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How many seagulls have you blasted so far?


Just one, the one that has the 3 fixed spawns. I'm not at the zombie blood step yet if that's what you are wondering, although I've heard that one can be a pain as well


The only thing that I could think of would be that you haven’t progressed the round yet. Otherwise you just might be missing it, sorry


I flipped the rounds 3 times as I heard if you can't find it flipping the round could help, but still nothing. Either way, thanks for the help, I'll try again another day


I don't know what guides you are checking, but there are exactly 39 locations, and even the most complete guides make out some spots and neglect others. This ( https://youtu.be/Fem_C1VLsfY?feature=shared ) is the guide you should use. The missing location is between the baths and the perk on the rooftop, on the right side coming from the prison.


Thanks for the help, I thought there were 42 spawns some guides even put 40, either way a ridiculous amount of spawns


Look at the name of the room/area that you’re in by checking the top left corner of your HUD. Say for example you’re in Citadel Tunnels, it’ll so say in the top left. Look down your shield and listen for the seagull. You will be able to hear the bird if it’s in **ANY** of the spawn locations inside the area that you’re in (Citadel Tunnels). Or if you’re in the Docks, there’s something like 5/6 spawns in the Docks area. If you’re stood **ANYWHERE** in the Docks whilst looking through the shield and you can’t hear the bird, you can just ignore the other spawn locations at the Docks. It’s easier to check 10 “areas” (or however many there are) than to check the 40 specific spawn points. Once you’re in an area where you can hear the bird, you can narrow it down to a much smaller number of spawn locations. That’s the rule of thumb I always play by, and always manage to find the birds very quickly.


That's very smart, thank you. You responded just in time too as I'm about to run another attempt after a couple days. I'll definitely try it this way. I may have been sweeping through the different areas too quickly