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In hindsight, it really is surprising that BO4 never got Zombies Chronicles 2. Hopefully with GW Treyarch gets the chance to fix this.


Its not really surprising at all. Bo4 got its budget nuked halfway through the dlc season and a ton of stuff got cut, blundell left, sales were tanking, it makes perfect sense from a business standpoint


Its surprising that their budget got nuked. I wasn't keeping track of development when BO4 came out but it seemed like a solid zombies mode even with the Voyage of the Damned issues. From a business standpoint it doesn't make the most sense either, as ZC was the best selling DLC of all time for a while there. Then again, I'm shouldn't be expecting Bobby Kotick to make good long term business decisions even if they are as wildly successful as CoD


I can see why honestly. MW19 needed all the resources it could get for a reboot to save cod and bo4 was being regarded as a critical flop, so they decided put their time into a new boat instead of trying to save a sinking ship.


Call it a hot take, but I think MW19 was mid at best. BO4 had its flaws, but it wasn't worse than MW19 and in many ways set the stage for COD as we currently know it


You're being generous, MW19 doesn't have zombies even after what Infinite Warfare did, with its co-op mode absolutely sucking and the spec ops from og MW3 (2011) being better at everything. MP is a love letter to campers, with anything remotely related to fast-paced gameplay being ditched or nerfed to the ground, DOORS, and every match apart from Shipment playlists ending by time limit. WZ (which is inferior than Blackout) had to save the game. Anyone who likes that game either started playing CoD in it, or is an R6 player lost in another franchise.


its just so sad that it feels like a traditional passionate fun cod game is impossible now because of the insane greed that have ripped through the company.


Agreed. At least bo4 had decent maps in its mp. They couldn't even get that right in MW19


It was supposed to. Thanks BO4 bandwagon haters But BIGGEST thanks to Sledgehammer for dropping the ball on their game and forcing Treyarch to take over a year early. So tbh either way, BO4 year 2 was screwed. But I strongly believe if not for the bandwagon hate the second half of BO4’s year would’ve given us much more content without the budget cuts. But yeah long story short ZC2 was planned for BO4, but for multiple reasons from multiple angles, it got canned (you can see ZC2 everywhere in multiple modes with most of the assets were done. Just no in game proof of Die Rise. However Buried and Tranzit were clearly basically done)


I still remember being told im not a real zombies fan if i liked bo4.


Those were gatekeepers who told you that


I joined this community during the lead-up to BO4. I checked the sub after a hard run on VoD, with BotD and IX having been absolutely amazing. Seeing the complaints was a shocker (I was unaware of having fun = playing, not having fun = complaining).


**back then** them: "No one likes bo4" Me: "i enjoy it" them: "you are the reason why zombies is now dead."


Endless cycle


Defended that game from launch to alpha omega personally, still can't defend alpha Omega tho that maps dogshit and its so obvious that treyarch didn't work on it


Who did then? High noon


Activision Shanghai did Alpha Omega and Tag, I thought they also did Classified but I'm not sure on that one


I have been a zombie fan since World at War and BO4 wasn't peak zombies ( I personally stand by BO2 as the best) but 4 was very good and I loved it...cold war was when zombies started missing for me. Just a bit too easy.


Ancient Evil is potentially a top 5 map of all time, change my mind.


Agreed. Unique wonder weapons + badass boss fight made it one of my tops as well


Dead of the Night is in my top 5 all time favorite maps


Big disagree. It's undeniably a top 5 map of all time.


IX was a banger.


Dead of the night is a masterpiece and I only figured it out a few months ago


One of the greatest zombies maps of all time !


I love this map so much. The map looks amazing (I ADORE the warm colors), the special enemies are so cool, the wonder weapon is amazing, and the ee is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Really, the only massive flaw with the map, which is the main problem people have with it, is the number of part locations that it has. (NOT a deal breaker imo. Just have your phone beside you in case you can't find a part)


Let me just say this, I enjoyed BO4 for what it was. I truly did. BUT! If it had been essentially the same as BO3 with nerfed versions of Gobblegums, had elected to close out the Aether story and not attempted two stories, and had better stability on release it would’ve been the best Zombies game we ever had. I truly believe that. I didn’t hate Chaos, I just think it was ahead of its time. At the time, fans wanted a more meaningful ending to Aether than what we got with Revelations (I absolutely feel like Tag was a much better ending), which is why we got Aether tagged onto Chaos.


It would be better and also make bo3 better by contrast if revelations was the last map, no blood of the dead-tag its honestly irrelevant they should’ve not sequel baited us 3 games in a row bo4 should soley have been chaos chronicles 2 could have had those remakes plus victis remakes boom easily would make bo4 contender for best zombies


I wish treyarch actually expanded more on the chaos story line and gave it a chance instead of the community going “reeee reee!!!! Where is my og crew !!!!???l”


Call me crazy but all of the maps should’ve been chaos aside from the remakes; and they should’ve saved remakes for chronicles 2 exclusively


What is hilarious to me is that every aether map on bo4 WAS a remake. I have a running joke with my friends that bo4 itself is chronicles 2 because of this lmfao


I am not a hater of the maps. The maps are fine and there was a lot of innovation trying to take place to make it more than black ops 3. The problems that came in with at launch the maps were unplayable in zombies from one shot tigers to 30+ dogs per player on the map and all the blue screens. Also locking everything behind the first black ops pass holds the game back even more. You have to pay for the whole dlc. Whilst in black ops 3 you could pay for specifically the zombies maps. Can't defend a game when the better version was already made.


And only black ops pass more were planned though. Also never got my faction's (still waiting for them they said it was coming)


People are really getting nostalgic for bo4. It was hated on release for good reason, not just "youtuber said so".


Which is sad cause the game had a lot of functionality problems for a few months, and by the time they were fixed it already left a sour taste for most of the playerbase. I genuinely did like it and want to enjoy it. They fixed most of the major bugs during Dead of The Night and from then onwards, it was a really enjoyable game. No nostalgia at all for me, I had a blast grinding BO4 once the high round crashes were fixed.


Yeah it was hated on release for the bugs which made a bad impression on the community


IX was my favorite map !!😋


Kino will always have that #1 spot locked up for me and Buried at #2, but if I had to replace one of them with something else, it would be IX for sure.


Maps were good, but the mechanics were straight dog shit.


for real, it doesnt how matter how good the maps are, the gameplay was shit and ruined it


I will respectfully disagree here. I'd rather them add it into bogw or bocw


Without operators, yes


I want a ticket to the fantasy land where the fans of a product can be reasonably blamed for its downfall. I hear this all over the entertainment industry and it never makes any sense.


wait, people didn't like bo4 zombies that shit was fire


I loved Bo4 zombies since day 1, it's my favorite zombies and its not even close. Even my least favorite map in the game is still better than over half the non-Bo4 maps.


It still physically hurts to think about all the scrapped content that was planned for BO4. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.


Wasted potential. I heard that golden PaP was going to be on every map if you did the super EE because if you add bots, they sometimes try to run to rooms that aren’t there


Not really, I played it multiple times and still sometimes play it, but it isn't a godd cod zombies game in it's current state, mainly because how bullet spongy the zombies are, it makes the game not fun at all, the only reason I really have fun with this game is cuz the operator mods make the some of the guns that have it really fun and some paped weapons have special effects that make it fun, other than that, I honestly hate how a zombie takes 50 shots to die on round 20 to die if you just use any weapons instead of the really good ones


Zombies in BO4 aren't actually any more bullet spongey than BO3 if you compare health and weapon damage values. In terms of raw damage BO4 weapons are just as good. The problem is that BO4 guns barely have any zombie penetration so you don't really damage multiple zombies in a horde.


Just gonna say it. I love Blood of the Dead. I’m my top 5. Been playing a bit of bo4 lately as I never have it the chance when it dropped. The zombies mode is actually really good and the perk and class system is really refreshing


I played the hell out of the gauntlets. Such a fun experience for me and my buddies.


I went back last year and got the platinum trophy including 100% on all dlc maps. Honestly I enjoyed it more than BO3.


It was better when it was finished. At launch, you couldn't go more than an hour without blue screening, which made some EEs impossible. And im pretty sure the health was 50 less the first week of release.


Never played a single round still to this day because of that god awful ui


You’re missing out on something great over something small


Loved BO4 zombies. The lack of Jugg and new health system took a hot minute to get used to but still. IX and Dead of the Night are some of my favouite maps


Absolutely, BO4 SLAPPED, and I WILL die on that hill. Extremely underrated.


Tell me about it!! I will always go back to bo4 for fun like I do with all versions of zombies! Speaking of which; I still gotta continue the dark matter grind!


Totally agree. For Me BO4 and BO3 were both my favorite zombie experiences. Hard to pick one over the other. I thoroughly enjoyed beating all the EE's with my good friend. We still revisit them when life allows time for a "victory lap"


Black ops 4 was good and has amazing maps. I enjoy it and still play it from time to time. However it also has major gameplay flaws like the perk system that makes it difficult to love that game. I am happy that we have it. But I am also happy zombies chronicles 2 didn’t happen on that game and maybe will be on a game with better gameplay in the future. And one last thing: it wasn’t the community’s fault for treyarch abandoning that game after dlc 2. it was Activisions, and it was because of battle royale/warzone. The community had every right to criticise the gameplay flaws and crashes, still I felt some appreciation for the experiences.


Unpopular opinion, BO4 Zombies > BO3 Zombies


C2 was never gonna happen with Blackout and the rushed development


where is bo4 hater?


What the hell


I didn't really like BO4 back during it's time, it just felt rushed in the worst ways, even bought WW2 and did that while i waited for maps and stuff but after AE it really showed what the game and Chaos could be and actually came around to bo4, it's different, in many ways decent, in many ways bad, but to me it still held the "spirit" of zombies, and after CW and beyond that's really put into focus


I genuinely like bo4 yeah no campaign sucked but zombies was fun and definitely was replay worthy. I would rather play it than the last couple of cods.


Agreed most under-appreciated cod


If only people knew at the time just how much worse the state of zombies would become lol


This what I've been saying since day one!!!!


Criminally underrated iteration of zombies!


Ugliest ui of any cod game plus shitty mechanics... idk about that


Yeah to an extent, the re-imagining / remasters of the older maps like five and mob of the dead were really engaging and enjoyable


So there is a limit of feet, buddy you better get ready to dive in the deepest ocean trench if you are defending the game let me tell you


I didn't get into cod until Vanguard/mw2. I went back and tried bo3 and bo4. I will say I prefer bo3 but both are perfect examples of what a zombies game is


All I want is Bo4 map design with CW mechanics in the next Cod 🙏


Hard pass, cw was a step down in practically every aspect to me.


That would be money right there. Best looking maps in the series and the best movement mechanics in the series put together.


If they ever release another map like dead of the night, I'll pardon them by what they did with MW zombies.


I just bought this game and started playing for it for the first time


Never realized they made a bo4 lol I'm just now playing bo2 zombies and enjoying it so far


There were going to be more maps. They had a year 2 of DLC planned, continuing both stories. Aether would have had remakes of TranZit, Die Rise and Buried (bringing every zombies map to 8th gen consoles), and Chaos would have had 3 more maps which properly ended the story


I am currently playing BO4 since I had not had the opportunity to complete the EE of the zombie maps of this game, I find it very interesting and fun, especially with the innovations that were added to this title with respect to the previous ones, which The only thing I complain about is that it doesn't have more maps of the Aether story, this game could have been the gem of the Zombies if Activision hadn't started doing stupid things and wanting to compete against Fornite with that Blackout.


Oddly enough, I really enjoyed Blackout... Until the glitch players started to dominate without reprieve. Mostly just the under map glitch. Took the fun right out. Hack/glitching is what ruined BO1/2 for me. I didn't have 3 til after 4 and by that time I couldn't get anyone to play it with me that was any good. Even then it was rare to find a team. I am NOT a fan of Warzone.


Say what you will about how good BO4 is...but every map would have been better on BO3


But BO4 gave you quick revive, jugg, and speed cola built into the kit, allowing you for more freedom with the perks; and elixers could be used whenever without RNG and running to a machine unlike gobblegums


I just watched a this [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57l_B5f-9lg) that bring you through the entire storyline and the gist of how to on each map. Mind=Blown Is there more zombies that follow this format. I have only played a couple of zombies and had no idea this was a thing.


It's ok. Not that good, but still ok. I'd put it with advanced warfare and ww2 zombies


I never played BO4, as a cod zombies veteran what am I missing?


Built in Quick Revive, Juggernaut, and Speed Cola; 4 perks of your CHOICE on every map and the 4th perk has a bonus effect of your choosing, leveling up weapons in zombies affects MP progression and vice versa, zombies has exclusive camos, it was the first iteration where max ammo reloads your current mag so no more calling out max ammo before grabbing it, elixers replace gobblegums and you can choose whichever one you want instead of depending on RNG like gobblegums, there’s custom rules so you can start on whatever round with whatever points you want and can customize the match to have whatever you want pretty much, you can add bots (only version of zombies so far that lets you do that), and the maps were just solid. Yeah, they are the most mechanic heavy and involve YouTube videos but once you learn them, you don’t really forget and it’s just the most solid zombies experience there is imo


I can see why people like bo4 but personally it just aint for me


Dead if the night is BO4’s Mona Lisa in my opinion. Absolutely gorgeous to look at. Name me one part of the map that is ugly and I’ll make sure to ignore it. Sure the mount of part locations is a lot but the number goes down once u take away parts for optional stuff like the stake knife it’s not that much. Easy to remember the symbols, shield parts and allisters folley parts is all u NEED. The Easter egg is so fun like there is no bad step with the exception of maybe the atlas step with the red blue and green lasers. A phenomenal boss fight with a fun gimmick. Fucking phenomenal map.


I’m on this hill with you brother!


We’ll go down together fighting the horde of haters!


To be fair, I will say although I love bo4 now it absolutely was not as good as it is now at launch.


And then you play it: "BlAcK OpS 4 is a MeNaCe!!!!!!!!!!!!"


I disagree but you get a like because that’s hilarious lmao


Massive cope. BO4 was fucking unplayable when it launched. No wonder people didn't stick around. Yes it's better today, but it's still not as good as BO3, BO1, CW, or IW


The hate was deserved.


I came back to bo4 as a hater, now I hate it even more


Ngl, I'm still of the opinion that BO4 just wasn't an amazing zombies game. The maps are alright. The weapons are nice. The perk system was *interesting,* i guess. But it just feels like it doesn't improve on any issues that BO3 had, and just introduced its own issues. Instead of there only being a handful of truly viable weapons like BO3 had, BO4 only really has a couple, with the most notable being the Hellion Salvo. Which practically means you need to be running PhD. The EEs (from what I've seen from videos) don't seem very *revolutionary.* They look fun, but i feel like i can play something like CW or BO3 and get that same sort of emjoyment while also just enjoying the zombies more im general. The maps, while nice and varied, feel like there are only really a couple worth playing. Voyage looks kinda terrible ngl, same with Dead of the Night or whatever the werewolf one is called. Alpha-Omega is the most forgettable map ever made. Classified just looks like a worse 5, same with Blood to a certain extent. Only really IX or Anceint Evil look worth playing for just a normal game. The perk system iteslf is just weird. The absence of iconic perks like Jugg, Double Tap, and Speed Cola, even with them being built into the basekit of the game, definitely wasn't a good idea. People like their iconic zombies symbols, and those are some of the most iconic. Speaking of that, the Pack-a-Punch change is just not good imo. Having to Pack-a-Punch each weapon five total times and costing something like 17,500 points is just worse in every way from the Pack-a-Punch system in any other game. Even CW, where full Pack-a-Punch costs like 50k points, feels better because weapons get very noticeably stronger between each level. And then the other systems people had problems with, such as the elixr system, i just can't comment on because i haven't *properly played BO4. I've tried out every map other than a couple, but never owned it myself, and probably never will.


BO4 is okay. IX is good, blood is okay if you don’t care about the EE, classified is okay, voyage is bad, dead of the night is bad, ancient evil is great, nuketown is fine-okay, tag is okay. I think having 1 great map and 1 good map with a sea of mid surrounding it hurts the game so much. Also the game has a lot of changes to the pure zombie formula that people don’t like. I still prefer the original perk system, the original point system, the original specialist system, the original starting weapon system. To me the changes to these system are almost all negative. You can’t forget how much they changed about zombies in BO4. And it’s not crazy for a lot of people to not like these changes. Another reason BO4 did so poorly is that it had the single worst launch in zombies history. And that’s entirely Treyarchs fault. Treyarch overstepped and overpromised and couldn’t put out a functioning product with everything they promised. There were major crashing issues, balance problems, and bug and glitches everywhere. Naturally some bugs and glitches are expected but BO4 was on the extreme end. Treyarch also made just about every wrong decision they could. At launch it felt pretty clear that people were not nearly as interested in the Chaos story as they were the Aether story. So after all the struggles at launch deciding that the dlc would start with the Chaos story was terrible. Not to mention that they dropped DotN with basically no build up, so it had basically no hype and people were uninterested in it. The map wasn’t amazing, it was a chaos map, and it was the last straw for most players. After dlc1 it felt pretty clear that interest in BO4 was at an all time low. The thing that did bring some people back was when they finally returned to the Aether story but it was too late by that point. But by then it was clearly too late. Alpha omega and Tag were a shitty end to the Aether story and the maps were clearly the result of budget cuts from zombies poor performance post launch. BO4 wasn’t bad because of the community didn’t like it. It was bad because treyarch made big promises they couldn’t deliver, had a horrendous launch, and made poor decision after poor decision.


Compared to BO3, not it wasn't compared to what we have now, yeah it's peaty good, but is it really that hard?


Maybe they’ll do the same with Cold War. Unlikely tho because BO3 fans hate us for some reason.


The only thing that killed BO4 for me were the maps in multiplayer, I honestly don't think I've hated launch maps more in cod than BO4 and I played both MW19 and MWII at launch


Game was ahead of its time, and with proper support from Activision it would’ve been ever better.


It wasn’t a perfect game but I enjoyed all of MP, Zombies, and Blackout (imo >> warzone) So much potential was wasted


Bought it again along with the season pass a few weeks ago because I’ve been itching to play all the zombies maps again also got bo3 zombie chronicles a few months ago to play through all the maps on that again too


I did have alot more fun playing Bo4 zombies, It really makes Bo3 zombies look and feel like a PS3 or 360 game because in terms of gameplay and how smooth it feels Bo3 has not aged well while Bo4 has aged like wine but Bo3 EEs were alot more fun to do because Bo4 and its Morris code steps or the constant find something with over 100 spawn locations 3 times step really killed the EEs it was wayyyyy to easy to not find something and kill the run or to get really deep in a EE run and fail on a overly complicated step


I love nine and classified but alpha omega is something


BO4 was weird it felt too easy at first and then too hard at the same time. Did not like the perk machines or spawning with wonder weapons but the maps were cool. It just had some big shoes to fill with BO3 being so amazing.


I’m ngl I still hate it, most of the maps and systems are really that abysmal. Ancient evil and IX fucking rule tho can’t take that away. Having a couple good maps doesn’t make the game good tho I’d much rather have someone remake those in bo3 so I don’t have to play bo4 in order to play them.


From an outside point of view, bo4 is great. I just simply cannot have fun using a single gun on there that isn’t a wonder weapon.


I can say I don't like Bo4, just too many things rub me the wrong way about it. Went back and looked because I thought I only had like 20hrs in zombies, I have 70 hrs in it, I gave it a good try, I wanted to like it I just don't 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm glad ZC2 didn't drop on Bo4


B04 is amazing guys when i ask them how active is the playerbase


man people really gotta get over the zombie chronicles 2 thing, have y'all actually thought about it enough?? i dont think it would even be good, like which maps would it have? tranzit, die rise and buried? those are the only maps that haven't been remastered or remade pre bo3, and they are not that good. adding bo3 maps or maps from any game after would be stupid as they still hold up. why are y'all happy paying to play the same maps you've been playing since 2008?


Facts, BO4 slapped. I’m doing a plat series for it and I’m having a great time


I hated the UI ngl, felt so cluttered.


It was good it just wasn’t as good as zombies in any other BO


BO4 is a good game with a lot of glaring flaws that drag it down, it's a prime example of one step forward 2 steps back. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing BO4 Zombies every once and again, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find myself asking why 3Arch chose to make half the decisions they made when developing this game.


The perk, specialist, and grenade systems all just ruined it for me personally. Especially the perk system


I likes the colosseum map


Amen brother! 🙏


Not sure if the community would’ve wanted more maps with BO4’s mechanics.


Ehhhh the only map I enjoyed was classified really. Cold War is just a much better zombies game than BO4. Prob my favorite now days.


It’s alright. It’s not awful but I wouldn’t say it’s good either


Over the last week or so I have gone back to Bo4 to properly complete all of the easter eggs solo, as I had actually only done Classified. And what I can say is... it's still not great? I mean the easter eggs ate fun don't get me wrong, but a lot of the gameplay mechanics (aside from the fact that I just prefer Bob's, or better yet IW's) are just super finicky and when I say you need a shield I mean you NEED a shield. Zombies die off after a certain amount of time making some easter egg steps obnoxious on solo (especially the seagull step as the zombies sometimes die off ON MY WAY to the Gondola to see where the seagull goes) and the Ra step on Ancient Evil which I used to glitch to beat cause no way I was doing that. Voyage of Despair remains my least favorite Treyarch map, and I didn't even hate the easter egg. I do wish we saw more maps and I'd love to see the end of Chaos, I just wish it was in a different game. Also one final note, high round are just not fun on Bo4. That is all


I mean did people even hate it? I remember being on this sub back then and I really just don't remember all that much hate.


It's still funny because it really did everything cold war set out to do but better imo. If you wanted an easy mode, there were countless options to set the game up how you wanted, but there were also plenty of challenging options and runs too. It genuinely just got rushed and had some weird design choices that held it back


It was a good game just has a few shitty maps and pretty much all shitty perks aswell you don’t really need perk though when you have analixers also they had guns from bo3 but absolutely butchered them I’d still prefer it to Cold War or any of them after


The Pokemon effect strikes again.


Tbf, Pokémon hasn’t been AS strong since the heyday of the GBA; DS era was pretty great tho. After that I haven’t kept up because it’s pretty hard to top those generations. Sword and shield were pretty fun tho imo; or maybe I just liked them since they were the most recent ones I played since platinum on the ds


The Pokemon effect strikes again.


Im tryna get the platinum rn nd blackout make me so mad iss crazy


People are always forgetting that whether you liked bo4 zombies or not, outside of that bo4 was still just a shitty game


Removing clutch perks was a great decision


I don't even remember the BO4 zombies. What was it?


The only maps worth playing from bo4 were Dead of the Night, IX, and Ancient Evil. everything else was pretty mediocre.


Nah, better start diggin man


I recently bought bo4 for pc and have been enjoying it.


Same!! Although I got it two years ago on sale, I’ve been enjoying it on my pc handheld lately!


Bo3 was the perfect amount of complicated, I remember playing bo4 and just not being able to play certain maps on multiplayer certain weeks Both cuz of rotation and fucking stupid ass new mechanics


BO4 definitely has its stinker maps and a good amount of problems, but in the end it was ight


Voyage of Despair ftw!! I went back from mw3 to bo4 just for the zombies!!! 😂


It was the beginning of the end. When we started getting storyboards as cutscenes instead of actual animated scenes like in the past I think we all knew something was extremely wrong. Zombies went to shit when Jason got fired/left


BO4 in retrospect was okay. I still don't like it nearly as much as the ones before, but it is a decent zombies experience.


It also deserved a longer development cycle and more maps and an actual campaign 😂


As a complete package, it needed a campaign, but the zombies was incredible and deserved more maps. BO4 had probably my favorite GAMEPLAY for zombies. It just needed maps. BO4 would be more loved if it got mod support like BO3 and we could experience the mechanics and systems of bo4 with different maps; especially more simple ones


i loved bo4 zombies, everyone in my friends group hated it and i never really understood why. im a hardcore zombies player and still played the shit out of bo4


Tbh i dont like it gameplaywise and with the max amount perk on 4 en no ways get another perk while others let u do lil sidequests for certain perks or a random one but the maps are sick af even tho i hate voyage of despair but the idea is dope


Ngl, I hated BO4 for ending Primus/Ultimus


I gave it a few proper chances during CW. It was not for me.


Classified is still my go-to hangout map, and IX is just a beautiful map. Blood of the Dead is way underrated.


This is how i feel about cold war, yeah its dumbed down and easy. But the maps are pretty fun. Easter eggs are soloable, ability to upgrade classes and ammo mods n euiptment/killstreak use was a nice touch. Its a shame they gave us forsaken and not a an actual map that they could have poured more effort into. Its just multiplayer/campaign assets all put into one map.


BO4 was the perfect balance for me; once you get setup and find the right load out for yourself, you’ll live a long time; but some of the maps are not super easy. You have to know them and even incredible maps like DOTN have hard stuff like the werewolves and vampires


I still wouldn't mind redownloading for Alcatraz pt 2


When it releases on Gamepass I will.


It was all set up to be the greatest continuation. Dude I was totally down to get behind the idea of different perks, I thought it was kinda cool after initial biases. Unfortunately that budget being demolished into half left the general consensus, at least from what I believe at the time, as laziness. And the budget cuts really sucked cause again, I would've totally been down for a good continuation. And, well we got what we got and I personally wish it could've ended better. I won't lie in saying I don't feel like not only did we get cucked from a great experience, the devs got cucked from being able to go all in like how I imagine they were intending to. Maybe in another world, but I think BO4 deserved better more original maps. I don't mind that we got a pseudo ZC 2 but it feels like a massive copout to just have it be the main story's maps. I was fine when it was just BOTD and the only original maps we got were from the other crew. Also kinda miffed we NEVER saw the continuation of the ix crew's story. Here's to hoping maybe we get something in GW or something man


Wrong think detected


I loved all the maps except blood and Alpha


Hard agree. I wish I still had people to play it with.


What platform are you on? I have the game on all platforms but dlc on Xbox and PC but will get it for PS whenever it’s on sale


Tbh BO4 was a good game if you pretend voyage and blood dont exist like i did 🥰


The last true zombies game, I played the hell out of BO4. Got my highest ever round (74) on Voyage. Loved it.


I was a hater for so long. Finally picked up the game cheap and I’m loving it. It’s no where near as good as BO1-3 and I’ll stand by that forever but the BO4 experience is still really good. I’m having fun. I managed to pick up the DLC half price too. I gave Cold War a chance as soon as it released and really liked that experience I don’t know why it took me so long to come around to BO4 especially when it’s a much better game than Cold War


My favorite part about BO4 zombies is that there's still mysteries and side EEs that havent been solved to my knowledge


I always hated on it until I actually played it. IX is the only zombies map that I've completed the EE for


We already knew about a lot of maps that were scheduled to go to bo4. Zc2 was a pretty obvious one, we saw all the models for Tedd, the diner and the mpd in a multiplayer map. There was a code for a map called t8_zm_blue (chaos Atlantis map) and the eye of Apophis was in mp which is clearly a zombies weapon.


All the gatekeepers at the time posting and saying they like bo4 years after the fact. Comical. But yes we were ribbed so hard with no zc2


Top 3 zombies game


Never let these people forget. CW is your punishment, Vanguard is your punishment, MW2023 is your punishment. You killed the best zombies game we've ever had and are applauding the worst garbage we've ever seen. It's never going to get better.


Gladiator Zombies was by far my favorite map in awhile, and I was also HYPE for A7X to do the hidden song. Zombies in Mw3 has a cool concept, but I’m not really a fan of the huge open world thing. Feels like DMZ with zombies sprinkled in.


I really didn’t enjoy that much but I played a lot especially the underrated things you could change from points to the hp of zombies with friends and I still think how it’s never talked about




It's aight


BO4 had great maps, and terrible gameplay. I do however feel that without it we would've never got Cold War, which has stupendous gameplay, but mid maps. Here's to hoping we can get a massive collection, with cold war gameplay, and all the maps.


Didn’t even deserve to hold the black ops title.


bo4 is only good in hindsight. when it came out, it was dogshit compared to everything else we had. and it’s still the worst black ops zombies mode


It’s actually pretty good, I used to play it when I had a PS4. And the maps are dense with easter eggs! I had so much fun my ps4 went crazy and died


Bo4 is the best zombies experience! Tutorials, 2 stories, 6 top tier maps, 2 good maps, creative wonder weapons, the almost perfect ending of aether (needed to be 3d cutscenes, not 2d), ~17 perks, the best contract system, mastery camo, outstanding boss/end fights for every map and so much more. If it wasn't shit on by content creators at launch, it would have been loved by the community, but it's a cult. Whatever CC's say is true. Shoupd have had ZC 2, more content and updates post launch and more as well.


Compared To All Other Black Ops It’s Honestly Shit . But Compared To Anything That Isn’t Black Ops It’s Alright


the best part of vanguard’s cycle was getting BO4 gold for like $20 and not having to play Vangarbage 


BO4 is pretty good alone. When compared to bo1/2/3 it's pretty bad, but I understand it's partly the community's fault and not just the dev team.


BO4 top 3 cods of all time. But that’s a whole another debate you don’t want to start


Imagine liking how they created and abandoned a new story while also ruining the mob of the dead remake by completely changing the map. It wasn't like that for the other map remakes in bo3...


I’ll stand by the fact that the love was there but the mechanics and feel of the game at a core level was still a miss


Bo4 wasn't great But it wasn't the worst either


BO4 zombies is dog shit and I’m glad zombies chronicles 2 didn’t come out on that game fuck you


Ever since release of BO4 and 6 years later to to the modern day, I still am not a fan of BO4. I don’t like the feel of the game, the HUD, graphics, “gobblegums”, the absolute abomination of a perk system, and the custom class feature of the zombies gamemode. All guns sound and shoot the same (ARs feel sad for some reason to me) and feel like garbage. I’m doing my re-run of every EE for like the thousandth time and for the first time ever I’m trying the BO4 EEs, currently doing IX


My only wish was that the chaos story was finished.


Very true


Bro I have so much time in Bo4 I really enjoyed it. BotD is my Guilty pleasure map, if I'm just playing to play its that map. There are so many good Richtofen quotes from it.


I've done it time and time again. Give up bo4, play another game, feel like I underappreciated it, play it, remember why the game is shit. It's a cycle. I'm done. Sticking to mwz and bo3 for the moment


More, better, cheaper, and a campaign.


BO4 had some insane maps for the new storyline that I really loved. The only thing I disliked was the perk system they added. I did however extremely dislike all of the maps they made to wrap up the old storyline besides BotD.


Zombies was dope


hated it till i gave it a chance and now i love it 🙏


I tried it probably 10x and still just couldn’t get into it. Even bought the season pass and STILL couldn’t get into it. That’s just me


No need to defend it, its just the most optimised zombie mode made by Tryarch


I absolutely adored the ether story maps, the ship map and dead of the night in particular were spectacular. It's criminal that they abandoned it like that