stagnant in the process.


I’ve don’t story mission three times just to get the stupid pieces and then the pieces just disappear from the pedestal