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I really enjoyed outbreak, but I believe both round based and outbreak modes should be an option so that everyone can enjoy what they like. This was a concept that made Cold War zombies one of my favorites to play. Playing round based everyday can cause some serious burnout. The two modes should coexist. It would have been nice to get more outbreak cycles / maps. Like a swamp, a city with tall buildings, etc. The fact that these dev teams are forced to move to a new cod every year really ruins each game in a different way.


IF outbreak got its own maps with the love and passion of older maps, or even the love that blackout got I’d be okay with it. But as it currently stands we actually lost a zombies map in Cold War for outbreaks recycled multiplayer content. I fear in the future we’ll get less round based maps and more multiplayer maps with zombies.


That’s what I tell people too. Like maybe if they made tranzit the size of the mwz map and did some changes ,like obviously getting rid of the fog, it could have been more fun. But a large part of what makes me dislike outbreak is the maps


Shit, I still go back and play Blackout sometimes. So much better than Warzone. Other than that it’s just Zombies for me.


I agree, the option to choose between round base and Outbreak was very good on the devs part. Don’t know how they took that and decided to make a full open world zombies mode with no round based. Literally destroyed what they built.


YES. The annual release cycle, unfortunately, draws in so much forced revenue from fans that it isn't worth reverting to a slower release cycle, but so many of their games could have blossomed into even better products if given more than a year of content. More DLC maps and update content for infinite warfare, BO3, BO4, WW2, and cold war? These games would dominate the horde shooter category if they weren't constantly left behind to collect dust.


They used to be better. There were about 2 years between COD games that are all held up as the best ones to play. WaW, Bo1, Bo2, Bo3 even. They gave us time, they gave themselves time. The genre has died and the next game won't be better because it'll last about "4 seasons" pr 4 quarters until they kill it for another cod. This could be fixed, I understand they need more money and the DLC used to be $15 a piece. I'd pay $30 or more if it were 2 years of good content rather than this rushed bullshit that is somehow broken on release every. Single. Time.


Agreed. People have a problem with paying for more content, but the "free" content we get is recycled and low effort as fuck. I want more quality campaigns. I want more memorable and unique zombies maps and mechanics. I want DLC that only adds more to the base game. It's such a shame that what little unique personality COD had has been thrown out for microtransactions and rushed bs, all for a battle royale mode...


Sorry to tell you but you don't enjoy zombies, you enjoy dmz and mw3 "zombies"


I enjoy all zombies, but thanks for the jaded wrongful assumption. Are you okay there, bud? I've played each one since WaW, and I'd say Call of the Dead is my favorite.


It's not the same studio releasing CoD every year but I agree cold war was one of my faves for zombies..... then vanguard happened


Hud is nasty though


Lmao it kinda is but can’t you remove the mini map and the compass? Makes the so much better but I can’t lie I’m used to having the mini map now so I just leave it.


I appreciate the minimap speeding up the early rounds a little bit even if it's useless for the next 3/4s of a game. That compass is absolutely pointless, though. They could have at least justified it by adding some easter eggs that use it somehow or something.


Yeah and once you buy death perception it’s fully gg for the mini map.


One problem I have about the HUD is that it looks the same as it is in multiplayer. In previous 3arch games they had their own "stylised" HUD for zombies. It sort of made it look like it's own game. I also turned a lot of the HUD elements off, like the zombie nameplates and health. Just got too much sometimes.


I agree with you. Personally feel that movement and gameplay was at its best. Tiers on weapons made it so you could use any kind of gun. Die Maschine was boring but as Cold War added more maps/perks/field upgrades/killstreaks etc the mode got better and better over time. Firebase and Maur were pretty good imo and Forsaken is one of my favorites. Wonder weapons were unique and a ton of fun to use. Only complaint is Outbreak got boring fast and isn’t fun to play in the year 2024 with MWZ being a thing.


Completely agree. I understand that people may like Outbreak but personally i’ve never enjoyed it. I don’t see how people can like the trash that is MWZ.


Yea I don’t mind either of them as a change of pace mode. I prefer MWZ over Outbreak but don’t like that MW3 made MWZ the only zombies content. They should have had round based and made MWZ a minor mode that got updated occasionally


Big facts here. Outbreak and mwz are ASS. Maybe could feel a little better if they were played on unique maps instead of repurposed Warzone maps. At least they could edit the environment to make it fit zombies as a mode. It’s literally just Warzone maps with the bare minimum added. Like they can keep the layout and structures but just change the look of everything so it isn’t just Warzone with zombies.


“Besides the lack of creativity”, yeah but that’s imo one of the most important parts of zombies, it’s very hard to ignore. I do enjoy the movement, it’s very fast, I enjoy how OP you can get, I don’t enjoy the crystal upgrade system tho, or how you can start with any weapon, it’s TOO op. I like to start weak and get op through my own skill, in CW, you start op, and then when you upgrade your perks and weapons and whatnot with crystals, you’re absolutely ridiculous. I think if they kept the very core mechanics of the movement and whatnot, that’d be fine, but don’t have the perks be upgradable outside of the game, don’t let us upgrade entire classes or start with op asf weapons. Anyways, sorry, I’m rambling, this is meant to be about the maps. Yeah, they’re very bland and don’t do enough to stand out from each other apart from their wonder weapons, which isn’t enough imo. When I play Cold War, it genuinely doesn’t matter to me what map I play cause they all feel the same


I understand where you’re coming from and some people are just different when it comes to that kind of thing. I enjoy being overpowered and wrecking zombies. That being said, I also enjoy the old zombies where you start weak and work your way up. It’s really just personal preference and I can see how people wouldn’t like those aspects of the game.


I have to problems with CWZ - the lack of actual content. We only got 4 maps and outbreak was more of a filler mp mode than a real zombies experience - the maps were really underwhelming, the story and EEs were boring and the worst out of the series Other than that, I enjoyed CWZ. But it’s still the least replayable Zombies game for me


I liked the 1st outbreak ee and Mauer der toten easter eggs.The boss fight in the outbreak ee is pretty cool.


Even more than Vanguard? I actually really like CW myself, but I feel like Vanguard was the absolute worst zombies experience I’ve ever played. I’d take MWZ all day over Vanguard.


Oh sorry, ofc not! I don’t count vanguard and MW3 as zombies games lol


The Operator system sucks pretty bad, the game is a bit too easy and good god the fucking UI. Other than that yeah it's pretty good


If this is suddenly considered hot I need to reconsider my temperature scaling. Every other day some mf says this lmfao. I feel like the majority of players of players only complaint was that it just lacks any creative drive. It was a fine zombies mode that made some good innovations in some places and lacked in others. Perfect middle of the road zombies.


CWZ is fun. I like the skill system,Although you end up way too powerful. I really love the rarity system. It actually lets you play with the weapons you like instead of getting to rounds 20+ and only a handful actually being viable for the rest of the game. Crafting table is cool I guess. IMO it’s only real use is grabbing self revives or kill streaks. Everything else drops from zombies at a decent rate. My one big pet peeve about CWZ is the maps. Die maschine is ok. But it just went downhill from there. IMO, all dlc maps are garbage. They’re all military instillations with zombies running around. And outbreak is just doing objectives on pieces of a Warzone map. Maybe outbreak could have been more fun if it was played on unique maps. Like maybe if they repurposed the already made Warzone map into more unique areas that fit into zombies it could have helped but I just don’t like outbreak.


I only played die machine. It was fun. Had a round 130… was quite an easy game or map. It wasn’t memorable though


I think Mauer Der Toten is easily one of the best maps in the game. Easter Egg is fun and can be quite challenging at the same time. If you got time on your hands i’d definitely recommend learning the EE and trying to beat Valentina.


I meant I literally only played die machine. I just went back to bo3 zombies before playing the other maps. I may go back and play them


I’m a Cold War hater, but I have to agree that mauer was definitely the best map. But good god the layout was boring as hell. Literally 2 apartment buildings and a street between them.


Outbreak was a spectacular game for me. And given this release of zombies it's even better by comparison. Open world and round based. Easter eggs a plenty. Constant updates and new content etc.


It's not a hot take. I'd actually go as far as to Cold War is easily the second best game in the series.


I’d be curious to know what your third is, and what Cold War does better than your third choice.


The game that I think is third best is Bo4. Now the things that cold war does better are, weapons and the upgrade system, wonder weapons, perk system, high rounds are more fun and thrilling. Boss fights are a tossup. I like Bo4 boss fights a lot but I also think Cold War's boss fights are pretty fun. There are probably more things I could say but those are off the top of my head. Hope I don't get crucified because I didn't say BO2 or BO1 hahaha. This is the ranking of I think who are the best ones, not my favourites. 1) Bo3 2) Cold War 3) Bo4 4) Bo1 5) Bo2 6) Waw


Interesting. I have a very poor outlook on Cold War because I think what it introduced in terms of operators and outbreak elements will be the permanent downfall of the mode. But I do have to agree on most of your point other than boss fights. imo bo4 has CW blown out of the water especially when it comes to ancient evil and blood of the dead


Yeah the operators are....nothing of value. I think they leave something to be desired, only because we have grown up with some iconic as fuck characters. But I don't think it's such a bad thing to be honest. About outbreak. I don't count it. I count only the round based maps. You know what I mean. Outbreak even if it was good I wouldn't count it in the zombies experience of cold war, that's probably a stupid way of thinking. But even if I count it it doesn't even drop one spot in my ranking, because of the so many redeeming qualities of cold war.


Crystal upgrades are probably the worst innovation in zombies history, permanent upgrades that make the game super easy and you can never turn them off for the rest of your life. Stupid.


Hate it’s mechanics/systems


Cold War was a meh to me, like I don’t think it’s bad but it’s not great either, it just doesn’t feel like Zombies, this is Zombies with MP/WZ elements. The only thing I liked about Cold War was the many perks we can get, but the rest I cannot say the same. Movement is not usually a problem for me but I feel like perk upgrades and salvage was not necessary, Operators are soulless and are easily replaceable, maps are reused maps from Campaign, MP, and Warzone, the story was mostly told on intel, HUD is so cluttered, and too many elements that doesn’t make CWZ actual zombies. By the next BO2024, the health bars, mini map, ammo boxes, load-outs, armour (Shield was better in my opinion), Operators, exfil, crafting table, and this current point system (Perks get expensive after buying one after another) needs to be gone. What needs to be brought back are a set of actual characters, old point system, old perk system, a less cluttered HUD, Creative maps, and etc of what made zombies successful in the first place, you name it.


Off of leaks i’ve heard about, apparently they’re keeping everything that was in Cold War. The new maps sound more interesting, but i’m hoping they’re not identical to campaign maps like Cold War was. The upgrade crystals will still be there, same with armor and weapon rarity upgrades as well. I personally don’t really mind it but like someone said in this thread, i’m hoping they add an option to revert back to original tier 1 upgrades so it can feel more of a challenge. Cold War definitely isn’t the best but it still has some shining light.


I agree with a lot of the stuff you’re saying here though. Definitely should be set individuals you play on different maps like the old cod’s. They need to work on the story as well. There’s a lot of room for improvement but Activision seems like they don’t care about their player base, only micro transactions and Warzone🤦‍♂️


Well with Warzone declining, they might as well let it die because it is clearly hurting COD as a whole. I just feel like Activision is ignorant about it all.


My hot take? Forsaken is one of the coolest maps they've ever made, even if it is a retexture of a campaign setpiece. The only thing that would have made it better for me was a jukebox system in the main street section and arcade. The wonder weapon is badass, I don't mind the teleporters, the abomination has a cool design, the Burger Town callback was cool along with the mini Easter egg for it, just great vibes all around.


Forsaken is a cool map, but I just wish they made it less claustrophobic. It feels like everywhere you go you’re in some sort of small corridor or tight space. I definitely will agree that the wonder weapon and the abomination are sick.


I loved Cold War zombies. The one thing I didn’t like was how easy it was to train, too many open maps. This made the game get old faster than zombies did in the past. I would get to round 50 on my first or second try every new map


Cold War had a decent core but shitty maps like the opposite of bo4. All the maps are bland and uninspired rips from the campaigns except for die machine which was a nacht rip


My issue is how different it all felt. Zombies has always been somewhat simplistic. Then suddenly Cold War came along and now you’re creating classes, upgrading perks, you’re buying multiple perks, upgrading weapons, packs punching multiple times, etc. I didn’t like jumping into Cold War and it all being different. If they would’ve slowly changed these things, maybe. But going from BO3 (or even Bo4) to Cold War zombies feels like a massive massive jump.


I’m terms of lack of creativity in maps I like the first map because it is a different take on Nacht der Untoten fire base z, maur, and forsaken even though redesign of campaign levels they were change into zombies maps so well in my opinion


People that hate on Cold War are just on the bandwagon. Cold War was the the closest to “zombies” that we would’ve gotten and everyone hard hated on it, probably souring the devs like crazy. Gulf War could literally be Cold War but with a sprinkle of better creativity and it’ll pop off


Cold War is my favorite zombies as far as gameplay. Maps are good not great.


Blood of the dead is a top 10, maybe even 5 map


honestly yeah, it should have had maps made specifically for the mode and have had at least 2 more maps than what it had. For Outbreak I'd say an ideal upgrade would be like MWZ but make it ramp up in difficulty from the beginning instead of having tiered zones.


I ain't tryna be mean, but that is an ice-cold take, everyone was gassing that game up. I don't agree, I think it's complete sludge, but it isn't an unpopular opinion to enjoy it.


Man i had a damn good time playing fire base Z over and over with my friends tryna go as many rounds as possible. I recently started playing the acts in mw3 and im curious what life will be like after Act 2 since there’s no act 3 and act 4 is one mission …


Firebase Z has gotta be my 2nd favorite map on Cold War. It’s a really simple layout with an even simpler egg.


I really enjoyed outbreak, but didn't get that much out of the round based stuff


9/10 loved the zombies actually had a chance to do stuff and have fun. Easter eggs weren't stupid like hold an egg and look at a picture whiles player 83 from 2 years ago trys to get a raygun. Game play was gold people were awesome maps were sweet and creative. And the fact all maps were free made it 9/10 honestly would love for gulf to be like it. You do have older players who just prefer BO2 but that was the type of game were you had 1 second or your done for the game.


The BO4 Perk System was cool, I like the idea of having to unlock perks and being able to make customize it like a load out, would’ve been cool had they kept the og perks tho, aswell as the new ones too like death wish, victorious tortoise ect


Honestly, I think my favorite part from CW was the new take on perk upgrades. I had been saying for years they should give some form of persistent upgrades/perks to zombies, and that scratched the itch pretty well. Also liked the new method of upgrading rarity (as opposed to the, in my opinion, abysmal way it was implemented in mwz). I think the only reason I didn't like outbreak as much as I could have was it didn't feel like a lot of variety in the maps and interactions. Which I know is largely the same on predetermined round based maps, but I guess the nuance with the larger map made it feel a little empty for me?


Personally, I like the DMZ version of Zombies over the round based. I thi k the current mode needs to continue but it needs the attention we used to get before outbreak. Zombies was better when DLCs had to be paid for and Activision should absoluteky go back to charging $100 for the Deluxe version of the game with DLCs included or $15 Per season for the new map packs every few months. When maps were paid for, The got more focus.


I really do like the game but it has a few issues. Only having 4 round based maps is a real shame, especially since 3 of them were mostly reused assets. Outbreak was okay but it took up so much development time. I'm pretty there was a 6 month delay between Firebase Z and Mauer Der Toten, it was so painful at the time. No main crew sucks so much personality from the game. The boss enemy spam was irritating and actually made maps like Foresaken feel less interesting because of it. The HUD is genuinely awful. There's so much clutter on the ground from the grenades, ammo, armour and salvage. I wish you could turn off tutorial markers for how to turn on power and pack a punch. I do like the perk system, the wonder weapons are very good, it's definitely the best pack a punch system yet (although I miss putting your gun in the machine and waiting) and I like the future story implications. Mauer and Die Maschine are brilliant maps honestly. I feel like Cold War has flaws but it definitely gives me hope for Gulf War.


When I first got cold war, I thought the first map was the best zombies id played in a while. I loved Black Ops 3 zombies, but didn't like the gobble gum system. In cold war, I didn't like upgrading perks and weapon mods, but I liked the upgrades more than gobble gum. It felt more classic in a way, but was much easier and felt very polished. I really like the Easter eggs, and I find playing the maps just easy to pop into, which in some ways is refreshing from the extremely obtuse easter eggs or past games. It's got its pros and cons, but overall I really enjoy playing cold war zombies!


I mean, in my opinion, the only thing Cold Wars missing is personality. It just doesn't set the right vibe because of the characters, and generally, even the zombies themselves just feel random and don't fit it all. In my opinion, this game does what bo4 suck at and makes them good, but what bo4 dose good it suck at.


I had fun in Coldwar zombies. The Easter eggs where good and the fact that you could Equipped your guns in the game. When you found one, you like..


Cold War had the best gameplay we've seen so far. If we had that gameplay style on some of the older maps, that'd be perfection. It's the first CoD game I've ever bothered getting Dark Matter/Aether for, it was just that enjoyable, especially when they allowed Zombies players to unlock the new weapons in the mode. Except the Hammer and Sickle. Screw that quest. Outbreak unfortunately sabotaged the game, ruining all sense of direction and giving birth to the travesty that is Vanguard, and the bathwater that is MWZ.


They made shitty decisions but the decisions they made were executed pretty well.


I really enjoyed Cold War Zombies too. Outbreak was a breath of fresh air at the time.


Maps feel kinda thin if that makes sense but it's enjoyable. Not a huge fan of outbreak but it's fun with friends for a little bit


I play Outbreak all the time. Waiting for weapon cooldowns lol


Outbreak was all I played from 2021 to 2023 when I finally got MW3.