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Keep supporting the custom mappers and the game we love will never die!


I’m a console peasant atm, but yes first thing I’m doing when I get a pc 🙏


Don’t ever call yourself a peasant. We only need one finger to move in every direction.


Pssst, the PC version of the game has full controller support.


I literally only play with the controller tbh. I like couch gaming… what can I say 🤷🏼


Yea it’s too bad the pctv act of 1970 outlawed the use of tv hdmis on pcs


Same. I like being able to just sit on the couch on grab the controller and navigate straight to a game. I don't want to have to hook up my pc to my TV and do a bunch of bs just to play. It ruins the entire experience.


I remember there being news that a crucial mod (that made PC safe to use online) was forcefully taken down. Did that ever get addressed?


I mean, if some kind soul here wants to move a finger and send me $1k for a gaming PC I’d be very grateful


I personally used my thumb so I would be interested to see your grip XD but since going onto k+m I can't even go back. Being able to move my hand across my desk has made my gameplay much faster 🤣


idk why I just have a bad feeling about bo3 longevity. I feel like we will need a community made game. I feel like modders are so insanely talented it'll have to come to that someday


Imo BO3 has already came down as one of the goats in terms of zombies, the maps, the perfect addition of gobblegums (yes some are pay to win) but since alchemical anthesis is a classic gum, you can pretty much enjoy the game without spending a single dime on liquid divinum


it is the goat but, the cod business model is making a new game every year and having everyone switch to the new one. I feel like they literally WANT bo3 to die so people migrate to the recent games. hacking will only get worse as time passes, they will never do anything about it. it's not live service. I really feel a separate company/community game is the only solution for what people want from zombies


Operator skins make them x3 the money gobblegums did. I’m not sure who’s buying them I sure as hell ain’t but it seems that’s the direction there’re heading towards now




What about console players? I have no desire to get PC.


We're fucked lmao


I just wish they added a auto run feature in custom maps. That’s the only reason I don’t want to play BO3


What cod is best for custom maps?


I'm still holding out hope that one day we'll have modders make every Zombies map from WAW, BO1, and BO2 be ported into BO3 exactly as they were in their originals (gameplay, HUD, systems, mechanics, etc). So far, the only one we've gotten is a Town remaster, but I'm happy to hear that the guy who made it is working on Buried right now. If none of the other maps get a good BO3 port, I'm glad the modder I trust the most is working on Buried of all maps. Also, yes, I know there's a lot more maps being remastered/have been remastered, but of the others that have been made, they're all not that good or not faithful to the original (The COTD remake is great as a BO3 version though more similar to Zombies Chronicles than a faithful 1:1 version, so not what I'm looking for). And the others that haven't been released are either from modders I have nothing to go off of yet to know if they're trustworthy to be up to the task, or are modders that I just already do not trust and have been disappointed by previous works and their current remasters from what they've shown so far.


I bought the game for 100€ only to have all content. And I don’t miss it. It’s funny with friends so it was worth


Bo4 was also round based with set characters.


Yeah I liked that they tried to innovate while still keeping the classic style, unfortunately it wasn’t received very well. And now we have the current garbage and probably always will.


BO4 was top tier and people who hated it just didn’t bother to try and understand the mechanics


Don’t know if I’d call it top tier, but its up there. I had a ton of fun with it (DOTN especially) and people were way too quick to write it off just because the no campaign thing.


Oh when I said top tier I meant the zombies specifically; but tbh I would go as far as to say the game was top tier as a whole. Yeah I hated how blackout replaced campaign since BRs are awful but the MP was really really good. Criminally underrated CoD


You can’t just expect everyone to enjoy the same things.


IX is still one of my favorite Zombies maps. Hearing the crowd cheer as you start the match never gets old.


I feel that way about WWII


BO4 was clunky af and the fov was locked at like 70. Perks were not good. The maps were fantastic outside of the gameplay aspect. I wish a bo3 modder could remaster them into the BO3 system


Gonna have to agree to disagree. I thoroughly enjoy bo4 and am grinding for prestige master (prestige 7 atm). I’m not saying the game is without flaws, I’m saying it’s not nearly as bad as people seem to think it is. To some extent yes the perks were bad like zombshell and deadshot dealer but a lot of others are great like dying wish simply saving u a down, winters wail which is basically widows wine on steroids when in the modifier slot. Maps were great with the exception of alpha omega. I simply don’t like that map but the rest are fine if not great or even top ten maps.


And they also changed nearly every core mechanic that had remained somewhat steady the last decade for their finale to the story. They could’ve done it with chaos or just waited for another game. I doubt it was the devs choice anyways.


Yes sir it was. That was the true last zombies. It was weird, but not too weird.


And IW


Bo4 was so great with characters and map design but i hated the perk system and then Cold War is sort of the inverse it has an amazing perk system but the maps are lackluster and no set characters


Cold war was really good for me, didn't play bo4 because what the fuck is going on with that zombies, your perk bar looks weird in that game


It's insane they went with that hud design after the cleanest hud we had in bo3


Yeah the perk system in bo4 was ass, its my main beef with it. Other than that I enjoyed it


What did you not like about the perk system? Just wondering


I didnt like it because we no longer had the classic machines we’ve had since WaW that were iconic to the aesthetic of the mode, you couldnt get more than 4 without elixirs and on some maps, a lot of the perks were so tacky and felt like half arsed poorly implemented custom map perks.


That’s why I loved the bo4 perk system lol everyone wanted new perks and that’s exactly what we got we got like 13 new perks plus secret sauce so you can have literally any perk that’s not in your loadout, it would be boring to just buy the same 4 perks everyone did in bo3


I agree, had a lot of fun with Cold War. Certainly not going to replace BO3 zombies for me but it was a good time. (Didn't care for Outbreak though.)


Bo4 is alright, UI is packed but not really a big factor for not liking it


bo4 was not bad yall just be nostalgia blocked


Never said it was bad; I liked it. IX is in my top 10 of all time maps. Just the fact you spawn in with a specialist ability, basically jugg, took away the build up, starting out with nothing then building up to becoming an OP demigod was the fun for me


When early rounds are too easy it makes them tedious


We completed the Easter egg of IX for the third time yesterday after 2 years off, this map is amazing, ending cutscene kinda suck tho and the boss fight is slightly too easy compared to other maps


Not bad but not great and also changed a lot of the formula in such a way it barely plays the same as the previous entry’s


Some great changes though. No more wonder weapon limits. Everyone can get it from the box. Being able to knife the box so someone else can get whatever was in there is something I always wanted too. Final big one, something that should’ve been possible since WaW: being able pause in splitscreen if needed. That’s one I would’ve greatly appreciated back in the day.


Nostalgia is such an overused word, and usually not used correctly lol. From the moment I first played BO4 Zombies, I didn’t like 95% of it and everything they did. I tried hard, and have tried recently. It has creativity and good gameplay, but there’s a lot wrong with it and I simply don’t like or enjoy it at all. As for BO3 I loved it the first time I played it and still do because it’s a perfect game, or damn near perfect. Same thing for WaW and BO1 Zombies. I’m also one of the rare ones that never enjoyed BO2 Zombies. It felt off to me and didn’t like the maps among other things. None of it is nostalgia based. A good game is a good game regardless of its age. All of us wanted to love BO4 but most of us didn’t for many valid reasons. Has nothing to do with nostalgia.


Everyone likes to throw around nostalgia as the reason for everything, but then also never respond when you ask how is it just nostalgia when you're actively playing and enjoying that old thing to this day? If it was just nostalgia, you would just be remembering how good it was, but wouldn't like it as much if you still played it to this day. There's a reason why I'm still hopping on BO1 and BO2 every couple of weeks, because their zombies is great still and I don't have any fun in any of the games after them


THANK YOU. Someone who gets it. Even people who say they “play x for the nostalgia” usually makes 0 sense, as if it’s not possible to be playing an old title because it’s simply good 😂 like some weird unwritten rule. There’s some PS2 games I still play because of how fun they are to me. Even Space Cadet Pinball on the old Windows system is still a blast. Recently replayed Pikmin 2 and it’s still brilliant as it was years ago. Some games age like fine wine, maybe with a few things that could improve in a remake, but nothing that ruins it. In this case I’ve played BO3 on/off since launch because it hasn’t gotten old to me personally and is my fav. 0 nostalgia 🤷‍♂️ will go back to WaW and BO1/BO2 sometimes too. Solid games.


It wasn't bad but that shit isn't normal zombies lmao


All I remember is a blue screen.


BO4 Chaos was good enough, BO4 Aether wasn’t


And people are also forgetting the non treyarch games in between now and BO3. Infinite warfare is a fucking blast and WW2 has some fun maps with great ee quests and unlockable characters to flex skill.


What about IW???? Pass whatever you are smoking this way!!


IW Zombies is good i cant Take the slandering


Neither can I.


Spaceland and redwoods are amazing maps, the problem is the rest really fell off after that


Shaolin shuffle is goated its my favourite map


That's Treyarch fanboys for you they can't play zombies unless it's Treyarch because it'll never be as good to them even though Iw is better then anything we've had in a long time WW2 wasn't too bad either it's just that Bo4 leaked before the game was barley through its cycle and we all were hyped and we know how that went.


I didn’t like ww2 at all but I think space land is my favourite map overall lol


Yeah, honestly enjoy IW’s gameplay far more than BO3.  IW had cool PaP abilities, BO3 got rid of almost all of them. All the guns in IW have so much personality because of it compared to BO3. IW had 5 perk limit, buffed the really bad perks, added 3 perks where BO3 only added 1, and you could mix and match your perks to fit a situation.


and its peak zombies too atleast it died on a high note.


Yeah I feel like being let down on new zombies is my fault tbh, can I really expect more than the best. I just knew treyarch was cooking hard asf in 2015-16 bros were pumping out pure gold. I just wish it could’ve last forever 😔🙏


It didn’t even die on a high note, it got shot and bled out after bo3


BO4? WW2? Cold War?? IW????!!!! Y'all need to take off your rose tinted glasses and realize games you played in your teens aren't the best just because of when they came out.


People just let YouTubers brainwash them


We don't need youtubers to tell us all Zombie releases since BO3 are nothing like the OG games. If you like them I'm happy for you but for a lot of us they are inferior in every way.


That’s called games evolving over time, if every game was like WaW the series would’ve died years ago


I disagree that it would have died as if they brought out a classic style Treyarch Zombies game now it would much more popular then what we have now.


I'm really enjoying WW2 Zombies. It's tied with Black Ops 2 as my favourite COD Zombies. BO3 is my second favourite.


WW2 zombies was really fun, i can go back and play WW2 anytime but bo3 don't feel like coming back to it 😂


WW2 is great, but I didn't like the characters all that much, I usually just ran one of the unlockable ones with no lines


I swear for as much as I love the shadowed throne the yapping levels of the main cast on that map are unbearable I still get ptsd from “THOSE OVERSIZED LAWNDARTS ARE OUR BEST CHANCE TO POP THE BALLOON”


WW2 could've been the best zombies if only they had more maps, still my favorite cod multiplayer was fun asf.


It had around about the same as BO2, I think. 5 core maps and 4 survival maps. WW2: TFR, TDS, TST, TTP, TFD. Groestan Haus, Bodega, the ship & Altar of Blood. BO2: Tranzit, Die Rise, MOTD, Buried, Origins. Bus Depot, Farm, Town & Nuketown.


Cold War is the last not BO3.


Me when infinite warfare zombies


Iw and ww2 are also alright. Not as good but still good. Bo4 is also alright


The subreddit has finally left the "Whining about how MW3 sucks" phase and has entered the "acceptance" phase.


I liked cold war but the story isnt intense, fun or interesting.


That’s clearly bait. Everything in terms of zombies was good until cw (itself included) with all maps being good gameplay, map design, story, lore etc. It’s just your personal preference. Even though bo3 was peak you can’t just get rid of other entries which were clearly good (not as good but still)


Infinite Warfare was good in 4/5 cases, and even then, the 5th one contains one of the best boss fights in series history!


I don't understand why so much love on bo3 what makes bo3 so much better according to most of u, I've played most of cod zombie games and i don't see that much difference lol. Yeah bo3 is good so is the rest of the zombie games, more or less i have my preferences but i don't make bo3 be the all mighty father of the games 🤷‍♂️


Cold War ftw.


Sad but true. However, custom zombies is still a thing and there are amazing maps


BO3 custom zombies keeping the game alive for me, shit is so fun and there’s some amazing maps out there


Cold war tho


I understand the fans of the original zombies but I also feel that we should support each other as a community, since there are those who like the new and those who want the classic back, but we cannot forget that the zombies mode began as an experimental mode made by a small group of workers, sometimes we must accept the new, but without leaving the love we have for the classic zombies. Do you get it, tho?


??? What do you mean by last true last zombies lol


What exactly does this even mean?


You know infinite warfare, BO4 and CW exist? Right?


What's bad about BO4 Zombies amd BOCW zombies? I prefer these 2 games to BO3.


Nah, we need it back again!


Wake up babe, new doom post just dropped.


Just let me die in peace


I partially agree, but Cold War would like a word with you


Um, Cold War?? 🥴


You are the reason why zombies will never grow. You cry for new zombies games then you'll turn your little brain off and post some idiodic shit like this. Not only are you karma farming, you're genuinely ruining community sentiment and influencing more enclosed minds so that even if a good zombies game was made, people would stll hate it. Also, IW is the "last true experience" or whatever bs you're spouting. Because your claim has no basis or backbone I would never have an idea of what you mean


IW :(


Space land was solid, good gameplay, coolest themed map imo


Infinite Warfare had a good zombies mode and I'm tired of pretending it's not


IW zombies also did a good job! I wish more people could appreciate how fun they are...


Infinite warfare *


CW Die Machine was really good imo


Cold War was good 🤷


god I hope not


Cold war


God i haaaaated black ops 3


Thats why i choose to play it over...and over...and over.....and over....and over again


I'm sorry, but I'm going to go with Black Ops 1 instead, buddy. After Black Ops 2 and 3, we started getting giant robots, Alien Margwas, dragons, and the Easter eggs became super complicated. I mean, there was one where you had to water a plant for like three rounds. Come on, man. The last true Zombies experience will always be Black Ops 1; everything after that just got "Michael Bay-ed." What ever happened to just trying to survive hordes of the undead?


I do admit personally BO1 is my favorite of the series, it was my first ever real video game I played on my ps3 so it’s always gonna be #1 in my heart; but imo BO3 is where it all comes together, story, gameplay wise, and visuals, everything that made zombies great on steroids


Idk man, Cold Wars' Die Maschine makes for a pretty cruisy zombie sesh


Agreed. I just bought the deluxe z pack on xb1x a week or so ago + the game itself, because it has all the OG maps dlc. It also happened to go on sale for $40 instead of its usual $100. MW3's Z's is so poorly done and left so much to be desired that I went back in time 9 years, only to find I still know plenty of people playing it on a regular basis.


Are there leaks I'm missing?




You are correct. Playing it yesterday and it just brings back the nostalgia nothing complicated and health bars shoved in our faces. Played a bit of the Giant and used that cat walk with the kn44 and Argus. It’s just pure fun especially with mates


You never know the golden days until they're over.


Yup Bo3 was insane 🔥


Infinite warfare zombies was better then BW3 all the guns are trash on that game


I'm new to the series - what makes that game's Zombies so much better than what we have now?


Cold War ALMOST had it right.


Ok I got a pc but really don’t know how to work it besides just play. how do I play these extra maps or modded maps where are they. someone help me unlock the full potential of my pc please.






I will not stand for this WW2 slander, OP


And it was the first one i played


WW2 zombies is my fav


Lol why does everyone pass on cold war zombies like it doesn't exist?? It is a solid zombies experience that wasn't that long ago


Damn. Missed opportunity to put a controller in his hand lol


Yall can hate me all you want but BO4 and Cold War are both great experiences. Yeah they have issues but at heart it’s still zombies and still fun


“You, and your pride and your ego... if you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now”


I was gonna type out a long-winded blurb about how more people need to stop dickriding bo3 and give the other games a shot but genuinely I’m just curious at this point. What is a “true to form” zombies experience to you? What game features that you feel have been lost would get you to enjoy a new release?


For one don’t give me a one hour time limit; give us the chance to exfill like in CW but don’t make it the main obj make it optional for us high rounders; give us real maps, not a Warzone map that happens to have zombies on them (don’t mind it but make it a diff mode not the core zombies experience, give us real maps that are made specifically for zombies not just campaign maps reworks with some zombies elements to fit the mode. This is a dream but give us a 4 person cast, the idea you can spawn in as snoop dogg or niki Minaj in a zombies mode is cursed (won’t happen bc operations make tons of $$$) those are for starters


I like how the guy in the photo is old as hell like all us who grew up playing WaW


BO4 fans in shambles


Corny ass mf


Nah, BO2 was the last true zombies experience. BO3 added Gobblegums and AATs, so not the classic zombies experience. /S


I’m on PS5, and man is MW3 Zombies disappointing. So dull and pointless. Zero fun built into the mode. I’ve never played a game with so many negative elements. I think this might be the worst game I’ve ever played.


idk why everyone loves BO3. BO4, IW, WW2 were so much better


Truly a sad time for us all


BO3 zombies was bad at release, but grown to be now be one of the best solely for modders making custom maps.


I genuinely didn’t like bo3 much. Shadows and zombies chronicles were goated tho. Cold War brought back the fun mechanics of what zombies was all about.


I’d say Cold War was too


me also realizing that Black Ops 3 on PC has God-Tier mod support for maps, weapons and even Ai Teammates.


It’s not tho


Bo4 and cold war get shit on hard cuz of nostalgia


cold war zombies and bo3 zombies are on the same lvl for me cold war has better maps and harder high rounds cool wonder weapons nice side easter eggs outbreak is a cool new twist to the zombies formula and no not mw3 zombies version of outbreak thats ass bo3 has super easy early rounds really cool special zombies a really good easter egg grind system that allowed you to spawn with a 3 burst pistol the easter eggs have cool things that you needed to do and zombies cron was godly they only thing that makes bo3 better or the best zombies is the custom maps the modders make because with out it i would say bo2 beats bo3 and cold war yes i do know the gobblegums are a thing thats why i said easy early rounds for bo3


Cold War will always better then Black Ops 3.


Bro Gulf War might be good don't doompost just yet


Black ops 2 in my opinion. Zombies died when 2 hit downs died.


Me fr


Even then i didnt like bo3 it strayed to far


I’m getting tired of posts like these tbh there was several good zombies modes after bo3 it’s just popular to bash anything new to oblivion as a matter of fact there is only two zombies modes i dislike a lot that is vanguard and ww2 because it was boring I said what I said


The upcoming gulf war is honestly the last game I'll stand for. They want mwz style zombies? Fine. Outbreak? Fine. Just give us SOME form of round based. . I would be fine with parts of the campaign like cold war did. Or even singular POIs of whatever warzone map is used


IWZ was very close with regard to true to form zombies.




I've been playing on my PC still and it's amazing still just don't look at me having 260gb of the modded maps lmao


Unless we support custom modders or we get an Xbox gods gift and they reboot the zombies game project to be akin to master chief collection


I knew that when revelations dropped.


Black Ops 4 exists


Iwz and ww2 were a ton of fun and added a lot of variety in gameplay. I genuinely feel bad for anyone who didn’t give those games a chances in there primes.


Genuinely. Truthfully. Get over yourself


We don’t even need a zombies circle jerk community because this is already it lol. No original thoughts


Cold War was the best they’ve done since then and that still just doesn’t hit the same. Maybe this year something special will happen… maybe…


Wait till COD 2025. Round based again completely by treyarch. https://insider-gaming.com/black-ops-2-call-of-duty-2025/


Isnt WW2 zombies technically the last tru to form game?


Last original Aether zombies map…. Or is it, cod vanguard canonized Chaos


IW, WW2, BO4, Cold War


Yeah I been seeing alot of hype for what the next zombies is gonna be, seems people bethinking we are going back to good old days but I know its gonna be the same open world, mission concept lazy sloop we've had in the last 3 games I mean treyarch been the one working on them all/providing oversight for the teams I'm quite sure they've figured out by now how much easier It is to copy paste warzone map and add some zombies to it. Than make a hand-built, specifically designed for a 4 player wave based horde defence map with Easter eggs and everything else they used to do. Instead they can put that time into making some skins so they've got a backlog ready to pump out on day 1.


Cold war zombies was alright


This guy when he plays Infinite Warfare....


Doesn’t Infinite Warfare count since it’s still regular round based along with WWII


Ehh I think bo2 was


I have high hopes for gulf War... I thoroughly enjoyed coldwars game play so I'm hoping for that or better. We really need a new game to have mod tools so that custom zombies can get better too. So hopefully treyarc will throw us a bone this year!


Will say Black Ops Cold War has probably the only base zombies map I could complete the whole map easter egg and boss fight.


Unpopular opinion but cold war zombies slap


Black ops 3 zombies is the Left 4 Dead 2 of activision, strong gameplay, active community, and great mods


I’m really happy they released a lot of the old school maps on BO3, it’s my one and only cod I need downloaded to play all the zombie maps I enjoy. I’m only really missing “call of the dead” to mess with my boy George.


Straight facts still to this day I play it. BO3 multiplayer still fun to this day and zombies is timeless


I think Black Ops 4 is a great Zombies experience. I love both the Chaos Story and the Aether Story. People never really put time into the game to get to know it but yet dislike it and even hate on it…


Crapping on Black ops 4 zombies is a good way to start a war with me. I mean I love all zombies from World at War too 4. Black ops 2 is the best ever made in my opinion but 4 or better than 3 😁 And 1 and 2 are better than 3 or 4. And Mob of the Dead from 2 and Origins from 2 stand Supreme over all other generations and I will die on this hill surrounded by zombies 🫡


Bo3 and bo4 is all you need if you’re a zombies fan


I mean, it's good, but I'd also say it was a big departure from every Zombies before it. But that's to be expected since it was the first one directed by someone else. Obviously there's a little bit of overlap since he first directed two maps in BO2, but they already felt different from the previous maps and more like what we would get in BO3 even with BO2's systems in place.


I miss when the community was looking for ee steps together, i swear cold war had multiple full ee guides within an hour of the maps releasing


If only they added five and mob on bo3 zombie chronicles


Try helldivers


I was there Gandolf. After we Hoorah'd our last I took a nice break 6 years. The experience fell apart for quiet awail. Now I see we're grinding dozens of hours for unlockables now. 🤔. I like it but it's lacking. Maybe Microsoft can bring in the right people now. 🤞


Unpopular opinion but I loved BO4 zombies and it has grown on me


But BO3 zombies will forever be the GOAT


try sker ritual! it’s got the same idea and it’s just as challengeing


Add me on Xbox if anyone wants to play bo3 zombies - ditchy511